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High-quality measures of instructional practice are essential for research and evaluation of innovative instructional policies and programs. However, existing measures have generally proven inadequate because of cost and validity issues. This paper addresses two potential drawbacks of survey self-report measures: variation in teachers’ interpretation of response scales and their interpretation of survey questions. To address these drawbacks, researchers tested out use of “anchoring vignettes“ in teacher surveys to capture information about teaching practice, and they gathered validity evidence in regard to their use as a tool for adjusting teachers’ survey self-reports about their instructional practices for research purposes, or potentially to inform professional development. Data from 65 teachers in grades 4-9 responding to our survey suggested that vignette adjustments were reliable and valid for some instructional practices more than others. For some instructional practices, researchers found significant and high correlations between teachers’ adjusted survey self-rating, through use of anchoring vignettes, and previous observation ratings of teachers’ instruction, including ratings from several widely-used observation rubrics. These results suggest that anchoring vignettes may provide an efficient, cost-effective method for gathering data on teachers’ instruction.  相似文献   

The implementation of peer assessment (PA) in the classroom faces considerable interpersonal challenges. In this quantitative survey study (N = 225) we focus on the current use and format of PA among secondary education teachers in Flanders and explore teachers’ awareness of these interpersonal challenges. We validated an instrument for measuring teachers’ awareness which was then used to investigate how this awareness level relates to their conceptions of the educational value of PA. SEM results show that teachers are slightly to moderately aware with regard to their students’ concerns about the impact of interpersonal processes in PA as well as the importance students attribute to anonymity within PA. This study illustrates that teachers’ perceived accuracy of PA is a major predictor of their belief in its educational value and opens up a new avenue for research on teachers’ awareness of interpersonal processes in PA.  相似文献   

We report one teacher’s response to a top-down shift from external examinations to internal teacher assessment for summative purposes in the Republic of Ireland. The teacher adopted a comparative judgement approach to the assessment of secondary students’ understanding of a chemistry experiment. The aims of the research were to investigate whether comparative judgement can produce assessment outcomes that are valid and reliable without producing undue workload for the teachers involved. Comparative judgement outcomes correlated as expected both with test marks and with existing student achievement data, supporting the validity of the approach. Further analysis suggested that teacher judgement privileged scientific understanding, whereas marking privileged factual recall. The estimated reliability of the outcome was acceptably high, but comparative judgement was notably more time-consuming than marking. We consider how validity and efficiency might be improved and the contributions that comparative judgement might offer to summative assessment, moderation of teacher assessment and peer assessment.  相似文献   

This work systematically reviews teacher assessment literacy measures within the context of contemporary teacher evaluation policy. In this study, the researchers collected objective tests of assessment knowledge, teacher self‐reports, and rubrics to evaluate teachers’ work in assessment literacy studies from 1991 to 2012. Then they evaluated the psychometric work from these measures against a set of claims related to score interpretation and use. Across the 36 measures reviewed, they found support for these claims was weak. This outcome highlights the need for increased work on assessment literacy measures in the educational measurement field. The authors conclude with recommendations and a resource to inform a research agenda focused on assessment literacy measurement to inform policy and practice.  相似文献   

This paper briefly describes the methodology and results of research which aimed to determine whether or not the clarity behaviours of experienced teachers in regular classrooms were stable over time and whether or not they could be significantly altered through a process of self‐analysis based on feedback of students’ perceptions of their teacher's clarity. The research is an extension of a series of studies of teacher clarity which commenced at The Ohio State University in 1975. It utilised instruments which the author developed for the measurement of teacher clarify and which allowed comparisons to be made between student perceptions of teacher clarify and teachers’ self‐ratings of their clarity. The major finding of the research was that experienced teachers were able to make significant improvements in their clarity when provided with structured feedback about their lessons. The implications of this finding for teachers and for teacher education are discussed.  相似文献   

