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英国音乐剧《猫》是当代流行于世界的一部经典剧目。其成功包括多方面的原因,除了商业运作和经济投资外,音乐、舞美设计及其演员的表演都夺人先声。不管是舞台设计和演员的化妆等硬件,还是音乐与表演等软件都有与众不同的地方。《猫》的剧情简单,但结尾点题,发人深省;表演生动,似猫似人,颇具想像力;音乐美妙动听,易于传唱。  相似文献   

近年来各种版本的小学音乐教材都十分重视音乐欣赏内容的编写。原本对小学生来说是"高大上"的音乐剧也走进了音乐课堂。我们要善于设计丰富的音乐活动,让学生在记忆游戏中,了解构成音乐剧的基本要素;在配乐活动中,感受音乐对表现不同角色所起的作用;在角色扮演中,体验剧中人物的心路历程;在场景设计中,加强对音乐剧中舞美艺术的认识;在对比欣赏中,分辨不同类型的舞台表演艺术。让学生走进作品,感受音乐剧的魅力。  相似文献   

五月三日晚.当人民大会堂那庄重的大幕徐徐落下.雷鸣般的掌声骤然响起的时候.还没有来得及卸去戏装的陈晨和张倩.这一对来自大连艺术职业学院舞蹈分院的师生就情不自禁的相拥而泣。泪眼模糊的她们,望着台下那欢呼雀跃.群情振奋的场面.怎能不激动万分,心潮难平?作为一名从艺演员,能够在北京,在人民大会堂演出,都是  相似文献   

音乐剧是综合性的舞台戏剧艺术,戏剧的本质要求决定了戏剧性是其首要的艺术特征,把音乐、歌唱、舞蹈、表演等艺术形式融合和应用到舞台表演之中充分体现了它的综合性.音乐剧以实现商演最大市场化的运作模武,催生了其追求时尚的时代性特征.  相似文献   

目前,音乐剧市场上比较多的是海外经典剧目汉译,中文音乐剧英译实践则非常少。笔者借鉴戏剧翻译原则,从“台词口语化”“人物性格化”“风格一致化”三方面对中文原创音乐剧《在远方》台词部分进行汉译英翻译实践,旨在为今后的音乐剧翻译提供借鉴与参考,同时推动本土音乐剧的对外传播。  相似文献   

音乐剧《猫》可以堪称世界历史上最成功的一部音乐剧,同时是有史以来时间最长的一部音乐剧,票房居于榜首。《猫》剧是集舞台、美术、音乐、戏剧多种元素为一体的一部多元音乐剧,剧情时而扣人心弦,时而轻松活泼,把观众的身心自然代入剧中,剧中角色惟妙惟肖,深深吸引观众的心。该部音乐剧不仅表演生动形象,而且体现出了当时社会的世态炎凉和人情冷暖。  相似文献   

音乐剧《西区故事》是音乐剧史上一部重要作品,作者伯恩斯坦高度整合剧本、剧诗、音乐、舞蹈、舞美等元素,使全剧在各个方面达到了高度的统一,成为美国音乐剧的典范,剧中强烈的戏剧冲突至今都是美国非常现实的社会问题,同时该剧也是中国音乐剧创作者们需要仔细揣摩的一部作品。本文将从朴实而华美的剧诗,多种舞蹈元素的融合,风格迥异的情景音乐和完美的舞美设计凝练总结了音乐剧的核心价值,以及它们的整合艺术表现形式的完美艺术效果。  相似文献   

章探讨了音乐剧《猫》的声乐美学特征,分析了剧中英歌词构成的音乐性和学性。通过时音乐主题与歌词内容的关系来说明歌词构成的形象性与描绘性和旋律的造型性与和声特征,此外,还通过时剧中人物性格的分析及相关背景的了解来探讨其再现性功能特征。  相似文献   

后现代是个价值多元时代,后现代主义艺术也具有多元性特征:不确定性、零乱性、非原则化、反讽性、参与性、无深度等等。  相似文献   

复乐段是由两个乐段以重复关系组合起来的特殊形式的乐段,许多学习者在分析此类结构的音乐时都会遇到困难。在音乐分析中要很好地把握其曲式特征,除了必须全面掌握其定义之外,还应充分了解它与相近曲式的异同之处。  相似文献   

