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In connecting educational theory to a neo‐pragmatist social epistemology, we set out to understand education as knowledge practices that yield ‘the cultural world again’ by retelling culture or by making explicit what is implicit in culture. Recent trends in German educational studies towards holistic understanding of education demonstrate that such a holistic, non‐representationalist framework is deliberately placed outside the traditional procedure of merely applying knowledge gained in the so‐called foundational disciplines such as philosophy, sociology or psychology to the field of education. By constructively relating Brandom's non‐representational inferentialism to a re‐reading of Mollenhauer's distinction of the presentation and representation of culture in and through education, we try to show that Brandom's philosophy can also be used to point out an inferentialism that is already at work in educational theory. Together, this strengthens a social theoretic account of education that explores how to conceptualise the role of knowledge in educational processes in terms of a holistic epistemology.  相似文献   

Drawing on social cognition frameworks, we experimentally examined preservice teachers' implicit attitudes toward students with special educational needs (SEN) from different ethnic backgrounds and preservice teachers' explicit attitudes toward inclusive education. Preservice teachers (N = 46) completed an evaluative priming task and questionnaires. Results showed indifferent implicit attitudes toward students with SEN with immigrant backgrounds and positive implicit attitudes toward those without immigrant backgrounds. Furthermore, participants reported a high motivation to act without prejudice toward minorities but held less favorable explicit attitudes toward inclusion of students with SEN, especially students with behavioral problems. Differential patterns of implicit and explicit evaluations could bias teachers' interactions with students. Findings are discussed with respect to implications for educational practice and research.  相似文献   

知识可以分为"科学(理论)知识"与"实践(经验)知识",或称为"显性知识"与"隐性(默会)知识";职业技术学校主要是传授"做什么"和"怎么做"的知识与技能,职业教育学研究的出发点也必然是"实践(经验)性"知识;因此,职业教育学是研究职业教育与培训活动的一门"实践性"学科.  相似文献   


This article presents Bourdieu’s theory of practice as a tool for exploring school students’ technology practice in empirical research. The authors provide educational technology researchers with an accessible introduction to the theory of practice. They then detail the conceptual, methodological and analytic application of the theory of practice in two educational technology studies. The application of the theory in the two studies highlights the potential of the sociological framing for informing a robust critical research agenda and understanding the circumstances that can contribute to digital inequalities. Practically, knowledge gained through theoretically informed research is critical for researchers, governments, schools and teachers in working to overcome digital inequalities.  相似文献   


This article examines the term “whiteness,” providing a historical review for context. It uncovers whiteness using educational theory that identifies three aspects of curriculum—explicit, implicit, and null. A particularly unexamined biblical interpretation itself illustrates the explicit curriculum. Visual images that permeate the culture provide examples of implicit indicators of whiteness. Episodes in our history that are not taught create a null curriculum that reveals whiteness. Finally, it suggests three educational steps with examples to expose and dismantle whiteness.  相似文献   

在理想与现实之间——教育理论与实践关系的再思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
现实中,教育理论与教育实践之间的关系或相互脱离或仅仅是教育理论指导教育实践。本文在分析教育理论与教育实践的内涵及其关系的基础上,提出通过教育理论实践化、教育实践理论化、教育理论与教育实践的本土化,使二者关系达到和谐、融合的理想。  相似文献   

本文在对卡米洛夫一史密斯“表征重述模型”的基本假设,主要内容以及对儿童领域发展的解释作系统分析的基础上,着重把这一模型与皮亚杰的解释模型相比较,论文表明,表征重述模型实质上不过是用“信息加工”语言表达的皮亚杰理论的一种变体,它并不构成一种对皮亚杰理论的真正反叛。  相似文献   

