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英语语音教学的最终目的是为了培养学生使用英语进行交际的能力,在外语教学中,教师不太重视语音语调的正确使用。语音语调的训练可以说是中国外语教学中一个薄弱的环节。因此,英语教师在英语语音教学中,教会学生掌握英语的音标、重音与节律的同时,还应教会学生学会如何使用语调来表达思想,分析语音语调的语义功能及其用法。  相似文献   

英语语音教学的目的是向学生系统介绍英语语音、语调知识,通过学习和练习使学生掌握英语的发音、语流的规律和语调的功能,基本上能正确使用英语语音、语调朗读,表达思想并进行交际。英语语音教学应坚持一些原则:避免过分  相似文献   

杜学健 《考试周刊》2014,(53):98-98
<正>1.英语教师要不断提高口语水平,使用全外语授课。要营造外语语境,要从英语教师做起,首先发音要准确,音调和语调要准确,要给学生传授语音基本知识,包括正确的发音方法、语音规则、英语语流中出现的连续、重读、弱读、同化、失去爆破、词重音划分等知识。让学生通过听录音或听老师读,模仿正确的语音或语调,用心记忆,并跟老师或录音机进行纠正,坚持反复训练和检测。教师在课堂上用全外语授课,让学生抛弃汉语,自觉适  相似文献   

英语语调教学现状与对策探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
英语语调是说话者用以表情达意的重要手段,在口语中没有语调就没有句法。英语语音固然重要,但同语调相比.语调更重要。中国学生学习英语语音.主要问题不但仅在于发对单个音素.而更在于读好语调,而恰恰是如果语调读不好.听起来就不象英语。本文对语调的重要性、我国英语语调教学的现状以度如何进行语调教学进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

刘夏君 《教学与管理》2007,(10):129-130
英语语音教学的目的是向学生系统介绍英语语音、语调知识,通过学习和练习使学生掌握英语的发音、语流的规律和语调的功能,基本上能正确使用英语语音、语调朗读,表达思想并进行交际。英语语音教学应坚持一些原则:避免过分对单个音素或单词,即音段音位(segmental elements)进行孤立操练,而要把单个的音素或单词的训练同连读(1inking)、重音(stress)、[第一段]  相似文献   

语言由语音、词汇和语法三部分组成,学好语音是学好语言的前提,是成功进行口头交际的关键。因此,在农村初中学生的英语学习过程中,掌握好语音语调对于学生的学习帮助很大。教师在教育教学过程中要重视对语音语调的教学方法,加强对气息、音标连读、节奏和语调这五个语音要素的训练,帮助学生打好英语语音基础,以标准的语音语调去引领学生更好地学习英语,运用英语。  相似文献   

语音语调教学是小学英语教学中最重要的一个内容,自然规范的语音、语调将为有效的口语交际打下良好的基础。语调教学是小学英语语音教学中的难点问题,老师只重视学生根据发音规律拼读单词的能力,而对语调非常忽视,"重音轻调"。小学阶段是对语音最敏感的时期,他们各个发音器官的可塑性强,要利用儿童学习语言的优势,从一开始就要严格要求,使学生能很好的把握语调,说出一口有英语味道的英语。本文从明定义、解要求、理现状、求重视、学运用五个方面阐述了如何在Listen and repeat版块进行语调教学。  相似文献   

传统的教学方式对学生的语音语调学习有一定的局限性,大学英语语音语调教学有其自身的特殊性,语音的到位和结合语调的应用也有一定特殊性.本文以教学实际为出发点,探讨如何将自主性研究理论中所涵盖的自主教学模式——人本主义理论、建构主义理论、后教学法理论运用于大学英语语音语调的教学实践.  相似文献   

传统英语语音教学方法几乎都侧重强调理论知识,而让学生动口练习的实践机会较少,致使学生对英语语音语调学习不感兴趣。为了能够调动学生学习英语语音语调的兴趣,提高其学习效果,通过使用一系列环环相扣的教学方法,来使学生快速掌握英语语音语调。同时,语法是组织字词句段的关键,好的语法可以使英文语言更流畅,思路更清晰,不容易产生歧义。语法是语言使用的规则,对语言实践有着积极的指导作用,掌握和运用语法知识对获得语言能力有着积极而重要的作用。  相似文献   

<正>小学英语要求学生在用正确的语音、语调朗读单词、句子和课文的基础上,用所学语言知识进行日常会话。小学生最初接触英语,一般情况下会产生两种不同的反应:一是用极大的兴趣和求知欲而乐于开口;一是因羞怯和害怕错误而不敢开口。如何保护并发展学生积极方面的心理因素,抑制和消除消极方面的心理因素呢?一、掌握正确的语音、语调和规范的语速、节奏正确的语音、语调和规范的语速、节奏是说好英语的前  相似文献   

