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Data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY) were used to examine factors related to the achievement and adjustment of African American children in the early elementary grades. All African American children between the ages of 6 and 9 years for whom data were available in the NLSY were included in this study ( N = 378). Consistent with past research, there was a positive relation between the number of risk factors children were exposed to and the probability that they were experiencing academic or behavioral problems. Favorable outcomes in the cognitive and social-emotional domains (i.e., scoring in the top quartile for this sample) were associated with high scores on an "advantage index." The need for more research on successful African American children is discussed.  相似文献   

作为一个大学班级,团队精神的核心在于协同合作,强调班级合力,注重整体优势,远离个人英雄主义。班级精神的实质不是要班级学生牺牲自我去完成一项工作,而是要充分利用和发挥班级所有成员的个体优势去做好班级工作。  相似文献   

全美幼儿教育协会的幼儿教师教育标准是对幼儿教师总体素养的规范和要求。本文从该标准的内容出发,分析全美幼儿教育协会的幼儿教师教育标准的特点,认为该标准具有广泛的实用性、实质的可操作性、鲜明的服务性。最后提出了对我国的幼儿教师教育标准的启示,注重增强我国幼儿教师对自身职业的意识性,注重我国幼儿教师观察、记录和评价幼儿的能力,注重提高我国幼儿教师与幼儿家庭、社区联系的紧密性。  相似文献   

A developmental approach to the curriculum for young children takes into account the principle that what children should learn, and how they can best learn, changes with their age and the experience that comes with age. Several principles of practice emerge from this basic developmental principle. For example, as children grow older, what they learn changes from horizontal to greater vertical relevance. Similarly, the younger the learner, the more is learned through interactive and active processes rather than through passive and receptive processes. In addition, the younger the learner, the greater the urgency of helping them acquire basic social competence, which is very difficult to acquire later on. These developmental principles of practice imply that a curriculum for young children should include the opportunity to work in small groups on extended investigations of real phenomena in the children's own environments.  相似文献   

《春秋穀梁传》与文学相关的史学成就包括其解史特点、历史观、文体和结构方式四个方面,解史特点包括"信以传信,疑以传疑"、"为亲者讳,为尊者讳"、惩恶扬善、崇尚简洁四个方面;《春秋穀梁传》历史观是在大多数情况下更大程度上关注于历史进程中的主体——人在历史进程中的作用;《春秋穀梁传》是一部编年体的历史著作,而且发展了编年体;《春秋穀梁传》的结构方式是二级结构方式。《春秋穀梁传》不仅在史学上达到了很高的成就,而且在文学上也有一定的成就。  相似文献   

对现行教学组织形式--班级授课制的再审视   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
班级授课制亦称班级上课制,与个别化教育相对,它是一种编级分班集体进行的教学组织形式,它最初尝试于西欧16世纪,17世纪捷克夸美纽斯给以理论上的确定,19世纪开始在世界各国大规模推广,一直延用至今。研究现阶段教育教学改革。必然涉及这一教学组织形式。这就需要对这种教学组织形式的利弊得失,从历史纵深的层面上再度进行审视。  相似文献   

面对中国已经加入WTO这一现实,学校教师队伍如何建设仍是个并不轻松的话题.当前,学校思想政治工作应以贯彻“三个代表“思想为契机,对青年教师应不断提高其敬业精神,为实现“三个代表“的目标努力奋斗.  相似文献   

管理学理论对班级管理有诸多的启示,应用管理理论实行班级小组化大为小、小组成员双向选择自愿组合、小组工作量化考核的管理模式,在管理实践中能取得良好的管理效果。  相似文献   

This case study was designed to describe how an effective English-speaking prekindergarten teacher develops strategies for communicating with and teaching young English language learners. The teacher’s classroom practices to enhance her own relationship with the children promoted opportunities for the Latino children to become full participants in the classroom community. At the end of the year, the Latino children showed progress in formal and informal measures of receptive vocabulary in both English and Spanish. Findings from the study suggest the importance of the affective and social nature of second language learning in young children. Implications for practice and research are discussed.  相似文献   

如何提高中职计算机课程质量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对目前中职学校《计算机基础》课程教学中普遍存在的学生计算机知识存量的个体差异性问题,提出采用任务驱动法、项目教学法、小班授课作为提高计算课程质量的措施。  相似文献   

