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乔桂彬 《大观周刊》2011,(40):158-158
充分发挥学生在语文学习中的主体作用,努力提高学生的学习能力,这是提高语文教学效率的关键。而提高学生学习能力可以从研究怎样改善非智力因素入手。兴趣是非智力因素的一个方面,也是学习最好的老师,所以,提高学习兴趣是至关重要的。如何提升学生对语文课堂的兴趣呢?我想就应该在构建高效的初中语文课堂上下功夫。初中语文高效课堂的构建中,教师要激发学生学习兴趣,努力营造和谐课堂氛围。  相似文献   

汪青 《大观周刊》2012,(21):263-263
美术直观鲜明形象生动,能促进学生心智的发展。但怎样使其不仅富有艺术性,而且更具有有效性,这是美术教学的永恒话题,是一种理想的境界。笔者认为要构建高效课堂,关键在于教师能否大胆创新,根据学生的认知规律,兴趣特点,努力为学生创造一个轻松愉快的学习氛围,消除学生心中的学习压为,使课堂学习成为一种享受。  相似文献   

程斯斯 《大观周刊》2012,(11):238-238
高中英语教学课堂效率的提高是一项系统工程,需要教师和学生共同的努力来打造。从教室的角度而言就是要做好以下几方面的工作准备充分,按照大纲实施教学计划、革新教学的方式和手段,提高课堂的效率、激发学生学习的兴趣,提升他们学习热情、整合时间,充分利用有效时间、掌握教学的规律,减轻学生的负担。同时学生也应该进行积极的配合,不断的进行自我激发,培养对于英语学习的热情和兴趣,双方共同的努力是提高课堂效率的必行之路。  相似文献   

王青松 《大观周刊》2013,(2):131-131
现在课堂教学活动中学生是学习的主体,而教师是引导着。在课堂学习活动中,要留给学生足够展示自我的空间,让他们主动参与到教学活动中采。课堂中学生的学习动机是否被挖掘出来,学习兴趣是否被激发直接决定课堂教学效果。注重引导学生通过观察、操作交流、讨论、有条理的思考和推理等活动,让学生通过自主探索、合作交流,提高数学学习效率。  相似文献   

许平 《大观周刊》2011,(19):62-62
历史课堂中创设历史情境是一种有效的教学手段,能激发学生的学习兴趣,提高课堂教学效率,同时还能培养学生的多种创造性思维。  相似文献   

郭玉梅 《大观周刊》2012,(34):337-337
课堂是学生学习英语的主阵地,例句是英语课堂教学的重要组成部分,是老师向学生传授知识的必要手段。本文通过巧用英语例句,从多方面对学生进行认知、思想和能力教育、激发学生的学习兴趣,让学生在沉闷的、有限的课堂上“动”起来,实现教学效果和学习效率的双赢。  相似文献   

周顺莲 《大观周刊》2012,(30):291-291
问题是思维的起点和动力,课堂提问是传播知识、训练思维的有效途径。恰当有效的课堂提问有利于形成浓厚学习氛围、激发学生学习兴趣、启迪学生思维,进而提高教学效率和效益。可以说,要实现“有效课堂教学”必先从实现“有效课堂提问”开始。在课堂教学中要注重以下几个方面。  相似文献   

张林 《大观周刊》2012,(30):311-311
兴趣是学习美术的基本功之一,有浓厚的兴趣可以培养学生的求知欲,激发学生强大的学习动力,促使他们顽强拼搏,努力学习。要激发学生学习美术的兴趣应发挥美术教学特有的魅力,将美术课的内容与学生的生活经验紧密联系在一起,将精彩纷呈的艺术有机的与课堂教学相互利用,使各类艺术互相渗化,保持着课堂内容的新鲜感。教师应以各种生动有趣的教学手段,如电影、范画、参观等方式,引导学生增强对形象的感受能力与想象能力,激发学生学习美术的兴趣。  相似文献   

李德成 《大观周刊》2012,(28):310-310
在小学美术教学中,教师要注重对学生的主体性的培养;让学生感觉美术课堂是自己的课堂,让他们在课堂上享受快乐,感情美术带给他们的美.在美术课堂上对主体性的培养要首先激发他们的学习兴趣,树立主体意识,在教学环节上下工夫。用多种学习方式学习,在学习后。让他们参与到教学评价之中,只有这样,才能做到主体性的发挥与培养。  相似文献   

张均 《大观周刊》2012,(39):144-144
《思想品德》新课程标准强调学生的发展应该是多领域的发展,包括知识、情感、人生观。在教学中,教师不仅要关注学生接受信息过程中的认知因素.更要关注学生接受信息过程中的兴趣、学习方式、情感体验以及学习能力的培养,这样才能使知识通过情感、能力这个媒介更好地为学生接纳和内化。因此,关注学生的学习兴趣、方式、情感、方法是非常必要的。本文就从激发兴趣、自主合作探究课堂、生活化课堂、促进师生的情感交融、关注学生情感体验、重视教学评价、学法指导方面关注学生在课堂学习中的情感体验,能力培养,实现思想品德的课程标准,从而搞好思品课堂教学,让思品课堂成为最受学生欢迎的课堂。  相似文献   

李娟娟 《大观周刊》2012,(36):168-168
著名数学家华罗庚曾说:“就数学本身来说,是壮丽多彩、千姿百态、引人八胜的……”入迷才能叩开思维的大门,智力和能力才能得到发展。孔子日:知之者禾如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。随着教学改革的深入,我们的数学课堂教学开始变得更自由、更灵活,学生也始终在愉快的状态下积极地学习数学,这的确是我们数学教学改革的一个可喜变化。教师要善于诱发学生的学习兴趣,要充分利用数学课堂,把它创设成充满活力、魅力无穷的空间,从而激发学生的思维,让他们积极地感受数学芙,去追求数学轰。如何上好数学课,使数学课灵动起来呢?  相似文献   