Despite the crucial role that students play in formative assessment practices, student perspectives on such practices are relatively under-researched. Through a qualitative analysis of 128 reflection notes written by student teachers of English, this article investigates the students’ perceptions of formative feedback as part of portfolio assessment at two teacher education institutions in Norway. As such, it contributes to bridging the gap between research and practice. Students received peer and teacher feedback on assignments and wrote reflection notes during the semester. Findings show that students are positive towards teacher feedback and highlight the significance of teacher praise. Main objections raised against peer feedback concern the lack of constructive criticism. However, positive attitudes towards peer discussion groups suggest that they may be a more effective way of implementing peer assessment than formalised written peer commentary. Student reflections suggest that a failure to understand the task and the feedback is a possible hindrance to successfully revising assignments. Overall, students’ positive attitudes towards the portfolio process, which includes multiple drafting, suggest that students in higher education would benefit from more opportunities to revise and resubmit their work, yet they need adequate practice in providing peer feedback, and interpreting and implementing feedback in general.  相似文献   

Construct validity of peer assessment (PA) is important for PA application, yet difficult to achieve. The present study investigated the impact of an assessment rubric and friendship between the assessor and assessee on construct validity of PA. Two-hundred nine bachelor students participated: half of them assessed a peer's concept map with a rubric whereas the other half did not use a rubric. The results revealed a substantial reliability and construct validity for PA. All students over-score their peers’ performance, but students using a rubric were more valid. Moreover, when using a rubric a high level of friendship between assessor and assessee resulted in more over-scoring. Use of a rubric resulted in higher quality concept maps for peer and expert ratings.  相似文献   

Given the wide use of peer assessment, especially in higher education, the relative accuracy of peer ratings compared to teacher ratings is a major concern for both educators and researchers. This concern has grown with the increase of peer assessment in digital platforms. In this meta-analysis, using a variance-known hierarchical linear modelling approach, we synthesise findings from studies on peer assessment since 1999 when computer-assisted peer assessment started to proliferate. The estimated average Pearson correlation between peer and teacher ratings is found to be .63, which is moderately strong. This correlation is significantly higher when: (a) the peer assessment is paper-based rather than computer-assisted; (b) the subject area is not medical/clinical; (c) the course is graduate level rather than undergraduate or K-12; (d) individual work instead of group work is assessed; (e) the assessors and assessees are matched at random; (f) the peer assessment is voluntary instead of compulsory; (g) the peer assessment is non-anonymous; (h) peer raters provide both scores and qualitative comments instead of only scores; and (i) peer raters are involved in developing the rating criteria. The findings are expected to inform practitioners regarding peer assessment practices that are more likely to exhibit better agreement with teacher assessment.  相似文献   

Beliefs about the validity and merit of self‐, peer‐ and group‐assessment practices are presented from 213 pre‐service primary teachers and 30 staff who teach them. Both groups were surveyed using comparable items. A subset of seven staff participated in semi‐structured interviews. Staff were far more supportive of peer‐ and self‐assessment practices than their students with both groups indicating modest support for group assignments. While pedagogical factors best represent the staff support for engaging students in assessment of their own and their peers’ work, several staff in interviews revealed that their high level of support for peer‐assessment was closely linked to a time‐saving factor. Peer‐assessment was more often used than self‐assessment while both practices were reported to have increased over the past two to three years. These findings are consistent with the reported increase in participative assessment practices in higher education generally. An important implication of this research is that in order to optimise the use of participative assessment, staff need to better prepare their students by modelling and communicating their reasons for adopting such practices.  相似文献   

Feedback can play a vital role in fostering teacher self-efficacy. Social comparisons and feedback valence (positive vs. negative feedback) are assumed to have a large impact on self-efficacy. Therefore, how pre-service teachers perceive social comparisons and feedback valence in peer feedback and the extent to which pre-service teachers (bachelor/master students) and teacher trainers incorporate comments that can have an impact on self-efficacy into their peer feedback merit investigation. Two studies were conducted. The first showed that peer feedback consisting of a social comparison and with positive feedback valence resulted in greater willingness to improve and positive affect. The second study revealed that teacher trainers’ feedback was more specific, whereas bachelor students’ feedback contained more social comparisons than did master students’ and teacher trainers’. Future research and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper considers the relationship between architecture and construction management students’ overall academic abilities (as measured by Weighted Average Marks [WAMs]), their peer ratings for contributions to team design assignments (as measured by an online Self-and-Peer-Assessment [SAPA] tool), and their specific abilities as building designers (as measured by grades in individual design assignments). The research was conducted to determine whether a student’s prior academic achievements might indicate how well they will work in teams. The research demonstrates a statistically significant relationship between WAMs and SAPA ratings indicating that academically successful students more often than not make good teammates. However, the study also highlights that when peers are assessing contributions to teamwork they are assessing skills and qualities in their teammates other than overall academic ability or the ability to design well. Whilst this study is largely located within the field of design, the findings are relevant to any group work where teachers aim to design assessment that unravels group and individual contribution.  相似文献   

