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师徒结对是幼儿园普遍实行的一种促进教师专业成长的模式.作为"师傅"的老教师在师徒结对中会获得进一步的成长.这主要表现在"师傅"在帮助新教师成长的过程中能够正确认识自己的角色,变压力为动力,提高工作的主动性和积极性,同时在与新教师的互动中会锻炼自己的合作能力,吸收新教师身上的闪光点来开阔自己的眼界,并通过对实践的反思来寻求进一步发展的空间.  相似文献   

Journal of Science Education and Technology - The first years of teaching are crucial for novice teachers’ integration into and retainment in the education system. The support they receive...  相似文献   

This paper explores perceptions of professional identity among experienced early childhood educators (ECEs) who are novice students in a new master’s degree program in ECE. We sought to examine the changes experienced by these educators. The study used qualitative content analysis, which included an open-ended questionnaire that was administered twice to the participants: at the beginning of their first year of study and at the end of the second year. The findings indicate a change in the participants’ perceptions of their multi-dimensional professional identity. They began to examine the early childhood educational system with a critical point of view based on their academic and pedagogical conceptual vision, and became aware of the contingent political consequences. We believe this study will enable us to advance the ECE system and promote academic research conducted by professionals.  相似文献   

Jordell, K.Ø.1985. Problems of Beginning and More Experienced Teachers in Norway. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 29, 105‐121. Based on data from 472 Norwegian teachers, this study concludes that beginning teachers do not seem to perceive their problems significantly differently from more experienced teachers. Even though these results may be due to conditions peculiar to Norway, they also raise questions about the validity of claims that beginning to teach is a traumatic experience, as studies where this is claimed rarely compare perceptions of beginning and more experienced teachers.  相似文献   

This study has two purposes: the first is to explore experienced science teachers’ perspectives on inquiry teaching, and the second is to categorize these perspectives into patterns. Fifteen junior high school science teachers experienced at inquiry teaching were selected, and a semi-structured interview was conducted to collect the teachers’ perspectives on inquiry and inquiry teaching. The findings indicate that these experienced science teachers hold multiple perspectives on inquiry and inquiry teaching. The two patterns generated from these teachers’ perspectives of inquiry and inquiry teaching were systematic-based inquiry instruction and learning-based inquiry instructions. Suggestions for science teacher educators are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

林梅 《太原大学学报》2008,9(3):129-133
在描写我国英语课堂中的先导式FOF课堂行为时,研究者观察与实录了两名EFL教师所任教的大学英语口语课,对其中的先导式FOF课堂行为进行定量与定性的分析,主要发现如下:1、先导式比反应式FOF课堂行为的发生频率低;2、大部分先导式FOF课堂行为由教师发起的而不是由学生发起;3、学生(特别是英语水平较高者)发起的FOF课堂行为比教师发起的FOF课堂行为成功领会的比例更大;4、先导式FOF课堂行为针对的首先是词汇,其次是语法。  相似文献   

This paper briefly describes the methodology and results of research which aimed to determine whether or not the clarity behaviours of experienced teachers in regular classrooms were stable over time and whether or not they could be significantly altered through a process of self‐analysis based on feedback of students’ perceptions of their teacher's clarity. The research is an extension of a series of studies of teacher clarity which commenced at The Ohio State University in 1975. It utilised instruments which the author developed for the measurement of teacher clarify and which allowed comparisons to be made between student perceptions of teacher clarify and teachers’ self‐ratings of their clarity. The major finding of the research was that experienced teachers were able to make significant improvements in their clarity when provided with structured feedback about their lessons. The implications of this finding for teachers and for teacher education are discussed.  相似文献   

Although there is a common understanding of instructional sensitivity, it lacks a common operationalization. Various approaches have been proposed, some focusing on item responses, others on test scores. As approaches often do not produce consistent results, previous research has created the impression that approaches to instructional sensitivity are noticeably fragmented. To counter this impression, we present an item response theory–based framework that can help us to understand similarities and differences between existing approaches. Using empirical data for illustration, this article identifies three perspectives on instructional sensitivity: One perspective views instructional sensitivity as the capacity to detect differences in students' stages of learning across points of time. A second perspective treats instructional sensitivity as the capacity to detect differences between groups that have received different instruction. For a third perspective, the previous two are combined to consider differences between both time points and groups. We discuss linking sensitivity indices to measures of instruction.  相似文献   

从新手到熟练教师再到专家型教师,是教师专业发展的最终目标。但由于各种内外因素,能从熟练教师成长为专家型教师的凤毛麟角,因此我们有必要从社会、学校、个人三个不同层面采取相应对策,引领更多熟练教师向专家型教师的方向努力。  相似文献   

“体验型”文学课在应用时体现出来的特点,区别于传统的学生成绩测评方法,为“体验型”文学课量身制定了学生学习效果评定的四项内容,并根据其在教学过程中对学生知识内化的影响程度的大小界定了分值比例。  相似文献   

课堂教学是教学过程中的重要环节。在英语课堂教学中,外籍教师与中国学生因其各自文化的差异,不可避免会发生文化冲击现象。采用问卷调查和访谈,从中国传统文化的视角诠释外籍教师在课堂教学中发生文化冲击的原因,提出外籍教师与学生都应尊重异国文化差异,并注重教育教学方面的文化调适,从而帮助外籍教师与学生减少文化冲击,提高课堂教学质量与效果。  相似文献   

大学教师评价的双轨制   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
在大学中,教师评价的标准应是多元的,而不是一元的。基于大学两个中心的冲突与共存。基于教师个体的差异与分工,应将大学教师评价模式由现行的综合评价,转变为教学与科研的双轨道评价。  相似文献   

Although the Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory‐3 (SASSI‐3; F. G. Miller & L. E. Lazowski, 1999) is widely used with college students (L. Myerholtz & H. Rosenberg, 1998), it is unclear whether the SASSI‐3 is appropriate for use with this population. The authors investigated the SASSI‐3's psychometric capabilities in a college student sample (N = 230). They found that the SASSI‐3's psychometric properties are equal to or exceed those of the Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test (M. L. Selzer, 1971), the CAGE (J. A. Ewing, 1984), and the MacAndrew Alcoholism Scale‐Revised (C. MacAndrew, 1965).  相似文献   

作为一种新理念,发展性教师评价在新一轮基础教育课程改革中并没有如课程改革者所倡导的那样成为教师评价的主导方式,其中的原因既涉及到自身的缺陷又涉及到外在的阻力.创造良好的实施环境,寻求良好的弥补策略对于发展性教师评价走向实践具有重要的意义.  相似文献   

高校教师发展性教学评价的多维探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为进一步发挥教育评价对人才培养的发展功能,本以推进素质教育教学改革为出发点,对高校教师发展性教学评价进行多维度分析。本重点阐述了发展性评价的研究动因、运作机理和本质特征,应用多学科观点增强发展性评价对高校教师教学工作的促进作用,并以个案研究方法对高校教师发展性教学评价的具体实施及其效果进行了探讨。  相似文献   

教师评价是教育评价的主要环节,教育评价的创新也为教师评价提出了一个新课题。搞好教师评价,要对教育评价正确理解,对当前教师评价的做法进行反思,要在新理念的指导下实践教师评价。搞好教师评价对教师的发展,对学校的发展以及在教育创新等方面都将会起到重要作用。  相似文献   

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