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Three tests of receptive language were administered to thirty children enrolled in regular, gifted, and learning disabled‐gifted programs. Analyses of variance indicated that the Token Test for Children differentiated the learning disabled‐gifted children and the Verbal Absurdities Subtest of the Detroit Tests of Learning Aptitude differentiated the gifted children from the other two groups.  相似文献   


The present study examined die influence self-concept played in a verbal free recall and non-verbal paired associate learning task with gifted children. Twenty-four male and 24 female pre-adolescents were divided into high and low self-concept groups for each sex, forming four groups with 12 subjects in each group. A 20-item free recall task and a five-trial, six-item non-verbal paired associate learning task were administered. High self-esteem boys and girls showed significantly greater mastery of all learning tasks than lower self-concept counterparts. Analysis of organization scores supported the use of more sophisticated learning strategies by children with higher self-perceptions.  相似文献   

从特征、鉴别方法以及干预等方面综述了国外学习障碍超常儿童的研究进展.目前主要鉴别方法有智力分测验分析以及学业成绩和智力水平差异分析.日常生活评估和游戏评估是学龄前学习障碍超常儿童鉴别的有效方法.使用多种方法对多种能力进行评估可以提高鉴别准确性.在培养优势能力的过程中减少障碍是有效的教学方法.其他有效方法还包括形成知识网络结构和使用辅助工具.学习障碍超常儿童社会交往和情感需要值得关注.目前研究存在的主要问题有缺乏一致的学习障碍超常儿童能力剖面图,在主要鉴别方法上和超常儿童选拔的智商标准上也存在争议.文末探讨了对我国学习障碍超常儿童研究和教育的启示.  相似文献   

随着脑科学的发展,天才儿童的先天论与后天论之争重新成为学术界关注的热点,有研究发现,天才儿童具有特殊的脑组织,为天才的先天观提供了有力的证据。同时,新近有关天才儿童心理特征的研究发现其能力结构和人格特征分别表现出不均衡性和双重性。这些结果导致人们对天才儿童的形成和发展产生新的认识。据此,笔者提出应重新审视有关天才儿童的教育问题。  相似文献   

The article describes Israel’s approach to the education of gifted and talented children. It describes the programs for gifted and talented children in Israel and the process for selecting students for these programs. The method of selecting students for programs is consistent with the Ministry of Education’s definition of giftedness, the goals of the giftedness programs, and the characteristics of these programs. The selection method is affected by the standards required of the instruments as well as other constraints, such as the constraints on funding for this purpose.The author of this article is the director of the Szold Institute program for identifying gifted children. The project is funded by the Israeli Ministry of Education  相似文献   

GIFTED EDUCATION programs typically underrepresent children from minority ethnic and low income backgrounds. In this study, uncommon screening measures were used to identify an equity sample of 68 potentially gifted youngsters in the United States who would participate in a summer institute. The instruction offered these preschool and primary grade students was complimented by a learning component for their parents. A common and differentiated curriculum was developed for Anglo and Hispanic parents based on their expressed expectations regarding child development. Findings show that schools can serve communities better when opportunities for growth are provided to parents as well as their children.  相似文献   

This study examined similarities and differences in the perceptions of principals and teachers about the use of differentiated strategies for gifted learners and studied principals’ perceptions about schoolwide differentiation. Comparisons of these perceptions have been undoc-umented to date. Participants included 867 teachers and 120 principals from government schools in Sydney, Australia. A mixed methods approach was used, including online questionnaires and case studies of principals. Results revealed significant differences between the perceptions of principals and teachers about differentiated practices. The case studies demonstrate that exemplary principals continually enhance their understanding of differentiated learning and build their teachers’ collective capacity for educating gifted learners. The findings indicate the need for stronger pedagogical congruence between principals and teachers in educating the gifted, ongoing professional education of principals and teachers in gifted education, and effective leadership actions for schoolwide differentiated learning.  相似文献   

