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Sixty-eight victims of aggression were identified through sociometric techniques with fifth and sixth grade students. Each of the classrooms was found to have at least one male and one female victim. Teachers and students showed substantial agreement in their identification of the victims. Chi-square tests among items on a questionnaire administered to 412 students showed the victims to be passive, non-conforming, and socially rejected. Presumably, two courses of action are open to the counselor of the victim: to train him to become more aggressive or to help him become more socially acceptable. Implications of these two courses of action are discussed.  相似文献   

The present study examines the achievement attributions of Greek Cypriot students and their parents. Its aim was to investigate the role of parental and child achievement attributions as parameters of the child's actual school achievement and to examine the existing differences between attributions made by children and their parents. A total of 477 Sixth Grade Greek Cypriot students and their parents participated in the study. A structural equation model was constructed and its ability to fit the data was tested. It was found that child attributions of achievement to effort, ability and other internal factors are positively related to actual achievement, while attributions to luck and external factors are negatively related to achievement. This is in line with earlier findings. Parental and child attributions are not strongly and reliably related. Thus, claims that children develop their own attributions on the basis of their parents’ attributions were not supported. Gender differences were found, with females attributing their achievement to effort more than males did. Finally, underachievers tended to attribute their school performance to external factors (luck, role of others such as parents and teachers), while highly achieving students tended to attribute their performance to their own effort and other internal factors.  相似文献   


A total of 120 pupils were tested individually with the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-Revised. Forty pupils each in Grades 4, 5, and 6 were administered Form L and Form M and retested 8 days later. Alternate form reliabilities ranged from .76 to .87. Retest reliabilities ranged from .82 to .92. Combining Form L and Form M into one longer instrument yielded retest reliabilities of .91, .95, and .93 for Grades 4, 5, and 6, respectively.  相似文献   

分数表征是分数概念学习的一部分,也是概念理解的重要方法.分数表征包括面积表征、集合表征、数轴表征和符号表征等,这4类表征及其转化与分数概念理解紧密相连,对分数教学具有重要意义.通过改编Kurt和Cakiroglu的分数表征转化测试工具,研究者调查了247名5年级学生和264名6年级学生的分数表征转化能力.调查发现小学生在数轴表征和假分数表征相关转化问题上表现较差,不能很好地理解面积(集合)表征与数轴表征的区别.此外六年级学生数轴表征转化能力较五年级有显著提升.建议教师应该重视分数多元表征的教学尤其是数轴表征和假分数表征的教学,通过分数表征转化任务帮助学生建立起全面的分数表征系统和知识结构,促进学生分数概念的发展.  相似文献   

获得正确的分数概念有助于学生更好地理解数的连续性与可分割性.Stafylidou等人(2004)曾提出学生要经历从低到高的如下3个层次:将分数表征为两个互相独立的自然数,将分数表征为"部分-整体"关系,将分数表征为两个数的比例.基于该理论框架考察了199名五至八年级学生的分数概念发展情况及其错误概念类型.结果表明:(1)我国儿童分数概念发展较好.随着年级的升高,分数概念发展水平逐步升高,具体表现为在低层次上人数减少,高层次上人数增加.(2)儿童分数理解中常出现的错误概念如下:整数偏向现象、对数字"1"理解有误、由"部分-整体"关系导致概念理解错误等.  相似文献   

This study explores reader, word, and learning activity characteristics related to vocabulary learning for 202 fifth and sixth graders (= 118 and 84, respectively) learning 16 words. Three measures of word knowledge were used: multiple-choice definition knowledge, self-report of meaning knowledge, and production of morphologically related words. Results indicate that significant vocabulary learning occurred on each measure and that certain words were easier to learn for certain types of readers. Controlling for other predictors in the model, reader characteristics like morphological awareness, reading comprehension, and language background were significant predictors of vocabulary learning, but not word reading fluency. Also, word characteristics like morphological family size and opaqueness were significant predictors of word difficulty but not number of morphemes or frequency of the word or root-word or affix. Controlling for other predictors in the model, morphological learning activities supported vocabulary learning for all 3 aspects of word knowledge. Implications for theory and instruction are discussed.  相似文献   


