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教师是影响教学改革的关键因素之一。英语教师不能仅凭所学的语言知识和基本教学技能从事教学,必须在具体的教学环境中不断地进行反思,才能把理论和实践有效地结合起来,成为问题的解决者和决策的制定者,并且借此可加强教师职业的专业化,进一步提高专业技能。  相似文献   

斯蒂芬.D.布鲁克菲尔德(Stephen D.Brookfield)教授从批判理论的传统出发来探讨教师的反思。他将反思看作教师不断学习、探究自己教学的方式。当教师开展批判性反思时,他们实际上是对自己作为成人学习者有更清晰的意识;通过反思,教师持续地了解自身,了解他们与同事的关系,了解他们如何对学生施加影响。批判反思型教师不断质疑自己带到教学中的前提假设,尤其是课堂中的权力关系及其相互转换;确保课堂中的权力和权威被负责任地使用从而有助于支持学生的学习,而不是被误用或滥用而使学生感到不公或无益,或者是被胁迫或压制。他提出,每一位教师都可以运用从学生那里收集来的反馈信息、同事的感受、理论学习和对自身经验的反思这四条途径来探查自身的教学假设,寻求教学实践的改善。  相似文献   

中学教师反思性教学的调查和分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以中学教师为调查对象 ,自编反思性教学调查问卷作为调查工具 ,探讨分析了南京和南昌两地中学教师对反思性教学的认识特点。通过调查发现 :(1 )对于通过学生和同事进行反思性教学的认识上 ,重点中学教师和非重点中学教师之间存在显著的差异 ,其中对于通过学生进行反思性教学的认识上存在极其显著的差异。 (2 )中学教师对于通过学生和同事进行反思性教学的认识有显著的性别差异 ,其中对于通过学生进行反思性教学的认识上存在极其显著的差异  相似文献   

教育实践是教师教育课程的重要组成部分,教育实践反思是提高教育实践质量、实现教师培养目标的关键环节。厘清“反思”和“教育实践反思”的概念和意义,旨在使反思成为教育者的习惯和自觉,成为教育者的核心素养,成为教育的文化。分析和研究教育实践反思的策略,就是要在教育理论和教育实践之间架起一座桥梁,指导教育实践反思,解决教育实践反思中出现的问题,处理好“成事”与“成人”、“做人”与“为师”的关系以及“反思行为”与“反思意识”的关系,最终实现培养合格教师的任务和目标。教育实践反思的策略明确之后,在具体实施的过程中必须根据具体情况进行相应的调整,须将反思策略的指导性与反思路径与方法的灵活性结合起来,这样,反思才能真正实现其价值和目的。  相似文献   

In this case study I examine the reflectivepractices of two elementary pre-serviceteachers during their student teachinginternship. I extend current views ofreflective practice to create a framework for a`deliberate practitioner'. With this framework,I investigate the pre-service teachers'thinking with regard to reflective processesand how they use their pedagogical contentknowledge in their practices. My findingsindicate that the pre-service teachers usetheir pedagogical content knowledge inanticipating problematic events, and inreflecting on problematic events ininstruction. However, limits in pedagogicalcontent knowledge and lack of confidence impedethe pre-service teachers' reflection while inthe act of teaching. They were more likely toreflect on their practices outside of the actof teaching. Implications for teacher educatorsand pre-service teachers are discussed.  相似文献   


Several reports on higher education have identified the need to improve the quality of student learning. Higher education research identifies the approach to learning as a significant factor affecting the quality of learning. If educators are to find ways of improving the educational experience of their students, they must understand how students learn and the effects of the learning environment on their learning approaches. This study examines the approaches to learning adopted by Irish and overseas students studying on the BA in European Business at Dublin City University (DCU) [1] .  相似文献   


This paper discusses a teaching experiment in which participation and observation of a drama helped first year nursing students to consider ways of dealing with death and dying. Workshops included dramatised scenarios of critical incidents demonstrating different peoples' experiences of the death of a fictional patient in hospital. Two nurse teachers performed a two-part drama about the experiences of a patient just diagnosed with terminal cancer. Live performances were presented to large groups of students and followed by small group discussions. Drama as a teaching method was well received, and the combination of drama and group discussion was considered very effective by students, who requested more similar sessions. Drama appears highly satisfactory for achieving learning in the affective domain, and can be added to teaching methods for improving communication skills and coping strategies with nursing students who will be caring for the dying. However, further research is necessary.  相似文献   

