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The purpose of this study was to examine knee extensor/flexor muscle strength and physical activity in healthy males and females approaching retirement. Peak torques of the knee extensor and knee flexor muscle groups were measured bilaterally in 95 individuals (mean age 59.4 years) using an isokinetic dynamometer. Isokinetic concentric contractions were performed at angular velocities of 1.05 and 3.14 rad · s?1. Physical activity, including household, leisure, and sporting activities, was assessed. The results show that the average peak torques exhibited were lower than previously reported in studies using the same methodology with different populations of similar age and body size. Over one-third of the participants were sedentary, with just 13% being active enough to obtain health benefits. The poor muscle strength and low physical activity of this self selecting group of healthy working adults were surprising, and potentially a cause for concern. The combination of retirement being a potential watershed for a decrease in physical activity and the known age-related decline in physical performance indicates that some of these participants are at risk of losing their functional independence fairly early in the retirement stage. We recommend the introduction of effective health promotion interventions for individuals approaching retirement, encouraging them to become more physically active.  相似文献   

通过对运动员股四头肌、股后肌群不同断面面积及髋关节屈伸力矩的测量,探索不同项目运动员大腿肌肉不同断面的面积大小与髋关节屈伸力量相关的内在规律。肌肉横断面积采用螺旋CT进行断层扫描,影像分析采用MoticImagesAdvanced3.0测试系统软件,力量测试采用美国Cybex-Norm等速测力系统,数据处理采用SPSS8.0软件。结果表明:1)运动员股四头肌、股后肌群不同断面面积与髋关节屈伸力矩的相关性主要体现在大腿的中、上段,髋关节屈时的相关以上段为主,伸时的相关以上、中段为主。2)足球运动员在中、高速运动左髋屈时,其屈肌的力量与大腿上段肌肉的横断面积密切相关,而右侧在低、高速也具有同样的相关;而足球运动员在中、高速运动左髋伸时,其伸肌的力量与大腿中段肌肉的横断面积密切相关。速滑运动员的相关性以右侧伸肌相关最明显。  相似文献   


The physiological and perceptual demands together with match notation of a four-set tennis match were studied in two elite professional players during the preparation for the 2008 Davis Cup. The design of this case report is unique in that it is the first to describe the demands of prolonged match-play (197 min) over four sets in ecologically valid conditions. The variables measured before and after each set included blood lactate and glucose concentrations, body mass, and perception of effort. Stroke count for each rally and heart rate were recorded during each set while salivary cortisol concentration was determined before and after the match. The rally length decreased as the match progressed. The results showed significant physiological stress, with each player losing greater than 2.5% of body mass (as fluid) and having elevated salivary cortisol concentrations after the match. Heart rate and perception of effort were also increased following each set indicating increasing stress. However, blood lactate decreased following the fourth set while blood glucose was maintained. The results also suggest that elite players may adjust work rates or tactics to cope with the increased perception of effort. This report shows that four sets of tennis are associated with increasing stress and fatigue.  相似文献   


Table tennis requires rapid and extreme movements that may result in shoulder adaptations, such as glenohumeral internal rotation deficit, which is a risk factor for several injuries. This study compared range of motion of internal and external rotation and total rotation motion of glenohumeral joint between dominant and non-dominant shoulders of table tennis players. This is a cross-sectional observational study. Twenty healthy male table tennis players that were enrolled in an official table tennis league took part in this study (mean age: 22.9 ± 12.9 years, time of sports practice: 6.2 ± 7.12 years). Measurements of passive glenohumeral external rotation and internal rotation were taken with the individuals in the supine and sidelying positions. Total rotation motion was calculated by summing external and internal rotations. The dominant side showed decreased internal rotation when compared to non-dominant side in both supine (mean difference: 14.9°, p = 0.02) and sidelying positions (mean difference: 16.3°, p = 0.01). No significant difference (> 0.05) was found for external rotation and total rotation motion between dominant and non-dominant shoulders. The findings indicate that table tennis players exhibit glenohumeral internal rotation deficit of dominant shoulder.  相似文献   

The ability to generate a high racket speed and a large amount of racket kinetic energy on impact is important for table tennis players. The purpose of this study was to understand how mechanical energy is generated and transferred in the racket arm during table tennis backhands. Ten male advanced right-handed table tennis players hit topspin backhands against pre-impact topspin and backspin balls. The joint kinetics at the shoulder, elbow and wrist of the racket arm was determined using inverse dynamics. A majority of the mechanical energy of the racket arm acquired during forward swing (65 and 77% against topspin and backspin, respectively) was due to energy transfer from the trunk. Energy transfer by the shoulder joint force in the vertical direction was the largest contributor to the mechanical energy of the racket arm against both spins and was greater against backspin than against topspin (34 and 28%, respectively). The shoulder joint force directed to the right, which peaked just before impact, transferred additional energy to the racket. Our results suggest that the upward thrust of the shoulder and the late timing of the axial rotation of the upper trunk are important for an effective topspin backhand.  相似文献   

