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刘增合 《历史档案》2006,5(4):63-71
清末禁烟时期,鸦片专卖作为筹款和稽核吸食的要策被朝臣和各省督抚所重视。作为掌控中央财政大权的中枢机构,度支部基本上主张维持土产鸦片(土药)统税制度,反对各省推行专卖的要求。各省极力推崇专卖做法,希望藉此暗中抵制中央主办的鸦片统税制度。京师地区受控于度支部,运作空  相似文献   

一 财政清理作为清政府预备立宪的重要措施之一,目标是以度支部为财政中枢,集财权于中央.其中的重点是理顺中央与地方的财政关系.但是,自太平天国之后,中央政府对财政运行监管的失控,财权不断下移.  相似文献   

清季东三省官员在财政方面的腐败非常严重,涉及众多人员和广泛领域。督抚等对其进行了整顿,并取得了一些成效。但是由于整顿措施大都浮于表面,没能建立有效的惩处制度和预防腐败的机制,因此,腐败的整顿并不彻底。  相似文献   

一、冗员冗费问题严重清末,东三省冗员冗费的问题非常严重,当然也带来了相当严重的后果。东三省的款项开销之大、款项虚靡之多在全国首屈一指。首任总督徐世昌奉行优给薪俸的宗旨,因此,东三省的财政开销,只薪俸支出一项就已经给其财政带来了极大的压力。优给薪俸、重禄劝士对环境苦寒的东三省本也无可厚非,但是也要照顾到实际的财政承受能力,并且还要看所用何人、款用何处,所劳之人  相似文献   

吴宝晓 《历史档案》2002,(4):100-105
清末新政的起因是多方面的 :对西太后及一些清廷中枢大臣来说 ,实行新政含有强烈的迎合列强的目的 ;对地方督抚来说 ,实行新政的目的主要是救亡图存。以往探讨清末新政的起源 ,往往较多地强调清廷取悦列强这一因素 ,并据此断定清廷缺乏改革的诚意 ,此说不免忽略了庚子事变后地方督抚自身变法思想的形成及其对清末新政出台所起的作用。考察庚子事变后地方督抚与清末新政的关系 ,即可发现在清廷和地方督抚两种因素中 ,地方督抚所起的作用更大。标志清末新政开端的 1 90 1年上谕 ,是部分地方督抚策动的产物。同时 ,地方督抚自身的变法思想 ,也…  相似文献   

清末,作为军队近代化建设的一个重要组成部分的军队医疗卫生工作,日益受 到重视,在全国范围内,陆续设立了军医学堂、马医学堂、军医局等学校和机构。其 中,光绪三十四年(1908年)东三省陆军军医局设立,专项负责东三省陆军各镇的 医疗卫生工作。现从馆藏兵部──陆军部全宗档案中,选出有关档案刊发,供研究 参考。                         ──编选者哈恩忠  相似文献   

<正>锡良,字清弼,姓巴岳特氏,镶蓝旗蒙古人,先后担任山西、河南、四川、云贵等省督抚,是清末重要的疆臣之一。1909年5月至1911年9月间,他被任命为东三省总督。在到任之初,他即直接主持了中日安奉铁路的谈判。虽然关于安奉铁路的研究,学术界已有较为丰富的成果,但是对锡良在其中的作用仍是晦暗不明。本文  相似文献   

清末时期,熊希龄为东三省盐务改革进行了一系列谋划与努力,主要是调整和统一东三省盐务机关,整饬和培养盐务管理人员,改进和完善盐务管理制度,为东三省盐务的发展与早期近代化作出了重要贡献。  相似文献   

清末《财政说明书》是出于实行预算的需要,由各省分别编订的反映各省财政事项的官方文献.该文献从宣统元年起开始编订,至宣统二年基本完成.《财政说明书》由各项财政收支数字及其说明文字构成,翔实反映了清末各省的财政事项,对于研究清末财政经济问题具有很高的史料价值.  相似文献   

田牛 《兰台世界》2016,(10):121-122
清末新政是中国财政制度近代化的开端,以往研究多关注财政体制变革过程中的中央与地方博弈,对财政制度本身的变革成果关注相对较少。预算作为财政体系的重要组成部分,是其近代化的标志性变革之一。在清末特殊的历史背景下,预算是立宪的前提与要素。因此,对清末预算制度进行进一步的探究,对新政时期财政制度的变革和宪政改革具有一定的补充意义。  相似文献   

