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当前,重视教师专业自主权和教师教学自主权已经成为教育发展的一个必然趋势。然而在实际的教育教学活动中,教师的课堂教学自主权受到各方面的限制和约束。本文从教师课堂教学自主权的概念、影响教师课堂教学自主权实现的因素以及实现教师课堂教学自主权的变革策略等方面进行探讨,寻求实现教师课堂教学自主权有效发挥的途径,从而为教师教学自主权的实现和教师专业发展铺平道路。  相似文献   

教师课堂教学自主权刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,重视教师专业自主权和教师教学自主权已经成为教育发展的一个必然趋势。然而在实际的教育教学活动中,教师的课堂教学自主权受到各方面的限制和约束。本文从教师课堂教学自主权的概念、影响教师课堂教学自主权实现的因素以及实现教师谏堂教学自主权的变革策略等方面进行探讨,寻求实现教师课堂教学自主权有效发挥的途径,从而为教师教学自主权的实现和教师专业发展铺平道路。  相似文献   

中小学英语课堂教学综论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自从17世纪初捷克教育家夸美纽斯倡导按学生程度编班,设立年级制度以来,课堂教学对教育事业的发展起了很大的推动作用,功不可没。课堂教学本身也随着外部环境的变化发生了巨大的变革。社会的进步,科技的发展,对英语学习和英语课堂教学产生了强烈的影响,使教学思想和教学目的发生了根本的改变,提出更高的要求。在此形势下,英语课堂教学的改革必须加快步伐,探讨规律,提高教学质量。本文拟就中小学为什么开设英语课程、为什么进行课堂教学(Why),中小学英语课堂教学教什么(What)和中小学英语课堂教学怎样教(How)等问题展开讨论。  相似文献   

随着高等教育的大众化和高等教育体制改革的不断深入,提高高校课堂教学质量一直是教育界和教育工作者关注的焦点。学生不重视课堂教学、教师不注重课堂教学方式和方法的改进以及相关管理监督部门课堂教学考评机制的不健全等诸多因素一直影响着课堂教学质量的提升。因此,应通过改革传统的授课模式,努力建立课堂教学和课外教学相结合的教学路径,改革教与学的评价方式,改善课堂教学质量,为高校应用型人才的培养奠定基础。  相似文献   

随着我国高等教育大众化进程的推进,高校"规模、结构、质量、效益"之间的协调发展与否已经成为制约学校持续发展的关键问题。以外部环境为视角,政府管多治少,大学的自主权名不副实,其权力的运行状态在控制与放任中游弋;高校经费来源渠道狭窄,负债发展的现实使学校陷入吃饭财政与教学建设的两难境地;社会环境纷繁复杂,使师生们徘徊于课堂与市场之间,不能安心于教与学的本职工作。治理外部环境,政府必须转变观念,健全法制,明确职权,依法宏观管理;依法加大对普通本科院校的经费投入,着力解决学校负债发展的严峻问题;优化社会环境,降低市场经济对高校的负面冲击,遏制"大学商业化"进程,为广大师生营造安心教学、潜心研究的学术环境。  相似文献   

课程改革背景下基础教育问题的反思   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
从上个世纪末开始的我国新一轮基础教育课程改革,已经历几个年头,其中的得失成败、经验教训当认真总结。当前基础教育课程改革中存在以下问题:其一,移植国外理论,忽视本土化,理论与实际严重脱节;其二,课堂表面热热闹闹,但自主学习虚假,学习方式陷入误区;其三,教材编制轰轰烈烈,但教材质量堪忧;其四,教学方式技术化,教学艺术无处寻;其五,教育科研虚假繁荣,独创成果鲜见。作为教育工作者,应该以对民族、后代及教育的未来负责的精神严肃地正视这些问题,剖析其根源,在理论和实践层面对正在进行的基础教育课程改革进行反思与批判。  相似文献   

