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长期以来,美国政府都把校外活动看作一项重要的社会教育工程,对"校外辅助项目"进行资助、规范和引导,致力于为学生的校外时间提供建设性的活动项目,促进学生全面发展.美国校外辅助项目提供的主体分为社区和学校两种,它们共同为学生的校外时间提供日常看护、教育、俱乐部、艺术、宗教和运动等丰富多彩的服务,促进学生行为、学术、心理等方面的发展,规避了学生校外成长中的风险.  相似文献   

艺术教育对青少年的学术发展、认知和行为的改善、创造力的培养等方面具有重要作用.然而,由于时间和资源的限制,艺术教育在美国中小学校的开展正面临着诸多困境和挑战.艺术与校外辅助项目是“天然的伙伴关系”,美国艺术类校外辅助项目融合了艺术与校外辅助项目的优势,通过提供类型多样、形式丰富的艺术教育和艺术活动,弥补了学校艺术教育的不足,促进了青少年的全面发展.  相似文献   

目前,中小学生参加校外补习,已经成为一个非常普遍的现象。蓬勃发展的产业化的校外补习引起了社会各界的思考。本文着重分析中小学校外补习对学生成绩、学生校外生活方式、学校教育、社会公平、社会经济几个方面的影响。  相似文献   

中小学生的年龄段已是一个人生理和心理急剧变化,动荡不定、起伏较大时期,优秀生有他们成长的条件,中等生和后进生也必有其特殊的形成原因,教师只有分析其原因,才能对症下药,找到解决问题的方法。  相似文献   

通过问卷方式对我国部分地区中小学生参加校外教育活动的情况开展调查研究发现,校外活动已经成为中小学生生活中不可缺失的一部分。促进校外教育的健康发展应更新校外教育观念,树立起大校外教育观,加强对校外教师的培养,提高校外教师的素质,建立校外教育与学校教育的有效衔接机制,并进一步加强宣传和引导,帮助更多的学生及家长全面深入了解校外教育。  相似文献   

校外学习直接影响着学校教育的效果和中小学生的身心发展。我国中小学生的校外学习场所包括少年宫、博物馆、科技馆、社区活动中心等,其中超过一半的中小学生在校外培训机构接受学科补习。但由于校外教育在教育内容、师资队伍等方面存在问题,学生、家长和学校教师对中小学生校外学习效果的认可度均较低。要真正发挥校外教育与学校教育在立德树人中的协同互补作用,需要从多方面引导社会和家长正确认识校外学习,并对校外教育机构和从业人员进行规范管理。  相似文献   

近年来,参加校外补习的中小学生越来越多,这种校外补习已成为社会热点问题。通过对娄底市和湘潭市中小学生及其家长、教师等相关人员的调查,分析中小学生接受有偿校外补习的规模、内容、强度、原因、形式、支出、效果以及存在的问题,并提出相关建议。  相似文献   

本文通过对江苏省2091名中小学生校外生活的问卷调查,经过科学的统计分析.概括了当前中小学生在家庭生活方式、社区生活方式和闲暇生活方式三个方面的特点,并指出了存在的问题。  相似文献   

由于国家对于中小学生校外教育监管政策不明晰,相关法律法规不完善,所涉及的行政管理部门太多且监管职责不清等原因,导致中小学生校外教育乱象面临治理困境。突破困境急需国家明晰相关政策,明确把中小学生校外教育服务纳入政府监管范围,修订和完善相关法律法规,同时要建立有关行政管理部门联合监管与治理机制,确保对中小学生校外学习与教育服务活动进行切实有效的监管,使之健康有序运行。  相似文献   

在中小学生校外教育服务中,大部分家长的消费心态和行为存在一定程度上的非理性倾向,比如迷信教育的心态、期望过高的心态、怕输与焦虑的心态、盲目攀比的心态等,以及由这些心态所导致的教育豪赌型、盲目攀比型以及无奈跟风型等校外教育服务的消费行为。矫治这些非理性行为,要通过继续深化教育改革特别是招生考试制度改革,努力缓解中小学生家长对孩子升学方面的心理压力;引导家长树立正确的教育观和人才观,自觉克服各种不良消费心态;同时要加强对校外教育机构和个体从业者教育行为的监管,防止和避免其违规行为对中小学生家长造成误导性消费。  相似文献   

一、美国中小学课外计划的缘起 近几年来,美国中小学课外计划项目迅速增多,这主要是对三个社会焦点关注的结果。 第一,就业模式上的巨大变化,使双职工家庭的数量增加,造成了许多学生在下午有很长一段时间自己一个人呆在家里。据美  相似文献   

中小学生校外教育问题探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
屈军礼 《陕西教育学院学报》2005,21(1):123-124,F003
教育是一项复杂的社会系统工程。校外教育领域存在着许许多多不容忽视的问题,还没有引起人们的足够重视,解决这些问题需要学校、家庭乃至社会多方面的协调行动和综合治理。  相似文献   

