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The purpose of the study Is to determine if counselors perceive secondary school students differently from teachers. A group of 25 effective teachers, as determined by their respective principals, and a group of 25 counselors-intraining were interviewed by the author. Each subject completed an 84-item Q-sort constructed of items describing an ideal student. Each item on the Q-sort was judged by a three-judge panel to describe a student as being more flexible or more rigid.

The two groups were matched according to degrees earned, sex, and age. The teacher group averaged six more years' experience than the counselor group.

Each subject's Q-sort was scored to produce a flexible score or a rigid score according to how the subject perceived the ideal student. A significant difference at the 0.1 level of confidence was found when Chi Square was used to analyze the data.

This study suggests that perceptual differences occur between two groups of persons in similar helping relationships which may be directly related to the personalities of the helpers. These perceptual differences are necessary for being effective In either helping relationship.  相似文献   


This study explored relationships of performance assessments for student teachers among three groups of raters. A 78-item evaluation instrument was administered to 47 student teachers and to their academic and field supervisors. Analysis of the seven subsections of the instrument revealed that student teachers’ self-evaluations were significantly higher, for most categories, than either academic or field supervisors’ ratings. The high degree of agreement between the two types of supervisory ratings on all categories suggest the presence of halo effects.  相似文献   


This investigation focused on the conceptual modification of professional and bureaucratic role conceptions which accompanies passage from education student to public school teacher. Comparisons were made between 121 education students and eighty-eight experienced teachers on measures of professional and bureaucratic role conceptions. Analyses of variance were employed to test the differences between groups on each dimension. No significant difference in professional orientation was found between students and experienced teachers, although females were significantly higher than males on the same dimension. Experienced teachers were significantly less bureaucratically oriented than education students. None of the interaction effects reached significance. It is suggested that the present work may serve to inform future longitudinal studies of socialization into public school teaching.  相似文献   


The study was conducted with 115 Hispanic (53 Males, 62 Females) and 119 Anglo (61 males, 58 females) fifth grade students and 12 teachers (11 females, 1 male) in a public school district in the Southwest. The study was designed to determine teachers’ nomination rates of Hispanic and Anglo students to gifted and talented programs and to establish if there were differences in teachers’ ratings on the SRBCSS across ethnicity and gender groups for nominated and not nominated students. Results indicated that ethnicity was a factor in teachers’ nomination rate and that these differences were more pronounced between Hispanic and Anglo females. Results also indicated that teachers’ ratings on the SRBCSS for nominated Hispanic and Anglo students were similar, but that ratings for non‐nominated students differed significantly by ethnic group.  相似文献   


Two groups of undergraduate students participating in a field experience as part of the undergraduate teacher preparation program were compared on the basis of the supervisory practice of the cooperating/mentor teacher. Both groups received a traditional orientation to student teaching and supervision. In addition, the experimental group had teachers that received an in-depth training in supervision using a specific framework, Praxis III/Pathwise (Educational Testing Service, 1995). Results demonstrated statistically significant differences in favor of the experimental group on 11 of the 19 variables investigated.  相似文献   


The aims of the study were to (a) examine the factor structure of measures of teachers’ collective efficacy (TCE), job stress, and job satisfaction, and (b) explore the mediating effect of collective efficacy on the relationship between job stress and job satisfaction. The sample consisted of 951 teachers from elementary and secondary schools in Canada. Measures of TCE, job stress, and job satisfaction showed consistent factor patterns across school levels and gender. Female teachers reported significantly higher levels of stress from workload and student misbehavior. TCE for student discipline mediated the influence of job stress from student misbehavior on job satisfaction, and the relationship was consistent across groups. The results from this study suggest that teachers’ collective efficacy may lower teachers’ stress attributed to student behavior.  相似文献   


A 20-hour training program in human relations skills was provided for two groups of student teachers using the model initially developed by Carkhuff (3). One group received training concurrent with the student teaching experience while the other received human relations training immediately prior to student teaching experience. A control group of student teachers received no training. Results indicated that the training was highly successful, however, the group trained before the student teaching experience decreased in human relationship skills following the experience. The concurrently trained group, while exhibiting no deterioration, did not achieve as high an initial level of functioning as the former group. The attitudes of both experimental groups toward the training experience were extremely favorable. Implications of the findings for the timing of human relations training groups in the teacher education process were considered.  相似文献   


This paper examines the relationship between student characteristics of online learning readiness and student outcomes in online courses at two higher educational institution. Data were collected from student surveys (student characteristics of readiness and outcomes) and merged with institutional student information systems data (e.g., demographics and course grades). Multiple regression analyses revealed that several student characteristics of online learning readiness significantly influenced student outcomes. MANOVA analyses were conducted to examine between group differences of each student characteristics among underrepresented student groups. Significant findings are reported for minorities and for students with disabilities.  相似文献   

Purpose: This quantitative study sought to investigate the perceptions of teachers and students regarding competency-based education (CBE) principles at the College of Agriculture at Razi University.

