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In recent years policy makers’ interest in the professional development of school leaders has grown considerably. Although we know some aspect of formal educational programs for school leaders, little is known about school leaders’ incidental and non-formal learning in the workplace. This study aims to grasp what workplace learning activities school leaders value most, what work-related questions incite them to learn, what outcomes they achieve through workplace learning and what conditions support workplace learning of school leaders. In order to generate answers to the research questions, we conducted semi-structured interviews with 20 Dutch school leaders in secondary education, which also served as a form of reflection for the respondents. Results show that school leaders mostly value workplace learning through working on improvement and innovation and through reflection. In addition to outcomes for the school leader, working on improvement and innovation also leads to learning outcomes for teachers, and seems to provide opportunities for teachers to influence changes in the school. On the other hand, teachers take little or no part in reflection. Here, school leaders find peace and stability to reflect with fellow school leaders. If adjusted to a specific context, the methods used in this study might be transferred to other contexts, to study workplace learning of all kinds of leaders.  相似文献   

Workplace learning is considered an effective strategy for the development of vocation, career and professional identity. Dual training programs, in which learning at a vocational school and learning at work in a company are combined, are seen as strong carriers for skill formation processes. In this study we explore workplace learning in dual training programs in Dutch higher professional education. To gain an understanding of these learning environments and processes, a qualitative multiple case study was conducted in seven sectors. The findings show substantial differences in learning environments between and within sectors. However, cooperation between school and practice is minimal in all of the cases. Although students develop personal and job-related competencies that are useful for daily work routines, they acquire hardly any profound theoretical knowledge at the workplace. School fails to direct workplace learning. Given the considerable share of workplace learning in dual training programs, and the demands to higher professional education graduates in terms of being able to solve complex problems and develop new knowledge during their career as reflective practitioners, it is important that these shortcomings are resolved. More promising alternatives for workplace learning environments and questions for further research to improve workplace learning in higher professional education are discussed.  相似文献   

Research in Science Education - This study evaluated the effectiveness of the Mathematics Infusion into Science Project (MiSP), which integrated science and mathematics in an engaging middle school...  相似文献   

在农村特别是偏远的贫困地区教学资源相对匮乏、信息相对落后的现实下,如何利用现代教育技术为农村特别贫困地区中小学开发内容丰富、教学效果好、使用简单方便适宜于教学硬件条件的多媒体教材是促进农村中小学教育现代化的关键。本文介绍了一种基于VCD应用平台的多媒体教材制作方法及其运用。  相似文献   

职业教育中工作场学习的内涵包括,相关描述、学习目的与内容、学习境脉以及学习形式.职业教育中,工作场学习是对教与学的创新,工作场学习的实施需要建立系统化的模型,工作场学习的评价要建立"生物链"机制的评价系统.  相似文献   

对当前中学教师继续教育中存在的心理脱节,内容脱节,理想和现实脱节等教学中存在的教学脱节问题进行分析,并提出解决的对策,即在教学之间先进行问卷调查,了解学生所需,在政策资金上给予支持,使学生有能力有兴趣参加,在心理上变成想学,对参加教学的教师进行培训,改革现行教育体制。  相似文献   

到目前为止,学习质量问题一直是困扰远程教育发展的一个重要瓶颈。本文试从分析现有的远程学生特点入手,通过完善学校管理机制、实现教师对学生的真正激励,以帮助远程学生增强学习的适应性,最终提高学习质量。  相似文献   

为进一步促进林区教育又好又快发展,全面推进素质教育,学校近几年主要在以下几个方面真抓实干,得到了又好又快的发展。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between students’ learning approaches to study on part‐time, distance‐learning management courses, and transfer of their learning to the workplace. The relationship between these two variables has rarely been considered before, as they emanate from research areas that have remained distinct. Three learning approaches are identified by ASSIST, the instrument used in this study: the deep approach, the strategic approach, and the surface‐apathetic approach. Transfer of learning was measured by student self‐report. The deep approach was closely related to transfer of learning from the course to the workplace but strategic and surface‐apathetic approaches did not show a significant association. Contrary to expectations, academic grades also showed no significant association with transfer of learning. The findings are discussed in relation to cognitive changes proposed to occur during transfer of learning.  相似文献   

学校心理健康教育衔接是青少年心理发展阶段性和连续性统一规律的内在要求,也是建构多层次、系统化的心理健康教育模式的现实要求.文章从纵向和横向两个视角探讨衔接问题:纵向从目标、内容、过程讨论心理健康教育在不同学段间的衔接;横向探讨心理健康教育的参与要素、实施主体和工作模块三个层面上的沟通和联系.只有纵向和横向的全面衔接才能推动学校心理健康教育的完善和发展,促进学生身心和谐发展和健康成长.  相似文献   

