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A Little Monkey     
椰洪 《今日中学生》2013,(10):23-24
Deep, deep in the jungle (丛林) , there is a monkey. His name is Monty. He is four years old and is very naughty (调皮的) . Monty has a round face with big brown eyes. He has a long curly (卷曲的) tail which is very strong. He also has strong arms and hands. He is dark brown. His legs are very long. He is very cheeky (厚脸的) and is funny, too. He is always nice and cheerful (快乐的) . He is clever and likes  相似文献   

Hand in Hand 1. March is to spring, as September is to fall. 2. Bee is to honey as cow is to milk. 3. Squirrel is to nuts as bird is to worms. 4. Morning is to day as evening is to night. 5. Goose is to geese as mouse is to mice. 6. Nest is to robin as cave is to bear. 7. Daisy is to flower as oak is to tree. 8. Fur is to rabbits as feathers are to birds. 9. Ice is to cold as steam is to hot.  相似文献   

Life Is Beauty     
Life is beauty,adm ire it.Life is bliss,taste it.Life is a dream ,realize it.Life is a challenge,m eetit.Life is a duty,com plete it.Life is a gam e,play it.Life is a prom ise,fulfill it.Life is sorrow ,overcom e it.Life is a song,sing it.Life is a struggle,acceptit.Life is a tragedy,confrontit.Life is an adventure,dare it.Life is luck,m ake it.Life is too precious,do notdestroy it.Life is life,fight for it.Life Is Beauty!河南@杨阳…  相似文献   

A is forart,artis long,(but)life is short.B is forbeauty,beauty is only skin deep.C isforchildren,children and foolscannotlie.D is for danger,danger is next neighbor to se-curity.E isforexperience,experienceisthebestteacher.F is forfact,facts speak louderthan words.G is forgold,gold willnotbuy everything.H is for honor,honor and profit lie not in onesack.I is for industry,industry is the parent of suc-cess.J is for judge,judge not according to appear-ance.K is forknowledge,knowledge is powe…  相似文献   

G.1.R·B天王H is English name is JayChow.His birth date is Jan-uary18th,1979.His blood typeis O.H is music style is R·B.H is hobby is writing words andm usic for a song and playingbasketball.2.韩国小天王He is Korean.H is English name is Rain.Hew as born on J une 25th,1982.His birthplace isS eoul.H is m ost popular TV play is“FullH ouse”.3.“江南”才子His English name is Lam JJ.H e is tw en-ty-five years old.H is first album is“JiangN an”,too.4.新阳光男孩H is English nam e is…  相似文献   

I have a good friend. She is Jiang Xin. She is a girl. She is nine. She is thin and small, but she is nice. She likes to eat apples, bananas, oranges and many fruits. She has a watch. It is nice. She has two big eyes and a small nose. She can sing  相似文献   

[教学内容] 1. Reading:Who is he? He is 28 years old. He is from Shanghai. He is a sportsman. He is tall. He is strong. He has a big face. He has short hair. His eyes are small. His nose is big. His mouth is wide. He likes playing basketball. Who is he? 2. Writing : My classmate  相似文献   

A is for art.Art is long, life is short.B is for blood. Blood is thicker than water.C is for children. Children like to tell the truth.D is for diligence. Diligence is the mother of success.  相似文献   

A is for art. Art is long, life is short. B is for blood. Blood is thicker than water. C is for children. Children like to tell the truth. D is for diligence. Diligence is the mother of success.  相似文献   

Warm up or lead in设计一:利用语音规律教学师出示例图(如下):出租车上有两个人Sam,Tax,T:This is Sam.Sam,taxi.Sam likes taxi.This is Tax.Tax,Taxi.Tax likes taxi.Where is Sam?Sam is in the taxi.Where is Tax?Tax is in the taxi,too.以此方法学习bus。  相似文献   

