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本文通过对649名幼儿进行问卷调查,深入探讨了父母教养方式对幼儿同胞关系的影响及父母对同胞冲突处理策略的作用机制。结果发现:二孩家庭中父母教养方式以民主型为主,父母教养方式能够显著正向预测同胞关系,父母对同胞冲突处理策略在父毋教养方式与同胞关系之间具有完全中介作用。建议伴随二孩政策推进,全面三孩政策实施,父母应坚持民主教养,为幼儿树立榜样,及时关注大孩的心理变化,树立正确处理同胞冲突的观念,采取以幼儿为中心的策略,选择合适的时机介入同胞冲突。  相似文献   

文章采用修订后的中文版《儿童青少年抗逆力量表》,对北京市348名11-14岁流动儿童进行问卷调查,探讨流动儿童抗逆力与自尊、社会支持、自我效能感之间的关系。研究发现,流动儿童抗逆力总体水平中等,性别差异明显,女生抗逆力显著高于男生;流动儿童的自尊、社会支持、自我效能感与抗逆力的相关系数分别为0.351、0.580、0.522,多元回归分析显示三因素对抗逆力总体解释力为47.4%;自我效能感在流动儿童抗逆力影响因素中的中介效应显著,自尊和社会支持都通过自我效能感对抗逆力产生影响:自我效能感在自尊与抗逆力之间起着中介效应,中介效应占总效应的41%;自我效能感在社会支持与抗逆力之间起着中介效应,中介效应占总效应的20.3%。建议通过提高自尊、社会支持和自我效能感来增强流动儿童的抗逆力。  相似文献   

采用多种心理理论任务(包括失言理解任务、白谎任务和故事理解任务)、合作行为任务、儿童马氏量表等方法探讨小学儿童心理理论、合作行为、“马基雅维里主义”的关系。90名小学二、四、六年级儿童参加了研究。结果表明:(1)小学儿童心理理论与其合作行为之间存在显著正相关,心理理论水平可以显著预测合作行为水平。(2)小学儿童心理理论与其“马基雅维里主义”之间不存在显著相关。(3)小学儿童合作行为与其“马基雅维里主义”之间存在显著负相关,高“马基雅维里主义”小学儿童的合作行为水平显著低于低“马基雅维里主义”小学儿童。  相似文献   

This paper highlights the findings pertaining to the receptive and expressive language competencies of young children. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the relative sensitivity of five different language measures as a means for assessing pre-schoolers' oral language proficiency. The results show few significant differences in language scores as a function of age, sex or SES. There was a complex pattern of intercorrelations among the language measures used. Results of a home environment questionnaire administered to parents revealed homogeneity in home environments for stimulating child learning and cognitive development across socioeconomic groups. The findings are discussed in relation to the utility of these measures in assessing pre-schoolers' linguistic competencies.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship among oral language, decoding, and reading comprehension for children with autism. Participants included 13 English-speaking children with a diagnosis of high-functioning autism (IQ > 70) who were included in a typical classroom, and who had parents who spoke English. Parts of the Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals, OWLS: Listening Comprehension, and the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test were administered to measure oral language abilities, and parts of the Woodcock Reading Mastery Test and Test of Word Reading Efficiency were given to assess decoding and reading comprehension. Results indicated there was no significant relationship between phonology and decoding, but there was a significant relationship between semantics and decoding. There were also significant relationships between semantics and comprehension and syntax and comprehension.  相似文献   

225 children (ages 4 to 8, 103 girls, 37.5% Mexican-American) participated, reporting who provides support, frequency of receiving different types of support, and satisfaction with support received. These reports were subjected to factor analyses and results did not fit a prior conceptualization. Exploratory factor analyses resulted in a three factor solution that was both more interpretable and the solutions were more similar for reports of frequency of receiving support and satisfaction. A total of six subscale scores were computed, three each for the frequency and the satisfaction items, which were subsequently labelled: informational/emotional, recreational, and practical support. Analyses of the empirically derived subscale scores suggested that young, pre- and early elementary school-aged children responded to questions about their social support in reasonably reliable and valid ways. Significant correlations with indices of perceived competence and acceptance resulted. Remarkably little is known about young children's perceptions of their social worlds, or specifically the nature of support they think is available or that they actually receive. These data suggest that gathering this information from the children themselves is feasible. Ultimately such information should be critical for the design and evaluation of early childhood curricula instructing children about social relations generally, and specifically, who they can turn to for support.  相似文献   