体育和美育是学校实施素质教育必不可缺少的支柱,其关系不是一种加法,而是一种化合,体育离不开美育,美育的作用渗透在体育之中;体育和美育都要树立"健康第一"的指导思想,在此基础上实现寓美育于体育之中和将美育融入学校教育的全过程;体育与美育的结合应遵循马克思关于"人类依照美的规律塑造物质体"的教育规律。  相似文献   

This article details the transition of second career teachers to the workplace called ‘school’. Post‐baccalaureate students at a mid‐size comprehensive state university completed surveys pre‐ and post‐student teaching. Participants responded to the personal and professional challenges in changing careers. Issues faced by the non‐traditional students emerged. An increasing number of adults are changing careers and entering teacher certification programs. The study was conducted to discover the special challenges graduate teacher certification students encountered when leaving a career field and becoming novice teachers. Forty graduate students in the study completed an extensive certification program of courses related to the art and science of teaching. Open‐ended surveys were used for the students to reflect on personal and professional expectations prior to and following the student teaching semester. Teacher educators who address the needs of second career teachers, such as increasing field experiences, providing classroom management and time management strategies, may lead second career teachers to use the unique competencies they bring to the teaching–learning setting.  相似文献   

所谓的自主学习能力就是指学生在没有教师的帮助下自我完成学习任务。高中化学是一门重视实践的学科,需要学生自主地通过化学实验探索化学规律,从而获得化学知识。因此,教师必须改变传统的化学教学理念,积极引进先进的教学方式和教学模式,从而引导学生自主学习,提高高中化学的学习效率。  相似文献   

在高等职业学校和企业将工作与学习相结合的双元培训项目被视为技能形成过程的有力载体,工作场所学习则被认为是发展职业能力和职业认同感的有效策略.为探讨荷兰高等职业教育的双元训练计划中的工作场所学习,实施定性的案例研究.研究结果显示,工作场所各部门之间的学习环境存在差异,学校和工作场所之间的合作缺失,学生在工作场所难以获得深...  相似文献   

本文介绍了国外学者对医学教育两种范式的产生与转换过程所作的回顾,概要描述了基于胜任能力与产出评价的医学教育新范式的基本特征、发展历程和相应的课程设计步骤。医学教育从现行的基于结构和过程的范式向基于胜任能力与产出评价的范式转换,是21世纪的弗莱克斯尼尔革命,而缺乏有效的评价策略与方法则是胜任能力运动发轫到被逐步接受间隔近30年的重要原因。对胜任能力的界定与评价是决定范式转换的关键,并仍然是目前医学教育改革与发展所面临的主要挑战。  相似文献   

餐饮业的长足发展给烹饪教育的发展带来了新的机遇和挑战。长期以来,由于我国高职教育管理体制务块分割导致对高等和中等职业教育缺乏统筹管理,致使在中、高职烹饪教育衔接中出现了如培养目标,课程设置,教学内容,招生考试等一系列问题。烹饪中等职业教育和烹饪高等职业教育同属于烹饪职业教育的范畴,又分属不同的教育体系,两者的衔接是必要的,也是可能的,课程是衔接的关键,对口招生考试是衔接的桥梁,而师资队伍结构是衔接的重中之重。  相似文献   

基于工作场所学习的职教课程是目前国内多数职业院校采用的一种新的职教课程开发模式,它彻底改变了学科体系的课程结构观,建立起与职业岗位体系相适应的课程体系。但是这种新的课程理念推广应用的效果并不如人意,其主要原因是忽视了这种职教课程的实施环境。因此,有必要对工作场所学习职教课程的结构观,工作场所学习职教课程开发的关键要素以及在本土化实施的边界条件——环境要求进行讨论。  相似文献   

美国基于适应高中教育质量提升和改革原有州高中评价体系的诉求,构建了SCOBES高中评价体系。SCOBES高中评价体系的框架性主要内容包括建立纵向衔接与横向贯通评价结构、采用多元性的评价工具、开发"四大"模块的数据库等,这些做法和经验对我国研发高中学业评价体系时,具有以下三点启示:一是应凸显结构的立体化,二是应采用多元化评价工具,三是应以数据为支撑。  相似文献   

德育是教人学会做人的活动,德育课堂渗透做人教育,做人教育服务于学生的终身发展。小学德育课堂应该从认识自我、建立自信开始,以学讲礼仪、规范言行为内容,以知我中华、爱我中华为信念,以乐于探究、善于合作、崇尚科学为要求,让学生学会做人。  相似文献   

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