Werdelin, I. (1969). Relationship between Teacher Ratings, Peer Ratings, and Self Ratings of Behavior in School. Scand. J. Educ. Res., 13, 147‐169. A rating scale of student behavior was given to teachers and a self‐rating scale to the students themselves, who also judged the behavior of their classmates. The teacher rating scale was factor analyzed, separately for each sex, and so was the self‐rating scale. The teacher rating scale, the self‐rating scale, and the peer rating scale were also factor analyzed jointly. Relations with other behavior variables and intellectual variables were found. Close connection appeared between teacher ratings (including school marks) and peer ratings, while self‐ratings differed considerably from these.

This is a report from the School Mathematics Project at the School of Education, Malmö, Sweden. The data treated were collected during the author's stay in the United States, and he wants to thank Dr. Max Beberman for kind support.  相似文献   

An experimental design was adopted in the present study to cross-compare the effect of two formative assessments, namely peer assessment (PA) and teacher assessment (TA), with summative assessment (SA) on the improvement of language learners’ writing skill and self-efficacy. Writing excellence was operationalized by structural (grammar), lexical (word choice), and discoursal (cohesion and coherence) well-formedness. Furthermore, focused group interview was run to elicit the learners' attitudes and preferences toward type of assessment. Three cohorts of proficiency-matched language learners sat for a semester-long experimentation (20 sessions × 90 min = 30 h) and three testing sessions. The results revealed that PA group significantly improved in the writing skill, but TA and SA groups did not. Self-efficacy was not enhanced in any of the assessment groups under study. The interviews and follow-up member checkings indicated that the pupils did not have positive attitudes toward PA and preferred TA. Among the sources of this disfavor, they referred to misunderstanding, lack of knowledge or attention, tiredness, poor handwriting of the assesse, shyness, friendship bias, and even feeling not qualified enough to judge their peers’ tasks. Overall, then, the study reported a mismatch between the students’ actual performance and attitudinal beliefs under different assessment conditions, implying that (a) Iranian students are more inclined toward teacher-dominated pedagogies and (b) triangulation of assessment modes provides more reliable optimal results.  相似文献   

In this study, teachers' assumptions and beliefs are explored about the needs of at‐risk and exceptional students, and about their roles and responsibilities in meeting such needs. Teachers appear to hold consistent and coherent belief systems which differ along an ordinal scale. At one end, ‘restorative’ beliefs assume that problems reside largely within the pupil, and therefore the teacher's duty is to refer the pupil for confirmatory assessment as soon as possible. At the other ‘preventive’ end, teachers assume that the environment, including instruction, plays a part in a student's problems. The teacher therefore attempts prereferral interventions, and requests assessment to identify instructional alternatives. This study provides evidence for the validity of the restorative‐preventive construct, reporting the results of both quantitative and qualitative analyses of interviews with 27 regular class elementary teachers. Teachers' ratings on the construct correlated significantly with their self‐ratings of teaching efficacy (Gibson & Dembo, 1984). Teachers with preventive beliefs had higher self‐efficacy scores than those with a restorative profile. Further, teachers with restorative beliefs rated the withdrawal of problem pupils from the classroom as a more desirable resource service than preventive teachers, who preferred in‐class consultative support.  相似文献   