Affinity for aloneness among youth often is viewed negatively. However, some youth may enjoy solitude for positive reasons, rather than because of social anxiety. The prevalence and adjustment over time of youth with high affinity for aloneness is unclear. Groups of children (N = 605, Mage = 9.29) and adolescents (N = 596, Mage = 12.20) were identified using affinity for aloneness and social anxiety scores, and group differences in adjustment were assessed. Latent class analyses revealed four groups at T1 and T2 for both samples. Among these were Normative (Low.affinity_for_aloneness-Low.social_anxiety) and Affinity for Aloneness (High.affinity_for_aloneness-LowMod.social_anxiety) groups. These groups did not differ longitudinally in adjustment. Having elevated levels of affinity for aloneness without high social anxiety is relatively benign.  相似文献   

A recent decline in reading has become a major issue, as Americans are not reading out of necessity or as a leisure activity. In addition, a connection has been found between children's leisure reading habits and their level of academic achievement, causing even more concern.  相似文献   

The focus of our study is social status among first graders. In particular, we will consider the relationship between acceptance and rejection, and how these are connected to three social behavioral traits: bullying, victimization, and social withdrawal. The data set is from peer nominations of 748 children from 49 classrooms in the southwest of Finland, collected by interviews. A Social Network Analysis technique was used to analyze the data. The results indicated a negative correlation between acceptance and rejection, bullying, and social withdrawal, but did not correlate victimization. Positive correlations, however, were observed between rejection and all social behavioral traits. Based on cluster analysis, the first graders can be divided into Liked Children (N?=?447), Popular Bullies (N?=?68), Unpopular Bullies (N?=?28), Marginalized Children (N?=?135) and High Risk Children (N?=?21). All Unpopular Bullies and almost all High Risk children were boys. Boys were also nominated more often than girls as Popular Bullies, whilst girls were more often reported as marginalized or as Liked Children.  相似文献   

分析研究生自我教育问题,就必须要把研究生的实际情况与自我教育整体内涵充分结合,才能对此问题作出一个清晰而又深入的探讨。本文将通过厘清研究生自我教育过程中自我教育与教育、管理、灌输、实践活动以及个体与群体自我教育的关系,以期对研究生自我教育内涵作一全面的考查。  相似文献   

儿童经验与游戏是紧密联系的。经验是儿童游戏的基点,它为儿童游戏提供了原材料,并提升了儿童的游戏质量。游戏是儿童经验的生长点,儿童发展的生长点。构建丰富儿童经验的通道,基于儿童经验精心设计游戏.从而促进儿童的发展.  相似文献   

There is a dearth of information regarding the socioemotional realities of gifted children from ethnically diverse backgrounds, which this research attempts to address. Multiple semistructured narrative interviews were conducted with 22 intellectually superior children aged 4–9 years and with their parents. Manifestations of perfectionism, hypersensitivities, and overexcitabilities were evident among the Filipino gifted children. The implications of such manifestations of heightened sensitivities for educators and diagnosticians were discussed. Cross-cultural contrasts were likewise discussed to demonstrate whether predominant socioaffective traits, characteristics, and issues in the West are likewise evident among gifted children from a culturally different background like the Philippines.  相似文献   

Bullying is an increasing problem within childcare facilities, preschool programs, and public schools. As a result, many districts are instituting anti-bullying intervention programs. This article defines bullying and explains the direct and indirect forms it can take. First, it examines research on bullying during the beginning years of school. Next, it explains how relational aggression occurs and the importance of positive peer support systems within their schools. The article concludes by examining the effects of consistent anti-bullying initiatives (e.g. conflict resolution strategies, daily check-ins, journals, and peacemaking activities) that address bullying behaviors among young children. Through consistent and clear interventions, students can build positive peer relationships that promote a safe and healthy school climate and culture.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study is to examine the morphological knowledge of readers with developmental dyslexia compared to chronological age and reading-level matched controls. The study also analyzes the errors dyslexics make and their metamorphological awareness compared to controls. Participants included 31 seventh-grade dyslexic children and two matched control groups of normal readers: 34 seventh graders matched for chronological age and 32 third graders matched for reading age. Two tasks were administered via the auditory modality—morphological priming and morphological analogies task. We also performed error analysis and a metamorphological interview. Our analyses reveal that although dyslexics perform equally to chronological age matched controls on the priming task and similarly to reading-level matched controls on the morphological analogies task, their errors and metamorphological awareness are qualitatively different.  相似文献   