下面每组句子,只有一a/an之差,然而其句意却相去甚远。同学们,你们能辨别出它们的含义吗?Have a try!1.A:There is still room here.B:There is still a room here.2.A:That is mine.B:That is a mine.3.A:This is orange.B:This is an orange.4.A:They sat at table.B:They sat at a table.5.A:I bought her book.B:I bought her a book.6.A:This is paper and that is glass.B:This is a paper and that is a glass.7.A:It is spring.B:It is a spring.8.A:Li lei is patient.B:Li lei is a patient.key:1.A:这儿还有位置。…  相似文献   

一、教学片段 Step 1. Lead-in T: Hi, everyone. Ss: Hi, Mr. Lu. T: It's quiet. There is no noise any more. No one is speaking. There is no noise. There is no whisper.(迅速地板书 whisper) No one is making a noise or a whisper. A whisper is a very low sound. It means soft noise. As we already know, Jiangxiang school is a most unusual school. It is quite unlike any other school in Sichuan. It is quite unusual, not the same as usual.(板书 unusual)Where do you have English class, in Chengdu or in Yangzhou?  相似文献   

仔细观察下面的图画,并根据图片的内容和下列各句的意思,把各句的序号填在图片下边的括号内。A.M iss G rey is typing a letter.B.She is em ptying a basket.C.M r R ichards is opening the window.D.M y m other is m aking the bed.E.Sally is shutting the door.F.The dog is eating a bone.G.M y sister is looking ata picture.H.Jack is reading a m agazine.I.H e is brushing his teeth.J.She is dusting the dressing-table.K.M rs Ford is cooking m eal.L.The catis drinking its m ilk.M.Bessie is sw eeping th…  相似文献   

I have a bedrooml It is not big but it is nice. There is a bed in my bedroom. A yellow dog is on the bed. Every night I sleep with it. Next to the bed, there is a desk. A bear lamp is on the desk. I like the bear lamp.  相似文献   

[教学内容]1.Reading:Who is he?He is28years old.He isfrom Shanghai.He is a sports-man.He is tall.He is strong.Hehas a big face.He has shorthair.His eyes are small.Hisnose is big.His mouth is wide.He likes playing basketball.Who is he?2.Writing:My classmate[教学目标]1.能够读懂理解本课的短文,掌握阅读方法。  相似文献   

This is Pam.She is 10 years old.She is short and pretty.Pam is in Class 4,Grade 5. This is Pam's family.She has two broth- ers and one sister.They are in Grade 5,too. Her sister's name is Beth.Beth is 10 like Pam.  相似文献   

A is to B w hat C is to D中的w hat用作连接代词。它既是前面is的表语,又是后面is的表语。“A is to B what C is to D”常译为“A之于B犹如C之于D”。现在就归纳一下这种比较意义的各种表达法:一、A is to B whatC is to D.例如:1.R ailw ay is to transportation what blood is to a m an s body.铁路对于交通的重要性,就如同血液对于身体的重要性一样。2.A ir is to us whatw ater is to fish.我们离不开空气,犹如鱼儿离不开水一样。3.R eading is to the m ind what food is to the body.读书之于头脑如同食物之于身体。二、W…  相似文献   

Linda 《新高考》2013,(Z2):91-96
(1)(广东省惠州市2013届高三调研考试)首先,阅读以下关于不同颜色的作用的描述。A.Red-Red is the most emotional colour,causing a faster heartbeat and breathing.It is also the color of love.Since it is an extreme colour,red might not help people in negotiations.But decorators say that red helps create a happy atmosphere that is perfect for social gatherings.B.Yellow-Yellow is cheerful and attention-getting.While it is considered an optimistic colour,people lose their tempers more often in yellow rooms,and babies will cry more.It is the  相似文献   

What is pink? A rose is pink. By the fountain's brink.What is blue?The sky is blue. Where the clouds float thro.What is white? A swan is white. Sailing in the light.What is yellow? Pears are yellow. Rice,ripe and mello.What is green?The grass is green.With small flowers between.  相似文献   

Time is money,but money is not time.一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴。It is dogged that does it.天下无难事,只怕有心人。Diamond cuts diamond.强中更有强中手。Where there is a will there is a way.有志者,事竟成。  相似文献   

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