高校课程教学质量是创新人才培养的关键。南阳师范学院通过更新育人观念、深入开展课堂教学模式改革工程,坚持以生为本、全面促进学生主动发展,强化教学反思、不断提升教师教学能力水平,优化教学评价、建立基于学生发展的课堂教学评价体系,完善教学激励机制、积极营造课堂教学改革氛围等多管齐下的改革举措,实现了人才培养质量的全面提升。  相似文献   


Exploring classroom teaching reform centered on student development is a fundamental requirement for deepening education and teaching reform in undergraduate education worldwide. Shanxi Normal University places the reform of classroom teaching reform at the center of their efforts to raise the quality of undergraduate education. The implementation of the classroom teaching reforms at Shanxi Normal University has been focused on finding solutions to practical teaching problems. The new approaches to teaching and learning satisfy the requirements of both student development and societal development while addressing key problems in university education and teaching reform. In this article, the authors explain the rationale for focusing on classroom teaching reform, and describe how the classroom teaching reforms were promoted at Shanxi Normal University as well as how the quality of student training has been improved. Our goal in implementing reforms to classroom teaching has been to not only improve education and teaching vitality at Shanxi Normal University, but also provide lessons and experience to stimulate classroom teaching reform at other universities.  相似文献   

Declining trust in public services has led to increasing calls for higher education to be ‘accountable’ for the quality of its teaching and learning provision. However, increasing levels of quality evaluation have led academics to feel that their professionalism is under attack. Reflecting on this history and various dimensions of accountability, this paper seeks to interpret accountability by addressing two questions: What is accountability in higher education? How can it be related to academic professionalism? The paper argues that professionalism and accountability appear to be contradictory terms, but can exist simultaneously. If academics' moral and social responsibility becomes requisite to an enhanced social accounting for the quality of university teaching and learning, there could be less perceived tension between academic professionalism and accountability.  相似文献   

School reform and transitions in teacher professionalism and identity   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In this paper transitions in the operational definitions of professionalism over the last 20 years will be discussed. As a consequence of (imposed) changes in the control of curriculum and assessment and increased measures of public accountability, teachers in most countries now work within cultures in which their careers are ever more dependent upon external definitions of quality, progress and achievement for their success. Although many experienced teachers have maintained their identities, finding room to manoeuvre within a general reduction in their traditional classroom autonomy, the pressure on these and younger colleagues is to comply with competency based agendas. In such cultures, attention to teachers’ identities—arguably central to sustaining motivation, efficacy, commitment, job satisfaction and effectiveness—has been limited.  相似文献   

随着中国全面深化改革的推进,教育改革成为众多教育学家和学者关注的重要课题。中国高等教育课堂教学主要以教师为主导,教学过程以教师按照教案和内容讲授为主,学生参与互动很少。这种单一、陈旧的教学模式在新一轮教育教学改革中逐渐被否定,MOOC、翻转课堂、雨课堂、视频公开课等一些新型课堂成为高校课堂教学改革的主要方向。论文将梅西大学先进教育理念与中国高等教育实际相结合,借助现代化的技术手段提出以学生为中心的高校课堂教学模式。  相似文献   

高职高专专业建设评价观念研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
评价观念直接影响着专业建设的评估结论,会对专业建设产生深远的影响。结合示范专业建设评估分析了树立“以评促建”观念的重要性,提出了应树立以能力为本位,多元评价、过程评价以及量化评价与质性评价相结合的评价观念。  相似文献   

In the ever-changing higher education climate, university teachers often rely on traditional, teacher-centred educational practices. While universities worldwide attempt to improve teaching quality by investing in professional development, many university teachers do not receive formal teaching training – even though teaching is often the largest part of their job responsibility. This study explores the effects of an evidence-based professional development programme dealing with student-centred, active learning on the teaching competencies of university teachers. A total of 189 Polish university teachers participated in a five-day study visit at Ghent University (Belgium). The university teachers were invited to complete a pre- and post-questionnaire. The results reveal that, after the study visit, the participants do not only feel more capable in their roles as (a) educational designer, (b) classroom manager, (c) assessor, (d) educational technologist, (e) differentiator, (f) lifelong learner/innovator, and (g) quality guard, but also effectively plan to change their behaviour regarding these roles and believe significantly more in their importance. The results show that professionalisation initiatives have the potential to change university teachers’ behaviour, capabilities and beliefs concerning more student-centred teaching for the better. The article concludes, however, by implying that contextual factors, such as the institution’s professionalisation policy, too impact the success of professional development initiatives.  相似文献   

