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Video games are a very common leisure activity among teenagers and the aim of this study is to analyse their relations with cognitive and school performances. This study is part of a broad survey, conducted on 27,000 French teenagers (14.5?years old) in middle school (9th grade). The survey contained both a questionnaire on leisure activities practised by teenagers and school/cognitive tests: Comprehension tests, Math, School Knowledge, and Reasoning. The activity frequency (‘never’ to ‘every day or almost’) is studied on five kinds of video games (i.e. action/fighting) vs. seven reading activities (i.e. crime/thriller/fantasy). Results show that there are no correlations or very slight ones between Video Games and cognitive/school tests. Reading activities have potentially important associations with cognition and especially school tests. To conclude, video games are primarily recreational activities and the cognitive stimulation they produce is very different from the one involved in specialised academic subjects  相似文献   

Spatial visualization, the ability to mentally rotate three-dimensional (3D) images, plays a significant role in anatomy education. This study examines the impact of technical drawing exercises on the improvement of spatial visualization and anatomy education in a Neuroscience course. First-year medical students (n = 84) were randomly allocated into a control group (n = 41) or art-training group (n = 43). Variables including self-reported artistic drawing ability, previous technical drawing experience, or previous anatomy laboratory exposure were gathered. Participants who self-identified as artistic individuals were equally distributed between the two groups. Students in the art-training group attended four 1-hour sessions to solve technical drawing worksheets. All participants completed two Mental Rotations Tests (MRT), which were used to assess spatial visualization. Data were also collected from two neuroscience written examinations and an anatomical “tag test” practical examination. Participants in the art-training and control groups improved on the MRT. The mean of written examination two was significantly higher (P = 0.007) in the art-training group (12.95) than the control group (11.48), and higher (P = 0.027) in those without technical drawing experience (12.44) than those with (11.00). The mean of the anatomical practical was significantly higher (P = 0.010) in those without artistic ability (46.24) than those with (42.00). These results suggest that completing technical drawing worksheets may aid in solving anatomy-based written examination questions on complex brain regions, but further research is needed to determine its implication on anatomy practical scores. These results propose a simple method of improving spatial visualization in anatomy education.  相似文献   

中职教师担负着培养技术人才的重任,因此,中职教师的动手、语言表达、使用现代化教学手段、思维、应变、创新等能力的培养至关重要,本文就以上几方面加以论述。  相似文献   

This study examines how 31 middle-school children conducted multimodal analyses of video games. Over four consecutive days, students played video games for 30 minutes and then wrote written reflections about the multimodal symbols within the game and how these symbols influenced their interpretation and decision-making processes during gameplay. Students produced 124 reflections in total, which were analysed via template analysis to determine how children metacognitively reflected on different types of multimodal symbols and used those symbols to comprehend the games and make decisions. Results illustrate how students engaged in metacognitive semantic and syntactic processes with a variety of multimodal symbols, such as written language, dynamic visuals and abstract symbols, during gameplay that aided their understanding of the games and influenced their decisions. This study contributes to the limited empirical research on video game literacies and illustrates children's meaning-making processes while engaged with video games as multimodal interactive texts.  相似文献   

培养中职生的语文能力,提升语文素养是中职学校语文教学的重要任务。而当下中职语文教学,还存在着诸多不如人意的地方,不能很好的完成这一重要任务,本文从生态视角出发,结合实际教学情况,努力探求提高中职学生文化素质的有效途径。  相似文献   

科学的发展和社会的进步要求每个人都具有一定的独立学习和不断获取新知识的能力,因此,学生自学能力的培养就至关重要.在有机化学教学中,通过课前预习、课堂教学、课后复习、化学实验各个环节,培养学生的自学能力.  相似文献   

论农村中职语文教学中口语交际能力的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
口语交际能力是21世纪技能型人才成长与发展的必备素质之一。农村中职语文教师应当结合学生的实际情况,采取各种有效策略,搭建"学得会、有价值、有活力"的口语交际课堂,提高口语交际教学的实效。  相似文献   

科学的发展和社会的进步要求每个人都具有一定的独立学习和不断获取新知识的能力,因此,学生自学能力的培养就至关重要。在有机化学教学中,通过课前预习、课堂教学、课后复习、化学实验各个环节,培养学生的自学能力。  相似文献   

以全面提高学生整体素质为目的,通过对我国中专校现行体育课程体系的现状分析,从新世纪人才战略的客观需求和我国的国情出发,构建了新形势下中专校体育教育课程体系框架,并阐述了它的可行性.  相似文献   

The moral judgement of sanction in teaching and disciplinary practices was studied in a group of 222 teachers to determine the factors that affect sanction in the classroom. Factors studied included pupils' intent, consequences, recidivism, pupils' academic level, and family stability in two contexts: discipline and schoolwork. Results showed the significant effects of these factors for each context. Age of teachers, gender and teaching level (primary or secondary school) were also investigated in the judgement of sanction. Results showed a significant main effect of age, and specific differences in the moral algebra of teachers according to gender and teaching level.  相似文献   

根据对湖北省技工学校师资的调查情况,对全省技工学校师资状况进行了全面的分析,并对存在的问题提出了相关的建议和对策。  相似文献   

沈国琴 《教育学报》2001,(12):46-49
本文从德国中小学体育的历史和现状两方面对德国中小学的体育作了介绍,并分析了德国中小学体育教学的特点.  相似文献   

徐瑶 《成都教育学院学报》2009,23(4):106-107,125
技工学校的教学在培养学生专业能力的基础上,还应注重和加强学生社会能力、方法能力的培养,提高学生综合能力.才能适应企业、适应社会的需要。  相似文献   

本文根据云南电视中专的教学管理现状,找出了存在的问题,并建议省校应对分校放权,加强对教学计划、教材的管理,加强教学指导,提高考试的命题质量,重视试卷质量及对考试结果的分析,同时还应加强对分校、办学点的督促和检查。  相似文献   

Although teachers may be in a position to address enactments of sexual and gender stigma among their students, little is known about their motivations to intervene in such situations. We surveyed secondary school teachers in the Netherlands, assessing how beliefs, norms, and self-efficacy were related to their intentions to intervene in two hypothetical situations that involved bullying of lesbian/gay or gender non-conforming students. We found significantly stronger intentions to intervene among teachers who were more confident in their abilities to intervene successfully and who had stronger beliefs that intervening in the situation would produce a positive outcome.  相似文献   

针对目前中专电工学和电子学实验教材编写的缺陷以及中专相关实验课的教学现状,结合学生将来工作岗位的实际需要,对每一个实验,都提出了具体的改革设想;为中专电工与电子学实验课整体教学改革提供了一条全新的思路。  相似文献   

就当前大学扩招 ,就业困难等因素 ,使中专学校生源萎缩 ,中专录取分数一降再降 ,以致中专新生数学基础普遍较差 ,且差异较大 .本文结合个人的教学实践 ,探讨了当前中专数学教学应采用的对策和具体教学方法 .  相似文献   

本在对云南电大电视中专办学成果总结的基础上,分析了当前电视中专发展所面临的挑战和机遇,提出了电视中专今后的发展意见。  相似文献   

归纳列举了中专学生消极心理的几种表现,提出了防治的措施。  相似文献   

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