Informed learning is a pedagogy that focuses on learning subject content through engaging with academic or professional information practices. Adopting the position that more powerful learning is achieved where students are taught how to use information and subject content simultaneously, the research reported here investigated an informed learning lesson. Using phenomenographic methods, students' experiences of the lesson were compared with observations of how the lesson was enacted in the classroom. Based on an analysis of student interviews using variation theory, different ways of experiencing the informed learning lesson emerged. Some students understood the lesson to be about learning to use information, i.e., researching and writing an academic paper, while others understood it as focusing on understanding both subject content and information use simultaneously. Although the results of this study are highly contextualized, the findings suggest criteria to consider when designing informed learning lessons.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the concept of student challenge behavior and seeks to provide a conceptual framework, report preliminary data, and develop a valid, reliable, and interdisciplinary instrument for measuring challenge behavior in the college classroom. Challenge behavior is seen as a mediational strategy that students use to negotiate the conventions of the classroom culture. Challenge behavior may be motivated by uncertainty and is manifested by behaviors that are contrary to teacher expectations. By creating an instrument to identify student challenge behavior, teachers are able to monitor these challenges and adapt their communication practices accordingly.  相似文献   

Librarians are conducting instruction sessions outside the traditional classroom setting using online tutorials with increasing frequency. Online tutorials seem like an obvious solution to meet the growing need for instruction to users in a time when resources are shrinking. Can librarians effectively teach library skills using an online tutorial? Approximately 300 students enrolled in an undergraduate psychology course at the University of South Florida Tampa Campus attended either a library research class or completed an online tutorial as part of their coursework. Participants were given a post-test and were surveyed about their confidence levels and preferred method of library instruction. Analysis of the test scores indicated that there was no significant difference in the learning outcomes between in-person and online library instruction. The majority of students indicated a preference for online instruction over classroom instruction. A rise in confidence levels was noted across both groups.  相似文献   

在档案学课堂教学过程中适度应用多媒体技术,对提高教学效率,激发学生学习兴趣具有一定的促进作用。但若过度使用,则不利于师生之间的有效沟通和互动,不利于学生课堂学习。教学管理部门应严把课件质量关,严格审批手续,引导教师在授课过程中坚持多媒体教学与传统教学手段相结合,注重课堂上的师生互动,强化对教师的培训,提高教师运用多媒体的能力,鼓励教师自己创作合适课件,利用网络实行全方位、开放式教学。  相似文献   

《Communication Teacher》2013,27(1):50-64
Course: Small Group Communication

The purpose of this assessment was to examine whether differences exist between students who self-select their classroom work group members and students who are randomly assigned to their classroom work groups in terms of their use of organizational citizenship behaviors with their work group members; their commitment to, trust in, and relational satisfaction with their work groups; and their self-reports of affective learning and cognitive learning. Participants were 126 students enrolled in a small group communication course. While students who self-select their group members and students who are randomly assigned to their groups do not differ in their use of organizational citizenship behaviors with their classroom work group members, students who self-select their classroom work group members do report higher levels of commitment, trust, and relational satisfaction, as well as more affective learning and more cognitive learning, than students who are randomly assigned to classroom work groups.  相似文献   


This study explored the relationship between the four dimensions of students’ feedback orientation (i.e., utility, retention, confidentiality, and sensitivity) and the four dimensions of students’ classroom engagement (i.e., silent in-class, oral in-class, thinking about course content, and out-of-class) using the tenets of Feedback Intervention Theory (FIT) as a guide. Participants were 208 undergraduate students enrolled in a variety of introductory communication courses at a large mid-Atlantic university. It was found that varying combinations of students’ feedback orientation influence students’ engagement, providing further support for FIT. Specifically, feedback utility was positively related to all four dimensions of student engagement. Furthermore, feedback confidentiality was negatively related to oral in-class behaviors. Future research should continue to examine the influence of instructional feedback on students’ classroom engagement.  相似文献   

刘红 《大观周刊》2012,(44):344-344
语文课的导入是一项艺术,而导入艺术的方式层出不穷,绝不是简单的罗列和归纳就能包客的。还需要教师依据教材、学生的特点自由创新,灵活运用。常言道:响鼓还需重槌敲。如果说一节课是响鼓,那么导语则是重槌的第一挺,一定要浑厚激越,声声击到学生的心扉上,让学生的思维在碰撞中产生智慧的火花,消除其他课程的延续思雏或心理杂念的干扰,把学生的注意力迅速集中起来,饶有兴趣地投入到新的学习情境中去,提高学习效率。  相似文献   

通过对课堂教学氛围营造、课堂控制与管理、因材施教教学方法、课堂学习效果的评价指标、课堂教学内容改革等5个方面内容的研究与实践,探讨高校如何提高文献检索课课堂学习效果。  相似文献   

The fundamental value of the library media program is its involvement with the shcool wide instructional program and the development of informatino literacy skills. While some improvements can be made by either administrator or library media teacher working alone, when there is learning the results are multiplied. Specific actions to help intitiate change are described. The need to balance sufficient structure with elements of choice and creativitiy, to insure young students are successful not frustrated by search assignemnts, is adressed. Current trends encourage classroom teachers to provide students with interdisciplinary, cooperative, and authentic learning experiences. When the library media teacher plans cooperatively with the classroom teacher these needs can be met. Examples of learning activities which illustrate this philosphy are provided for grades 1-6. By introducing elementary grade students to research through appropriate assignemnts matched to their abilities and interests, they remain eager to explore.  相似文献   

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