Even though teachers are key figures of a program's effectiveness, most intervention studies have not focused explicitly on the effects of antibullying programs at teacher level. We conducted a meta‐analysis into the effects of school‐based antibullying programs on determinants of teacher intervention, including teachers’ attitudes towards bullying, their self‐efficacy and knowledge regarding intervention strategies, and the effects on teachers’ bullying intervention itself. Following the PRISMA guidelines, 13 peer‐reviewed papers were retrieved that reported outcomes on teachers, staff, and students (N = 948, 2,471, and 138,311, respectively). Antibullying programs had a significant moderate effect on determinants of teacher intervention (g = 0.531) and a significant small to moderate effect on teacher intervention in bullying situations (g = 0.390). Results of the meta‐analysis indicate that the effectiveness of antibullying programs may increase when components are included to reinforce teachers’ attitudes, subjective norms, self‐efficacy, knowledge, and skills towards reducing bullying in the school.  相似文献   

This article reports on the development of online assessment tools for disengaged youth in flexible learning environments. Sociocultural theories of learning and assessment and Bourdieu's sociological concepts of capital and exchange were used to design a purpose-built content management system. This design experiment engaged participants in assessment that led to the exchange of self, peer and teacher judgements for credentialing. This collaborative approach required students and teachers to adapt and amend social networking practices for students to submit and judge their own and others' work using comments, ratings, keywords and tags. Students and teachers refined their evaluative expertise across contexts, and negotiated meanings and values of digital works, which gave rise to revised versions and emergent assessment criteria. By combining social networking tools with sociological models of capital, assessment activities related to students' digital productions were understood as valuations and judgements within an emergent, negotiable social field of exchange.  相似文献   

Gender differences in young highly able children's psychosocial development were investigated using child and teacher ratings of prosocial behavior and peer acceptance. Developmental patterns were addressed by studying two groups – children in the primary grades (1 and 2) and children in grades 3 to 7. No gender differences were found on teacher or child ratings in the younger group. In the older group, gender differences favoring girls were found on teacher ratings of prosocial behavior and peer acceptance. Comparisons of child and teacher ratings by gender showed that the older boys viewed themselves as demonstrating more social skills and as being more accepted by peers than their teachers did. Implications for education and counselling are discussed.  相似文献   

Peer harassment is a major social problem affecting children and adolescents internationally. Much research has focused on student‐to‐student harassment from either an individual or a multilevel perspective. There is a paucity of multilevel research on students’ relationships with the classroom teacher. The purpose of this study was to use a socioecological perspective to examine the relationships between individual student‐level characteristics, problematic teacher–student relationships, and student‐reported peer harassment. A total of 1,864 children (50.7% female) aged 8 to 13 years (M = 9.82, SD = 1.24), nested in 27 schools (58.2% public) in Spain, participated in the study. Ninety‐four homeroom teachers reported on teacher–student relationships, and students completed self‐report measures related to peer harassment and teacher–student relationships. Multilevel models showed that relationships between students and teachers exerted a varying degree of influence on classroom levels of peer harassment. Specifically, student‐reported teacher support was associated with diminished student‐reported peer victimization, whereas direct and indirect student‐reported teacher‐to‐student aggression was associated with increased peer victimization. Additionally, student‐reported student‐to‐teacher aggression and teacher‐to‐student aggression were associated with increased student‐reported peer aggression. Teacher‐reported variables at the classroom level, however, contributed little to student‐reported outcomes. Results are discussed in the context of future research on relationships between teachers and students.  相似文献   

中小学教师的工作效能对于自身的专业成长和学生全面发展至关重要。考察中小学教师的工作效能,需要辨识教育者胜任工作的特征,考察影响其工作效能的多种因素以及评价中小学教师工作效能在实践中的不同模式。中小学教师工作效能的提升具有多层面的途径和策略,包括基于自我效能感的实践反思、基于专业(实践)共同体的同伴互助、基于学习型组织的学校管理变革。  相似文献   

Although studies have examined the validity of peer assessment, research including students’ own experiences of peer assessment is scarce. The present study aims to improve assessment practices in a context with a highly traditional assessment culture. The aim is first to examine the validity of peer assessment by analysing the compatibility of student and teacher evaluation and explore the differences between minor and major students’ evaluations. Second, the study examines students’ experiences of peer assessment. Peer assessment was implemented in a large bioscience course with 79 student participants. After the peer assessment, the students provided feedback. The results indicate that student subject understanding can be supported through a proper assessment practice. Peer assessment was successful in an introductory class with minor and major students, and most students experienced it as supportive of their learning.  相似文献   

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