作为一种新型的人才培养模式,弹性学习已经成为许多国家高等教育政策的主题。随着全球化进程的加速和弹性学习的实施,传统研究型大学垄断高等教育的地位已被打破,各种新型大学不断涌现出来,以满足不同学习者的教育需求;"面授教学"至高无上的神话也告破灭,学习者对接受高等教育的方式拥有了更多的选择;知识的选择与配置不再完全是教师预先给定的,而是师生共同建构的结果;高等教育与社会的联系更加紧密,学术自由、大学自治和绩效责任之间保持适度的张力已成为一种必然趋势。  相似文献   

作文教学一直被视为语文教学中最困难的环节,改革多年但收效甚微。2006年"童话大王"郑渊洁开办的"皮皮鲁作文讲堂"倡导边玩边学、童话教学、现场演示、正面评价、创造发表平台等一系列独特的教育理念和教学方式,受到学生、家长和教师的强烈好评。探究皮皮鲁作文讲堂的成功经验,有助于为目前的作文教学提供借鉴。  相似文献   

This article argues that the increase in the number of teaching and learning centres in universities of technology in recent years is bound up with concerns about the quality of university education. Universities that have set up such centres have been motivated to do so for two main reasons. They are keen to improve the image and the capacity of their teaching faculty. They also hope to attract students at a time when many school leavers prefer immediate, well-paid employment to four or more years of study. There has been outside pressure as well. Governments have demanded that tertiary institutions become more accountable. Governments are insisting that taxpayers get value for their money, especially in the area of teaching and learning. The question asked in this article is whether or not teaching and learning centres should be modelling quality issues as well as teaching and learning issues. Our conclusion is that the centres should be proactive in this matter, providing their institution with both theoretical and practical models of quality management and assurance.  相似文献   

课堂教学是学校教育教学的重要渠道,“自主、合作、探究”教学模式中自主学习是基础、合作学习是纽带、探究学习是动力,从而提高小学语课堂教学的质量,也促进了教师的自身素养,在小学语教学中具有一定的推广意义。  相似文献   

词汇学习和词汇教学是英语教学领域中的重要组成部分。长期以来,我国的英语教育学者及英语教师们为了提高词汇教学的效果做出了不懈的努力,也一步步取得了理论上、实践上的成果,提出了各种不同的教学策略。文章则另辟蹊径,从学习者词汇学习的角度来看词汇教学的效果、从学习者的角度来提出新的词汇教学模式,将任务驱动式合作学习引入词汇的课堂教学中,并通过实验研究证明了这种课堂教学模式的可行性和有效性、分析了这种词汇教与学模式的实践操作要点及存在的问题。  相似文献   

教育质量的提高,首先是教学质量提高;教学质量要提高,课堂教学质量提高首当其冲。文章通过构建“以学生为中心”的多元化课堂教学环境,调动学生学习主动性、参与性和学习热情,可有效引导学生自主学习,吸收内化,从而提高课堂教学效果。实践结果表明,根据课程特点,通过合理创设和运用课堂教学方法和教学手段构建“以学生为中心”的多元化课堂教学环境,可有效激发学生的学习热情和自主性,提高学生的学习效果。  相似文献   

李劲 《天津教育》2021,(7):94-95
新课改的不断发展,对初中历史教学提出了更高的要求,教师要具有创新教育观念,积极进行教学的创新与改革,以提升历史课堂教学的效率和效果,提高学生的历史核心素养。为此笔者将结合教育教学实践经验,对初中历史教学进行创新与改革的重要性进行了简要阐述,并提出了相关的教学措施,以期对相关教育教学工作者有所帮助。  相似文献   

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