One striking aspect of the behaviour of some young children with developmental disabilities is their engagement in stereotyped, repetitive movements which appear to lack adaptive significance and are perceived as aberrant. These behaviours have received a significant amount of attention by researchers, particularly in relation to their remediation. Repetitive movements are not always aberrant and occur during typical child development. This article reviews research describing developmentally typical and atypical repetitive motor movements of children with and without a disability. Additionally, findings from a regression analysis describing factors associated with the expression of developmentally typical and atypical motor behaviours of young children with developmental disabilities are reported. Findings are discussed in light of previous research.  相似文献   

高素质幼儿教师的培养与教师的专业化发展   总被引:9,自引:6,他引:9  
幼儿教师教育已成为影响幼儿教育发展的重要因素。对幼儿教师教育与幼儿教育关系的探讨,对幼儿教师的在职现状的分析以及对幼儿教师教育培养模式的探索与研究,如培养目标、课程设置、教育内容、教学方法等方面的改革与创新,是教师教育中迫切需要解决的问题。  相似文献   

分析了体制外评价教师行为的种种误区,认为对教师职业道德认知泛化、将教师职业的“教育性”与教师本人的“人性”分离、对教师权利与义务理解失衡是体制外评价教师行为误区产生的主要原因,指出体制外对教师行为的评价应该遵循三个客观原则:范围原则,人性原则,检讨原则。  相似文献   

通过对142名体育大学生进行的有关健康危险行为的调查,发现:体育大学生在校期间,吸烟、饮酒、自慰、无故缺课、作弊、打架等行为时而发生。章对非健康行为及其成因进行了讨论,并提出了相应干预策略和解决办法,为有关管理部门科学管理及健康教育,提供了依据。  相似文献   

This review critically examined the theories, methodologies, and methods that have been used in early childhood environmental education research over the past 10 years (2004–2014). Of the 36 studies identified, one-third were informed by research on children approaches, positioning children as objects of research. Trends revealed that EE researchers are moving toward research with children frameworks, embracing methods that honor children's perspectives. Yet a lack of congruency was also identified between participatory methodologies and the methods employed. Although researchers advocated for children's agency, adults were still positioned in the primary role of data collectors, analyzers, and interpreters. Findings are useful for EE scholars pursuing research with the very young, providing insight regarding ethical practices, child positioning, and participatory methods.  相似文献   

加快青年教师培养步伐的探索与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
培养青年教师,不容置疑;加快培养步伐,更为紧迫和现实。本文介绍了河南科技大学理学院加快青年教师培养步伐、促其迅速健康成长的一系列成功经验,并对其进行了理论探讨。  相似文献   

提高教师话语质量 确保外语课堂教学效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师话语(Teacher Talk)是课堂教学的主要语言输入方式和教学媒介,在组织课堂教学和语言习得过程中起着非常重要的作用,教师话语质量的高低直接影响到课堂教学效果的好坏。针对目前外语教师话语质量不高的情况,必须采取积极措施,提高教师话语质量,以提高外语课堂教学效果。  相似文献   

新时期,“两课”教学肩负着比以往更加重要的历史使命,因此,及时评估“两课”教师队伍的现状,探索稳定队伍,提高素质的方法具有十分重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

教师教育体系的内涵已经从狭义向广义发展,即形成了教师教育政策、培养和培训机构、培养和培训模式、课程体系、教师制度等要素构成的系统。但目前教师教育体系的研究仍缺乏整体性、实证性、衔接性和创新性,今后的研究需要在这些方面深入探讨。  相似文献   

What began as a case study of intergenerational initiatives in university-based early childhood programs evolved into a comparative study of two different program implementation processes. Despite operating with the same goals, university partners, and resources, two early childhood centers pursued fundamentally different strategies for launching their intergenerational programs. One site followed what we call an explicit intervention with a set timeline and series of planned steps for finding, placing, and involving seniors in classroom activities. The other pursued what we call an emergent (or organic) strategy with no predetermined plan for finding senior volunteers and integrating them into classroom activities. Drawing on data collected from interviews with program staff and parents, and observations of intergenerational activities, this study serves to describe, compare, and contrast these alternative program initiation strategies. Both models are effective, but represent different approaches to valuing the contributions of older adults in the lives of young children.  相似文献   

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