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In this study, the Turkish students' understanding level of electric circuits consisting of two bulbs and one battery was investigated by using open-ended questions. Two-hundred fifty students, whose ages range from 11 to 22, were chosen from five different groups at primary, secondary and university levels in Trabzon in Turkey. In analyzing students' drawings and explanations, both qualitative and quantitative methodologies were exploited. The unipolar model (Model A), the clashing currents model (Model B), the current consumed model (Model C) and the scientist model with current conserved (Model D) determined from the related literature were used to categorize the students' answers. The results showed that the Turkish students have many misconceptions about electric circuits. Also, it is found out that especially Model A was widespread accepted among the students in group 1 (5th grade) and half of the students in group 3 (9th grade) has an understanding of electric circuits as it is in Model C.  相似文献   

介绍一种电动车控制器各保护功能电路的设计与实现,给出了具体电路,分析讨论了工作原理,确定其运行结果良好。  相似文献   

电路原理课程教学的研究与探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电路原理是高校电气类、信息类专业的专业基础课,文中就目前高校电路原理课程教学的内容与方法进行了研究。论文根据多年的教学实践和心得,重点从课程的教学内容、教学方法、教学手段和实验教学等方面进行了探讨,提出了今后的发展思路和努力方向,对电路原理的教学实践有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

针对当前我国普通高校本科电气信息类专业必修的电路课程的教学现状,《电路》课程应从教学内容、方法、手段等方面进行改革,引入工程思维和系统观点,采用系统仿真提高教学效率。  相似文献   

对基于实验室机房的在线习题考试系统功能和相关学习成效诊断算法进行了初步的介绍。在说明算法时介绍了现代考试理论中的试题反映理论和知识地图的概念。  相似文献   

本文建立模型,推导出检测50HZ工频场强的理论依据及方法.  相似文献   

新工科背景下的创新工程教育,对高校课程教学改革提出了更高的要求。“电路原理”课程是电类专业的基础课程,其教学质量对学生后续课程的学习以及工程能力的培养关系重大。文章介绍了在新工科背景下电路原理课程的教学理念和目标,并对课堂的教学内容和形式进行了探讨。  相似文献   

This paper describes a project on electricity education, aiming at the construction of a teaching strategy which takes into account pupils’ alternative conceptions on electric circuits. With this project we want to provide teachers with feasible diagnostic tools and teaching materials in order to promote conceptual change among pupils. The research findings indicate the effectiveness of a teaching strategy in one of the higher forms of secondary education in which an explicit confrontation takes place between the pupils’ own alternative conceptions and some physics concepts in the domain of electricity.  相似文献   

谭琦丹  韦文山 《高教论坛》2008,(1):32-34,42
文章首先分析了当前的教学改革的形势和民族院校电气信息类专业的特点,然后从注重基础理论的教育、走教育的与时俱进之路和走创新路线等三个方面论证了民族院校电气信息类专业教育在教学改革的浪潮中的可持续发展的条件。  相似文献   

现代职业技术教育注重培养人才的实践创新能力,旧的教学模式已不适应现代教育的需要。在家电维修的实践教学中,通过一系列的模块化学习,使学生能够很快掌握核心教学内容,提高实践能力。  相似文献   

To maximize the contributions of nanotechnology to this society, at least 60 countries have put efforts into this field. In Taiwan, a government-funded K-12 Nanotechnology Programme was established to train K-12 teachers with adequate nanotechnology literacy to foster the next generation of Taiwanese people with sufficient knowledge in nanotechnology. In the present study, the Nanotechnology Attitude Scale for K-12 teachers (NAS-T) was developed to assess K-12 teachers' attitudes toward nanotechnology. The NAS-T included 23 Likert-scale items that can be grouped into three components: importance of nanotechnology, affective tendencies in science teaching, and behavioural tendencies to teach nanotechnology. A sample of 233 K-12 teachers who have participated in the K-12 Nanotechnology Programme was included in the present study to investigate the psychometric properties of the NAS-T. The exploratory factor analysis of this teacher sample suggested that the NAS-T was a three-factor model that explained 64.11% of the total variances. This model was also confirmed by the confirmatory factor analysis to validate the factor structure of the NAS-T. The Cronbach's alpha values of three NAS-T subscales ranged from 0.89 to 0.95. Moderate to strong correlations among teachers' NAS-T domain scores, self-perception of own nanoscience knowledge, and their science-teaching efficacy demonstrated good convergent validity of the NAS-T. As a whole, psychometric properties of the NAS-T indicated that this instrument is an effective instrument for assessing K-12 teachers' attitudes toward nanotechnology. The NAS-T will serve as a valuable tool to evaluate teachers' attitude changes after participating in the K-12 Nanotechnology Programme.  相似文献   

Universities in Germany show an increasing need for specific information on professional demands encountered and addressed by graduates training to become teachers. To provide information on demands and abilities in teaching graduates, a specialised teacher module was developed in the framework of the German Cooperation Project for Graduate Tracer Studies (KOAB, INCHER Kassel). The scale operationalises a model of teacher action based on guidelines published by the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education (KMK 2004; 2000). To test validity of the 40-item-strong scale, a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA, AMOS) was conducted. Analyses are based on a sample of 937 teachers in training who graduated from the universities of Cologne and Münster, North Rhine-Westphalia, between 1 October 2007 and 30 September 2008. Overall, the results of the first analyses emphasise the scale’s potential to provide insight into the demands for which students should be prepared by their teaching studies.  相似文献   