英语语法教学具有系统性、总结性和实践性的特点。分析高职院校大学英语语法教学中学生、教师的角色以及探讨开展有效的语言教学的方法,有利于促进学生在语法方面的学习,并最终达到提高学生英语综合运用能力的目的。  相似文献   

There is an inherent expectation that educators will work towards continuously improving their practice and quality of teaching. Underpinning this expectation is an assumption that educators also engage in the process of reflection. In this article, we begin by outlining the current tensions in the field of education that relate to managerialist concerns of the measurement and monitoring of quality teaching and effectiveness. We then contextualise our particular circumstances and provide an account of a collaborative action research project we initiated to examine our team-teaching practices in a graduate entry pre-service teacher education programme. In the project, we initially focused on how we might provide for pre-service teachers’ learning while they were undertaking an internship in the final semester of their programme. Factors that required consideration included the use of face-to-face and synchronous online forms of interaction. Having experienced the powerful influence of using protocols to structure professional learning conversations with the pre-service teachers with whom we were working, we also decided to extend the conversations we were having with each other to conversations with our colleagues. Taken together, the action research framework and the processes afforded by protocols provided a structured approach for our inquiry. Conversing with the pre-service teachers involved in the programme, with each other and with our peers at a faculty-level seminar and an international conference were the main sources of data gathered during the research project. The collegial conversations that occurred when using protocols also provided a way to move to the level of critical reflection. Rather than discuss the outcomes of our project in the remainder of the article, we elected to scrutinise and theorise the significant elements that were germane to our project – the three Cs: collegiality, conversation and critical reflection. We conclude by realising that to learn about ourselves as teachers and as learners, we need to move beyond routine and technical aspects of reflection, to a level that is critical and transformative, and that this can be achieved through the use of protocols in purposeful and collaborative conversations with others.  相似文献   

Interest in emotional, social, and moral (ESM) concerns in K—12 education in North America has grown considerably during the past decade. This increased concern is considered a response to the increased prevalence of social problems experienced by children and youth, such as bullying, substance abuse, and depression, and to research indicating that schools can influence the likelihood of students having these types of problems (Schonert-Reichl 2000). Research and theory in psychology which suggests that emotional development is an essential foundation of cognitive development and, therefore, is related to academic achievement also has contributed to this expanded interest (Martin and Reigeluth 1999). A variety of names, including affective education, social and emotional learning, values education, character education, caring education, and moral education, have been used in discussing ESM. Despite the prevalent use of these terms in the literature, the school programs that actually have been implemented under these various auspices are discussed rarely. Further, little, if any, research has explored the relative effectiveness of various approaches. Through a review of the literature, this article provides an overview of the history of ESM education in North America. It also outlines the spectrum of contemporary approaches to ESM education and explores the similarities and differences of these approaches, making suggestions for further theoretical and empirical work.  相似文献   

在《播音发声》教学过程中,从课程内部而言,技巧训练可以通过课上和课外的协作学习来实现,强化学习效果,使学生掌握播音发声技巧;从课程外部而言,通过与其他平行课程之间的渗透与调控,可以很好地运用协作学习理论;学生在各种实践平台上进行协作学习,对提高学生专业技能有积极的作用。  相似文献   

自主性学习是学生在明确学习任务的基础上,自觉自主地进行学习并完成学习任务的一种学习方式."自主性学习的教学"的操作要点一、充分了解学生原有知识基础和能力水平;二、制订出具体体现知识和能力协调发展的教学目标;三、使教学过程成为学生知识和能力协调发展的过程;四、重视学生能力水平发展的评价.  相似文献   