The present study empirically addresses two longstanding controversial issues in the field of intellectual styles. The first concerns the distinction (or similarity) between various style constructs. The second relates to whether or not intellectual styles make a difference to students' academic achievement. Specifically, the study investigated the relationship between Torrance's modes of thinking and Sternberg's thinking styles. It also examined the role of the two style constructs in achievement in Chinese, English, and mathematics. Three self‐report inventories were administered to 452 students from a senior secondary school in rural China. After students' age, gender, and self‐rated abilities were controlled for, thinking styles predicted modes of thinking. In general, conservative intellectual styles predicted better achievement across the three subjects among students in lower grade levels, whereas creative intellectual styles contributed to achievement in Chinese among students in higher grade levels. It is concluded that each of the two style constructs has a unique value in explaining individual differences in human performance. Furthermore, the study makes another call for cultivating creative intellectual styles among school students.  相似文献   

美国校外在线教育项目已历时百年,建立专门的机构,明确与学校教育之间的关系,积极与学校开展广泛合作,逐渐使校外美国在线教育项目积攒了极高声誉。当前,加强有效在线课后服务路径的规律研究是“双减”改革的题中应有之义。我国应正确厘定线上课后服务与线下课后服务之间的关系,秉承学生准入门槛、关注重点人群以及双线融合兼顾的行动依据,构建理性化与标准化的支持保障制度,推动在线课后服务体验进一步优化。  相似文献   

Students with differing profiles of epistemological beliefs—their beliefs about personal epistemology, intelligence, and learning—vary in thinking, reasoning, motivation, and use of strategies while working on academic tasks, each of which affect learning. This study examined students’ epistemological beliefs according to gender, school orientation, overall academic achievement, and performance on two differently structured academic tasks. Epistemological beliefs in fixed and quick ability to learn, simple knowledge, and certain knowledge differed significantly as a function of gender, school orientation, and levels of academic achievement. These beliefs, particularly the belief in simple knowledge, significantly predicted overall performance and reflective judgment scores on the ill‐structured task but not on the well‐structured task. Implications concerning the relations among epistemological beliefs, reflective judgment, gender, school orientation, task structure, and achievement are discussed.  相似文献   

In this article., we review the literature on the development of test anxiety in elementary and secondary school children. Recent theoretical conceptualizations of anxiety are presented. Anxiety is posited to be a multidimensional construct that has roots in how parents react to children's early achievement strivings. Its ontogeny is tied to children's developing capacity to interpret their school performance relative to their previous performance, to the performance of other children, as well as to the increasingly strict evaluative practices children encounter as they move through school. Intervention strategies for alleviating anxious children's poor performance in evaluative situations are discussed. Important issues for future anxiety research are presented, including the need for new measures of children's anxiety and for a more thorough assessment of both individual differences in how students experience anxiety and the developmental course 0f the components of anxiety.  相似文献   

本研究以379名四到六年级小学生为被试,采用问卷法考察了小学生自我报告的教育期望、学业自我效能感及其父母报告的教育卷入行为,并通过学校获得小学生的学业成绩。结果发现,小学生教育期望、学业自我效能感均对其学业成绩有显著的正向预测作用,且教育期望、学业自我效能感与父母教育卷入的三阶交互作用显著。对三阶交互作用的进一步分析发现:(1)当小学生学业自我效能感较高且教育期望较高时,父母教育卷入对学业成绩有负向预测作用;(2)当小学生学业自我效能感较高但教育期望较低时,父母教育卷入对学业成绩有正向预测作用;(3)当小学生学业自我效能感较低时,无论其教育期望高或低,父母教育卷入对学业成绩均无显著预测作用。上述研究结果表明,小学生的学业自我效能感水平牵制了其教育期望是否在父母教育卷入与学业成绩的关系间起调节作用。  相似文献   

中学生学业成就归因的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用测验法对中学生学业成就的归因方式进行了探讨.研究结果表明:中学生学业成就的内部归因高于外部归因.没有年龄差异,也没有性别差异;学业成就较好和较差的学生,都很重视能力的归因:学业成就较好的学生,重视能力和主观努力的因素;而学业成就较差的学生,更重视能力和问题难度的归因.  相似文献   

Vocational training (VT) allows young people to receive specialized training in a short period and enter the labor market with a qualification. However, VT is often seen as an unglamorous educational route, despite the fact that there are few admission requirements and that it prepares students for jobs with good conditions. Furthermore, the characteristics of VT students have been poorly documented empirically. To fill this gap, this study first examined the achievement profiles of 368 VT students based on three criteria: academic performance, academic persistence, and behavioral engagement. A two-step classification provided four groups: three profiles of students who persisted and successfully completed their training program and a fourth profile of students who withdrew from their program. The motivational and individual characteristics of the students from each profile were then examined based on six variables: motivation (self-efficacy and task value [importance, interest, cost, and perceived utility value of the training program]), gender, and age. The results showed that the profiles differed based on all the characteristics examined except student gender. Overall, the data contribute to better understanding the characteristics of VT students, which may guide teaching practices to better ensure the success of these students.  相似文献   

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