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教材难度评价一直是阅读教学理论与实践关注焦点之一,多年来已形成以难度系数法和水平评估法为主导的两种评价方法。前者通过句长测量句法难度,通过词长或词频测量语义难度,得出文本的阅读难度值;后者则根据“文本”因素,凭主观经验判断材料的难度。本文旨在介绍比较两种方法异同,探讨如何利用这两种方法改进我国大学英语阅读教材的难度评价,从而在不增加教学投入情况下有效提高教学效率与水平。  相似文献   

两种教学模式在课堂教学中的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章阐述了多媒体教学和黑板教学模式的优缺点,指出两种教学模式是相辅相成且互补的,只有同时应用两种教学模式,才能取得最佳的教学效果。  相似文献   

本文以计算机网络安全课程中VPN教学为实例,从教学思路、教学手段、教学方法等多个方面,对两种不同的教学方法加以比较,新的教学方法在继承传统教学方法的基础上强化了实践教学,以学生为主体,教师为主导,有利于学生个性、特长的发展,有利于学生创新能力的培养。  相似文献   

Reading skill as the basic learning capacity in English language acquisition stands a vital position.While more and more concern on students'personal cognition and cultural impact leads to the coming of a new era of revolution in English language teaching.Knowledge construction theory emphasizing the studentcentered approaches provides the effective ways of learning strategies such as the sharing of students'experience and context-based learning mode.On the other hand,some shortcomings of such principle still exist and will be evaluated in the following of this essay.  相似文献   

小学语文阅读教学情境创设方法多种多样,教师可根据教学内容自主选择导语引入、音乐渲染、联系生活经验、自我创作表演等方法。  相似文献   

This research evaluated two methods for structuring a performance domain for a certification test in emergency nursing. The first method utilized task frequency ratings obtained from a national sample of 659 emergency nurses who completed a job analysis survey consisting of 125 tasks. The second method was based on judgments of task similarity among the same 125 tasks; the similarity judgments were provided by a panel of 21 subject-matter experts. The two types of data, task frequency ratings and task similarity judgments, were subjected to cluster analysis and multidimensional scaling in order to derive a framework for organizing the 125 tasks into some limited number of performance categories. The similarity judgments produced fewer clusters and fewer dimensions and were more adequately modeled by both multivariate procedures. The results based on the similarity judgments were also easier to interpret within a conceptually meaningful framework. The results question the traditional approach of applying multivariate procedures to task frequency ratings for purposes of clustering tasks and structuring performance domains.  相似文献   

日语泛读课是本科日语专业教学中的一门重要课程,对培养学生的快速阅读和准确理解的能力起着非常重要的作用。但是目前泛读课的教学中存在课时少,教材不合适,教学模式滞后,学生对泛读课不重视等问题。为了打破这一僵局,泛读课教师有必要在选择教材方面,课前准备、课堂控制和课后巩固方面进行一系列的探索和改进。  相似文献   


This is an impact evaluation of the Technical Support to Failing Schools Program, a Chilean compensatory program that provided 4-year in-school technical assistance to low-performing schools to improve students’ academic achievement. The author implemented a quasi-experimental design by using difference-in-differences estimation combined with propensity scores matching procedures to estimate treatment effects. The main findings were the following: (a) the program had positive effects on fourth-grade students’ achievement in both language and mathematics; (b) program effect size was 0.23 standard deviations, and not sensitive to control for covariates; (c) there were larger effects for students in the middle part of the students’ test-score distribution; (d) after the intervention had ceased, the program impact declined rapidly; and (e) the program reduced grade retention by 1.5 percentage points.  相似文献   

Three studies compared the common Likert agree/disagree question form to a behavioural observation form in which students report recalled frequencies of described teaching or learning events. The agree/disagree form seemed to prompt global, impressionistic approaches to responding, while the behavioural observation form seemed to prompt more objective approaches. Between‐student response consistency was greater for the behavioural observation form than for the agree/disagree form. Across separate samples of teaching, mean overall ratings derived from behavioural observation form questionnaires spread more broadly than did those from agree/ disagree forms. Across separate elements within an individual's teaching, the ratings from the behavioural observation form spread more than those from the agree/disagree form. The conclusions drawn were that using behavioural observation form questions rather than agree/disagree questions in teaching evaluation questionnaires can yield measurable improvements in inter‐rater reliability and in the capability to distinguish amongst levels of teaching quality.  相似文献   

