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There has long been a concern about the lack of representation of ethnic minorities in the field of educational measurement. As previous research has shown that graduate programs primarily rely on their websites for recruiting efforts, the objective of this study was to conduct a content analysis of all U.S. educational measurement program websites to evaluate the availability of college choice information found to be useful for underrepresented ethnic minority applicants. In terms of program climate, results revealed that less than 10% of programs directly encouraged ethnic minorities to apply or included an antidiscrimination statement with regard to application review on their websites. Moreover, only a few program websites indicated the availability of flexible programming—previously found to be important for underrepresented ethnic minority students—such as part‐time options (16%), evening courses (10%), and online course/program availability (8%). Recommendations for how measurement programs can improve their websites to include desirable college choice information for underrepresented ethnic minority applicants are discussed.  相似文献   

The logic underlying inclusive STEM high schools (ISHSs) posits that requiring all students to take advanced college preparatory STEM courses while providing student‐centered, reform‐oriented instruction, ample student supports, and real‐world STEM experiences and role models will prepare and inspire students admitted on the basis of STEM interest rather than prior achievement for postsecondary STEM. This study tests that logic model by comparing the high school experiences and achievement of students in ISHSs and comparison schools in North Carolina. After identifying ISHS and non‐STEM comparison high schools serving students who were similar in terms of socioeconomic status and academic achievement prior to high school entry, we employed propensity‐score weighting and HLM modeling to estimate the impact of attending an ISHS on a set of outcome measures obtained from student surveys and from the state's longitudinal student data system. Analyses of student survey data found that attending an ISHS raises the likelihood that a student will complete pre‐calculus or calculus and chemistry in high school, leads to increased involvement in STEM extracurricular and out‐of‐class activities, and enhances interest in science careers and aspirations to earn a master's or higher degree. Analyses of student outcome data from state administrative records revealed a positive impact of inclusive STEM high school attendance on grade point average (GPA) but not on ACT scores. © 2016 The Authors. Journal of Research in Science Teaching Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 53: 709–736, 2016

教育统计在高等学校管理中具有重要的作用,也逐渐成为提高高等学校管理水平的重要手段之一。本文就如何在学校管理中运用教育统计手段、统计信息进行科学管理、科学决策进行简要论述。  相似文献   

增值性评价是目前较为科学准确的衡量学校效能的方法。美国是世界范围内增值性评价开展最早、模式较为完善的国家。本文以俄亥俄州的增值性评价模式为代表,从数据来源、模型使用、控制变量、增值网上系统、增值分数的应用五个角度对美国的学校增值性评价模式进行分析,并指出美国学校增值性评价模式对于建立我国学校增值性评价模式的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Accountability systems in education generally include indicators of student performance. However, these indicators often differ considerably among the various systems. More and more countries try to include value-added measures, mainly because they do not want to hold schools accountable for differences in their initial intake of students. This study presents a conceptual framework of these value-added measures, resulting in an overview of 5 different types. Using data from Dutch secondary schools, we empirically provide estimates of these different measures. Our analyses show that the correlation between the different types of school effects estimated is rather high, but that the different models implicate different results for individual schools. Based on theoretical considerations, arguments are given to use the following indicators in the value-added accountability models: prior achievement, student-level background characteristics, and compositional characteristics of the student population.  相似文献   

通过对少数民族传统体育编目与整理的意义进行研究,发现少数民族传统体育项目的编目与整理,不仅可以方便读者检索、利用,保护我国民族传统体育项目及其文化,而且有着团结少数民族学生、加强了传统文化传播、丰富了学校教学资源、加深了民族传统体育人本位建设的重要教育价值.这些为今后的民族传统体育教学乃至学校体育教学提供一个更加科学,更加合理的指导.  相似文献   

在推动教育信息化的过程中,教育技术工作者正以极大的热情投入到理论与实践的研究中。为此,本文试图从当前教育技术工作者的工作现状中,探寻教育技术工作者对实践的关怀,且分别从教育技术工作者自身、教育技术理论与实践以及教育技术实践创新三个方面构建中国本土化的“学习支持服务系统”。  相似文献   

Empirical Validity for a Comprehensive Model on Educational Effectiveness   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Educational effectiveness research is often criticised because of the absence of a theoretical background. In our study we started out from an educational effectiveness model which was developed on the basis of educational theories and empirical evidence. We have tested the main assumptions of the model by reanalysing a large-scale longitudinal dataset which contains elementary school data of subsequent student cohorts, their teachers and their schools. We found some expected positive effects on achievement of individual classroom and school factors in the effectiveness model but these were not stable across school subjects and student cohorts. When factors were grouped into clusters the findings remained essentially the same. To interpret the clusters we made use of the concept of consistency, which refers to a balance between factors which may enhance effectiveness. Some teachers and schools are more consistent than others, but this does not affect the achievement of their students. Cross-level interaction effects were not found. The instability of effects makes it hard to suggest changes in the model at this moment.  相似文献   

