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孩子的创新不是可以人为培养的,相反,创新来自于孩子的缪斯本性,并成为孩子的本能力量和生存方式。顺应创新的本然应该是“让歌者唱”、“让思者想”和“让行者走”。  相似文献   

School Restructuring: Your School Can Do It!   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The thesis aims to provide the interpreter trainees with an effective way of learning during and after their training process by observing and explaining how the learning as well as practice is promoted effectively and consciously through reflective activities.  相似文献   

教学中,经常遇到这样的情况,学生从正面掌握了有关的化学知识,但在解释和说明某些具体问题时,总是感到力不从心,说不清楚.尤其是一些推理论证的问题,不会用学过的理论知识去分析判断.甚至,一些常用的化学术语都不会使用.  相似文献   

The paper makes a research on delamination method in English teaching in senior middle school—a dimension of English teaching.By applying theories of linguistics,the author analyzes the present situation of the application of delamination method in English teaching both in college school and in senior middle school and a conclusion is,then,drawn that delamination English teaching can also be applicable in senior middle school.  相似文献   

Spouses may share the same bed and even each other's mannerisms(特殊习惯,怪癖). Now scientists conclude that husbands and wives also share something not nearly as sweet: their diseases. Examining the ills of 8, 000 English couples,  相似文献   

It Can Be Done     

如今我们生活的环境可能导致害羞,因为我们日常生活中面对面交流的需要减少了。一些专家认为,已经习惯于使用电子邮件、玩网络游戏、使用自助银行和其他自助服务的网络新生代面临着不能培养社交技能的危险。不管什么原因,克服害羞的方法还是有的。“你可以树立新的世界观,”沃克强调, “你可以戒除旧习。”你可以这样做:  相似文献   

One of the strangest things is the act of creation. You are faced with a 1)blank slate—a page,a canvas,a block of stone or wood,a silent musical instrument.  相似文献   

随着改革开放的深入和人民生活水平的提高,在国家鼓励消费的情况下,应加强对全体人民进行科学理性的消费导向教育,特别是对中小学生的消费启蒙教育。   综观时下见诸报刊的未成年人犯罪个案,不难发现大都因缺乏消费知识,盲目摹仿成人消费行为,以一种不考虑消费基础的不自量力的“有钱无钱都要潇洒一下”的畸型消费心态,随心所欲地乱花钱。这种不计后果的无知盲目的极度消费,一旦缺钱时,必然诱发出或私下骗、偷父母或亲友的钱物,或加盟社会上违法犯罪行列等行为。由此可见,在社会主义市场经济体制的环境下,对少年儿童进行消…  相似文献   

The CREATE (Consider Read, Elucidate the hypotheses, Analyze and interpret the data, and Think of the next Experiment) strategy aims to demystify scientific research and scientists while building critical thinking, reading/analytical skills, and improved science attitudes through intensive analysis of primary literature. CREATE was developed and piloted at the City College of New York (CCNY), a 4-yr, minority-serving institution, with both upper-level biology majors and first-year students interested in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. To test the extent to which CREATE strategies are broadly applicable to students at private, public, research-intensive, and/or primarily undergraduate colleges/universities, we trained a cohort of faculty from the New York/New Jersey/Pennsylvania area in CREATE pedagogies, then followed a subset, the CREATE implementers (CIs), as they taught all or part of an existing course on their home campuses using CREATE approaches. Evaluation of the workshops, the CIs, and their students was carried out both by the principal investigators and by an outside evaluator working independently. Our data indicate that: intensive workshops change aspects of faculty attitudes about teaching/learning; workshop-trained faculty can effectively design and teach CREATE courses; and students taught by such faculty on multiple campuses make significant cognitive and affective gains that parallel the changes documented previously at CCNY.  相似文献   

心灵恐怖是爱伦.坡的哥特小说极力张扬而呈现给读者的另类体验,几百年来一直深受大家的喜爱。本文借助《泄密的心》这个世界经典的心理小说,从其根源及艺术特色,剖析了爱伦.坡小说的立意本质,从而诠释了恐怖源自心灵这一深刻的主题。  相似文献   

In this essay, I will look at the relationship between Creativity and Spirituality in the field of writing in general, and in scientific writing in particular. A few issues such as why we write and different kinds of writing will also be briefly discussed. In general, creativity is related to a special way of SEEING, or insight, as mentioned in many spiritual traditions. Therefore, with regard to Creativity as the term is used in this essay, a certain level of spirituality is implicitly assumed.  相似文献   

The discussion in this paper departs from a fundamental premise: that in the foreseeable future local central agencies for Jewish education will not be receiving from their parent Federations the degree of increase in allocations which will enable them to significantly expand — let alone sustain at the current levels — the array of services which they deliver. This situation can be traced to a number of factors. To begin with, in many communities the ability of the Federation to raise funds through its annual campaign has leveled off. As a result, the total amount of money available for distribution to all Federation constituencies, including local bureaus of education, is no longer increasing in step-function fashion. Secondly, other Federation beneficiaries are staking claim with ever greater determination to their perceived share of the community dollar. Over the years most central agencies for Jewish education have become inured to this sort of competition for Federation funds from such sister agencies as the Jewish community center, the local Jewish home, and the like. But in recent years, allocations to local Jewish Day Schools have climbed to record levels, often making these institutions prime “competitors” with bureaus of Jewish education for community funds, more particularly with that portion of the total pie which has been allotted to education. This places bureaus in a difficult dilemma: On the one hand, they must support — indeed, encourage — increased funding for Jewish day school education. At the same time, bureaus are confronted with the uncomfortable fact that each community dollar allocated to day school education is a dollar which, potentially, might have been assigned to the central agency.  相似文献   

包括第二次鸦片战争在内的近代中国发生的中外战争,都是由帝国主义列强为攫取侵略利益而发动、挑起的;义和国运动是反帝爱国运动.近代中国只有通过新民主主义革命,彻底推翻殖民地半殖民地的社会制度,才可能为全面的现代化创造必要的前提.以所谓"现代化"作为中国近代史的主线,必然会对近代历史的重大问题作歪曲的理解.  相似文献   

The purpose of article is to analyze the arguments of Bruno Latour and SteveWoolgar aimed at eliminating `superfluous' cognitive explanations from discussionof scientific activity. They proposed to a ten-year moratorium on cognitiveexplanations of scientific activity and promised to reassess explanation interms of cognition after this period of time if some aspects of scientific inquirywould not be accounted by sociological explanations. Intensive laboratory studiesof scientific practice indicated that scientific thinking is not based on mentalprocesses alone but relies on external tools and instruments. On the basis ofthese kinds of observations, they rejected all cognitive explanations of scientificinquiry. By building on sociocultural theories of cognition, the present study makesthe case that the use of conceptual tools significantly transforms cognitive processes.It is concluded that the failure to appreciate cognitive explanations reflects a far toonarrow and non-social concept of cognition: Even after the ten-year moratorium thereappears to be many good reasons to reassess the proposal of eliminating cognitiveexplanations altogether.  相似文献   

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