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Studies of high-school dropouts suggest that many of those who drop out of school have the requisite ability to do passing or even superior work. A conceptual framework is presented which attempts to explain why these capable students leave school.

The basic premise is that a capable dropout is a response to status deprivation experienced primarily by lower-class youth in the informal network of peer relations and in the academic system of the school. The socialization in middle-class families prepares youth to compete successfully in school, while in lower-class families children are not trained to conform to the academic and informal requirements of the school.  相似文献   

农村初中学生辍学问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对发达地区、中等发达地区和欠发达地区及少数民族地区辍学1至3年的101名初中辍学学生的调查,发现有47%的学生辍学是因为学习方面的原因,21%的学生辍学是因为家庭经济方面的原因,因为家庭发生突发事件辍学的学生占10%,其余学生辍学的原因包括师生关系、同伴关系、亲子关系不良等。可见社会、学校和家庭的不良影响是导致辍学的外部客观原因,而学生自身的心理行为问题和学业不良是导致辍学的内部主观原因;不良的同伴关系、师生关系、亲子关系是导致辍学的中介因素。因此,应加大政府支持和资助的力度,为防止辍学提供政策性支持,同时,要改善就学环境,加强学校与社区、家庭的合作,重视学习不良的学生,为防止辍学营造良好的周围环境。  相似文献   

Two hundred seventh grade Ss were administered a paired comparison scale for the purpose of predicting reinforcer effectiveness of fifteen stimuli. These stimuli were selected from three categories of reinforcement: 1.) verbal and social, 2.) tangible and manipulatable, and 3.) knowledge of progress. Results of the study indicated that the paired comparison scale of determining reinforcing preferences was moderately reliable. On the validation task, Ss performed equally well for the most and least preferred reinforcers. This finding suggests that a S, when selecting from several reinforcers, cannot choose the stimulus which would be most effective in increasing his performance.  相似文献   

学习动机对学习效果的影响显著。通过英语考试和未来工作需要是高职院校学生最主要的英语学习动机。三校毕业生和高中毕业生的工具型动机没有明显差异。融入型动机方面,三校毕业生的动机强于高中毕业生。  相似文献   


An investigation to determine if on the basis of behavioral trait “classroom teacher” could Identify students who would later quit school. Two groups were established from Ss entering: the ninth grade during: a two-year period (N = 96). One group graduated four years later. The second group left school prematurely. Ratings were obtained from 506 teachers on Ss in seven areas of behavior. The findings Indicated that male dropouts were rated significantly less favorably on all criteria when compared with male graduates. Similar findings were obtained with female dropouts and graduates. Teacher evaluations of student behavior were reliable predictors of future school attendance and reflective of pupil adjustment.  相似文献   

Data from a large school district in the southwestern United States were analyzed to investigate relations between student and school characteristics and high school freshman dropout patterns. Application of a multilevel logistic regression model to student dropout data revealed evidence of school-to-school differences in student dropout rates and school-to-school differences in the relation between student characteristics and student dropout status. Investigation of the school differences revealed that school organization and schools' social context were statistically significant predictors of several of the dropout outcomes. Evidence of school context and school practice effects on student dropout outcomes suggests that school personnel may need to consider how characteristics of the school environment interact with the background characteristics of students when developing and focusing dropout prevention strategies. Implications for school policy and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

2009年我国有84万高中毕业生放弃高考,占应届毕业生总人数的11.2%。从教育经济学的角度进行分析发现,高昂的学习成本,低微的教育收益,狭窄的就业渠道,"投入"与"产出"的巨大差距,是造成这一不正常现象的主要原因。增加教育经费,优化资源配置,拓宽就业渠道,降低学习成本是解决这一问题的有效方法。  相似文献   


This study investigated the differences between the means and the standard deviations in mental ability and academic achievement of two groups of high school students who were differentiated on their indicated aspirations for higher education. The subjects were 636 randomly selected 1961 graduates from nine public, comprehensive high schools in Portland, Oregon.