Scholars have consistently demonstrated that the socioeconomic composition of the pupil body is related to academic achievement. The effect of ethnic/immigrant concentration, on the other hand, is more controversial, as some have found no impact of the ethnic/immigrant composition when other aspects were taken into account. Social capital theory claims that it is possible to compensate for a disadvantaged background or school composition when pupils benefit from being integrated in specific social structures. This article tests whether social capital is positively related to the mathematics achievement of pupils in the fourth and fifth grades of Flemish primary schools in which most of the pupils have a low socioeconomic and/or an ethnic/immigrant background (i.e. segregated schools).  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of Reality Therapy‐based classroom meetings on the self‐concept and perception of locus of control orientation of learning disabled children. Sixty (60) learning disabled (LD) children from four classrooms were randomly assigned to experimental and control conditions. Experimental group teachers were trained by a certified Reality Therapist in the concepts of Reality Therapy and how to conduct the classroom meetings. Meetings were held twice weekly for 11 consecutive weeks, each session lasting approximately 30‐45 minutes. Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) yielded no significant differences on the pre‐test self‐concept and locus of control measures. MANOVA on post‐test measures revealed significant differences between the experimental and control groups. Post Hoc univariate F and discriminant analysis indicated several measures of self‐concept to be valid discriminators. The locus of control measure, on the other hand, did not prove to be a valid discriminator. The intervention studied appears to be beneficial in improving some areas of self‐concept among the LD population.  相似文献   

Attachment and social-cognitive theories of interpersonal relations have underscored the integral role that internalized cognitive representations may play as mediators of the link between family and peer relationships. 3 predictions consistent with this conceptualization received support in the present study of 161 7–12-year-old school children. In Part 1 of the study, significant connections were found among different components of cognitive representations, including social perceptions, interpersonal expectancies, and schematic organization and processing of social information. Moreover, generalization was found among children's representations across 3 interpersonal domains–that is, family, peer, and self. In Part 2, negative representations of self and others were found to be associated with increased social impairment, including dysfunctional social behavior and less positive status in the peer group. Implications of the findings for theories of interpersonal competence and interventions with socially impaired children are discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of the Programed Math Tutorial-programed tutoring in mathematics-on achievement of kindergarten and first grade children was investigated in three field studies. In one, 140 first-graders were tutored; in the second, 136 first-graders were tutored; in the third, 32 kindergarten children were tutored. After a full year of tutoring as a supplement to regular classroom instruction, achievement posttests were administered to these groups and to comparable groups of untutored children. Significant differences favoring the Programed Math Tutorial groups were found in all three field studies.  相似文献   


Previous research has only tangentially explored the effects of an incentive frequently employed by teachers-grades. To fill this void, 233 students from 14 high school classes were either offered points (ranging from 2 to 12) on their final grade of the term for completing an assignment or threatened with loss of points (ranging from 1 to 7) for not completing an assignment. A control class was asked to complete the assignment without gaining or forfeiting any points. Data suggested that grades used as an incentive elicited greater assignment completion than when no incentive was used, that assignment completion was greater when grades were used as a negative as opposed to a positive incentive, and that as the level of incentive utilized rose, assignment completion tended to increase.  相似文献   

第五代与第六代电影虽然有所谓的代际阻隔,但导演们都从人性的角度来对他人与社会的问题表示关怀。第五代面对历史和市场并存时,并没有选择遗忘,而是选择历史的重新编码,将消费话语与历史的深度杂糅起来,第五代惊人地使用影像唤起人们的记忆缺席,在他们呈现的历史中,并不是一种失语的历史,而是一种人性关怀忠实表达的呈现。当第六代电影涉及到社会控制的一些权力关系机制时,他们以表达人文权力的非透明和固有方式起作用,使得电影意识形态控制合法化,他们的作品暴露了社会话语的禁忌,讲究社会个体的探索。  相似文献   

在Marilena Pantziara提出学生掌握分数概念的6个水平的基础上,给出“分数概念理解的3个水平”的思想框架.利用该框架编制测试卷,对天津市564名五年级小学生进行测试,发现:学生在“分数意义”的第三个理解水平较低;学生在“分数意义”各个知识点上表现不同的理解水平;测试总分与5个知识点得分在p<0.01水平上都呈显著正相关,特别是分数的表征(离散量)对总分变量即分数意义的解释程度最高.五年级学生关于“分数意义”水平与总分之间在地区学校方面存在差异性.  相似文献   