美国天才儿童教育-学习权利社会保障的历史反思与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《国家被骗:学校如何阻碍了美国最聪明的学生》报告,系统地介绍和总结了美国针对天才儿童的"加速发展"教育模式,尖锐地提出并深入地分析了美国天才儿童的教育-学习权利社会保障所面临的问题,引起美国社会各界对天才儿童教育的普遍关注和重视.本文依托该报告,对美国天才儿童教育-学习权利保障的"加速发展"教育模式的时代背景、发展轨迹和新近进展等方面进行了简明的梳理和探索,以期对完整地把握和推进我国的超常儿童的教育-学习机会平等和权利保障有所启示.  相似文献   

There is a dearth of information regarding the socioemotional realities of gifted children from ethnically diverse backgrounds, which this research attempts to address. Multiple semistructured narrative interviews were conducted with 22 intellectually superior children aged 4–9 years and with their parents. Manifestations of perfectionism, hypersensitivities, and overexcitabilities were evident among the Filipino gifted children. The implications of such manifestations of heightened sensitivities for educators and diagnosticians were discussed. Cross-cultural contrasts were likewise discussed to demonstrate whether predominant socioaffective traits, characteristics, and issues in the West are likewise evident among gifted children from a culturally different background like the Philippines.  相似文献   

Through the reflections of 17 Black adults who attended gifted schools in New York City, this qualitative study investigated how they transitioned into and through gifted programs as students. Findings suggest four themes: (a) Many students were referred to gifted programs during their elementary school experience either by their teachers or by their parents; (b) participants expressed having an easy transition into gifted programs in elementary because their schools and gifted programs were racially diverse and provided a welcoming school environment; (c) during middle and high school, participants noted difficulty transitioning through school as gifted students, due to being one of few Black students in their gifted programs, as well as having to attend schools outside of their neighborhood; and (d) despite this, through supportive relationships and community partnerships, they were able to find the space to survive (and thrive) in their programs. Recommendations are provided for educators to support gifted Black students.  相似文献   

Jim Delisle 《Roeper Review》2013,35(4):209-210
A methodology for teaching conversational Spanish to gifted preschoolers is described with specific examples. The results of this project indicate that the children were enthusiastic learners, excellent at pronouncing Spanish, and could remember and use new vocabulary after two to three class sessions. The parents reported that their children enjoyed learning Spanish and used their Spanish outside of the classroom.  相似文献   


The accuracy of the Brigance K&1 screen in the early detection of Head Start children with possible cognitive/academic giftedness, was explored in this study. Data were collected from a sample of 134 children, 13 of whom were identified as potentially gifted on the basis of performance on the K‐ABC. Potentially gifted children performed significantly better on the Brigance than nongifted children. Group differences were large and exceeded one standard deviation on the K&1 total score. Classification analyses indicated that use of the technical manual criteria underreferred potentially gifted children. However, use of local criteria established that the K&1 screen has good sensitivity (>80%) and acceptable specificity (>70%) in relation to concurrent and predictive cognitive/academic outcomes. Teacher ratings were ineffective in detecting potentially gifted children. The K&1 screen may be helpful in the early detection of low‐income children who may be cognitively/academically gifted.  相似文献   

有关天才儿童的定义的研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究旨在总结国内外学者关于超常儿童定义的一些研究成果。本文从探讨超常儿童的名称入手 ,以纵向和横向两个角度 ,对超常儿童的定义进行了归类和分析。从纵向角度 ,主要是分析了超常儿童定义的发展 ,从单纯的智商定义到现在的多元智能。从横向角度 ,主要根据定义的出发点和定义取向 ,将超常儿童的定义进行了简单分类。  相似文献   

Blogs have become a go-to information resource for members of online communities. In this qualitative study we applied uses and gratifications theory (U&GT) to analyze the experiences and perceptions of four mothers of gifted children who maintain blogs about their homeschooling experiences. Data suggest that this novel context and population did not yield different categories of gratification; however, not all prior categories were represented among this relatively narrow sample. Results support findings from prior research in other contexts suggesting that bloggers find gratification from self-expression, social interaction, information exchange, maintaining community, and recording life events.  相似文献   

