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数学学习困难及其心理分析   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
数学学习困难是学校教育中普遍存在的现象。本文在阐述数学学习困难的概念及其相关研究的基础上 ,从学习动机、问题表征能力、解题策略以及元认知技能等方面分析了学生数学困难形成的原因 ,为学校进行补偿教育提供理论依据。  相似文献   

当今具有问题解决能力的人才越来越受到社会的欢迎,基于此教学改革势在必行,而基础小学教学也随之适应形式,积极采取自身改革,将"问题解决能力"作为教学目标。本文依照小学四年级上册教材的教学内容,根据已有的面向问题解决能力培养的小学数学教育游戏设计时要遵循的设计理念与策略,进行了世界案例的概念设计,并对其教学功能进行了详细的阐述,并解释了如何在小学数学教育游戏中实现问题解决能力的培养。  相似文献   

数学学习障碍作为众多学习障碍中的类型之一,其成因复杂表现类型多样,而小学阶段又是学生学习数学最基础最重要的黄金时期,所以对此要求教师要针对小学数学学习障碍的不同的形成原因和不同表现形式,对有数学学习障碍的学生采取相应的教学手段和教学方法进行因材施教,从而达到教师的教学效果和学生学习效果达到最优化的目标。  相似文献   

Reform efforts in mathematics education arose, in part, in response to constructivist works on conceptual learning. However, little research has examined how students with learning disabilities (LD) respond to constructivist-oriented instruction in mathematics, particularly in moment-to-moment interactions. To understand the nature of constructivist-oriented mathematics instruction involving students with LD, the authors conducted a case study to analyze teacher–student interactions during constructivist-oriented small group instruction involving a student with LD. The student demonstrated, to a certain degree, the ability to reason mathematically when provided with appropriate opportunities and prompting. However, given the limited intervention time, his reasoning and problem solving did not seem to go beyond the semiconcrete level of operation, which may have inhibited his solving of complex word problems with large numbers. Findings indicate that more efforts are needed to support students, those with LD in particular, in their transitions from concrete or semiconcrete to abstract conceptual understanding and problem solving.  相似文献   

本文从问题背景下的教学内容组织、课堂教学设计、现代化教学手段的运用等方面探讨了基于问题解决的线性代数课程教学设计。分析了问题解决的教学思想应用于线性代数课程教学的积极意义。通过对提出问题、指导学生科研等教学实践的思考,总结了如何帮助学生创设问题、解决问题,提高学生问题解决能力,构建创新能力培养的新平台。  相似文献   

The present research investigated whether an illustration and/or a warning could help students to (a) build a situational model of the problem situation and (b) solve problematic word problems (P-items) that require realistic thinking more realistically. In 2 similar studies conducted in Turkey and Belgium, the authors presented 10- to 11-year-old children with several P-items. These problems were accompanied with an illustration that depicted the problem situation and/or a warning that alerted that some items may be nonstandard. Contrary to the authors’ expectation, findings from both studies showed that neither the illustration nor the warning, or even the combination of both manipulations, had a positive impact on the number of realistic reactions.  相似文献   

本文以小学数学教学中培养学生发现和解决问题能力为探讨主题,针对小学数学课堂教学现状,指出其中教育模式单一化的实际问题,提出合理创设数学问题情境、归纳问题原型、挖掘学生的探索能力、营造优质的教学环境与学习氛围、探究问题的正确解决方法这些措施,为小学数学教学质量与实效性的切实提升提供可行性建议。  相似文献   


This study examines four of the most commonly-used core mathematics curricula in the USA for evidence of support for research-based instructional strategies for mathematics vocabulary in first and second grade. Content analyses of the teachers’ editions of two units for each grade level were analyzed per curriculum (n?=?16). Statistically significant differences among curricula were found for number of target words (range 6–51 per unit), level of difficulty of terms (basic to technical), and number of support strategies per word. Multiple means of representation varied in terms of verbal and non-verbal strategies for target terms. These differences indicate children are experiencing substantially different mathematics vocabulary learning opportunities, which may impact later mathematics achievement. Implications for practice, curriculum development, and future research are addressed.  相似文献   


The potential differences in the effectiveness of problem-based learning (PBL) and traditional instructional approaches regarding high school students' attainment of economics concepts and principles and attitude toward learning economics were examined. The authors also considered potential interactions between learning outcomes in PBL and traditional instructional contexts and differences in students' academic ability, entering knowledge of economics, attitude toward economics, negative feelings after failure, preferred level of task difficulty, and behavioral response to failure. No differences between PBL and traditional classes were found regarding unit-specific student learning outcomes, although there was a difference in changes in general economics knowledge measured at the beginning and end of the semester, with the traditional classes learning more.  相似文献   

杨静 《中国特殊教育》2012,(1):47-51,63
文章以个案研究的方法,对一名小学数学学习障碍学生的数学解题做了自我监控策略的研究,实验分为基线期、介入期、维持期.结果表明,个案的自我监控策略习得分数有增加的趋势并具有维持效果;其数学应用题解题方面的成就分数有显著增加的趋势且具有维持效果.  相似文献   

This paper examines some of the ways gifted students are said to be different from non‐gifted students by comparing the responses of 475, 9‐year‐old “gifted” students with those of 230 average‐attaining 13‐year‐old students on the same mathematical problem‐solving questions. The questions were specifically written for mathematically gifted 9 year olds as part of the World Class Tests project. The performance and approaches used by students in the two samples were found to be very similar, as was the frequency of different responses to the questions, suggesting that many of the mathematically “gifted” are not qualitatively different in their problem‐solving approaches from students of average ability, but are merely precocious.  相似文献   