古诗文深度阅读的两种有效方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
古诗文教学如何破除"就词论词"的弊端 高中阶段的古诗文教学一直以来都是难点,但是却缺乏应有的重视,常常沦为读读背背记记,缺乏教学生气,也被许多教师视为死气沉沉的苦差事.  相似文献   

高职高专院校是以培养学生的应用能力为目的,将学生培养成实用型人才。在商务英语教学中,改变传统的“商务+英语”教学模式,把英语基础培养和专业知识结合起来,注重学生听、说、读、写、译等能力的训练,使学生真正做到学以致用。  相似文献   

从1993年以来,建立在自适应学习理论基础上的示例演练教学法在我国数学教学中进行了大量的试验,并在改变传统教学方式,提高教学质量方面取得了很好的成效。近年来,新课程倡导的教学法在促进学生自主学习方面又有新的突破。从实践效果看,这种新的模式在引导学生掌握基础知识和技能方面不如示例演练教学法;而后者在学习过程的开放性和互动性方面,则不如前者。鉴于此,有必要探索一种新的教学模式,实现两种教学法的整合。  相似文献   

语文阅读教学中的距离障碍及其对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
语阅读教学中存在着距离障碍。产生距离的原因很多:语言字本身的原因;时间与空间的原因;学生现有认知结构与阅读对象之间的距离的原因;阅读主体的心理因素;教师的原因。在阅读教学中,通过创设情境,可以缩小距离;充分运用现代教育技术,可以缩短距离;此外,还要重视教材建设,转变教学观念,开辟第二课堂,重视语实践活动。  相似文献   

案例教学法和任务驱动教学法是启发式教学中常用的教学方法。文章主要针对这两种教学方法进行比较研究,从而说明在实际教学中应根据这两种方法的特点,把两者有机结合起来,运用到教学中去,可以更好地实现教学目的 。  相似文献   

大学英语阅读教学方法与策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
影响大学生阅读理解能力的因素主要是学生词汇量不足,语法基础知识不扎实和阅读技能欠缺。因此,在阅读教学中要有针对性地加强这几方面的训练。  相似文献   

植物叶片相对电导率测定方法比较研究   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
对简易浸泡和常规抽气两种测定植物叶片相对电导率的方法进行比较研究,结果显示:利用浸泡法(处理12 h)与抽气法(处理3 h)所测得的叶片相对电导率值呈极显著正相关,说明两种测定方法考察植物叶片膜透性的整体变化趋势具有一致性.经方差分析结果显示,两种测定方法测定值间的差异均不显著(P=0.12).因此,考虑到用浸泡法比抽气法操作方便、更加节省材料处理时间,建议浸泡方法在实验室分析技术中推广使用.  相似文献   

朗读是小学语文教学中最常见的一种阅读方式,也是小学生读通课文、理解课文的一种实用有效、有针对性、有文以化人作用的育人方式,也是丰富学生语言素养、提升语文综合能力行之有效的方法.而在课堂上,教师对学生的朗读评价形式单一,评价语简单,方法不够灵活,缺乏有效的指导性,停留在浅层次上,很少深入评价内核.结合教育实践,分别从小学...  相似文献   

许薇 《长治学院学报》2011,28(4):106-109
新的课程改革提出改变课程评价过分强调甄别和选拔的功能,评价不是为了甄别学生,而是将学习评价视作一种促进学生发展的工具,要求我们构建新的教育评价体系———发展性评价。阅读教学是语文教学的重中之重,把握住阅读教学中的发展性评价改革就等于把握了语文课程评价改革的方向。文章试从评价功能的提升、评价主体的多元化、评价过程的动态化三个方面来探讨阅读教学中的发展性评价。  相似文献   

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