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电影海报利用图像、颜色、文字等多模态来构建意义,是典型的多模态语篇。文章以Kress&Van Leeuwen的视觉语法理论框架为指导,尝试从海报的再现意义、互动意义和构图意义三个方面对电影《禁闭岛》的宣传海报进行多模态话语分析,探讨三者是如何通过言语符号和视觉符号的共同作用来构建语篇的整体意义的。  相似文献   

李琼 《海外英语》2022,(5):190-192
多媒体技术的迅速发展改变了人们交际的方式,多模态语篇如广告、网页、电影等在人们生活中扮演着重要作用。电影作为一个典型的多模态动态语篇,其中各种模态如图像、音乐、台词文本等相互交融,共同构建意义来塑造电影人物形象及揭示电影主题。该文尝试结合视觉语法理论和多模态隐喻理论对电影《鸟人》进行全面的多模态话语分析,力求推动多模态话语理论的实践应用以及提升读者对电影艺术的欣赏水平。  相似文献   

本文以语言学为切入点,将Halliday的系统功能语法作为理论基础,以KressVan Leeuwen的视觉语法理论为具体指导,多模态话语分析《地心引力》电影海报的再现意义、互动意义和构图意义,从而深入了解多重社会符号共同作用下电影海报的表意功能是如何更加完备地得到展现的。  相似文献   

电影海报语篇分析涉及图像、文字、颜色等多模态的探讨。电影海报《无人区》综合运用了图像、文字和颜色三种模态。该文试图以Kress&Van Leeuwen的视觉语法理论为基础,通过解读电影海报《无人区》多模态语篇的再现意义、互动意义和构图意义的构建和体现,提高多模态语篇的识读能力。  相似文献   

电影海报语篇分析涉及图像、文字、颜色等多模态的探讨。电影海报《无人区》综合运用了图像、文字和颜色三种模态。该文试图以KressVan Leeuwen的视觉语法理论为基础,通过解读电影海报《无人区》多模态语篇的再现意义、互动意义和构图意义的构建和体现,提高多模态语篇的识读能力。  相似文献   

汤萍 《海外英语》2015,(3):232-233,235
该文拟以Halliday的系统功能语法和Kress&Van Leeuwen的视觉语法框架为理论基础,试对2014年最新上映的好莱坞大片《变形金刚4》的宣传海报从再现意义、互动意义和构图意义三个方面进行分析,旨在进一步探究图像与语言文字的互动性,希望对此类电影海报从多模态话语分析的角度提供帮助。  相似文献   

视觉诗是一种用文字创造视觉形象的艺术,是诗画合一的特殊文学现象。而以系统功能语言学为基础的多模态话语分析方法认为语言以外的其他符号系统也是意义的源泉。运用多模态话语分析视觉诗发现视觉诗独特的印刷赋予了文字以生动的视觉形象,在看似断裂的形式下传递作者在诗中想要表达的情感和意义。  相似文献   

该文拟以Halliday的系统功能语法和Kress&Van Leeuwen的视觉语法框架为理论基础,试对2014年最新上映的好莱坞大片《变形金刚4》的宣传海报从再现意义、互动意义和构图意义三个方面进行分析,旨在进一步探究图像与语言文字的互动性,希望对此类电影海报从多模态话语分析的角度提供帮助。  相似文献   

贺莹 《现代英语》2021,(3):92-94
电影海报往往由色彩、文字和图形等视觉三元素组成,而观众对其寓意解析的过程也往往是通过这三种元素.文章运用多模态话语分析框架,以电影《楚门的世界》海报为例,从再现意义、互动意义、构图意义三个方面分析海报中多种模态所传达的意义和如何吸引观众,与观众产生共鸣.  相似文献   


Multimodality has been a growing research interest in the field of applied linguistics. With the actor-network theory as an analytic framework, the purpose of the present study was to explore how university students of Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) take advantage of both material and non-material semiotic resources while being involved in the process of developing classroom activities. Furthermore, the semiotic resources of these students including their language, gaze, and gesture were analyzed using systemic functional multimodal discourse analysis (SF-MDA). To do this, using an ethnomethodology, we videotaped the interaction of a group of 6 TEFL students developing materials, for the improvement of learners’ intercultural competence, on the topic of food. The findings indicated that the participants developed these materials as they interacted with each other, as human semiotic resources, as well as their digital tools, as non-human resources. In addition, while mainly expressing their mental processes, they also conveyed positive attitudes and built negotiation expanding space using their gesture with both fast and slow graduation. Their gaze was also engaged, directed at both the group members and objects developing the classroom activities.  相似文献   

