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Previous research has revealed that lower grade elementary school pupils who differ in their ability to learn to read also differ with respect to the optimal time of day for reading achievement. The present study strove to determine the hours of optimal attention in older pupils who varied in their apparent aptitude for mathematics. A sample of 204 fifth graders and 202 tenth graders were divided into three groups (high, average and low ability) on the basis of their mean yearly mathematics achievement scores. The subjects were asked to report on their attention levels throughout the day. The findings showed that fifth graders' attention levels were especially high in the afternoon, whereas tenth graders reported increased concentration during the morning hours. Among tenth graders, but not among fifth graders, there was a significant interaction between mathematics achievement and attention levels at various times of day. The practical implications of these findings for the planning of school schedules are discussed.  相似文献   

Method of Measurement and Gender Differences in Scholastic Achievement   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Gender differences in scholastic achievement as a function of method of measurement were examined by comparing the performance of 15-year-old boys (N = 739) and girls (N = 758) in Irish schools on multiple-choice tests and free-response tests (requiring short written answers) of mathematics, Irish, and English achievement. Males performed significantly better than females on multiple-choice tests compared to their performance on free-response examinations. An expectation that the gender difference would be larger for the languages and smaller for mathematics because of the superior verbal skills attributed to females was not fulfilled.  相似文献   

In the past two decades high school educational achievement, as measured by the Scholastic Aptitude Test, has declined significantly. This paper proposes an empirical model of achievement that will allow us to examine more closely the reasons for this decline. The model posits average SAT scores as a function of various input levels, demographic characteristics of students, and the test-taking proportion itself. The empirical results indicate a strong relationship between test scores and participation rates. As a rule of thumb scores drop about 1.8 points for every one point increase in the participation rate. Adjusting reported SAT scores for participation causes a significant realignment of the cross-sectional state ranking. For a given state over time changes in participation are found to mask true increases or decreases in achievement, making the unadjusted SAT score a misleading indicator for policy analysis. Significantly, after controlling for participation and other input and demographic factors a mild upward trend is found in scores. Factors that may be responsible for the trend are discussed briefly.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between classroom seating preference and student personality characteristics. Previous research has revealed front and center seating positions are characterized by high student-teacher interaction. In this study it was suggested that one explanation for the high interaction is that students with similar personality characteristics prefer to sit in the central seats. The 16 Personality Factor Questionnaire was administered to 285 undergraduates in two treatment conditions: preference seating and random seating. Analyses of variance and t tests were performed on the data. The research hyotheses were partially supported in that several personality factors were significantly different for those who chose action seats and those who did not.  相似文献   


A comparison of two studies in which the utility of two non-intellective variables, self-expectations and self concept of ability, as predictors of scholastic achievement was examined. Because of its established predictive potential, academic aptitude was included as an independent variable in the multiple regression equations. The results of the comparison show that no significant difference existed in the multiple correlation coefficients of the two female high school student samples. A significant difference was found in the coefficients of the two male samples. The sheer magnitude of the multiple R's was noteworthy. When the non-intellective variables were added to the regression equations, a sizeable gain in explaining variance in scholastic achievement was made over that usually reported.  相似文献   

某教师曾向我谈起这样一件事:一个学生上课不认真听讲,课后老师把他叫到办公室准备“教育”一番,不料学生出语惊人:“老师,你以为你教得好我就学得好吗 ?即使我考试得到高分,也不是因为你教得好,而是我学得好。”老师当时气得话都说不出来,连连感叹当今的孩子太不懂事。   作为一名教师,对学生的这种言论我起初也感到很愤慨。学生对辛辛苦苦向自己传授知识的老师说出那样的话,不啻是一种忤逆和反叛。然而事后冷静下来想一想,那个学生说的话其实没有多大错。试想,如果老师的课堂教学没有面向全体学生 (这是当前的普遍现象 ),…  相似文献   


In an extension of an earlier study (McPhee & Kerr, 1985), the authors investigated the relationships among scholastic aptitude, achievement, and performance on the secondary form of the Curriculum Proficiency Exam, a state-mandated teacher competency test. Results were similar to findings with the elementary form of the test, indicating little criterion-related validity and some areas in which apparent validity is questionable. Further investigation and/or revision of the test was recommended.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects of Asian peers on non-Asian student achievement in New York City public schools. We use exogenous variation in the share of Asian students across cohorts within schools stemming from a fertility shock among the Asian population in the Chinese year of the Dragon. Results show that a 10-percentage-point increase in the share of Asian students reduces non-Asian math and ELA scores by 0.14 and 0.16 standard deviations. The reduction in achievement is associated with an increase in the share of non-Asian students who fail to demonstrate the skills expected at the grade, especially in math.  相似文献   

The study of instructional time in classrooms and in physical education has a long history with several modifications along the way. Tracing this history, starting with its roots in models of the classroom teaching process, helps to explain why instructional time has gained the interest of so many in physical education. Instructional time is generally studied with the goal of learning more about and improving the teaching process. The historical perspective increases awareness that research on instructional time will be most valuable when integrated with findings from the study of other variables affecting the teaching/learning process in the physical education setting.  相似文献   

课题研究小组利用自行设计的"英语专业学生学业成就评价现状及改革调查问卷",从英语专业人才培养的素质、学生学业成就评价的目的、内容、方法、主体以及评价标准的改革等方面,对安徽科技学院英语师范专业05级、06级、07级、08级的学生进行了问卷调查,通过剖析存在的问题来证实学生学业成就评价改革的必要性,并提出改革的建议和措施.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the possible relationship between dysthymic symptoms, hostility levels and scholastic achievement, the self‐rating scales, DSSI/sAD (Delusions Symptoms States Inventory/states of Anxiety and Depression) and HDHQ (Hostility and Direction of Hostility Questionnaire), were given to a group of 754 high‐school students (grades 10‐12: 387 males, 367 females) two weeks before the June examinations. Negative relationships between dysthymic symptoms and school performance were detected in both males and females. Hostility subscales were also found to be negatively related to performance, especially the extrapunitive ones. All findings were more prominent in the females.  相似文献   

安作璋教授是我国当代著名的史学家.从20世纪40年代起,安先生就在史学园地里辛勤地耕耘,在秦汉的官制、经济、人物、农民起义和对外关系等方面研究成果卓著,在山东地方史、齐鲁文化史和史料学等研究领域也有突出的成就,并形成了别具特色的治学之道.  相似文献   

就如何利用旧有航测外业调绘成果,在地形图更新测制中发挥更大作用的问题,提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

通过文献资料法、问卷调查法和访谈,对部分高职高专学生运动损伤的情况进行调查,对损伤的多发部位、易受损伤的项目、损伤的主要原因进行分析研究,认为如果能加强防伤观念、准备活动充分、技术动作规范、加强场地安全检查以及加强身体素质训练,就可以避免或减少运动损伤的发生。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法,问卷调查法,口头访问,逻辑分析等方法,对陕西省西安市市区居民参加体育锻炼的人群进行调查,了解西安市开展全民健身计划的情况,参加体育锻炼人群的基本情况,建议加大《全民健身计划纲要》的宣传力度,加大社区体育设施的投入,结合地域特征,发展具有西安地方特色的项目.  相似文献   

当前中学生成就动机的调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用成就动机问卷,对575名中学生的成就动机进行调查,研究结果表明,中学生的成就动机在年级上有显著性差异,初二学生追求成功的动机明显强于高二年级的学生;城乡差异接近显著水平;但性别上无显著差异。追求成功的动机与避免失败的动机之间有显著的负相关。  相似文献   

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