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Previous research has documented a substantial decline of standardized test scores of children from low-income backgrounds, relative to more advantaged peers, in later elementary grades, the so-called “fourth-grade slump.” This article examines changes in reading achievement from first to fifth grade for students in a large urban school system with a high proportion of students from economically deprived backgrounds. Students received first-grade reading instruction from Direct Instruction (DI), Open Court, or a mixture of reading curricula. Results indicate that students in schools using DI had significantly greater gains in both reading vocabulary and comprehension than students in the two other settings and that their average levels of achievement in fifth grade were above the national norms, thus countering the fourth-grade slump.  相似文献   


I am interested in understanding why resolving the key dilemma of redistribution and recognition of difference has proved to be so difficult. In this article I analyse the history of gender equity reform in relation to difference, with particular emphasis on Indigenous issues, applying recent theoretical understandings about equity and difference. The article documents how discourses of difference were framed and addressed in four major gender equity policy documents produced at the national level in Australia. In particular there is an emphasis on how the redistribution‐recognition dilemma is handled in the documents.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the antecedents and consequences of children’s math anxiety and math attitude. A total of 595 students aged 10 to 15 years (5th to 10th grades) and 1 parent of each (mother or father) participated in the study. The study was conducted in India, with the study sample drawn from schools in South-West Punjab. Math anxiety of parents and their children was measured using the Mathematics Anxiety Scale Short Version (MARS-SV), the Mathematics Anxiety Scale for Elementary School Students (MARS-E), and the Mathematics Anxiety Rating Scale for Adolescents (MARS-A). Math attitude was assessed with the Attitude Towards Mathematics Inventory (ATMI). A math achievement test was constructed for each grade level based on their curriculum. Path analyses were conducted to test the suggested conceptual model, and the results indicate that parental math anxiety and math attitude act as precursors to their children’s math anxiety and math attitude and further influence the math achievement of their children.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of elementary school interns trained in a summer program by the Stanford microteaching approach as compared with interns who received conventional classroom observation and student teaching experience. Contrary to expectation based on previous research findings, microteaching was not found to result in significantly higher ratings of teacher effectiveness either immediately after or a year after training. However, it was concluded that microteaching is an effective training strategy since it achieves similar results when compared with conventional training methods but in only one-fifth the time and with fewer administrative problems. An incidental finding was that pretraining ratings of teaching performance based on a brief videotaped lesson were generally good predictors of later ratings of teaching effectiveness.  相似文献   

The Role of Parents in Adolescents’ Reading Motivation and Activity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Parent support for reading is one of the many elements that may play a role in the development and sustainment of children’s reading motivation; to date, however, research has focused much more on the role that parents play in their preschool and primary-grade children’s reading than in their older children’s reading. Thus, this paper examines the findings and methodology of empirical studies concerning the ways and extent to which parent support for reading relates to the reading motivations and habits of students in the fourth through 12th grades. The review includes discussion of extant quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-method studies, theoretical models from the reading domain applicable to the socialization of reading practices, and extensive recommendations for future research. The dual purpose of this review is to present a sketch of the role of parents’ in adolescents’ reading motivation based on extant work and to encourage research that will help develop this sketch into a fuller portrait.  相似文献   

Studies of the role of phonological representations in learning to read have almost exclusively focused on speech perception. In the current study, we examined links between sensorimotor control of speech, reading, and reading-related abilities. We studied two languages, English and Dutch, which vary in the regularity of their spelling-to-sound mappings. There were 236 American and Dutch children, 4 to 8 years old, who performed an altered auditory feedback task in which the first formant of the /?/ vowel was altered. A stronger response to altered feedback for literate relative to preliterate children was observed, and this was particularly the case for the Dutch children. Moreover, the magnitude of the responses was related to precursors of reading in preliterate children and to reading skill in literate children. We propose that these findings could be related to changes in children’s speech production skills that facilitate the integration of orthographic and phonemic information.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to investigate what kinds of assessment practices classroom teachers and special educational needs (SEN) teachers use in assessing first grade students' pre-reading skills (letter knowledge and phonological skills). Further, we investigated to what extent teachers were able to identify difficulties in pre-reading skills of the children with the lowest achievement scores. The accuracy of teacher ratings of students' pre-reading skills was studied by comparing teacher ratings to actual test scores. The data from two Finnish longitudinal studies were used: JLD sample (class teachers, n = 91; SEN teachers, n = 51; 200 students) and First Steps sample (class teachers, n = 136; SEN teachers, n = 34; 598 students). Results showed first, that most classroom teachers used qualitative assessment and SEN teachers also relied on tests. Secondly, although teacher ratings correlated with the test scores, closer investigation of sensitivity and specificity of the teacher ratings revealed that a number of children in need of extra support for their early reading development according to test scores remained unidentified. Moreover, there were some students identified by the teacher to have difficulties despite test scores not confirming that. The findings underline the importance for developing more specific and reliable assessment tools for teachers to use for pedagogical purposes, and respectively, the need to pay more attention to early identification of reading difficulties in teacher training program curricula.  相似文献   


Too many children fail to learn how to read proficiently with serious consequences for their overall well-being and long-term success in school. This may be because providing effective instruction is more complex than many of the current models of reading instruction portray; there are Child Characteristic × Instruction (CXI) interactions. Here we present efficacy results for a randomized control field trial of the Individualizing Student Instruction (ISI) intervention, which relies on dynamic system forecasting intervention models to recommend amounts of reading instruction for each student, taking into account CXI interactions that consider his or her vocabulary and reading skills. The study, conducted in seven schools with 25 teachers and 396 first graders, revealed that students in the ISI intervention classrooms demonstrated significantly greater reading skill gains by spring than did students in control classrooms. Plus, they were more likely to receive differentiated reading instruction based on CXI interaction guided recommended amounts than were students in control classrooms. The precision with which students received the recommended amounts of each type of literacy instruction, the distance from recommendation, also predicted reading outcomes.  相似文献   