Many health sciences libraries are now considering integrated automated systems for an investment of several hundred thousand dollars. The request for proposals (RFPs) is the usual method of selecting candidate vendors for close inspection of promising systems. This paper draws upon the experience of the Library of Rush University and that of twelve other health sciences libraries. The libraries were interviewed by telephone using a short questionnaire that asked them to compare the RFPs with the systems actually obtained and their experiences in implementing them. The libraries were also asked, with the benefit of hindsight, what would they have done differently. Four vendors were also interviewed by telephone, in order to get their point of view.  相似文献   

Courses: Intercultural Communication

Objectives: Students will achieve the following learning outcomes: (1) demonstrate knowledge of intercultural systems by identifying roots of intercultural communication conflict, (2) address intercultural problems by taking action within the context of their own lives, (3) collaborate with peers to problem solve based on voices from Twitter, assigned academic resources and intercultural competence theories in class, and (4) assemble and deliver their plan through a blog and 15-minute presentation.  相似文献   


This study surveyed Government school libraries in Benue State before the creation of Kogi State from Benue. The study was carried out using 100 non-pretested questionnaire forms of which only 70 were returned with sufficient information for analysis and generalization.

The study focused on how over 60 government school libraries, scattered over a large geographical area with a poor road network and few funds, are centrally administered. Further, the study covered the extent of co-operation between school libraries and their relationship to the central administration at the Ministry of Education and other library authorities elsewhere. The acquisition policy, staffing, processing, distribution and inspection, as well as operational standards are discussed and suggestions for improvement are supplied. Possible areas for further research relating to the study are raised in conclusion.  相似文献   

为破解智慧城市分行业垂直构建信息系统带来的信息资源分散整合的难题,本文提出一个新的解决方案, 即运用“分层构建、横向整合、模型聚合、平行演进”的机制,模仿智慧生命体的层次架构对智慧城市进行层次化的建 模设计,使得在现实城市中纵向分布的信息资源,在信息系统的虚拟城市模型中得到横向的大整合,发掘出一项在云 计算和大数据的环境下,可对垂直构建的信息系统进行具有兼容性、诱导性和可演进性的整体架构设计的新技术  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

Just as no health sciences library can afford to collect every work on a subject, neither can any health sciences library afford to preserve every item that is added to its collection. In decision making for collection development, health sciences libraries apply a set of selection criteria. Those same criteria have direct application in selection for preservation decisions. This paper summarizes the literature of selection for preservation, describes the scholarly record of biomedicine, and presents criteria for selection for preservation decisions. The preservation priorities statement for microfilming of monographs and serials in the National Library of Medicine collection is included as an appendix.  相似文献   

Forecasting studies, which are conducted in all the developed economies of the world, are one of the fastest growing applications of scientometrics. Currently, in Russia there is a formed state Technology Foresight System, which creates a new format for the future development of research and for interaction among the key players in the national innovation system. Considering the new institutional environment of forecasting projects in Russia and the international trends in the relevant research environments, scientometric methods for the monitoring, analysis, and forecasting of the development of science and technology are identified as one of the most important methods. Specific demands and trends, which will soon have a substantial impact on the entire area of scientometrics, are formulated.  相似文献   

起跑点(Starting Point: Teaching Entry Level Geoscience)和教育进行时(Pedagogy in Action)这两个数字图书馆都是由卡尔顿大学(Carleton College)的科学教育中心(SERC)开发的项目。它们作为SERC教育学图书馆的门户,旨在为地球科学教育工作者提供高质量的教学方法和相关的教学经验,同时通过鼓励教学者上传相关的教学案例,反映自己的教学方法和教学活动,并探索新的教学方法,为教育工作者提供教学方面的资源。这两个数字图书馆存在着紧密的联系。文章从该馆建设、馆藏组织、技术特征、界面设计、服务特点等方面分别对这两个数字图书馆进行了评述,并给出了作者的评价与建议。  相似文献   

阅览室管理程序——MELINETS接口程序   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阅览室管理在图书馆管理中是个很重要的环节, 而在图书馆自动化系统中始终是个薄弱环节, 为改善阅览室管理的模式我们开发编制了阅览室管理程序, 用以记录读者进室情况和阅览文献情况; 程序输入文献典藏条码和读者条码, 并按图书分类法对文献进行统计, 按读者类型对读者进行统计。为提高阅览室管理水平提供了一个有用的工具。  相似文献   

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