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彭红霞 《海外英语》2012,(7):203-204
Through ecocritical study of Odour of Chrysanthemums,this paper reflects that the industrial civilization leads to damaged nature,distorted humanity and conjugal relation.  相似文献   

This paper discusses R.S. Peters’ notion of ‘cognitive perspective’, which, through careful reading, can be interpreted as a wider perspective resulting from an awareness of the relationships of one’s knowledge and understanding to one’s own life. This interpretation makes cognitive perspective a holistic notion akin to that of worldview, and also points to the possibility for students to experience a change of outlook on the world, as a result of learning science. Given the ongoing debate regarding the notion scientific literacy and the problems associated with it, the development of cognitive perspective can be considered the primary goal of school science education, as it provides an alternative way to think about what it means for a student to be educated in science. Such a goal, in turn, points to the importance of teaching for the (practical and emotional) significance of scientific facts and ideas, as awareness of such significance does not necessarily follow the acquisition of content knowledge and the application of the latter in everyday contexts. The paper also attempts to clarify the notion of utility of scientific knowledge, as an understanding of such notion is crucilal for understanding the implications of the development of cogintive perspective for school science education.  相似文献   

A personal reflection about Dr. Sipe as a teacher and a mentor.  相似文献   

John Dewey adopted a child-centered point of view to illuminate aspects of education he believed teacher-centered educators were neglecting, but he did so self-consciously and self-critically, because he also believed that ‘a new order of conceptions leading to new modes of practice’ was needed. Dewey introduced his new conceptions in The Child and the Curriculum and later and more fully in Democracy and Education. Teachers at his Laboratory School in Chicago developed the new modes of practice (1896–1903). In this article, I explore Dewey’s new conception of education and compare it with the apparently opposed views of R. S. Peters and Paulo Freire. In doing so, I show that, despite their criticisms of Dewey, whether explicit (Peters) or implicit (Freire), these influential philosophers, representing quite different traditions in philosophy of education were in substantial agreement with him. I also show that, despite our own differences, as important as they are, seeing teachers and learners at work in a rapidly changing society, now on a global scale, in classrooms which are also changing, driven largely by new technologies, the conception of education Dewey, Peters, and Freire developed can provide us with the foundation we need to understand the changing teacher–learner relationship and the purposes their shared activities serve.  相似文献   

杨士杰 《海外英语》2011,(5):243-245
Up till now only a few papers have been found to analyze the poem Verses on the Death of Dr.Swift.It is really rare seen the author himself has the poetic commentary on his own death.Some information about Swift and some brilliant passages and the language specific in the poem Verses on the Death of Dr.Swift are expounded.Some scholarly researches of the poem in the world are also conceded.  相似文献   

This paper discusses R.S. Peters’ concept of education, particularly his notion of cognitive perspective and its relevance to school science education. In light of the problems inherent in any attempt to define the notion of scientific literacy, it is argued that the development of cognitive perspective can be considered an important, if not the ultimate, goal of school science education. Such a goal not only provides an alternative way to view the development of scientific literacy, but it also points to a conception of scientific literacy that is neither too narrow nor too broad. In view of recent reform efforts that promote a utilitarian and instrumentalist conception of school science education, Peters’ notion of cognitive perspective can provide food for thought for all those interested in a science education that educates students in science by helping them understand the personal and the wider significance of scientific knowledge. Such a conception of school science education is in line with the view that education and learning should make students change their outlook on the world. In addition, such a conception can enrich the ongoing dialogue on scientific literacy as the primary goal of school science education.  相似文献   

ThereaderscansensethateverythingaboutD .H .Lawrence (1 885 -1 93 0 ) ,oneofthegreatestfiguresinmo demEnglishliterature,isstartling .Whenyoureadhisnovels,youwouldfeelasifyouwereexperiencingakindofadventure ,avoyageofdiscoveryintonewnessandotherness.Youwillperceiveth…  相似文献   

Fiction and Repetition is and will remain a distinguished deconstructionist guide of literary criticism. However, after de?tailed and systematic research, I also find some shortcomings in this importan...  相似文献   

Who’s No.1     
5 566这几年在唱歌、演戏、主持领域都大放异彩。继他们在2005华语金曲榜中一举拿下“上半年度最佳歌曲”和“上半年最佳电视原声带”两个奖项之后,其第三张专辑《好久不见》一经上市,销量也是一路飘红,上市一个月仅在台湾地区就大卖14万张,而之前举行的专辑预购活动中,限量的3万张唱片也在4天里被被歌迷一抢而空。  相似文献   

WHO’s NO.1     
Tei  裴靖 《音乐世界》2007,(22):10-10
娱乐江湖风起云涌,四方豪杰各显才能。Who’s No.1直指全球星头牌,超速搜罗劲爆红人榜。今年秋天日本电影的大卖之作非《HERO》莫属,自01年电视剧版获得傲人收视之后,此次电影版一经放映,便蝉联6周票房冠军,总动员观  相似文献   

Who’s No.1     
Tei  裴靖 《音乐世界》2007,(23):10-10

WHO’s NO.1     
Tei  刘曼  黄栋 《音乐世界》2008,(10):14-14
娱乐江湖风起云涌,四方豪杰各显才能。WHO’s NO.1直指全球星头牌,超速搜罗劲爆红人榜。随着专辑《为你写诗》的发行,昊克群不仅人气节节离升,各  相似文献   

Who’s No.1     
Tei  裴靖 《音乐世界》2008,(2):14-15
2007年对于倖田来未而言意义非凡,不仅年底以单曲《爱之歌》再次夺得日本唱片大赏的金奖,12月初更是将自己演唱会的最终场搬到了东京巨蛋,也完成了自己在东京巨蛋的首场 LIVE。倖田的超人气也使她被选为2007年年间最热卖艺人第一名,于08年年初发售的新单曲将揭开倖田来未新一年演艺活动的序幕。  相似文献   

朱蕾 《海外英语》2011,(13):276-277
As a stream-of-consciousness novelist,Woolf is usually seen as being far away from social and political reality.This thesis attempts to apply Ethical Literary Criticism to analyze by rereading the text in detail in order to explore the ethical thinking embodied in Woolf’s Mrs.Dalloway,exploring those ethical connotations usually ignored by former critics and scholars.  相似文献   

Deepanshu Kush 《Resonance》2017,22(9):879-887
The combinatorial problem discussed in this article is very simple to state but needs the algebraic machinery of characters of abelian groups.  相似文献   

涂艳 《海外英语》2014,(7):199-200
This essay put emphasis on the analysis T.S. Eliot's The Waste Land, pointing the masterpiece can be interpreted by three- levels, the person, the society and human race. Eliot also indicated two kinds of people, the one is just secularized, and the other one is lack of faith in The Waste Land. We can analyze the feeling of protagonist is afraid to live new life, but afraid of death, the important theme is corruption of sex.  相似文献   

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