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This study examined the effect of computer simulation training on elementary teacher trainees’ ability to administer an Informal Reading Inventory (IRI) to a child and interpret it. After initial in-class instruction for all trainees, the experimental group participated in the simulation and then gave an IRI to a child. The order of these steps was reversed for the control group. Analysis of results showed no significant differences between groups in ability to administer the IRI accurately, but the experimental group scored significantly higher (p > .02) in their ability to diagnose reading skill weaknesses correctly. The experimental group also had a more favorable attitude (p > .03) toward developing lesson plans based on skills weaknesses identified by the IRI.  相似文献   

教师作为精神文明的开拓者,在传递科学文化知识、促进整个人类生存与延续方面始终起着十分重要的作用。然而,教师的压力不可避免地出现诸如焦虑、职业倦怠等心理问题,这些问题不但影响教师本人的身心健康,更会间接影响学生的身心平衡与发展。  相似文献   

In recent years, expert panelists' judgments regarding the content of teacher licensure tests have been the most commonly employed form of validity evidence for such tests. Little guidance is available, however, regarding appropriate expectations when experts rate the content of these licensure tests. Thirty-two content evaluations of teacher licensure tests were reviewed for this analysis. Methodological differences were noted regarding the focus of the evaluation, the stringency of the charge to panelists, and the manner in which panelists' ratings were analyzed. Based on reviews of comparable studies in the 32 evaluation studies, continued normative expectations for such content ratings are proposed.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to examine whether students’ linguistic skills and task-avoidant behavior (i.e., the child-related factors) and the mean level of academic skills (reading comprehension and math) of classmates (i.e., the class-related factor) are associated with teacher judgments of children’s reading comprehension and math skills. The participants were third-grade Estonian-speaking students (n?=?656; age 9?11 years) and their classroom teachers (n?=?51). The results of the structural equation modeling path analyses indicated that teachers tend to judge students showing higher academic and linguistic skills and lower avoidance behavior as higher on the reading comprehension and math skills. In contrast, the classmates’ higher academic skill level was related to lower judgments of individual children’s reading comprehension and math skills by teachers.  相似文献   

新教师面临角色价值观与个人价值观、理想标准和实际状况、新理念与旧评价以及胸怀大志与成效低微的矛盾冲突,教师坚守个体生命价值、加强修养、适时降低期望的自我调适是走出困惑的适当途径。  相似文献   

课程实施是课程发展中的重要过程,而教师是这个过程中的主要生力军,如果没有教师的广泛参与和智慧贡献。再美好的课程理想也不能变为现实。当前,我国的新课程改革已进入攻坚阶段,课程实施显得尤为重要,在这一背景下,我们必须更加关注和引导教师在课程实施中的各种改变,以求得课程变革的成功。  相似文献   

压力是一种常见的社会心理现象。高校教师在教育结构调整和改革的背景下面临着较大的压力。压力源有社会变迁、工作构成、工作环境、公众形象等因素,也和个体的压力体验有关。压力既可能是行动的动力,也可能是行动的障碍和阻力。压力需适当的调整。  相似文献   

Mrs.Cox teaches English in a large high school located in the inner area of abig city on the West Coast. Ever since she was a young girt,Mrs.Cox had wanted toecome a teacher.She has taught eight years now and hasn't changed her mind.After she graduated from high school,Mrs.Cox went on to college.Four yearslater,she received her bochelor's degree(B.A.)in English and her teaching cer-tificate.Then she was qualified to teach in the secondary schooh of her state.In the  相似文献   

中小学德育实效性偏低的原因与调适   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
20年来 ,随着我国计划经济向市场经济转型 ,信息产业的崛起 ,我国工业化进程加快。这不仅引发了社会经济结构、产业结构和社会运行机制的根本性变化 ,也促进了人们的思想意识、价值观念和伦理道德由传统向现代的转变 ,使我国的德育工作面临着种种挑战 ,其中 ,德育的实效性就是问题之一。如何在社会转型的大潮中 ,抓住机遇 ,深化德育改革 ,提高德育的实效性 ,培养适应 2 1世纪的现代中国人 ,是我国学校德育工作面临的最大课题。一、正确估价我国中小学的德育实效性中小学德育的实效性是指通过德育活动收到的学生思想品德发展的结果 ,它集中地…  相似文献   