通过美国产BiodexⅡ等速测力及康复系统对16名业体校运动员和15名中学生(对照组)进行膝关节的慢速(60度/秒)和快速(120度/秒)肌力测试,同时使用清华大学力学系电测应力分析室制造的三维测力台和测角器对他们进行下蹲跳高度、膝关节角度的测试,通过正交实验设计和SPSS统计处理,发现影响业体校运动员下蹲跳高度的主要因素是膝关节最大速度角度,影响中学生(对照组)下蹲跳高度的主要因素是膝关节最大缓冲角度和膝关节慢伸肌力矩.  相似文献   

Chronic ankle instability (CAI) is a condition resulting from a lateral ankle sprain. Shank-rearfoot joint-coupling variability differences have been found in CAI patients; however, joint-coupling variability (VCV) of the ankle and proximal joints has not been explored. Our purpose was to analyse VCV in adults with and without CAI during gait. Four joint-coupling pairs were analysed: knee sagittal-ankle sagittal, knee sagittal-ankle frontal, hip frontal-ankle sagittal and hip frontal-ankle frontal. Twenty-seven adults participated (CAI:n = 13, Control:n = 14). Lower extremity kinematics were collected during walking (4.83 km/h) and jogging (9.66 km/h). Vector-coding was used to assess the stride-to-stride variability of four coupling pairs. During walking, CAI patients exhibited higher VCV than healthy controls for knee sagittal-ankle frontal in latter parts of stance thru mid-swing. When jogging, CAI patients demonstrated lower VCV with specific differences occurring across various intervals of gait. The increased knee sagittal-ankle frontal VCV in CAI patients during walking may indicate an adaptation to deal with the previously identified decrease in variability in transverse plane shank and frontal plane rearfoot coupling during walking; while the decreased ankle-knee and ankle-hip VCV identified in CAI patients during jogging may represent a more rigid, less adaptable sensorimotor system ambulating at a faster speed.  相似文献   

A motor skills assessment could be helpful in talent development by estimating essential perceptuo-motor skills of young players, which are considered requisite to develop excellent technical and tactical qualities. The Netherlands Table Tennis Association uses a motor skills assessment in their talent development programme consisting of eight items measuring perceptuo-motor skills specific to table tennis under varying conditions. This study aimed to investigate this assessment regarding its reproducibility, internal consistency, underlying dimensions and concurrent validity in 113 young table tennis players (6–10 years). Intraclass correlation coefficients of six test items met the criteria of 0.7 with coefficients of variation between 3% and 8%. Cronbach’s alpha valued 0.853 for internal consistency. The principal components analysis distinguished two conceptually meaningful factors: “ball control” and “gross motor function.” Concurrent validity analyses demonstrated moderate associations between the motor skills assessment’s results and national ranking; boys r = ?0.53 (< 0.001) and girls r = ?0.45 (= 0.015). In conclusion, this evaluation demonstrated six test items with acceptable reproducibility, good internal consistency and good prospects for validity. Two test items need revision to upgrade reproducibility. Since the motor skills assessment seems to be a reproducible, objective part of a talent development programme, more longitudinal studies are required to investigate its predictive validity.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to clarify the functional roles of upper limb muscles during standing and seated cycling when power output increases. We investigated the activity of seven upper limb and trunk muscles using surface electromyography (EMG). Power outputs ranged from ~100–700 W with a pedalling frequency of 90 revolution per minute. Three-dimensional handle and pedal forces were simultaneously recorded. Using non-negative matrix factorisation, we extracted muscle synergies and we analysed the integrated EMG and EMG temporal patterns. Most of the muscles showed tonic activity that became more phasic as power output increased. Three muscle synergies were identified, associated with (i) torso stabilisation, (ii) compensation/generation of trunk accelerations and (iii) upper body weight support. Synergies were similar for seated and standing positions (Pearson’s r > 0.7), but synergy #2 (biceps brachii, deltoidus and brachioradialis) was shifted forward during the cycle (~7% of cycle). The activity levels of synergy #1 (latissimus dorsi and erector spinae) and synergy #2 increased markedly above ~500 W (i.e., ~+40–70% and +130–190%) and during periods corresponding to ipsi- and contralateral downstrokes, respectively. Our study results suggest that the upper limb and trunk muscles may play important roles in cycling when high power outputs are required.  相似文献   

