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A group of 150 high-school students were taught introductory vector geometry by either programmed instruction or conventional teacher-directed methods. A measure of anxiety was taken for all subjects; also pretest and posttest measures of competence in vector geometry. Otis-Gamma scores were used to index intelligence. A significant negative correlation was observed between the total group anxiety level and Otis-Gamma scores. The correlations of the individual mode of instruction groups to Otis-Gamma scores were not significantly different from each other. Analysis of Covariance indicated no significant relationship between mode of instruction and learning; level of anxiety and learning; and learning and interaction of anxiety and mode of instruction. Trends were observed that indicate that more experimentation with larger populations and longer periods of instruction by programmed learning devices might prove fruitful.  相似文献   

学习者特征是影响混合学习的重要因素.这就要求我们对学习者特征开展研究,探究其对混合学习效果的影响,从而促进教师改善教学策略和学习者有效学习.本研究以某大学现代教育技术混合课程为依托,对参加该课程学习的1257名学习者进行调查,并采用多元线性回归分析方法,系统探究人口学特征、认知、情感、意志、行为等因素(共14个变量)对混合学习效果的影响.研究发现,学习行为、学科背景、学习动机、学习自我效能感、计算机水平、学习态度、性别等七个因素(按影响大小排序)共同显著影响混合学习效果,模型拟合R2达0.619,其他因素对混合学习效果无显著影响.学习者特征对混合学习效果的影响是个开放的复杂系统,本研究建议采用辩证、整体、开放、发展、层次的观点看待学习者特征对混合学习效果的影响.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT We examined direct and interaction effects of learners' characteristics (cognitive ability, prior knowledge, prior experience, and motivation to learn) and classroom characteristics (videoconferencing and class size) on learning from a 16-week course. A 2times2 quasi-experimental design varied the class size between large (∼60 students) and small (∼30 students) and between traditional classes with the instructor always present and classes taught using a videoconferencing system with the instructor present at each site every other week. Theory regarding instructor immediacy was used to predict that larger and videoconferenced classes would have negative effects on learner reactions and learning, but that highly motivated learners would overcome the negative effects on learning. Interactions between videoconferencing and motivation to learn, and class size and motivation to learn, were found in support of the theory. Research and practice implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The experiment examined the relationship among several variables affecting extra-dimensional (ED) shift performance. Children and adults were trained to one of three criteria and given one of two ED shifts. All tasks required S to choose one of two colored geometric forms projected on a screen. The results are: (a) older Ss made fewer errors in training and transfer than younger Ss; (b) overtraining did not facilitate the ED shift wherein stimuli remained the same from training to transfer for the adults, but it did for the 7- and 8-year-old children; (c) overtraining inhibited the performance of the 5- and 6-year-old Ss given this ED shift; (d) overtraining neither facilitated nor inhibited the ED shift wherein stimuli changed from training to transfer. An interpretation was given in terms of verbal labeling, discrimination of change, perservative errors, and task difficulty.  相似文献   

本研究采用2(语篇难度)×3(文章标记类型)的实验设计,研究了文章标记对英语语篇信息理解与保持的影响。结果表明:(1)文章标记对英语语篇信息理解和保持主效应显著;(2)文章标记与英语语篇难度之间存在显著的交互作用。英语语篇容易时。标记效应不显著;英语语篇较难时,标记效应显著;(3)当阅读材料较难时,全标记条件下,被试在英语语篇信息理解和保持方面得分最高;无标记次之;半标记最低。本研究同时也给出了一些英语阅读教学启示。  相似文献   

Innovative Higher Education - Learning gains associated with multiple-choice testing formats that provide immediate feedback (e.g., IFAT®) are often greater than those for typical...  相似文献   

