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Journal of Science Education and Technology - Despite attempts to generate interest in science and technology careers, US students continue to show reduced interest in science, technology,...  相似文献   

Nygård, R. (1969). Motive to Approach Success and Motive to Avoid Failure in Boys from Different Social Groups. Scand. J. Educ. Res. 13, 222‐232.

Differences between social groups in achievement‐related motives were examined in a sample of 255 7th and 8th grade boys. The motive to avoid failure was measured by the Test Anxiety Scale for Children (Sarason et al., 1960), while the motive to approach success was anchored in the score on the TAT nAchievement Test (McClelland et al., 1953).

Analysis of regression revealed a clear relationship between social background and motive to avoid failure, higher social groups being less failure motivated (p<.005). This relationship seems to hold even when differences between the groups in intelligence are controlled (p<.05). The results of a corresponding analysis regarding the motive to approach success did not reach significance (.05<p<.10). There were, however, clear trends when measures for the two motives were combined. Thus, pupils with a high motive to approach success and a low motive to avoid failure made up an increasing proportion, and those with a low motive to approach success and a high motive to avoid failure, a decreasing proportion when going from lower to higher social groups.


A potential weakness of quantitative methods is the intrusive nature of testing in general, and pretesting specifically. The Solomon four-group design ameliorates this difficulty, but because of statistical issues there are few published examples. W. Braver and Braver (1988) suggested the use of meta-analytic Stouffer's Z to combine the data from all four groups. Sawilowsky and Markman (1990a, 1990b, 1990c, 1990d) and Braver and W. Braver (1990a, 1990b) exchanged differing opinions on this approach. The present study is a Monte Carlo demonstration that the experiment-wise error rate inflates nearly triple nominal alpha. However, when not conducted as conditional tests, traditional procedures are more powerful than this meta-analytic approach, despite the ability of Stouffer's Z to combine all available data into a single statistic.  相似文献   

本文对《全日制义务教育数学课程标准(实验稿)》7~9年级与原初中数学大纲进行比较,有助于对新课标的理解。  相似文献   

马复 《教育学报》2002,(10):10-18
本文对新世纪 (版 )数学 7~ 9年级教材进行了总体介绍 ,并对 7年级上册教材进行了分析。  相似文献   

“上海教育出版社”和“华东师范大学出版社”已出版的《科学》(7—8)年级教材,在知识体系、内容特点和风格特点等方面都有明显的不同。两种版本教材编写的指导思想都是以科学课程标准的精神和要求为主要依据,充分体现了面向全体学生、以学生的发展为本、体现科学本质、突出科学探究、反映当代科学成果的原则。实验区应根据自己的情况,把握好教材编写的精神,以尊重学生身心发展的规律、有利于激发学生的求知欲为出发点.用好教材.达到培养学生能力的目的。  相似文献   

以204名7~9年级学生为被试考察概率比较的策略及其发展.结果表明,7~9年级学生在概率比较任务中主要表现出两种正确策略和5种朴素策略.其中,正确策略如"基于精确的样本空间"的使用频率随年级逐级递增;朴素策略如"认为概率无法预测和量化"、"基于数量或比例关系"、"第I类等可能性偏见"等的使用频率随年级逐级减少,而"基于模糊的样本空间"、"第II类等可能性偏见"等的使用频率随年级不降反升.对教学的建议有:针对性地消除学生的错误策略;加强学生对于古典概率"理论先验性"和"可度量性"的理解;通过直观图示发展学生对复杂事件概率的理解.  相似文献   

Associations between antenatal maternal anxiety, measured with the State Trait Anxiety Inventory, and disorders in 8- and 9-year-olds were studied prospectively in 71 normal mothers and their 72 firstborns. Clinical scales were completed by the mother, the child, the teacher, and an external observer. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses showed that maternal state anxiety during pregnancy explained 22%, 15%, and 9% of the variance in cross-situational attention deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms, externalizing problems, and self-report anxiety, respectively, even after controlling for child's gender, parents' educational level, smoking during pregnancy, birth weight, and postnatal maternal anxiety. Anxiety at 12 to 22 weeks postmenstrual age turned out to be a significant independent predictor whereas anxiety at 32 to 40 weeks was not. Results are consistent with a fetal programming hypothesis.  相似文献   