分析了中国当前英语专业口语教学中存在的问题(语音发音错误、缺乏节奏感、缺乏感情表现力、英语表达能力差)及问题背后的原因,认为英语专业口语教学与声乐教学教学目标的相似性,教学方法的相通性及声乐练声曲对口语教学教材编撰的借鉴性说明应用声乐艺术解决口语教学中存在问题的可行性。  相似文献   

音乐中的情感因素是音乐艺术活动中最主要的表现内容,它不是神秘不可探究的.音乐独特的艺术表现方式使其表现内容具有抽象化的特点,因而作品中情感的表现就被上升到主要的高度,成为音乐艺术活动的中心.  相似文献   

Interior design, as a field of study, is a rapidly growing area of interest — particularly for teenagers in the United States. Part of this interest stems from the proliferation of design‐related reality shows available through television media. Some art educators and curriculum specialists in the nation perceive the study of interior spaces as a ‘practical application’ of the arts. This article discusses an experiential design problem, originally used in higher education interior design studio courses that was modified and shared with students in third grade to address national academic standards. Later, this same project was modified for use with high school students in the educator's community and with international design students in South Korea. Lastly, the project was presented in a workshop to art education students at a higher education institution. The project was modified to address (1) the age group level and (2) a topic relevant to the audience. Goals of the design project were: (1) to explore creative problem‐solving, (2) to explore the application of design elements and principles, and (3) to increase student understanding of spatial relationships within an interior environment. Findings indicate that the project supported several visual art standards, including perception and community. This project may be of interest to current and future art educators and others interested in the potential of interior design content supporting art education.  相似文献   

It is my premise that art education can make a distinctive and unique contribution towards the development of environmental awareness and that an art department is well suited to lead a whole school response to environmental education. This paper describes three years work during which a schools cluster group has developed environmental sculpture and collaborative performing arts work within a rural community. My conclusions are drawn from direct experience as active researcher and project manager. The project provides an example of what is possible and I hope, inspiration and stimulation for colleagues wishing to develop environmental work within their community. Every community represents a new challenge.  相似文献   

随着我国社会主义文化建设的不断发展,涌现出大量的艺术作品。而对于中国现代的室内歌剧而言,其形式和素材都有了很大程度的发展。现代室内歌剧不但能够陶冶人们的情操,而且还可以丰富人们的生活。本文主要通过从歌剧《夜宴》的音乐表现风格和音乐结构入手,对中国现代室内歌剧《夜宴》的音乐特色进行深入的研究。  相似文献   

本文采用个案研究方法,运用多元智能理论,对一名自闭症儿童进行音乐智能开发培养的训练,将孩子独特而敏感的音乐智能发掘出来,以弥补她在其他智能方面表现出来的缺陷,使其特长能力和艺术感觉得到充分的发展。研究表明:利用多元智能理论对自闭症孩子进行音乐智能开发培养,能够取得比较理想的效果。由此推出,对部分具有特殊艺术天赋的自闭症孩子进行专才培养,是特校艺术教师努力的一个方向。  相似文献   

客家民俗艺术是与生活同行的艺术,它的创作者不是文人显贵、艺术名家,而是亿万辛劳耕作在广袤土地上的劳动人民,它是一种充满吉祥、美好祝愿的艺术形式,历经千百年的洗礼,在世事沧桑的更迭中,历久弥新。从民俗学的视点,结合艺术学的形式法则,从客家民俗艺术的广泛性、生活化、象征性、传承性以及创新性诸方面探究客家民俗艺术的视觉化过程及表现形式,剖析其艺术特征。  相似文献   

This case study takes as its focus the work of the Fine Art graduate Dumile Johannes Ndita, who visually narrates his experience of life in contemporary South Africa. The artist graduated from Border Technikon, East London, an institution which teaches the narrative approach. It is the aim of the authors to illustrate how this method enables students to transfer lived experience into image. The three voices in this paper come from different backgrounds. The artist will explain the meaning of his drawings, the teacher will give background information on the community and culture in which he himself and the artist operate and outline teaching methods. Students taught by this method create work that has impact and meaning beyond the confines of the art school. To argue this point, the theoretician will add her voice and reflect on meta‐narratives presented in Dumile Johannes Ndita's drawings. Intricate inter‐textual patterns, shared and interconnecting institutional narratives tie our individual voices to those of the wider community and culture of present‐day South Africa and beyond.  相似文献   

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