Design: This research is a comparative analysis of two groups. The first group consists of undergraduate and graduate students majoring in agriculture who are members and non-members of student cooperatives (n?=?256). The second group consists of agricultural faculty members (n?=?59).

Findings: The results of this study show that students and teachers have different views with regard to the extent to which CBE principles are practiced in the College of Agriculture. Moreover, students with different learning patterns had different perceptions regarding the extent to which CBE is practiced, whereas teachers with different teaching patterns had the same perception of the application of CBE principles in the College of Agriculture.

Practical implications: This study has practical implications for agricultural higher education in general and colleges of agriculture in particular. Colleges of agriculture across Iran could encourage their students to establish and engage in student cooperatives so that the ‘what’ and ‘how’ aspects of CBE are put into practice.

Theoretical implications: This study has theoretical implications for CBE principles. For example, student cooperatives can be utilized by faculty members as one of the main strategies for developing CBE in agricultural colleges.

Originality/value: This study is original in that it moves from theory to practice when considering CBE.  相似文献   


Elementary school teachers (N= 260)employed by a suburban St. Louis school district responded to the Pupil Control Ideology Form (PCI). Twenty teachers were selected to comprise two experimental groups. Groups were determined by high and low scores on the PCI. The investigation was undertaken to determine if the pupil control ideology of teachers differentially affects their operational behavior in the classroom. There was no significant difference among the proportions of indirect verbal behavior, direct verbal behavior, or student verbal behavior. However, the humanistic and custodial Ss differed in the frequency of use of verbal behaviors categorized as (1) accepting and developing student ideas (3-3 cell); (2) lecturing, giving facts or opinions (5-5 cell); and (3) student initiated verbal behaviors (9-9 cell). In each case, the humanistic group utilized significantly more verbal behaviors classified as indirect than did the custodial group.  相似文献   


An in-service program of cognitive verbal awareness training focusing on careful development of a rationale for change and an introduction to a verbal analysis tool (ICOI), was used to determine if student teachers of social studies could develop verbal patterns in their classrooms which would encourage the growth of intellectual abilities and skills in students beyond the cognitive-memory level of operation. It was determined that the experimental group’s (N=12) operational gain was significant at the .01 level, while half of the control group (N=12) actually became more concerned with a search for ’Tactual knowledge." In addition, it was noted that student teachers in both groups persisted in the use of a particular performance style even when they succeeded in changing their level of cognitive operation.  相似文献   

Background: Alongside academic and vocational goals, schools are increasingly being called upon to address student well-being. Existing evidence suggests that strong relationships and a sense of connectedness in school communities are important for fostering subjective well-being. However, identifying the specific nature of such relational dynamics, and accommodating the ‘personal’ within school cultures increasingly dominated by ‘performance’ narratives, remains a problematic task.

Purpose: This paper draws on Honneth’s recognition theory to offer fresh insight into how relationships act to facilitate and limit the experience of well-being at school. We suggest that such an approach holds considerable potential for developing teachers’ understanding of the tacit and explicit ways they and their students experience being cared for, respected and valued and the ways in which such actions impact on well-being.

Design and methods: The paper reports the qualitative findings from a large mixed-method study, involving students and staff across primary and secondary schools in three regions of Australia. The qualitative phase involved focus groups with 606 primary and secondary students and individual interviews with 89 teachers and principals.

Results: Across the focus groups and interviews, students and teachers placed substantial emphasis on the importance of relationships, while reporting differences in their views about which relationships support well-being. Alongside this, there were differences in the importance teachers and students placed on each of the three strands of Honneth’s recognition theory (translated for this study as being cared for, respected and valued) for influencing student well-being.

Conclusions: The findings affirm the critical role that relationships play in promoting well-being in the context of schools. Using recognition theory to analyse students’ and teachers’ views and experiences of well-being provides much greater insight into how these relationships are enacted – this being through the mutual experience of being cared for, respected and valued – within the context of schools.  相似文献   

In this study it is investigated what student responses teachers expect in particular teacher behaviour vignettes, and whether experience and gender produce differences in expectations. Teacher behaviour vignettes were presented to teachers (N = 46), who described the student responses they anticipated. Anticipated student responses were then rated on their level of control and affiliation. Results indicated teachers' expectations were indeed complementary except for hostile vignettes, where teachers expected more submissive responses than other populations. There were no significant differences as a result of experience, however, female teachers expected friendlier responses than male teachers in friendly as well as in hostile vignettes.  相似文献   


The relative effectiveness of a problem-solving-based computer-assisted instruction (PSCAI) and a lecture-Internet-discussion instruction (LIDI) were compared for Taiwan senior high school students' science achievement and attitudes toward science. A pretest-posttest control group experimental design involving 8 classes was used. Experimental-group students (n = 156) received the PSCAI; comparison-group students (n = 138) received the LIDI. Instruments included the Earth Science Achievement Test (C. Y. Chang, 2000) and the Attitudes Toward Earth Science Inventory (C. Y. Chang & S. L. Mao, 1999). A multivariate analysis of covariance suggested that (a) students taught using the PSCAI scored higher but not significantly higher than did students in the LIDI group and (b) there were statistically significant differences in favor of the PSCAI on student attitudes toward the subject matter.  相似文献   