超常儿童的形成是大脑功能的天赋与后天学习相互作用的结果,并且是与儿童个性品质形成和发展相辅相成的。学业超前发展的儿童并非一定智力超常。我们要把智力超常儿童鉴别出来。采取了如下分析方法:(1)用相关分析去研究入学各类测验与学习成就之间的关系;(2)用模糊聚类的方法,研究超常班学生入学时的选拔的整齐程度,研究学生在四年中发展水平的整齐程度及分化的情况。得到的结论是:(1)入学鉴别中,有关能力方面的测验成绩与教育过程中成。测验有较密切的关系,常常达到显著相关水平。(2)由于。学学生智力水平相似,有关智力的测验成绩与教育过程中成就测验成绩多数相关很低,这说明教育过程中的分化的主要原因不在于智力的差异。(3)入学鉴别中,创造力的测验,与高年级难度较高的学科成就测验成绩有显著的相关的趋势。(4)个性与学习成就测验相关,情况很不一致,这与教育过程中的观察结果一致,有些班的主要问题是个性上的差异,有的班则不是。  相似文献   

加速式超常儿童教育研究综述   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
本研究综述旨在总结国内外学者就加速式超常儿童教育的利弊所进行的一些研究成果。本文前部分是讨论支持与反对加速法的理由。支持的理由包括强化学生学习动机、缩短修业年限、减少教育经费;而反对的包括让学生承受过大学业压力、社会情感调适不良、负面标签效应等。后部分是几个其他问题的探讨,如加速法的命名、研究方法、研究课题及与充实法的对比等  相似文献   

普通班级中超常学生的学习潜能激发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章阐述了激发普通班级中超常学生学习潜能的主要策略:设计挑战性学习目标和任务,不断提升超常学生的学习兴趣与动机水平;激励创新精神,挖掘超常学生的创造潜能;培养自我效能感,引领超常学生走向成功.  相似文献   

超常儿童研究的现状与动态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对历届世界超常(天才)儿童会议资料的回顾和对第十一届世界超常(天才)会议论文的分析,我们可以发现:(1)在超常儿童研究领域,对超常儿童的教育和进行教学改革一直是人们关心的重点;(2)对超常儿童的创造力和成就的研究越来越受到研究者的关注;(3)一些新的领域将随着对超常儿童本质特征的探讨而越来越变得受人注意,如超常儿童神经心理学的研究,虽然提交的论文数量比例很小,但引起了与会者的极大兴趣;(4)我国的超常儿童研究,近二十年来已取得了可喜的进展,但与国际水平相比,仍有相当的差距。  相似文献   

从特质、鉴别以及干预等方面综述了国内外注意力缺陷多动障碍超常儿童的研究进展.描述ADHD儿童与超常儿童共存的特质,对ADHD超常儿童与一般超常儿童和ADHD儿童进行比较;介绍智力测验、行为观察和创造力测验等多种鉴别方法,通过不同方法对多种能力进行评估可提高鉴别准确性;对ADHD超常儿童进行教育干预,既要通过药物和行为治疗,弥补其缺陷,更要设计合理的超常教育方案,促进其潜能的实现.  相似文献   

This study, conducted in Israel, examined the social and emotional difficulties of gifted children, in comparison with nongifted children. The gifted children were further compared in two educational settings: segregated classes and pull-out programs. The 974 participants were from the fifth to twelfth grades. The dependent variables included loneliness, social competence, empathy, and self-concept. The results indicated that gifted children score higher on need fulfillment, empathy, academic self-concept, and lack of emotional anxiety and lower on self-disclosure and physical self-concept. Few differences were found between the two settings for gifted children. The conclusion is that gifted children differ from nongifted children only on some of the social–emotional variables examined, mainly for the better.  相似文献   

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