The present paper advocates the use of History of Science into the teaching of science in primary education through a case study in the field of electricity. In this study, which provides both historical and experimental evidence, a number of conceptual difficulties faced by early nineteenth century physicists are shown to be a useful tool to detect 5th grade pupils’ conceptions about the simple electric circuits. This result was obtained through the administration of schematics showing circuital situation inspired to early 1800s experiments on the effects of electric current on water electrolysis and on the behaviour of magnetic compasses. It is also shown that the detecting of pupils’ alternative ideas about electric current in a circuit is highly dependent on the survey methodology (open ended questions and drawings, multiple-choice item, connecting card work, and history of science tasks were considered in this study) and that the so-called “unipolar model” of electric circuit is more pervasive than previously acknowledged. Finally, a highly significant hybrid model of electric current is identified.  相似文献   

学科是大学办学思想、制度最直接的承担者,大学之间的竞争实质是学科之间的竞争.本文主要从美国大学物理学科发展的瓶颈、学科机遇、制度创新、学科资源、学科新型组织等五个方面,论述了在现代物理学的发展过程中,美国大学物理学科从一个地方性的、处于世界科学边缘的学科,逐渐发展成世界一流学科的历史轨迹.该研究为我国创建世界一流大学提供借鉴.  相似文献   

文化的发展受到科学方法的深刻影响。即使在古代中国,主流意识对科技持排斥态度,周易简单性原则仍在哲学世界观、政治宗教方法论、伦理道德的简易性和文学艺术历史的创作中发生影响。当代中国文化的建设需要有科学方法,才能成为具有时代先进性的文化。  相似文献   

2004年,温家宝总理提出了中部崛起的战略。安徽作为中部六省中最靠近长三角的省份,有着其独特的区位、资源优势,因此,省领导提出东向发展的战略。而“皖电东送”是其中一个重要战略。论文主要分析了安徽及长三角地区用电现状,皖电东送的优势及存在的问题,并在此基础上提出了一些对策。  相似文献   

现代职业技术教育的发展,使构建面向整合技术的学科教学法知识(TPCK)的教学能力培养体系成为必须。职技高师院校电气专业应构建面向TPCK的职教师资教学能力培养体系,就教师而言,应夯实教育理论基础,树立现代职业教育理念,并熟悉职业教育类型特征;就学校而言,应坚持TPCK动态整合,改革学科教学法课程,建设教育类课程群,统一教学能力培养平台。  相似文献   

灵敏检流计内阻测量实验是电磁学实验中一个比较复杂有相当难度的实验 ,难就难在如何提高测量精度。本文结合实验教学中的实际情况对灵敏检流计内阻测量异常误差来源进行分析 ,并探讨如何提高测量精度  相似文献   

There is a need for psychometrically sound measures of youth experiences of community/home leisure activity settings. The 22-item Self-Reported Experiences of Activity Settings (SEAS) captures the following experiences of youth with a Grade 3 level of language comprehension or more: Personal Growth, Psychological Engagement, Social Belonging, Meaningful Interactions, and Choice & Control. Forty-five youth aged 14–23 years (10 with severe disabilities) completed the SEAS in 160 leisure activity settings. The SEAS has good to excellent internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha from 0.71 to 0.88) and moderate test–retest reliability (mean scale intra-class correlation coefficient = 0.68), as expected due to changes in activity settings over time. The SEAS was able to differentiate various types of activity settings and participation partners. The SEAS can be used to gain greater understanding of situation-specific experiences of youth participating in various types of recreation and leisure activity settings, including youth with different types of disabilities and those without disabilities.  相似文献   

Tooth morphology has a pivotal role in the dental curriculum and provides one of the important foundations of clinical practice. To supplement tooth morphology teaching a three-dimensional (3D) quiz application (app) was developed. The 3D resource enables students to study tooth morphology actively by selecting teeth from an interactive quiz, modify their viewpoint and level of zoom. Additionally, students are able to rotate the tooth to obtain a 3D spatial understanding of the different surfaces of the tooth. A cross-over study was designed to allow comparison of students’ results after studying with the new application or traditionally with extracted/model teeth. Data show that the app provides an efficient learning tool and that students’ scores improve with usage (18% increase over three weeks, P < 0.001). Data also show that student assessment scores were correlated with scores obtained while using the app but were not influenced by the teaching modality initially accessed (r2 = 0.175, P < 0.01). Comparison of the 2016 and 2017 class performance shows that the class that had access to the app performed significantly better on their final tooth morphology assessment (68.0% ±15.0 vs. 75.3% ±13.4, P < 0.01). Furthermore, students reported that the 3D application was intuitive, provided useful feedback, presented the key features of the teeth, and assisted in learning tooth morphology. The 3D tooth morphology app thus provides students with a useful adjunct teaching tool for learning dental anatomy. Anat Sci Educ 00: 000–000. © 2018 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

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