This investigation examines the views of pedagogical content knowledge of 12 student teachers of mathematics drawn from three different training groups. Attitudes towards and understandings of pedagogical content knowledge were elicited using six Likert‐item statements whilst information on students' learning was obtained through open‐ended questioning. Differences between groups were apparent only in tendencies to give extreme responses and to adopt outlying positions. These differences may be attributable to differences in values or prior knowledge and to training parallels with the social construction of mathematical meaning. Indications of the acquisition of pedagogical content knowledge appeared in all training groups and seemed to be linked to a hierarchical view of mathematics; possible limitations for student learning are implied. Students' views also highlight the importance of reflection upon subject matter knowledge and awareness of learning processes when transforming mathematical ideas for teaching purposes. It is suggested that the role of prior learning is worthy of further investigation.  相似文献   


This article summarizes previous research of teacher communication patterns related to student race and student sex and presents the findings of a study which examined the differences in teachers' verbal feedback statements to black and white and to male and female students.

The limited number of research studies which have investigated teacher communication patterns as related to the student's race can be categorized as experimental, naturalistic setting, and teacher perception studies. These studies are not easily interpreted and are difficult to replicate and generalize from. The literature regarding teacher communication as related to student sex differences is restricted by the same lack of internal coherence and idiosyncratic methodologies as the literature on race differences. Few studies have examined the interactive effects of student race and student sex.

The research presented here attends to this void in the research literature. Observational data were obtained from 67 classrooms in 10 schools in 4 school systems. The ANOVAs revealed two significant main effects for race, five main effects for sex, and three significant race/sex interactions. For the race variable, the researcher found that black students received more negative behavioral feedback and more positive-negative feedback than did white students. Females received significantly less total communication, less praise, less negative behavior feedback, less neutral procedure feedback, and less nonacademic feedback. The significant race/sex interactions emphasized the white female's infrequent communications with teachers. She received significantly less total communication than the other three sex/race groups. In addition, white females received less neutral behavioral feedback and less academic feedback than did white males.  相似文献   

This research was designed to determine whether (1) selecting a pre-student teaching field-based experience brought about significant differences in secondary student teachers’ self-concepts and performance; and (2) whether self-concept scores were predictors of performance ratings. Student teachers who had selected Project Interaction (PI) and those who had no early field experience (NF) were pre-and posttested on four self-concept variables, and rated on performance by cooperating teachers, supervisors, and by self-ratings. Pretest self-concept scores were correlated with performance ratings. Results indicated the PI group had significantly more conflict on the pretest, which was reversed on the posttest to produce a trend toward significantly less conflict. The PI group had significantly higher self-esteem than the NF group on the posttest. No significant differences were found on performance ratings, but cooperating teachers’ ratings did correlate with pretest self-concept scores. It was concluded that early field experience appeared to have latent positive effects on self-concept.  相似文献   

Background: In research on design-based learning (DBL), inadequate attention is paid to the role the teacher plays in supervising students in gathering and applying knowledge to design artifacts, systems, and innovative solutions in higher education.

Purpose: In this study, we examine whether teacher actions we previously identified in the DBL literature as important in facilitating learning processes and student supervision are present in current DBL engineering practices.

Sample: The sample (N=16) consisted of teachers and supervisors in two engineering study programs at a university of technology: mechanical and electrical engineering. We selected randomly teachers from freshman and second-year bachelor DBL projects responsible for student supervision and assessment.

Design and method: Interviews with teachers, and interviews and observations of supervisors were used to examine how supervision and facilitation actions are applied according to the DBL framework.

Results: Major findings indicate that formulating questions is the most common practice seen in facilitating learning in open-ended engineering design environments. Furthermore, other DBL actions we expected to see based upon the literature were seldom observed in the coaching practices within these two programs.

Conclusions: Professionalization of teachers in supervising students need to include methods to scaffold learning by supporting students in reflecting and in providing formative feedback.  相似文献   


Cooperating teachers are often identified as some of the most important figures in the preparation of new teachers, and the reasons are not difficult to understand. Surprisingly, however, very little research has been conducted to quantify the effects of cooperating teachers on student teachers. This study examines the impact of student teachers' perceived interactions with their cooperating teachers and the influence that interaction has on student teachers' self‐efficacy for teaching. Results indicate a moderate correlation between perceptions of teaching efficacy and cooperating teacher‐student teacher interactions. Differences were found in the frequency of interaction based on the certification level of the student teacher, with elementary level student teachers perceiving a greater amount of interaction with their cooperating teachers. However, no differences based on certification level were detected in perceived efficacy. Student teachers' perceptions of the level of guidance offered by their cooperating teachers provided the most reliable predictor for their efficacy belief.  相似文献   

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