采用学习氛围量表、学校适应量表、青少年学业情绪问卷和意向性自我调节量表,对663名初中生进行问卷调查,探讨学业情绪在教师自主支持与初中生学校适应之间的中介效应,以及这一中介效应能否被意向性自我调节所调节.结果发现:学生感知的教师自主支持、学业情绪、意向性自我调节、学校适应之间均呈现显著相关关系;消极高唤醒和消极低唤醒学业情绪在教师自主支持与学校适应关系中起部分中介作用;学业情绪的中介作用受到意向性自我调节的调节.为了改善和提高青少年的学校适应水平,学校和教师应积极营造自主支持的教育氛围,注重改善学生的学业情绪,同时着力提升青少年的意向性自我调节能力.  相似文献   

学前教师教育的学校和专业设置在一定程度上决定了学前教师教育的发展规模、结构、质量和投资效率.现在的设置标准、程序、结果都不适应学前教师教育发展的需要,必须从调整体制、制定规划、明确标准等方面加强调节.  相似文献   

布莱克先生问小约翰:"你能解释高音与低音有什么区别吗?""高音就是爸爸训斥我时发出的声音,低音就是爸爸与他上司说话时的声音。"  相似文献   

民众高等学校是格龙维的理想。这种学校目前在丹麦有 10 4所。它面向所有年满 18岁的成人。学校不设考试 ,没有分级 ,学生之间没有竞争 ,也无分数可言。其宗旨是启导生活 ,而非知识教育。民众高等学校的教师必须找到自己之所以到民众高等学校里来的原因。他应该是北欧民族甚至全人类所创造的优秀文化的积淀者。他应该兼具批判性、发展性和计划性 ,将征服生活的艺术之花在他的学生身上浇灌出来  相似文献   

大学英语自主学习能力的培养与教师的角色调整   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
实现英语学习者自主学习是英语教学的重要目标,然而我国当前大学生英语自主学习能力却普遍较低,其中一个重要的原因就是教师没有调整好自己的角色。在培养学生自主学习能力的过程中,教师应及时调整传统的教师角色,承担更多更重要的新角色。教师角色的调整需要借助一定的条件和途径才能实现。  相似文献   

In this study we use data from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Survey third- and fifth-grade samples to investigate teacher judgments of student achievement, the extent to which they offer a similar picture of student mathematics achievement compared to standardized test scores, and whether classroom assessment practices moderate the relationship between the two measures. Results indicate that teacher ratings correlate strongly with standardized test scores; however, this relationship varies considerably across teachers, and this variation is associated with certain classroom assessment practices. Furthermore, the evidence suggests that teachers evaluate student performance not in absolute terms but relative to other students in the school and that they may adjust their grading for some students, perhaps with basis on perceived differences in need and/or ability.  相似文献   

本文在揭示韩国旧有教师评价政策问题的基础上,分析了政策调整过程中教师评价相关利益集团的不同态度和争论,最后描述了政策调整后的方案内容,并对政策试行的预期效果作出了预测.  相似文献   

高职院校教师职业倦怠的心理调适   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教师职业倦怠是当前应重视和解决的问题,它对教师的教学工作及社会发展都会带来较广泛的消极影响。高职院校教师产生职业倦怠的原因,有社会方面及高职发展中存在问题的影响,也有教师的角色冲突、职业压力、人格特征及所处群体的影响等。做好教师职业倦怠的心理调适,一是应提高教师的耐压能力;二是学会反思与更新,对工作进行重新认识和组织;三是合理宣泄不良情绪;四是乐于交往,注意改善人际关系;五是要面对现实,勇于求助。  相似文献   

国家教育部陈至立部长指出:“要建设一支高素质的教师队伍。面对新世纪的需要,继续加强教师的培养和培训工作,建立起优化教师队伍的有效机制,合理配置教师资源,提高教师队伍的整体素质。”  相似文献   

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