This article examines the learning of different types of graphic information by subjects with different levels of education and knowledge of the content represented. Three levels of graphic information learning were distinguished (explicit, implicit, and conceptual information processing) and two experiments were conducted, looking at graph and geographical map learning. The graph study (Experiment 1) examined the influence of the variables' numerical relationship structure on adolescent students with different levels of education and knowledge of social sciences and also assessed their proportional reasoning skills. The map study (Experiment 2) looked at the learning of a geographical map studied spontaneously by secondary school and university students with different geographical knowledge (experts and novices) and also assessed their spatial skills. The results of both studies show that graph and map learning performance improves with the subjects' educational level. The groups' differential performance varied according to the type of information involved (explicit, implicit, or conceptual). The subjects' knowledge of the domain in question determined the level at which they processed the information. Verbal and superficial processing of graphic information were also found to predominate. This has important educational implications, suggesting the need for differential treatment in teaching different types of information. The results of the study also raise interesting issues regarding the type of expertise involved in learning graphic information: expertise related to the content represented, to knowledge of the syntax (graphicacy), and/or the system of knowledge graphically represented – spatial in the case of maps, numerical in the case of graphs.  相似文献   

基于系统论,以2003-2020年为研究时段,采用系统动力学的研究方法,运用Vensim PLE软件,建立了专业技术人员社会成层教育机制的系统动力学模型。研究发现,影响专业技术人员社会成层的教育机制因素包括内隐的阶层特征因素、外显的教育地位因素、经济发展的动力因素、政府高等教育经费投入助推因素、家庭经济收入制约因素。模型仿真结果表明我国专业技术人员阶层规模不断扩大,2020年占中间阶层总人数的比例将增长至40%。  相似文献   

教师个人教育知识是教师真正信奉的,并在其教育教学实践中实际使用和(或)表现出来的对教育教学的认识。教师个人教育知识是影响教育教学质量和教师专业发展的重要因素,是学校教育及教师教育改革的重要切入点。教师个人教育知识的更新机制包括创新知识个体化,隐性知识显性化,通过与其他成员的互动产生知识更新,新近学习到的显性知识与原有显性知识相融合。教师个人教育知识的更新策略包括显性知识的更新策略——推论、应用、融合,以及隐性知识的更新策略——记录、交流、反思、写作、观摩、研讨。  相似文献   

智力理论的新视角——从内隐理论看内隐智力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
内隐理论是来自普通人视角的非正式理论,是外显理论的起点。内隐理论的研究可以促进外显理论的研究。内隐智力的理论是以公众的智力概念为基础,或至少以公众的智力观对其加以验证。斯腾伯格进行了一系列的实验研究,通过大众对智力的理解而建立智力心理模型。内隐智力的应用主要体现在个体自我估计智力方面。  相似文献   


This article explores how social movement co-governance of public education offers an alternative to neoliberal educational models. The Brazilian Landless Workers Movement (MST) is one of the largest social movements in Latin America. We describe one of the many schools that the MST co-governs, the Itinerant School Paths of Knowledge (Caminhos do Saber), located in an occupied encampment in the state of Paraná. We analyze three of the most unique pedagogical innovations in the school: the teacher’s incorporation of ‘portions of reality’ into classroom teaching, the student work collectives, and the participatory student evaluation process. Although these pedagogies are seemingly mundane changes to everyday school practice, we argue that they represent a challenge to the neoliberal educational model being implemented globally. These movement pedagogies are likely to continue, despite recent conservative attacks, and they offer several concrete lessons for how to effectively contest neoliberal educational practices in other global contexts.  相似文献   

完美主义教育观认为学校教育能够把任何学生培养成为完美个体,使学生个体具备完美的知识和道德素养。完美主义教育观无视社会其他因素对教育的巨大制约作用,将教师能力理想化地拔高,给教育制定了一个不可能达到的理想目标,同时把实现这个目标的全部责任和义务武断地压在教育和教师的头上,最终导致了教师的不堪重负。完美主义教育观在社会中的流行,造成了社会对教育理论简单化、教育实践理想化、教育评价功利化的判定倾向。教育完美主义论客观上引起了社会对教育的高度期待,但非理性的过高期待反而导致了现实中教育实践的无能印象。完美主义教育观导致教师严重的职业挫败感,导致学校整体持续紧张,并加深了社会对教育的浮躁心理。  相似文献   