Within two Flemish institutes of pre-service and inservice teacher education, the relationship between the learning styles and preferences for learning environments of pre-service teachers were examined. Results indicate that some components of pre-service teachers' learning approaches (learning conceptions, learning strategies and learning orientations) are predictors for preferences for constructivist learning environments. Differences in learning approaches and preferences for learning environments are also related to the type of teacher education that pre-service teachers followed.  相似文献   

Janice Wearmouth is a senior lecturer in the Faculty of Education and Language Studies at the Open University in the UK. She has many years' experience of teaching and research in mainstream secondary schools and of developing and leading postgraduate development courses for teachers in the area of special and inclusive education. In this article, she argues that successive Governments in England, Wales and Northern Ireland have adopted policies in relation to special educational provision that are essentially technicist in character. These policies proceed from assumptions that are made about the clear and unproblematic nature of the issues and the responses that need to be made. In this model, difficulties in learning can be 'fixed' by selecting the most appropriate 'tool' in the most efficient and cost-effective way. The current focus on competency-based teacher education can be seen as a corollary of this approach.
Drawing upon a personal account of the experience of having difficulties in literacy acquisition, this article presents a contrary view. Janice Wearmouth argues that the area of special educational needs in schools, including literacy difficulties, is fraught with uncertainty and conflicting viewpoints. Given this complex situation, the technicist responses of recent Governments in the UK seem inappropriate and inadequate, Janice Wearmouth suggests. She proposes that practice in relation to special educational needs in general, and literacy difficulties in particular, can be most effectively understood from the perspective of a reflective practitioner. Her article closes with a call for practitioner professional development to be reconceptualised in these terms.  相似文献   

In a typical science degree, little emphasis is placed on the need for scientists to make judgements about evidence and little value is placed on the development of students' opinions about science, with the focus largely on assessment of declarative knowledge. Yet it is the ability to evaluate evidence that is crucial to the development of the student as a scientist. This study assesses the impact on students' conceptions of science of a course that aims to engage students in discussion and reflection on what scientists do and on their own learning about science. Analysis of written reflective assignments from the three years the course has been run shows that participants become more confident in their expression of opinions about science and also develop a more mature view of science and its inherent uncertainty. It appears that a critical factor enabling this development is the way the course activities are designed to explicitly value students' opinions and to provide a supportive environment in which they can be expressed and contested.  相似文献   

Adopting the concept that “decisions can be seen as argument-driven actions,” the purpose of this study was to apply the argumentation structure raised by Stephen Toulmin (1958) to capture two science teachers' instructional decision-making mechanisms in their teaching practices. The two case teachers were chosen because of their close estimations of their students' achievement outcomes and both were in their transition stages from competent teachers to proficient ones. A science teaching observation coding schedule (STOCS) was designed to be used in classroom observations, and all these quantitative data were collected to be converted into four issues for the two teachers to justify their ways of teaching. A semi-structure interview was conducted to analyze why and how these two case teachers made their instructional decisions. The results indicate that although they knew that their students could not fully understand what they taught in the class, their teaching strategies were still teacher-dominated modes. What really influenced their instructional decisions included external context factors (e.g., examination pressure, subject contents, limited time and classroom management) and internal experiential factors (e.g., personal educated experiences, beliefs and understandings of constructivism and inquiry). Finally, the authors suggest that science teachers' instructional decision making mechanisms can be appropriately represented by case teachers' argumentations structure.  相似文献   

We present an analysis of students' reflective writing (diaries) of two cohorts of Grade 8 students, one undergoing inquiry and the other traditional science teaching. Students' writing included a summary of what students had learned in class on that day and their opinions and feelings about the class. The entries were analysed qualitatively and quantitatively. This analysis of students' first-person accounts of their learning experience and their notes taken during class was useful in two ways. First, it brought out a spectrum of differences in outcomes of these two teaching modes—conceptual, affective and epistemic. Second, this analysis brought out the significance and meaning of the learning experience for students in their own words, thus adding another dimension to researchers' characterisation of the two teaching methods.  相似文献   

通过相关的研究,确定工程测量课程理论与实践结合的差距,找出相应的解决办法,用仪器的掌握带动带动整个实践环节的发展,主张参加工程实践来促进教学和社会的接轨,提高教师理论教育水平。  相似文献   

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