The hypothesis and sub-hypotheses were stated in the null form. Tests of significance at the .01 level of confidence were determined by utilizing the t tests.

The findings indicated that there were high significant differences between the means of the two groups for all characteristics except the GPA's, and no significant differences between the variability of the scores except in the Stanford Reading Scores.  相似文献   

农村中小学辍学问题现状及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国对农村教育加大投资的情况下,农村中小学辍学问题仍然十分严重.农村教育资源匮乏,师资力量不足及教师观念落后,教材编写偏难且不适应农村需要,是导致农村中小学生大量辍学的主要原因.只有加强农村中小学校硬件建设,加大教师培训力度,鼓励大学毕业生到农村就业,努力开发地方课程资源,发展农村职业教育,才能吸引更多的农村青少年入学.  相似文献   

西藏实施的三包政策不仅大大改变了农村中小学校的教育教学条件,而且减轻了学生家庭的经济负担,但并没有从根本上解决学生的读书意愿问题。以学生的读书意愿为视角进行抽样调查发现,学生读书的期望值普遍较高,相反,读书意愿却普遍较低。统计分析结果表明,学生的读书意愿与性别、家庭所在地是城市还是农村、父母的受教育程度均不相关;与学生的年龄和年级相关,学生的读书意愿在不同年龄段和不同年级具有显著差异。解决农牧区学生辍学问题必须从学生的年龄特点和心理特点出发才有较强的针对性。  相似文献   


This study investigated the relationship of participation in the extraclass activities and dropouts in Kansas high schools of varying enrollments. Schools were chosen at random in each enrollment category with approximately equal number of students. A questionnaire was used to secure data on the dropouts and an equal number of nondropouts. The t ratio and analysis of variance were used with a .01 level of confidence.

The results show that lack of participation in school activities is a characteristic of the dropout in each enrollment category with 68 percent of the total being nonparticipators as opposed to only 4 percent of the nondropouts. Participation by dropouts was similar in all sizes of schools except in the smallest enrollment where a larger participation was noted.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationships between completing the high school portion of a college- and career-preparatory program of study and high school achievement outcomes in a large urban district in the West. Programs of study are secondary-to-postsecondary educational programs mandated by the federal legislation (Perkins IV) governing career and technical education (CTE) in the United States. At graduation, 49.5% of students in the sample who began a program of study had completed their programs. Using multiple regression models, we compared graduates who completed a program of study (hereafter POS completers) to graduates who completed a number of CTE courses in a specific occupational area (CTE concentrators), and to graduates who may have taken a CTE course or two during high school but were neither POS completers nor CTE concentrators (All Others). POS completers were more likely to (a) have a higher overall GPA, (b) have a higher CTE GPA, and (c) earn more STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) credits than All Other students. Compared with CTE concentrators, POS completers were more likely to (a) have a higher overall GPA and (b) earn more STEM credits. Qualitative data describe contextual elements of programs of study as offered in West District that could explain these results. Study results suggest that districts should consider implementing career-themed programs such as programs of study that enhance their existing college- and career-readiness initiatives. We also call for further study of the postsecondary and labor market outcomes associated with programs of study in order to generate a clearer picture of their potential to increase academic and technical achievement and promote successful student transitions to higher education and the workplace.  相似文献   

人工智能技术的迅速发展及其广泛应用,对高中人工智能教材的编写提出了更高要求。基于此,文章首先筛选出六本目前市面上较受欢迎的高中人工智能教材,提出了高中人工智能教材的分析框架。运用此分析框架,文章从编写背景、教材目标、内容框架、活动环节、学习评价等方面分析了高中人工智能教材的特征。随后,文章反思了高中人工智能教材在教材目标、教材内容、活动设计和评价设计等方面的不足。最后,文章提出了高中人工智能教材的改进建议,以期为开展高中人工智能教育、推动人工智能技术融入课堂提供参考。  相似文献   