In a sample of 970 female and 968 male freshmen taken over a 5-year period at the College of Wooster it was found that the Math and Verbal Scholastic Aptitude Tests (SAT) were more highly correlated with freshman grade point average (GPA) than were any of the eighteen scales of the California Psychological Inventory (CPI). Stepwise regression led the author to suggest a series of five variables for each sex which might be used to predict academic achievement using the SAT and the CPI. For women, a multiple R of .52 was reached using Math, Verbal, Socialization, Achievement via Conformity, and Flexibility. For men, Math, Verbal, Socialization, Flexibility, and Femininity provided a multiple R of . 57.  相似文献   


This research examined the theory that a teacher's level of self concept is related to the development of selected aspects of self concept in students in grades 3, 4, and 5. An analysis of variance of residual gain scores was employed to test the significance of the relationship. The evidence suggests that teacher self concept has an effect upon the development of the student's self concept in the case of two of the four dimensions tested.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of an experimental program (EP) in modifying attitudes of principals, teachers, and teacher aides was investigated. Teachers participating in the EP displayed sizable and statistically significant differences in attitudes from those of conventional teachers. These differences reflected EP teachers’ adoption of the EP’s optimism and environmentalistc philosophy regarding the education of disadvantaged children. Attitudes of school principals wherein EP classes were conducted were not systematically influenced. Teacher aides demonstrated significant decrement in attitudinal levels during participation in the EP.  相似文献   

We studied the relations among children's reports about their own competence, objective measures of their competence, and their views of important relationships with others as a function of sociometric status. 515 third- and fourth-grade children responded to questions about aspects of their personal competence and about their relationships with mothers, fathers, teachers, and best friends. Rejected children reported the least supportive relationships overall with their fathers of any status group; this was especially true of rejected-aggressive children. Neglected children reported the lowest perceived social competence with peers. The subjective reports of rejected but not neglected children overestimated their social competence as rated by peers. Relative to teacher reports, rejected-aggressive children also overestimated their behavioral competence. While highlighting heterogeneity among low-accepted groups, these results add to knowledge about the subjective experiences of children who are unpopular with peers.  相似文献   

We examined the components of first (L1) and second language (L2) phonological processing that are related to L2 word reading and vocabulary. Spanish‐speaking English learners (EL) were classified as average or low readers in grades 1 and 2. A large number of children who started out as poor readers in first grade became average readers in second grade while vocabulary scores were more stable. Binary logistic regressions examined variables related to classifications of consistently average, consistently low, or improving on reading or vocabulary across grades. Good L2 phonological short‐term memory and phonological awareness scores predicted good reading and vocabulary scores. L1 and L2 measures differentiated consistently good performers from consistently low performers, while only L2 measures differentiated children who improved from children who remained low performers. Children who are EL should be screened on measures of pseudoword repetition and phonological awareness with low scorers being good candidates for receiving extra assistance in acquiring L2 vocabulary and reading. This study suggests measures that can be used to select children who have a greater likelihood of experiencing difficulties in reading and vocabulary.  相似文献   


One-hundred-eighty-five hig-school junior and senior students were classified as underachievers, overachievers, and achievers, by percent lie rank positions on CEE11 scores and achievement tests In mathematics. An examination was made of the relationship of facilitating: and debilitating anxiety and four teacher motivation cues to the three levels of scholastic achievement. Girls were more sensitive than the hoys to the motive-arousing: cues provided by their teachers, yet differential sex and group reactions were reported In the perception of teacher cues. Facilitating as well as debilitating anxiety was a determining variable for both sexes on all three achieving groups.  相似文献   

为探讨四-六年级儿童说谎行为及其与家庭教养方式之间的关系,选取小学四-六年级共6个班儿童为被试,采用自编数学测验和家庭教养方式问卷为实验材料,在自阅卷情境中了解四-六年级儿童说谎行为的差异,并探讨其与家庭教养方式之间的关系。结果显示:四-六年级的儿童对考试说谎行为的认知和判断已经基本形成;在影响儿童考试说谎行为的三个因素上,自阅卷情境对四、五年级儿童的说谎行为并不存在显著影响,对六年级的儿童有显著影响。五年级或许是影响儿童说谎因素发展的一个关键期或转折点;家庭教养方式的不同因子对儿童说谎行为的影响有所不同。父亲教养方式中的惩罚严厉或是拒绝否认,以及母亲的家庭教养方式中的过分干涉和过分保护,或是不偏爱儿童,都更容易导致儿童说谎行为的发生。  相似文献   

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