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根据有关分析和综合的概念理论以及儿童的心理年龄特点,以图形为材料,编制了“分析测验和综合测验”。经测试结果表明,两个测验均有较好的质量参数,可作为6—12岁儿童分析能力和综合能力的测量工具。  相似文献   

黑盒测试和白盒测试都是软件测试的重要方法,黑盒测试的测试人员更偏重于业务方向,白盒测试的测试人员更偏重于实现方式;黑盒测试更注重整体,白盒测试更注重局部;它们是相辅相成的.  相似文献   

Equivalent forms of a ten-item completion test were constructed. The same test items then were rewritten in matching format and in multiple-choice format, resulting in two forms (A and B) of each of three types of test. All tests were administered to 73 examinees, and parallel-forms reliability coefficients (correlation between scores on A and B) were calculated. These empirically obtained values were compared to the values of the reliability coefficient predicted from theoretically derived equations which indicate the influence of chance success due to guessing on test reliability. In accordance with theory it was found that the completion test was more reliable than the matching test and that the matching test was more reliable than the multiple-choice test. The empirically obtained reliability coefficients were very close to those predicted from the mathematically derived formulas.  相似文献   

大数据分析表明,在高考和中考等学业成就测试方面,女生的表现明显优于男生;而在国际奥林匹克数学、物理和化学竞赛等高阶思维能力测试方面,男生的表现明显优于女生.其中,女生在文史类科目上成绩更好,而男生在数学和自然科学方面成绩更优.其原因可能与个体的生理和心理发展特点,学校、家庭和社会的教育观念、教学模式和心理期待,以及考试内容和方法等因素有关.深层次的原因则需要进一步调研.这些现象带来的启示是:可以鼓励女孩加强数学和自然科学知识的学习,鼓励男孩多关注语言和社会科学知识的学习,同时加强学生高阶思维能力的培养和测试力度.  相似文献   

We consider the relationship between the multiple-choice and free-response sections on the Computer Science and Chemistry tests of the College Board's Advanced Placement program. Restricted factor analysis shows that the free-response sections measure the same underlying proficiency as the multiple-choice sections for the most part. However, there is also a significant, if relatively small, amount of local dependence among the free-response items that produces a small degree of multidimensionauty for each test  相似文献   

课程改革和目标教学两者有机地结合起来,能在实施教学的过程中贯彻新的教学方法和策略,避免了学生所缺乏的创造性和自主性,在教学中实施批判性思维方式的训练和培养问题解决能力的训练,并不断对学生目标进行反馈,使学生在学习的过程中通过信息反馈不断对知识进行巩固和加深,从而使大多数学生掌握学习目标所要求掌握的内容.  相似文献   

With increasing interest in educational accountability, test results are now expected to meet a diverse set of informational needs. But a norm-referenced test (NRT) cannot be expected to meet the simultaneous demands for both norm-referenced and curriculum-specific information. One possible solution, which is the focus of this article, is to customize the NRT. Customized tests may appear in any form. They may (a) add a few curriculum-specific items to the end of the NRT, (b) substitute locally constructed items for a few NRT items, (c) substitute a curriculum-specific test (CST) for the NRT, or (d) use equating methods to obtain predicted NRT scores from the CST scores. In this article, we describe the four main approaches to customized testing, address the validity of the uses and interpretations of customized test scores obtained from the four main approaches, and offer recommendations regarding the use of customized tests and the need for further research. Results indicate that customized testing can yield both valid normative and curriculum- specific information, when special conditions exist. But, there are also many threats to the validity of normative interpretations. Cautious application of customized testing is needed in order to avoid misleading inferences about student achievement.  相似文献   

综合能力是着眼于综合,即综合运用多学科知识,理论联系实际,创造性地分析问题,科学地探究事物的发展过程,从而解决问题的能力,综合能力的灵魂是创造。我国高考命题思路经历了“考知识”、“考双基”模式现在进入了“考综合能力”阶段。“双基”与“能力”要并重,否则是错误而有害的。  相似文献   

A Flawed Effort in a Good Cause: College of Character By Warren Bryan Martin San Francisco: Josey-Bass, 1982, 215 pages, $15.95. Reviewed by Michael P. Zuckert  相似文献   

阅读是获取语言知识最直接最有效的方法,阅读能力则是衡量掌握语言综合能力的一项重要标志。从阅读的性质着手,分析当前外语界对阅读能力的不同看法,探讨了阅读测试中选材和出题这两个关键问题。  相似文献   


Few reliable and valid measures of reading achievement are available to evaluate programs for elementary English-as-a-second-language (ESL) pupils. Four variations on the cloze procedure, which has been previously used with disadvantaged and ESL elementary pupils, were evaluated using randomly assigned groups of fourth and fifth grade students. Matching and multiple- choice variations were selected for comparison because they are in greater consonance with current psycho- linguistic theories of the reading process than are other types of reading comprehension measures. Although the overall results were quite similar for the four cloze variations examined, the matching cloze procedure seems to be preferable for elementary ESL students since these tests produced better item characteristics and were more easily constructed.  相似文献   

1 学生实验动手活 学生亲自动手操作,把指定的生物学变化重现出来,才能感受全过程,并通过多种感官的刺激引起学生的思维活动,所以这种学生实验产生的兴趣要比观察实验产生的兴趣浓厚得多.  相似文献   

介绍了电动助力转向系统(EPS)的构成及工作原理,着重讨论了电动助力系统中控制器的硬件组成及其原理;简要介绍了电动助力转向系统的软件设计,并进行了助力电流试验。结果表明,自主开发的EPS系统助力效果明显,操作手感好,满足转向性能要求。  相似文献   

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