通过实验考查了文章类型(叙述文和说明文)和考题类型(选择式和填空式)对二语完形填空测试成绩的影响,以及这种影响是否会受到不同题目性质(意义类和形式类)的调节作用。实验结果表明:总体上,文章类型、考题类型及两者交互作用均对成绩有显著影响;对于意义类题目,两个变量及其交互作用均对成绩有显著影响;对于形式类题目,文章类型和考题类型有显著影响,而其交互作用无显著影响。  相似文献   

Despite the existence of many comprehensive and user‐friendly guides to evaluate training programs, most practitioners have had difficulty assessing training effects on corporate outcomes. Research revealed that trainees, organizational, and training‐related factors might influence the effectiveness of training in terms of organizational performance. The current study examines the effects of trainee characteristics among those factors, specifically what kind of trainee characteristics could affect training effectiveness in terms of job performance in a company. In addition, telephone surveys were conducted to aid in understanding of the reasons for leaving and high turnover of company personnel. The current and terminated employees who went through training programs in the company differed when considering previous sales experience in years and type of sales experience as trainee characteristics factors, with those still employed having a statistically higher average number of years and a higher rated type of sales experience. The current employees demonstrated higher job performance. The implications of these results on the attainment of training effectiveness as well as the selection decisions in the organization are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of familiarity of passage concepts and passage cohesion on retrieval of text information. In order to distinguish between comprehension and retrieval processes, subjects were equated on comprehension; therefore, any differences found could be attributed to differences in retrieval processes. The passages used varied on familiarity and cohesion, but syntax was held constant. Middle school students learned information in passages to an 85% correct criterion using a study-test procedure. The subjects were not told that they would be tested on the material. Two weeks later, they took a free recall test and reported their rehearsal of the passage information during the intervening time period. The results showed that although the original amount learned was equated, recall of propositions from passages with more familiar concepts was about 35% greater than the recall from passages with less familiar concepts. There were no significant differences due to cohesion or the interaction of cohesion and familiarity. The explanation presented is that familiarity stimulates elaboration of passage material and elaborations provide alternate retrieval pathways at recall. Educational implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This research examines the effect of two testing strategies on academic achievement and summative evaluations in an introductory statistics course. In 2001, 63 students underwent an hourly midterm format; and in 2002, 68 students underwent a bi-weekly exam format. Other than the exam format, the class lectures and labs were identical in terms of content, structure, pace, and the cumulative final exam. Findings from the regression analyses show that students in the bi-weekly format performed better than the students in the hourly midterm format. On average, students who took the bi-weekly exams performed about 10 percentage points higher (one letter grade) on the exams during the semester and about 15 percentage points higher on the cumulative final exam compared to their peers who took hourly midterms. The benefits of the bi-weekly format were significantly greater among female students than male students. Finally, students in the bi-weekly format were less likely to drop the class and evaluated the class far more favorably. Carrie B. Myers is an Assistant Professor of Adult and Higher Education at Montana State University. She received her Ph.D. in Higher Education Administration from Washington State University. Her research focuses on student and faculty development and assessment and evaluation. Scott M. Myers is an Associate Professor of Sociology at Montana State University. His areas of research are family demography and education. He received a Ph.D. in Sociology and a Ph.D. in Demography from the Pennsylvania State University.  相似文献   

网络教学环境中学习者特征分析的新构想   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在网络教学环境中产生有效的网络学习不仅依赖于学习材料的内容,更重要的是依赖于学习环境和过程与学习者个体特征的匹配程度。学习者的三个主要特征变量,即学习者的基于网络的自主学习能力、学习风格和学习动机等,会对网络学习的质量产生重要影响。  相似文献   

Abstract Computer‐based Training (CBT) is frequently seen as a solution for companies seeking to increase effectiveness of vocational training programmes. In this study, 257 Train Operators from London Underground's Central Line viewed a short Computer‐based Training (CBT) module. They also sat a Cognitive Styles Analysis (CSA), which measures an individual's position on two cognitive dimensions: Verbal‐Imager and Wholist‐Analytic (Riding, 1991). Analysis was then conducted on the influence on learning performance of age, cognitive style and attitude to technology. Age was found to significantly influence performance on all post‐test measures. Imagers were found to perform better on post‐test measures involving naming or identifying location of equipment than Verbalisers or Bimodals. Distribution of cognitive styles were found to be skewed on both dimensions and the implications for both CBT instruction and broader corporate considerations are discussed.  相似文献   

