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On Curiosity     
李芹 《中学生英语》2000,(5):27-27,32

高校辅导员通过建立系统全面的自查评价体系,结合日常教育经验和方法,找出教育过程中不完善的地方,针对性地解决问题,以不断改进和完善大学生思想政治教育工作.  相似文献   

在我们的童年记忆中,再没有哪个科普作家比高士其爷爷让我们印象深刻了。他那枝神奇的笔把幼年的我们引入到微生物的世界、昆虫的世界……小小的我们把眼睛睁得大大的,痴迷地爱上  相似文献   

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is considered as one of the classics among children's literature. His curiosity wins love, especially boys' and girls' for Tom Sawyer is the reflection of themselves.  相似文献   

在数学教学中,如何利用课本中的例题、习题来指导学生的数学学习,提高学生的求知欲与探索创造能力,是每一个数学教育工作者应该重视的问题.作者在数学教学中,通过启发引导、类比归纳等几方面的教学,较好地引起了学生学习数学的兴趣,激发了学生的求知欲,提高了教学质量.  相似文献   

介绍了一种适合于小型软件企业内部过程改进的自我评估方法,并详细地描述了具体的实施过程,其中包括初始化、准备评估、数据采集、数据验证和改进措施5个方面。该评估方法为小型企业有针对性地改进软件的开发过程提供了依据。  相似文献   

Curiosity and the parent-child relationship   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Critical consciousness refers to the ways in which individuals come to understand and challenge oppressive social forces. Philosopher-educator Paulo Freire argued that critical curiosity—an eagerness to learn more about and develop a deep understanding of issues of social justice—serves as an important catalyst to critical consciousness development. Yet, relatively little scholarship has considered how to foster critical curiosity in adolescents. The present qualitative study analyzed semi-structured interviews with 60 adolescents attending five Northeastern urban charter high schools with mission statements focused on fostering students' engagement in social action. Specifically, the study considered these students' perceptions of the impact of their respective schools' social engagement programming upon their critical curiosity. The interviews were analyzed using a flexible inductive/deductive approach drawn from the thematic analysis approach to qualitative analysis. The findings of this study indicate that students had a variety of conceptions of what stimulates their critical curiosity, including relevance, exposure to new perspectives, and receiving new, surprising information. Alignment with Freire's conceptions of critical curiosity and current curiosity scholarship, implications for educators, limitations, and future directions are discussed.  相似文献   

好奇心的理论述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
好奇心是重要的人格特征,同个体的学习以及创造力的发展有密切关系.在简要叙述了好奇心的概念、问题的由来及好奇心研究意义的基础上,重点对有关好奇心的理论进行了介绍,并对这些理论进行了综合评价.  相似文献   

当今教育理论总是在教学方法、教材编制等角度探究教育问题,却没有对儿童本身进行足够重视.儿童的好奇心应该是求知之源,直接经验是间接经验获得的基础,而当今往往是儿童缺乏直接经验,企图用书本学来的间接经验指导生活,这是知识传递的逆向.文章通过好奇心的重要性、好奇心在当今教育场域下的压抑以及解放儿童好奇心三个方面对好奇心的重视进行尝试性探讨,以期对当今教育教学提供有益借鉴.  相似文献   

好奇心的实质与教师的支持性策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
好奇心作为幼儿创造性的主要表现和主要的学习情绪之一,早已引起了学者们的关注。然而,在实际的教育活动中,幼儿的好奇心往往遭到教师的忽视与否定.严重阻碍了幼儿好奇心的发展和创造性的培养。也影响了教学活动的效率。因此,有必要从理论上帮助教师澄清对于幼儿好奇心实质的认识,从教育实践的角度引导教师理解教师的情感支持、材料支持、策略支持的重要性及基本要求。  相似文献   

Curiosity has rightly received much attention in epistemology and educational research. Although, through the centuries, it has been regarded with a degree of ambivalence, the trend now is towards its championing as an intellectual or epistemic virtue. The present discussion juxtaposes it against a contrasting way of knowing, which I refer to as knowledge by acquaintance. The notion of acquaintance pursued here parts company with Bertrand Russell's adoption of the expression, taking up instead a more ordinary use of the term. It is suggested that both curiosity and knowledge by acquaintance can present problems. Working through an example drawn from Stephen Poliakoff's film Close My Eyes, the paper seeks to reappraise the value of knowing by acquaintance for epistemology and for educational practice and research.  相似文献   

科学的产生和发展离不开"科学好奇心",它是科学创造所需的基本情感,是科学知识产生的重要来源,好奇心根深蒂固地植根于人的生存之中。好奇心由社会的自由水平和现实的物质压力两个方面所决定。创造性是好奇心驱使下的产物,它是科学的另一个重要特征,它与好奇心共同提供了科学发展的条件。好奇心与创造性在康德那里一起构成了"先验想象力"的内在部分。康德认为,生产性的想象力是人类一切知识可能的根据,是创造的源泉,它的特点就是盲目性和创造性,这在一定程度上解释了科学发展的不可控制、不可预见性。  相似文献   


This paper links educational psychology research about curiosity to teacher moves that are effective in an inquiry-based mathematics classroom. Three vignettes will show explicit teacher moves (staging disagreement, intriguing anecdotes, and creating a safe space) for different audiences (math majors, mathematics for liberal arts students, and future elementary school teachers) and tie them to particular studies about curiosity. The goal is to deepen our thinking about inquiry-based teaching by considering curiosity as one of the starting points of inquiry. Educational psychologists have found ample evidence that curiosity improves learning. We claim that curiosity and inquiry are deeply connected in a curiosity–inquiry cycle and become most active in a classroom that exhibits a culture of asking questions.  相似文献   

生态批评理论是西方最新出现的一种文学批评潮流。文章从生态批评理论这一崭新的视角,结合生态批评要旨,对狄更斯《老古玩店》进行生态批评解读。狄更斯对工业与科技批判、欲望批判,重返与自然的和谐体现了他的绿色思维和生态思想。  相似文献   

In an attempt to determine if an open classroom environment encourages greater curiosity and/or openmindedness than does a traditional classroom environment, 41 open classroom children and 42 traditional classroom children completed an openmindedness scale and 5 subtests of a curiosity scale. Sex was included as a factor and IQ was included as a covariate in all analyses. No significant sex differences were found. The significantly higher mean curiosity score for the open classroom group was primarily due to significant differences between classrooms on 2 of the subtests: those measuring preference for novelty and change (p <.05). The results were interpreted as an indication that the open classroom may encourage some aspects of curiosity to a greater extent than does the traditional classroom.  相似文献   

没有好奇,就不会去注意;没有好奇,也就没有兴趣。没有兴趣、没有注意就不会去发现、去探索。学生是学习的主人,不应成为学习的奴隶。与其强迫学生苦涩地学习,死记硬背,不如教师大胆创新,创设引人入胜的教学情境,从而培养学生对化学本身的注意、好奇,使学生产生浓厚的学习兴趣。  相似文献   

提问是幼儿科学探究活动的重要组成部分,也是激发和保持孩子好奇心的重要举措。然而,由于一些教师的提问存在目的性差、不给幼儿自主表达机会、对幼儿缺少必要的反馈等问题,导致其实效性不强。为了激发幼儿在科学探究活动中的好奇心,教师在提问时应讲究策略,着重处理好"什么时候问"、"问什么"、"怎么问"、"由谁问"等四个问题。  相似文献   

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