广州亚运会乒乓球男单决赛接发球技战术分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对2010年广州亚运会乒乓球男子单人决赛进行了接发球技战术研究,主要从技术、线路、落点三个不同角度对马龙、王浩在比赛中接发球的技战术进行了对比分析。结果表明:马龙接发球技术是以摆短和劈长为主,王浩接发球技术以摆短和反手抢拉为主;两者接发球线路都是以正手斜线和正手直线为主;马龙接发球落点分布以8号位、9号位和2号位为主,王浩接发球落点分布以7号位、2号位和9号位为主。  相似文献   

Background:One-legged pedaling is of interest to elite cyclists and clinicians.However,muscular usage in 1-legged vs.2-legged pedaling is not fully understood.Thus,the study was aimed to examine changes in leg muscle activation patterns between 2-legged and 1-legged pedaling.Methods:Fifteen healthy young recreational cyclists performed both 1-legged and 2-legged pedaling trials at about 30 Watt per leg.Surface electromyography electrodes were placed on 10 major muscles of the left leg.Linear envelope electromyography data were integrated to quantify muscle activities for each crank cycle quadrant to evaluate muscle activation changes.Results:Overall,the prescribed constant power requirements led to reduced downstroke crank torque and extension-related muscle activities(vastus lateralis,vastus medialis,and soleus)in 1-legged pedaling.Flexion-related muscle activities(biceps femoris long head,semitendinosus,lateral gastrocnemius,medial gastrocnemius,tensor fasciae latae,and tibialis anterior)in the upstroke phase increased to compensate for the absence of contralateral leg crank torque.During the upstroke,simultaneous increases were seen in the hamstrings and uni-articular knee extensors,and in the ankle plantarflexors and dorsiflexors.At the top of the crank cycle,greater hip flexor activity stabilized the pelvis.Conclusion:The observed changes in muscle activities are due to a variety of changes in mechanical aspects of the pedaling motion when pedaling with only 1 leg,including altered crank torque patterns without the contralateral leg,reduced pelvis stability,and increased knee and ankle stiffness during the upstroke.  相似文献   


This study aimed to compare the weekly natural log of the root-mean-square difference of successive normal inter-beat (RR) intervals (ln RMSSDWeekly) and its coefficient of variation (ln RMSSDCV) in response to 5 weeks of preseason training in professional male futsal players. A secondary aim was to assess the relationship between ln RMSSDWeekly and ln RMSSDCV. The ln RMSSD is a measure of cardiac–vagal activity, and ln RMSSDCV represents the perturbations of cardiac autonomic homeostasis, which may be useful for assessing how athletes are coping with training. Ten futsal players had their resting ln RMSSD recorded prior to the first daily training session on four out of approximately five regular training days · week?1. Session rating of perceived exertion (sRPE) was quantified for all training sessions. Despite weekly sRPE varying between 3455 ± 300 and 5243 ± 463 arbitrary units (a.u.), the group changes in ln RMSSDWeekly were rated as unclear (using magnitude-based inference), although large inter-individual variability in ln RMSSD responses was observed. The ln RMSSDCV in weeks 4 and 5 were likely lower than the previous weeks. A large and significant negative correlation (r = ?0.53; CI 90%: ?0.36; ?0.67) was found between ln RMSSD and ln RMSSDCV. Therefore, monitoring individual ln RMSSD responses is suggested since large inter-individual variations may exist in response to futsal training. In addition, higher values of ln RMSSD are associated with lower oscillations of cardiac autonomic activity.  相似文献   

采用实验法对拳击运动员表象竞赛时的脑电图进行监测,研究其在表象竞赛回合中的注意力与竞技水平的关系。结果表明:运动员注意力能力与参赛的重量级别无关,与竞技水平有关,不同竞技水平运动员之间呈显著性差异;注意力维持时间随运动员水平提高而延长;α波被抑制程度显示了运动员竞技水平的差异。结果反映了专项能力的特点。  相似文献   

‘A tribute to Dr J. Rogge’ aims to systematically review muscle activity and muscle fatigue during sustained submaximal quasi-isometric knee extension exercise (hiking) related to Olympic dinghy sailing as a tribute to Dr Rogge’s merits in the world of sports. Dr Jacques Rogge is not only the former President of the International Olympic Committee, he was also an orthopaedic surgeon and a keen sailor, competing at three Olympic Games. In 1972, in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master in Sports Medicine, he was the first who studied a sailors’ muscle activity by means of invasive needle electromyography (EMG) during a specific sailing technique (hiking) on a self-constructed sailing ergometer. Hiking is a bilateral and multi-joint submaximal quasi-isometric movement which dinghy sailors use to optimize boat speed and to prevent the boat from capsizing. Large stresses are generated in the anterior muscles that cross the knee and hip joint, mainly employing the quadriceps at an intensity of 30–40% maximal voluntary contraction (MVC), sometimes exceeding 100% MVC. Better sailing level is partially determined by a lower rate of neuromuscular fatigue during hiking and for ≈60% predicted by a higher maximal isometric quadriceps strength. Although useful in exercise testing, prediction of hiking endurance capacity based on the changes in surface EMG in thigh and trunk muscles during a hiking maintenance task is not reliable. This could probably be explained by the varying exercise intensity and joint angles, and the great number of muscles and joints involved in hiking.