本文以《砍门槛》和《马嵬坡》两个折子戏的唱段为例,深入剖析了剧本作者的创作意图,着重论述了文本研究在戏曲表演上的重要性。本文认为,文本研究对于演员表现人物的内心世界、准确把握人物的性格特征、塑造真实自然的人物形象至关重要;戏曲表演要尊重历史,尊重人物,不应过分地迎合当代人的批评标准。  相似文献   

通过模拟E—learning实验,探讨E—learning中自我效能对认知负荷的影响。结果显示,自我效能对认知负荷存在影响。其中,自我效能对心理努力、瞳孔直径和主任务正确率的影响显著;对注视时间和主任务反应时的影响则不显著。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the technical properties of stem-equivalent mathematics items differing only with respect to response format. Using socio- economic factors to define the strata, a proportional stratified random sample of 1,366 Connecticut sixth-grade students were administered one of three forms. Classical item analysis, dimensionality assessment, item response theory goodness-of-fit, and an item bias analysis were conducted. Analysis of variance and confirmatory factor analysis were used to examine the functioning of the items presented in the three different formats. It was found that, after equating forms, the constructed-response formats were somewhat more difficult than the multiple-choice format. However, there was no significant difference across formats with respect to item discrimination. A differential item functioning (DIF) analysis was conducted using both the Mantel-Haenszel procedure and the comparison of the item characteristic curves. The DIF analysis indicated that the presence of bias was not greatly affected by item format; that is, items biased in one format tended to be biased in a similar manner when presented in a different format, and unbiased items tended to remain so regardless of format.  相似文献   

教学设计文本是教学实践活动的蓝图,它直接影响着教学效果的优劣。本研究通过对优秀教学设计文本的分析,发现我国中小学教师的优秀教学设计文本的结构特征主要有:比较全面的教学目的分析;简要的重点、难点分析;具体的教学准备;明确的阶段程序;合理的板书设计。新课改后,在教学设计结构方面出现的新的结构要素有:学情分析、教材内容分析、设计理念、设计意图和教学反思。  相似文献   

作为一个文体概念,短信文学指一种篇幅短小、富于意味、用于手机交流的文本样式。作为一个集合概念,短信文学指短信中具有文学性的那部分短信,指篇幅短小、富于意味、用于手机交流的短信。短信文学在体制上具有篇幅短小、标题省略,富于意味、用于交流的特点,文本在整体上具有体制多样性.文本复合性的特点。  相似文献   

The authors examined whether relevance instructions compensate for differences in verbal ability on measures of reading time, text recall, and sentence recognition. College students (n = 81) with higher and lower verbal ability were assigned randomly to 1 of 2 relevance-instruction conditions before reading a text. They asked participants in each condition to focus on different categories of information within the same text. Relevant information took longer to read and was recalled and recognized better than nonrelevant information. Readers with higher verbal ability read faster and recalled and recognized more information correctly than did those readers with lower verbal ability. Results support the noncompensatory hypothesis, which states that relevance instructions and verbal ability make independent contributions to resource allocation and learning. Readers with lower verbal ability may need additional support even when given prereading relevance instructions.  相似文献   

在具体的逻辑推演中,我们不妨从三段论每格所可能具有的有效式着手,构建三段论格式运用图。该图能迅速判定任一三段论式子是否有效,能就三段论的任一项而判定其所有可能式,同时也能从中探讨三段论有效式的组合规律。三段论格式图在实际的教学中也取得了良好的效果,即:既便于学生更直观地理解和掌握三段论的知识,也进一步丰富了形式逻辑的教学内容和方法。  相似文献   

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