农村高中毕业生升学意愿的现状及其影响因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究利用对江西省所做调查的数据,运用Logistic多元逐步回归分析的方法,对在高校收费条件下影响农村高中毕业生升学意愿的因素进行了分析。结果显示,在所有被考虑的自变量相同的情况下,被调查学生的升学意愿与高考有关科目成绩排名、母亲的期望程度、学生就读学校的类别、学生对国家所做的承诺以及家庭是否以政府或社会救济为经济来源之一等因素密切相关。其他因素对升学意愿没有显性影响。  相似文献   

比较分析01后小教师专毕业生与中师毕业生的职业心理素质特点与形成原因。主要采用卡特尔16PF对心理素质进行评定,结合其教学实习表现和笔的观察了解。01届小教师专毕业生与中师毕业生在L、Q2、X1、Y3和A、F、H、X2、Y1、Y2等人格特征方面存在显差异,教学实习效果的差分比较明显。01届小教师专毕业生的小学教师职业心理素质与中师毕业生有显的差距,但其基本理论知识水平、对前途的优患意识、人格特征的独立性与创造性发展潜力比中师毕业生有显的优势。主要是由认识与管理等方面的原因造成的。  相似文献   

目的:本研究采用大五人格量表的部分维度对215名高中教师进行了调查,其目的为学校从教师人格的成长方面进行素质培训提供理论基础。结果:(1)高中男教师在脆弱性、自我意识、谦虚人格维度上的得分显著低于女教师,而在活动性、合群性、幻想及胜任人格维度上的得分显著高于女教师;(2)随着年龄增加,教师在冲动性维度得分呈递减趋势,且高、中、低年龄组之间得分两两差异显著;(3)焦虑、冲动性、过分自信及胜任维度在不同的教龄间有显著差异;(4)文科教师在审美、情感的人格维度上得分显著高于理科教师,而理科教师在思想及胜任人格维度上的得分显著高于文科教师;(5)职称越高,其冲动性人格维度得分越低,且初级职称的教师在此维度得分显著高于中级职称和高级职称教师;(6)班主任教师相对非班主任教师而言,其冲动性与活动性人格较为突出。结论:对不同教师群体的素质培训,要注重其不同人格品质的培养。  相似文献   


The few studies that have compared dropouts with and without degrees have provided information that has limited application for policy and prevention, because factors identified as associated with degree attainment are ones that are difficult to affect. The present study examined diploma and GED attainment in Mexican American and non-Latino White dropouts, hypothesizing that utilization of the educational resilience framework would increase knowledge about degree attainment in dropouts and provide factors that are more easily affected by practitioners. Logistic regression was used to determine factors associated with degree attainment, and multiple imputation was used to account for sample bias due to nonparticipation. Results indicated that viewing the returning dropout as a resilient student does provide a more useful set of factors associated with degree attainment.  相似文献   

全日制高中语文新教材具有体例、编排新和内容新两个明显的特点。要很好地运用新教材这一实施新课程计划、落实新大纲的载体搞好语文教学,必须对其实施、使用进行认真的研究、探索。  相似文献   

由于我国高等教育向大众化转变,大学生就业难问题日益突出,于是在高校周围出现了"校漂"、"蚁族"等特殊毕业生群体,他们毕业后聚集于学校周边,利用学校的各种公共资源,随便出入校园,并且数量不断攀升,严重影响着高校的稳定。积极发挥各方面的力量,采取有效措施,努力促进毕业生充分就业,加强对"校漂"、"蚁族"的管理和引导,减少对高校稳定的影响,成为当前一项重要任务。  相似文献   

China's compulsory nine-year education has achieved great success. But the phenomenon of rural students dropping out of school can still be seen in many places, and is particularly acute in poor areas. What has led to this phenomenon? With this question in mind, the investigative unit of the World Bank Monetary Fund project—"Study and Countermeasures for the Problem of Primary and Secondary School Students in Poor Areas Repeating and Dropping Out"—went to a poor area of Jiangxi province to carry out the investigation.  相似文献   

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