20世纪后期兴起和发展起来的建构主义思潮,对具有"质的风格"的扎根理论方法产生了较大影响。建构主义扎根理论,将建构主义者所提出的很多方法和问题融入进来,成为"一种在实证主义和后现代主义之间取中间路线的方法",以发展一个可以解释某个特定现象的概念和理论为目的。扎根理论方法也适应于教育技术研究,有助于提高研究者的教育技术理论水平,弥合理论与实践的脱节。  相似文献   

信息时代,技术已成为教育生态系统中不可或缺的构成要素。如何通过技术培养高效能教师成为教师专业发展中重要的研究议题之一。教学视频案例以教学观摩、教学研究为目的,以视频为主要形式,全程记录某个真实教学活动,能为教师呈现真实的课堂教学情境及向专家学习的机会,帮助教师实现隐性教学知识显性化并生成教学实践性知识。因此,可以将教学视频案例应用于教师培训工作。基于视频案例的教师专业发展实践证明,教学视频案例不仅有助于教师将理论知识与实践相联系,检验理论中的观点并形成自己的看法,还有助于教师与他人交流,使学习突破个人活动的局限。但是,在利用教学视频案例支持教师反思及共同体学习过程中,要注意突破教学实录的局限,使教学视频案例成为一个有机的资源整合体,为教师提供视频分析及标注等辅助性工具,帮助教师有效吸收教学视频案例信息并加以创新应用。  相似文献   

在生成论的意义上,法的价值不是既定法律规范的实际效用,而是生成于一定社会实践的规范价值,是法的内隐价值、外显价值和形式价值的有机统一;具有社会历史性和现实超越性的特征。  相似文献   

高拱的认知论思想大致可归约为四个方面:即“事必求其实”的求实论、“虚心以求其是”的求是论、“贵乎知而能行”的知行论、“见闻”与“问学”的知识论。高拱的认知论思想蕴涵着求实、求是、实践、批判等精神品格。至今仍然具有一定的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

理论联系实际是马克思主义哲学的基本特征,马克思主义哲学原理教学的最有效的方法是理论联系实际。理论联系实际的做法是多种多样的,在课堂教学中主要是把与学生生活经验相联系的、与社会历史实际紧密结合的知识引入课堂,用实际材料引出哲理、印证哲理、化解哲理的难度,加深对哲理的认识并运用哲理分析实际材料。  相似文献   

《Educational gerontology》2012,38(11):670-680

Observation training of home dental practice is easily influenced by the site and time, and differences in learning content are likely to occur among students. The aim of the present study is to prototype virtual reality (VR) teaching material for home dental practice to provide dental students with the chance to observe patients receiving home dental care. The VR teaching material was created before the study, using a patient’s home as the medical treatment scene, and practical training was then conducted using this VR teaching material with dental students. To examine its educational effectiveness, 101 dental students, who attended practical training between June 2018 and January 2019, responded to survey questions before and after watching the VR teaching material. They took a comparative examination, based on the questionnaire results, using text mining and hierarchical cluster analysis. Two variables were tested: changes in self-confidence regarding knowledge of home dental practice (knowledge confidence) and changes in self-confidence regarding treatment assistance (assistance confidence). There was a significant increase in student’s knowledge confidence and assistance confidence scores (p < .001). Moreover, hierarchical cluster analysis indicated a change in the cluster before and after they watched the VR teaching material. Given that VR teaching material makes it possible to conduct home observation training for a variety of reasons, such as lack of available facilities or patient reservation issues, the findings indicate that VR teaching material can supplement dental students’ training in home dental practice.  相似文献   

本研究从类型学视角,采用扎根理论从教育政策中归纳出教师情感表演规则的类型学体系。通过探索性分析得到如下形式理论:情感表演规则分为内隐性和外显性规则两大类;内隐性规则又分为情感修养规则、情感素质规则、情感认知规则、情感调节规则、情感体验规则,外显性规则分为情感行为规则和情感形象规则;根据类型之间的关系,本研究建构了"冰山模型"。对教师情感表演规则类型的探究有助于为全面优化教师情感实践提供指导。  相似文献   

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