Children using robotics for engineering, science, technology, and mathematics (CREST-M) is an ongoing curriculum creation and evaluation project developing math-focused science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) curriculum units that incorporate storytelling with math and are designed to be engaging for students from backgrounds traditionally underrepresented in STEM fields and to be appropriate for all ability levels including the gifted. This mixed-methods study evaluated one CREST-M unit, The Tale of the Monarchs, aligned to the Common Core State Standards: Mathematics (CCSS-M) for fourth- and fifth-grade fractions while incorporating all aspects of STEM. The unit includes an engineering design loop to help students create and program robots using LEGO WeDo 2.0. Students also use the scientific method in a problem-based learning (PBL) investigation in which they design and conduct experiments. The unit features a comprehensive storyline in which diverse characters solve real-world problems using STEM skills. The curriculum was evaluated through a CCSS-M aligned pre- and post-assessment of students’ understanding of fractions, the Cognitive Abilities Test Screening Form 7 (CogAT 7), and the Draw-a-Scientist pre- and post-assessment. The curriculum led to significant and meaningful gains in math achievement (Cohen’s d = 0.72) consistent for students at multiple ability levels (including high ability) and children from groups traditionally represented in STEM fields as well as those traditionally underrepresented (across gender, race, and socioeconomic status). In addition, the mental models of the career of a scientist that students articulated before the program were markedly more complex and less stereotypical following the program, indicating increased understanding of the career of a scientist.  相似文献   

教研活动的本质是教师的创造性实践过程。中小学教师开展教研活动,有利于切实提高教育质量,发展教育理论,促进教师职业专业化。把教研成果作为评价工作成就的重要依据是引导中小学教师重视教研的关键。  相似文献   

美国在20世纪90年代发动的STW改革影响深远,此次改革提出的教育理念区别于传统的单纯注重学校本位学习的观点,倡导加强学校本位学习与工作本位学习的结合,而其在实践中的教育模式也值得思考与借鉴。  相似文献   

This paper argues that the "pipeline", leading to the production and increase of undergraduate engineering and STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) related degrees by underrepresented student populations (which include female and AALANA (African American, Latin American and Native American) students), has become more of a "fannel". After five decades of affu-mative action-oriented programs and laws, there is still a disconnect at most major research colleges and universities between the mnnber of these students entering into the various STEM related disciplines as freshmen and the total number that successfully complete the baccalaureate STEM degree. Current programs address superficial/peripheral issues related to diversity (i.e., recruitment), but not the underlying sociological and anthropological aspects that lead to real solutions with permanent results (i.e., increased retention and graduation rates along with a more pluralistic campus environment where diversity is respected, celebrated and embraced in the STEM disciplines). Thus, this paper suggests that a "multicontextual" model that emphasizes the latter will ultimately bridge this disconnect and achieve the more desirable "affirmative outcomes" that previous affirmative-action-oriented initiatives were originally put in place to accomplish.  相似文献   


STEM outreach programmes in secondary schools are mediated by STEM teachers who are responsible for organising, implementing and evaluating the activities with a view to promoting STEM subjects. However, research investigating teachers’ STEM roles and professional development through participation in outreach activities is limited. This paper explores teachers’ views of STEM activities, how they understand their role as primary facilitators and the impact of their STEM engagement on their professional development. STEM outreach provides distinct opportunities for situated and dialogic learning. STEM teachers’ effectiveness in engaging students by demonstrating the importance and relevance of STEM subjects in the real world and engaging captivating STEM outreach partners not only supports students learning but also enhances their opportunities to develop their knowledge and skills. Semi structured interviews were conducted with eleven teachers from six different schools in the West Midlands, United Kingdom. The data reveals STEM facilitators become the ‘face’ of STEM to their pupils. The expertise, knowledge and partnerships STEM facilitators develop, broadens their capacity to deliver teaching imbued with real world applications and improve students’ understanding of the range of new and upcoming careers available. Most importantly, participating in STEM outreach activities help teachers maintain and reinforce their own sense of identity as STEM professionals. Outreach activities provide opportunities for teachers to interact with leading scientists and obtain exposure to cutting-edge research.  相似文献   

中国古代“多元一体”少数民族文教政策有其深厚的社会基础和思想基础。在内容上重视以儒家思想为代表的礼教(社会核心价值体系教育),同时注意文教政策的差异性和多样性。其价值取向是“以和为贵”。无论其经验还是不足,都值得认真地加以总结。  相似文献   

工具理性在工业时代是一种不可忽视的势力。传统学校教育作为服务工业时代的重要社会设置,无疑受到工具理性势力的强有力的影响。但随着社会各领域向着后工业时代迈进,学校教育也不可避免地卷入到社会变革之中;而为保证势不可挡的学校教育改革能深入地推进,必须对工具理性的得失功过做出积极的、冷静的理解与应对。  相似文献   

通过对基于SPSS的教育统计学教学案例现状的分析,提出基于SPSS的教育统计学教学案例设计的原则和内容框架,并运用根据该原则和内容框架设计的教学案例进行了教育统计学教学改革实践,取得良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

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