In assessing verbal academic self-concept with preadolescents, researchers have used scales for students’ self-concepts in reading and in their native language interchangeably. The authors conducted 3 studies with German students to test whether reading and German (i.e., native language) self-concepts can be treated as the same or different constructs. Compared with other facets of academic self-concept, reading self-concept was more highly related to reading test scores (Study 1) and German self-concept to German grades (Study 2). In Study 3, reading and general school self-concepts demonstrated similar relations to German grades. The findings of the 3 studies, albeit indirect, supported the specificity matching principle and caution researchers against applying reading and native language self-concept scales uncritically to infer verbal self-concept.  相似文献   

The three traditional methods of backward, forward, and stepwise selection of variables to be included in a “best” regression equation were compared to a method designed to maximize weight validity. With student achievement as the criterion, and aptitudinal variables manifesting considerable multicolinearity as predictors, the subset of variables selected by the traditional methods performed poorer than the one selected by the weight validity maximization method. Implications for constructing regression equations for prediction are discussed, with consideration of the weight validity maximization method recommended in crucial situations.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the concurrent and longitudinal relationships between vocabulary and word reading across Spanish and English. One hundred and seventeen 4- to 5-year-old Spanish–English bilingual children attending Head Start programs in the United States were tested for their Spanish and English word reading twice, 5 months apart. We also tested the children’s Spanish and English vocabulary and phonological awareness at Time 1. We used multiple regression models to examine the predictive value of vocabulary to word reading cross-linguistically and longitudinally. Results showed that within (Spanish or English) language and concurrent predictions were stronger than cross-language and longitudinal predictions; however, Spanish vocabulary was a significant and unique predictor of English word reading longitudinally. Spanish phonological awareness also played an important role in the relationship between vocabulary and word reading. Our results suggest that helping Spanish-speaking children build their Spanish vocabulary can also improve their English word reading ability.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to determine if school organizations grow in accordance with the square-cube law for growing organisms. Seven districts noted for stable organization and moderate enrollment growth were selected and data on the number of personnel classified according to organizational contacts were collected for the period 1919-1962.

High linear correlation coefficients (.782 ≤ r ≤ .994) were noted between the cube root of the number of personnel with internal contacts and the square root of the number of personnel with external contacts, but almost equivalent coefficients were noted between the two categories of personnel without transforming the data according to the square-cube law (.662 ≤ r ≤ .978). It was concluded that growth patterns for these districts may not conform to the biological model.  相似文献   

This paper presents a brief review of the previous research on word recognition skills of college-age adults. Unlike the general understanding in the reading field of diminished effects for word reading skills at the higher grades, findings show word reading processes continue to determine reading comprehension success in college-age adults. Instructional implications, based on the review of literacy interventions, are presented in favor of fluency-based activities designed to encourage careful processing of texts with familiar topics and language in the service of building strongly-amalgamated lexical representations.  相似文献   


The authors examined the differential effects of teachers on female, minority, and low-socioeconomic status (SES) students’ achievement in Grade 4. They used data from a randomized experiment (Project STAR) and its follow-up study (LBS). Student outcomes included Grade 4 SAT scores in mathematics, reading, and science and student demographics included gender, race, and SES. The authors used multilevel models to determine how teacher effectiveness interacted with student gender, race, and SES. We also explored whether teacher effects were more pronounced in schools with high proportions of minority or female students. Results indicated that all students benefited from having effective teachers. The differential teacher effects on female, minority, and low-SES students’ achievement, however, were insignificant. There is some evidence in mathematics that teacher effects are more pronounced in high-minority schools. Finally, teacher effects seem to be consistent within and between schools.  相似文献   

The Myself-As-a-Learner scale (MALS) has been constructed to assess academic self-concept (Burden, R. L. [2000]. The Myself As a Learner Scale. Birmingham: Imaginative Minds; Burden, R. L. [2012]. The Myself As a Learner Scale [2nd ed.]. Cognitive Education Development Centre, Graduate School of Education, University of Exeter.). The scale consists of 20 self-referring statements to which individuals are invited to respond in a positive, negative, or neutral manner. A Norwegian translation proved to be an internally consistent tool for schools. The internal consistency was explored in a sample of 84 monolingual children in which all children were assessed twice with a time difference of about 8 months. Compared to a control group (N?=?31) we found no significant effect of participation in a vocabulary training study on the children’s academic self-concept. Instead we found that high achievers evaluated themselves more positively over time, while low achievers evaluated themselves more negatively in the same period.  相似文献   

This article will firstly review literature about the readers’ prior knowledge and its roles in reading comprehension.Secondly,it will explore the kind of prior knowledge which should ESL tertiary students have in their English reading comprehension.Thirdly,the essay will describe a research among the ESL tertiary students from China about their views on the relationship between prior knowledge and reading comprehension.  相似文献   

We examined (a) how rapid automatized naming (RAN) components—articulation time and pause time—predict reading accuracy and reading fluency in Grades 4 and 5, and (b) what cognitive-processing skills (phonological processing, orthographic processing, or speed of processing) mediate the RAN–reading relationship. Sixty children were followed from Grade 3 to Grade 5 and were administered RAN (Letters and Digits), phonological processing, lexical and sublexical orthographic processing, speed of processing, reading accuracy, and fluency tasks. Pause time was highly correlated with reading fluency and shared more of its predictive variance with lexical orthographic processing and speed of processing than with phonological processing. Articulation time also predicted reading fluency, and its contribution was mostly independent from other cognitive-processing skills. Implications for the relationship between RAN and reading are discussed.  相似文献   

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