采用自编《普校小学教师学习障碍认知情况调查问卷》,对251名接受过不同层次学习障碍培训的普通小学教师进行调查发现:普通小学教师对学习障碍认知的态度维度得分最高,知识维度次之,行为维度最低;普通小学语文学科教师对学习障碍认知的知识维度平均得分高于数学学科教师;普通小学不同教龄教师在学习障碍认知的行为维度得分上存在显著差异,从高到低依次为1-3年、4-6年、21年以上、11-20年;学习障碍专业培训对普通小学教师对学习障碍的态度、知识与行为均有明显影响。为此,可采取将学习障碍纳入我国教师教研或教师培训课程,为学习障碍学生创设良好的支持环境等措施,改善普通小学教师对学习障碍的认知情况。  相似文献   

Cognitive Architecture and Instructional Design   总被引:48,自引:0,他引:48  
Cognitive load theory has been designed to provide guidelines intended to assist in the presentation of information in a manner that encourages learner activities that optimize intellectual performance. The theory assumes a limited capacity working memory that includes partially independent subcomponents to deal with auditory/verbal material and visual/2- or 3-dimensional information as well as an effectively unlimited long-term memory, holding schemas that vary in their degree of automation. These structures and functions of human cognitive architecture have been used to design a variety of novel instructional procedures based on the assumption that working memory load should be reduced and schema construction encouraged. This paper reviews the theory and the instructional designs generated by it.  相似文献   

建构良好的数学认知结构的教学策略   总被引:18,自引:9,他引:18  
何小亚 《数学教育学报》2002,11(1):24-27,85
良好的数学认知结构的特征是:有足够多的观念;具备稳定而又灵活的产生式;具有层次分明的概念网络结构以及一定的问题策略的观念。建构良好的数学认知结构的数学策略包括:熟悉学生原有的数学认知结构;创设良好的问题情境;突出数学思想方法的教学;注意整体性教学。  相似文献   

Theories of problem solving (e.g., Verschaffelet al., 2000) hold strategic behavior centralto processing mathematical word problems. Thepresent study explores 80 sixth- andseventh-grade students' self-reported use of 14categories of strategies (Zimmerman &Martinez-Pons, 1986) and the relationship ofstrategy use to academic achievement,problem-solving behaviors, and problem-solvingsuccess. High and low achievement groupsdiffered in the number of different strategiesand categories of strategies reported but notin overall number of strategies, confidence inusing strategies, or frequency of strategy use.Students whose behaviors evidenced elaborationof the word problem's text reported moreself-evaluation; organizing and transforming;and goal setting and monitoring behavior.Implications for instructional practices thatsupport active stances toward problem solvingare discussed.  相似文献   

高中数学审题训练方法探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在高中数学解题中,正确的审题方法是提高解题准确率和速度的关键。通过对高中数学典型题的审题思路进行分析,对学生提出训练审题的3个方法。  相似文献   

一个有效问题的提出,不仅能够在很大程度上激发学生进行积极思考,而且还能培养学生的思考意识。随着新课改的到来,对小学数学课堂提出有效问题的能力培养提出了新的要求。文章就学生问题意识培养、合理引导学生、积极创设问题情境等方面探索了提出问题的能力培养。  相似文献   

问题解决能力的培养正受到越来越广泛的关注,而准确评估学生的问题解决能力是发现存在问题、提供适当反馈以增进学生问题解决能力的必要条件,同时也是更加真实地评测学生学科能力的重要内容。IMMEX(Interactive Multimedia Exercises)是美国加州大学洛杉矶分校医学院教授Ronald Stevens历经数十年主持开发的学科问题解决能力评估环境。本文针对IMMEX评估的信效度、IMMEX教学应用开展的实验研究和调查分析,得到初步结论:同一学科领域多个问题集测量的IRT(Item Response Theory)成绩之间显著相关,说明IMMEX系统对问题解决结果的评估具有良好的信度;IMMEX系统提供的IRT成绩与学生期中考试中问题解决类题目得分显著相关,说明IMMEX的评测对学校考试有预测能力;基于SPM进行个案分析,IMMEX对问题解决过程的评估Quadscore与教师评定表现出相关性;基于信息点击对学生的解题策略进行聚类、预测,只能对问题解决过程进行粗线奈的评估,还不能满足教师和学生的需要;学生和教师拥护IMMEX带来的学习体验,相比较训练功能,教师更看重对学习和教学的评估功能;不同成绩水平的学生都愿意以独立和协作方式探索IMMEX问题集,也希望得到教师的指导,对教师指导的期待程度与问题难度相关。  相似文献   

读题是学生对题目意思进行理解,只有做到正确读题,才能真正理解题意,进行高效解题。数学题目变化多样,十分考验学生的读题理解能力。学生运用勾画法和创建链接法,能够实现从基本了解题意到灵活运用所学的数学知识进行解题,提高解题准确率。  相似文献   

Results of a collaborative project between two mathematics education faculty, a third-grade teacher, and her beginning third-grade students are presented. The purpose of this project was to collect information from these students as they thought through how to ask, collect, and then answer their own data-driven questions. These young students exhibited a growing understanding, sophistication, and comfort with the use and application of data and data terminology as they developed their strategies for collecting, analyzing, and presenting their results.  相似文献   

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