民间舞教学是舞蹈教学中一个非常重要的内容,结合教学实践从几个方面论述了如何上好一堂民族民间舞课,如何根据学生特点,因材施教,灵活运用,合理组织教材,在短时间内让学生掌握各民族舞蹈的风格特点,提高教学质量。  相似文献   

汉族教师对民专业汉语授课,首先要在教与学二之间架设一座情感桥梁,做到三个切忌,形成三种氛围。思想教育应当从牢固树立“我是一个中国人”的观念入手,真正铸造一颗“中国心”教学的落脚点放在开阔眼界,培养多向思维和科学方法上,即学生接受知识的开放心态。民专用汉语讲部分专业课,有助于提高民专业教学的整体水平,民汉教学互补层次及中华民族的凝聚力。  相似文献   

通过分析母语、目的语对外语教学产生的影响,得出结论,即尽量用目的语,适当使用母语进行教学是外语教学的一个重要原则,这一结论有助于促进外语教学,使学生更好地学习语言。  相似文献   

Today people call those who teach in schools "teachers," and they call what they do "teaching," and they call the methods they use "teaching methods," as though teachers are people who do nothing but teach the students a little book learning. Apart from teaching, they seemingly have no other ability; apart from what is in books, they have nothing else to teach; and the students in this kind of school, apart from receiving instruction, have no other assignments. Teachers only concern themselves with teaching, and students only concern themselves with receiving instruction, as though the business of learning could be completely transacted by the act of teaching. If we are talking about names, such schools are of course "institutions of learning," but if we are discussing the reality, they are more like "institutions of teaching." This is because we have emphasized teaching too much. Without knowing it, we have caused teaching to become separated from learning, though learning and teaching really cannot be separated and should be united.  相似文献   

针对高职及高职生的特点,笔者提出从以下几个方面促进高职英语教学有效性:尊重学生主体地位,营造和谐课堂;结合职业特点,培养学生学习动机;运用情境教学和启发教学;明确目标定位,实施分层教学;合理运用多媒体教学。  相似文献   

构建自主学习模式 培养学生自主学习能力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在初中物理教学中发现教师都强调"教"而忽略"学"问题,结合新课程改革,提出学生自主学习模式:自主学习的前提,教会学生听课;自主学习的基础,教会学生阅读;自主学习的动力,教会学生提问;自主学习的核心,教会学生反思;自主学习的目的,教会学生迁移。在初中物理教学中培养学生自主学习的能力,才能让学生真正成为学习的主人。  相似文献   

论学生创造性思维的培养   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
数学是一门逻辑性极强的学科。在高等数学教学中,如何利用学科特点有效地组织教学,培养学生的创造性思维能力,是教学研究中的一个重要课题。引导学生提出问题,采用启发式教学、鼓励学生猜想、训练发散思维、利用逆向思维等都是培养学生创造性思维的有效途径。  相似文献   

Instructors in multi-major professional communication courses are asked to teach students a variety of workplace genres. However, teaching genres apart from their contexts may not result in transfer of knowledge from school to workplace settings. We propose teaching students to research genre use via activity theory as a way of encouraging transfer. We outline theory and research relevant to teaching genre and provide results from a study using activity theory to teach genre in two different professional communication courses.  相似文献   

A random sample of teachers in grades 3 and 4 (N = 157) from across the United States were surveyed about their use of evidence-based writing practices, preparation to teach writing, and beliefs about writing. Teachers’ beliefs included their efficacy to teach writing, their orientations to teach writing, their attitude about teaching writing, and their attitudes about their own writing. The teachers’ responses raised some concerns about the quality of writing instruction third- and fourth-grade students receive, as teachers reported spending only 15 min a day teaching writing and students spend only 25 min a day at school writing. While teachers indicated they used a variety of evidence based writing practices in their classroom, a majority of these were applied infrequently. Further, three out of every four teachers reported that their college teacher preparation programs provided no or minimal instruction on how to teach writing. They further rated their preparation to teach writing lower than their preparation to teach reading, math, science, or social studies. On a more positive note, a majority of teachers asked students to write multiple paragraph texts relatively frequently (4 times a month or more often) and complete at least one narrative, informative, and persuasive writing assignment monthly. Teachers were also generally positive about teaching writing, their efficacy to teach writing, and their beliefs about their own writing. Finally, efficacy to teach writing and philosophical orientations to teaching writing each made a unique contribution to predicting teachers’ use of evidence based practices, whereas teacher preparation did the same for reported time spent teaching writing and reported time students wrote at school and home.  相似文献   

本从心理学、教育学、计算机科学技术等方面综合阐述了在信息时代教师作用的转变:教授型一指导型。指出为了实现这一转变,教师在《高等数学》教学活动过程中应该注重大学生的思维特点,因材施教,培养学生通过顿悟学习获取知识,纠正学生易犯的错误,并在教学中充分利用现代教育技术,提高教学质量。  相似文献   

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