  • Dr Jacques Rogge, former president of the International Olympic Committee and Olympic Finn sailor, was the first to study muscle activity during sailing using invasive needle EMG to obtain his Master degree in Sports Medicine at the Ghent University.

  • Hiking is a critical bilateral and multi-joint movement during dinghy racing, accounting for >60% of the total upwind leg time. Hiking generates large stresses in the anterior muscles that cross the knee and hip joint.

  • Hiking is considered as a quasi-isometric bilateral knee extension exercise. Muscle activity measurements during sailing, recorded by means of EMG, show a mean contraction intensity of 30-40% maximal voluntary contraction with peaks exceeding 100%.

  • Hiking performance is strongly related to the development of neuromuscular fatigue in the quadriceps muscle. Since maximal strength is an important determinant of neuromuscular fatigue during hiking, combined strength and endurance training should be incorporated in the training program of dinghy sailors.



Strenuous physical activity has been linked to pelvic floor disorders in women. Using a novel wireless intra-vaginal pressure transducer, intra-abdominal pressure was measured during diverse activities in a laboratory. Fifty-seven women performed a prescribed protocol using the intra-vaginal pressure transducer. We calculated maximal, area under the curve and first moment of the area intra-abdominal pressure for each activity. Planned comparisons of pressure were made between levels of walking and cycling and between activities with reported high pressure in the literature. Findings indicate variability in intra-abdominal pressure amongst individuals doing the same activity, especially in activities that required regulation of effort. There were statistically significant differences in maximal pressure between levels of walking, cycling and high pressure activities. Results for area under the curve and first moment of the area were not always consistent with maximal pressure. Coughing had the highest maximal pressure, but had lower area under the curve and first moment of the area compared to most activities. Our data reflect novel findings of maximal, area under the curve and first moment of the area measures of intra-abdominal pressure, which may have clinical relevance for how physical activity relates to pelvic floor dysfunction.  相似文献   

目的:通过测试萎缩骨骼肌细胞Caspase-3、SOD活性和MDA含量,观察补充扇贝肽对运动大鼠停训导致骨骼肌萎缩后肌细胞Caspase-3活性及其抗氧化能力的影响,研究扇贝肽对停训后骨骼肌萎缩的干预作用。方法:40只SD雄性大鼠以15 m/min的速度,持续性水平跑台训练30 min开始进行递增负荷运动,运动6 d/周,休息1 d/周,速度递增3 m/min/周,时间递增30 min/周,运动3周后即刻处死10只大鼠为基础对照组,其余大鼠随机分组为补充安慰剂阴性对照组、补充牛乳阳性对照组和补充扇贝肽实验组,30只大鼠左侧后肢实施石膏固定模拟停训模型,并进行扇贝肽补充实验。实验组和对照组所有动物每天分别进行灌胃15%扇贝肽饮料2mL、等量的安慰剂和牛乳。结果:发现补充扇贝肽可显著减低停训后萎缩骨骼肌细胞MDA含量增加,增加SOD活性,提高细胞内抗氧化能力,可显著抑制停训后萎缩骨骼肌细胞Caspase-3的活性,从而抑制骨骼肌收缩蛋白和结构蛋白的降解,促进萎缩骨骼肌的恢复。  相似文献   


To assess the impact of lower-leg muscle activity during the stance phase of running on the development of medial tibial stress syndrome (MTSS), in 123 healthy participants (18.2 ± 0.8 years), dynamic and static foot posture, and soleus and tibialis anterior muscle activity during the stance phase of running were measured before a 17-week track- and field-course. After the course, MTSS was identified in 20.5% of the participants. MTSS participants had a higher body mass (ES = 1.13), body mass index (BMI) (ES = 1.31), lower previous vigorous physical activity level (ES = 0.84) and VO2max (ES = 0.61), greater dynamic foot pronation (ES = 0.66), higher soleus peak EMG amplitude during the absorption (ES = 0.60) and propulsion phases (ES = 0.56) of running, and a history of MTSS (OR = 6.38) (p < 0.05). Stepwise logistic regression showed BMI, dynamic foot index, soleus peak EMG amplitude during propulsion, MTSS history and previous vigorous physical activity were predictors of MTSS. The model predicted 96.6% of the healthy participants and 56.5% of the MTSS participants and correctly classified 88.4% of overall cases. Coaches and sports-medicine professionals that screen for injury risk should consider adopting a comprehensive evaluation that includes these parameters.  相似文献   

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