数学新课程在实施过程中存在很多问题:教师对数学新课程、新教材的学习和研究不够;数学新教材存在脱离西部实际的倾向;教师对新课程教学方式的认识存在误区;评价制度没有真正落实.针对这些问题,提出如下建议:(1)进一步加强对数学新课程的学习和研究;(2)开发适合西部农村地区的数学教材;(3)各类教辅资料和考试试题要尽量与新教材内容一致;(4)为教师营造一个宽松和谐的教学环境;(5)加强中学数学教师的培训工作;(6)制定具体的切实可行的评价方案.  相似文献   

7-9世纪是中韩交流史上划时代的阶段。在这一时期,朝鲜半岛全面学习中国先进的社会制度,积极进行经贸往来,促进了韩国社会的飞跃发展和快速转型。隋及唐代早期两国经贸往来中朝贡贸易频繁,唐中后期民间贸易逐步发展并超过朝贡贸易,成为贸易的主体。频繁的民间贸易使两国航海和造船技术进一步成熟,并出现了中韩之间的海上直航。在此基础上,中外贸易的海上航线以中韩航线为北方起点,呈扇面向南、向西拓展,并由此开启了宋明时期“海上丝绸之路”的先河。  相似文献   

9-10世纪,中亚的手工业有了长足的进步。纺织业普遍发展,纺织品的质量极大提高;造纸业进一步发展。农牧林产品的加工形成了地区特色产品。大量采矿,矿产加工业也相应得到了发展。随着工商业的发展,中亚的城市也发展起来。  相似文献   

The production effect—whereby reading words aloud improves memory for those words relative to reading them silently—was investigated in two experiments with 7- to 10-year-old children residing in Brisbane, Australia. Experiment 1 (= 41) involved familiar printed words, with words read aloud or silently appearing either in mixed- or blocked-list formats in a within-subject design. Recognition for words read aloud was better than for those read silently, an effect consistent across both list formats. These results were confirmed in Experiment 2 (= 40) using longer lists of printed novel nonwords. Final analyses indicated that the production effect was comparable for words and nonwords. Findings are discussed in relation to the distinctiveness account and the use of production as a mnemonic in children.  相似文献   

8—10世纪,敦煌出现了冠以"无遮"之名的佛教斋会,用于祭奠先亡、印沙和石窟庆典等;由于地域和人口的限制,虽然内容广为涉及,但规模不可能与帝王和国家级道场的无遮大会相提并论.印沙和石窟营造落成庆典等的"无遮",体现了敦煌特色的地域文化与时代风貌.  相似文献   

七年级学生的整式运算能力是学生数学学习程度的主要体现.采取试卷测试及教师访谈的方法考察了七年级学生在整式运算中的运算能力,统计了运算中出现的错误类型,进行了成因分析.旨在使初中数学教师对七年级学生在运算方面的优势与不足有一个全面的认识.根据学生出现的错误类型,提出符合七年级学生整式运算的教学策略和减少出错的教学方法.  相似文献   

七年级学生的整式运算能力是学生数学学习程度的主要体现.采取试卷测试及教师访谈的方法考察了七年级学生在整式运算中的运算能力,统计了运算中出现的错误类型,进行了成因分析.旨在使初中数学教师对七年级学生在运算方面的优势与不足有一个全面的认识.根据学生出现的错误类型,提出符合七年级学生整式运算的教学策略和减少出错的教学方法.  相似文献   

吐蕃告身,汉文史书记载甚少,惟敦煌出土藏文写本及其他有关藏文文献中记载较多.本文依据敦煌吐蕃文写本,同时结合其他相关文献,探讨了吐蕃告身的演变,指出吐蕃告身的章饰,是用瑟瑟、金、金涂银、银、铜5种字样,各分大小,嵌在3寸的褐上,戴在臂前以辨级别的.从敦煌藏文文献看,最早的告身并非如上所述那样的完整.  相似文献   

随着体育教育改革的不断深入,中小学的体育与健康课程有了很大改进,然而沧州地区1-9年级城乡之间的体育与健康课程教学还是有很大差别,对其在某些方面的差别进行了调查分析,并提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

Although much is known about adults’ ability to orient by means of cognitive maps (mental representations of the environment), it is less clear when this important ability emerges in development. In the present study, 97 seven- to 10-year-olds and 26 adults played a video game designed to investigate the ability to orient using cognitive maps. The game required participants to reach target locations as quickly as possible, necessitating the identification and use of novel shortcuts. Seven- and 8-year-olds were less effective than older children and adults in using shortcuts. These findings provide clear evidence of a distinct developmental change around 9 years of age when children begin to proficiently orient and navigate using cognitive maps.  相似文献   

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