Research Findings: Emotion knowledge is a core developmental process that has a documented relation to other aspects of social-emotional functioning, including social competence, emotion regulation, and behavior problems. Children who are maltreated have been found to have compromised emotion knowledge skills as well as higher levels of behavior problems. The current study was designed to add to the small literature on emotion knowledge in children who have been maltreated and are in foster care, with an examination of child and family processes that contributed to their emotion labeling skills. Young children in foster care were administered the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test and the Affect Knowledge Task while their foster mothers completed a background questionnaire during a data collection home visit. Findings revealed that participant children's verbal ability contributed greatly to their capacity to accurately label emotions. Family processes also contributed to this skill above and beyond verbal ability. Practice or Policy: Parenting interventions for foster parents should be designed to address core developmental processes of early childhood, such as emotion knowledge.  相似文献   

An underlying aspect of the development of fairness is the aversion to unequal treatment toward equally deserving parties. By middle childhood, children from Western cultures are even willing to discard resources to avoid inequity. Here, a series of four studies were conducted to assess the robustness of inequity aversion in a culture that emphasizes the value of “Thrift” (i.e., waste aversion). Seven-year-old Chinese participated in third-party (N = 83) and first-person (N = 116) distributive interactions and considered both inequity aversion and waste aversion. Our findings demonstrate that Chinese children accepted inequity (unlike Americans) in the presence of waste but avoided inequity (similar to Americans) in the absence of waste. Cultural and noncultural accounts of waste aversion are discussed.  相似文献   

We investigated the specificity of reading self-efficacy among second- to fifth-grade children in Finland (N?=?1,327). Bandura (1997 Bandura, A. (1997). Self-efficacy: The exercise of control. New York, NY: Freeman. [Google Scholar]) theorized that efficacy beliefs can be assessed at different levels of specificity; however, empirical support for this view is scarce among young children. Efficacy beliefs targeting reading-related activities were assessed at three specificity levels (general, intermediate, and specific). Confirmatory factor analysis revealed that these specificity levels are separable, but correlated, and the structure was invariant across gender and grade level. Self-efficacy factors were positively associated with reading fluency, but the strength of these associations varied according to specificity level. Findings suggest that reading self-efficacy in primary grades can and should be assessed at different specificity levels according to research aims.  相似文献   


According to the cognitive‐developmental theory, intellectual development is best understood in terms of age‐related changes. This has been found to be a valid theory in the case of mentally subnormal subjects as well, although their development proceeds at a speed and up to a level different from their normal age‐mates. The same theory has been applied to moral development and describes it, likewise, as a stage‐like progress of moral reasoning with age. The present study tries to answer the following question: Does the moral reasoning of the subjects classified as subnormal change with age so that it can be said to develop? According to the results obtained (dealing with subjects nine‐, 11‐, 13‐, 15‐ and 17‐years‐old), the cognitive‐developmental hypothesis of moral development is only partially confirmed. Namely, there is a development from the less to the more mature forms of moral reasoning, but the course of that development is not entirely such as the theory assumes. Moreover, moral reasoning of the subjects in this study is more advanced than their intelligence level as expressed by the IQ score.  相似文献   

Two studies (conducted in 2013) examined whether elementary‐aged children endorse a within‐gender stereotype about sexualized girls. In Study 1, children (= 208) ages 6–11 rated sexualized girls as more popular but less intelligent, athletic, and nice compared to nonsexualized girls. These distinctions were stronger for girls and older children, and in accordance with our developmental intergroup theoretical framework, were related to children's cognitive development and media exposure. Study 2 (= 155) replicated the previous findings using more ecologically valid and realistic images of girls and further explored individual differences in the endorsement of the sexualized girl stereotype. Additional results indicated that the belief that girls should be appearance focused predicted their endorsement of the sexualized girl stereotype.  相似文献   

概率分布是概率论研究的基础,本文通过分析常见分布的概率背景,得到了常见分布之间的内在联系。  相似文献   

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