This paper examines the ways in which the interpretation of a literary text is constructed through social interaction in a multi‐ethnic urban secondary school English classroom. The focus is on the literacy experiences of Year 10 students (age 14 to 15 years). We take a multimodal approach to understanding social interaction around texts and show that higher‐order literacy skills are realised and constructed through the configuration of talk and writing with a range of other representational and communicational modes, such as gesture, gaze, movement, and posture. We suggest that despite the exhaustive regulation of literacy and school English, some English teachers, while still curriculum and examination focused, have found strategies that give them space to make connections between texts and the experiences of their particular student intake. They do so in ways that link to wider social and moral issues, drawing on their own and their students' life experiences, to make cultural connections with the texts studied. The paper shows how a multimodal analysis of social interaction facilitates and extends understanding of the teaching that is taking place.  相似文献   

随着教学改革的不断深入,任务型语言教学在大学英语教学中的运用方兴未艾。本文根据任务型语言教学的理论基础、基本内容和任务设计要求,对大学英语一节口语课的教学设计进行了分析和反思,进而讨论了在运用任务型语言教学法时应遵循的原则和注意的问题。  相似文献   

英语词汇是英语的基础,本文通过了解初中英语词汇教学的现状,将多模态话语分析理论运用到初中英语词汇教学中,旨在为初中教师的词汇教学提供一种新的方式,从而提高初中学生的词汇学习效率与水平。  相似文献   

语法隐喻是功能语法中的一个重要概念,而名物化是语法隐喻的一项重要来源.名物化在英语语篇,尤其是书面语篇中大量存在,并具有多种功能.许多语言学家用不同方法对名物化现象进行研究,得出了不尽相同的结论.用韩礼德提出的语法隐喻理论对名物化结构在小句层面的功能分析可以提高对名物化结构的意识程度,从而了解和掌握名物化结构的用法.  相似文献   

本文对师生共建网络辅助英语教学的可行性以及这一教学模式的效果作了实验研究,研究结果证明,师生共建网络能提供充足的多媒体语言输入,改善学生的学习策略,增加学生的英语学习兴趣,提高学生的英语学习成绩.因此,师生共建网站能有效地辅助大学英语教学.  相似文献   

随着计算机与网络技术的高速发展,多媒体英语教学的优势愈加显现。但在多媒体英语教学的实践中仍然存在一些问题,这些值得我们认真研究扣深入探讨。多媒体英语教学应该充分发挥多媒体技术的优势,加强与课堂教学的融合,培养学生自主学习的能力,提高学生的实际应用能力。  相似文献   

钱学森教授说高等学校的学习,是打基础的时期,应该强调学好基础课程。而大学英语教学作为中国高校的基础课程,一直以来都是各位学者教师关注的焦点。本文中,笔者将图式理论与大学英语课堂导入相联系,进行了两者关系之间的阐述,并举实例说明了本文的研究主题,图式理论如何优化大学英语课堂导入。  相似文献   

教师话语在语言教学中所起的重要作用,文章从语用理论的合作原则,礼貌原则和关联理论对教师的课堂用语进行分析,提出教师应该遵守语用的相关原则,以提高教学质量,为教师英语课堂教学提供具有实际意义的帮助。  相似文献   

徐娟 《海外英语》2011,(9):119-120
This paper explores the teaching methods of Tourism English in Tianhua College.The teacher adopts both behaviorist and constructivist teaching methods in the experimental teaching for continuous three weeks.After the teaching experiment,questionnaires and interviews were done to find the result of the teaching effect.Both teaching methods are not perfect.The paper concludes that each method has its advantages.The most favored implementation should be a combination of both.We need to make the best of their advantages and avoid their weaknesses in order to achieve the best teaching effect.  相似文献   

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