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Some people think of cats and dogs as senior animals, for they can understand people's facial expression and even their words. In fact, they have underestimated other animals, which can also do what cats and dogs do. Due to their ignorance, people always do something cruel unconsciously to these poor animals through their facial expression and words.  相似文献   

Physical education (PE) can make meaningful contributions to public health by directly providing moderate to vigorous physical activity (PA) opportunities for school-aged youth. Quality PE aims to contribute indirectly to PA beyond the school day. Unfortunately, insufficient evidence exists regarding the impact of PE on lifelong PA. This has led PE to a crossroads. Moving straight through the crossroads adds comprehensive school physical activity program responsibilities to the PE teacher’s load. Turning left results in PE teachers being replaced by PA leaders. The right turn reaffirms that the aim of PE is to teach youth the skills, knowledge, and dispositions to become physically literate and active for life. The right turn is the most difficult because it requires systemically changing school PE that has remained stagnant for decades. Recommendations are presented that include embracing the comprehensive school physical activity program model, conducting research clearly defining the role of PE and directing the contributions of PE to broader public health aims.  相似文献   

依据发展心理学的研究,儿童和青少年具有参与社会活动、承担社会责任的可能性和必要性。一儿童和青少年的认知能力发展是分阶段的,学校教育对于促进其认知能力的发展有着重要作用。根据对青少年社会道德责任能力发展的具体内容及其道德观、人生观的发展阶段的分析,作者从启蒙教育和转交责任两个方面提供了促进青少年参与社会实践的指导性建议。  相似文献   

One of the most controversial issues in special education over the last 40 years has been the extent to which students with learning disabilities (LD) should be educated in general education classrooms. Recent mandates in federal law requiring that all students with disabilities have access to the general education curriculum and make adequate yearly progress relative to this content have intensified this debate. In this article, a brief summary of research regarding the nature of instruction that produces significantly improved educational outcomes for students with LD is provided. This is followed by a review of research related to the delivery of this high‐quality instruction in inclusive, general education classrooms and in resource settings. We conclude that this research provides the foundation for reconsidering full inclusion and how services are delivered for elementary students with LD.  相似文献   

A recurring paradox in the contemporary K-12 classroom is that, although students educationally and developmentally benefit when teachers support their autonomy, teachers are often controlling during instruction. To understand and remedy this paradox, the article pursues three goals. First, the article characterizes the controlling style by defining it, articulating the conditions under which it is most likely to occur, linking it to poor student outcomes, explaining why it undermines these outcomes, identifying its manifest instructional behaviors, and differentiating it from an autonomy-supportive style. Second, the article identifies seven reasons to explain why the controlling style is so prevalent. These reasons show how pressures on teachers from above, from below, and from within can create classroom conditions that make the controlling style both understandable and commonplace. Third, the article offers a remedy to the paradox by articulating how teachers can become more autonomy supportive. Three essential tasks are discussed. Special attention is paid to practical examples of what teachers can do to support students' autonomy.  相似文献   

吕荧的美学思想具有非常重大的意义 ,进一步发展吕荧的美学思想 ,应从以下方面着手考虑 :一、从客观对象与人的现实联系上确定审美价值 ,使美所反映的内容落在实处 ;二、从实践与人本质的联系上确定审美实践 ,使审美价值问题获得科学具体理解 ;三、以审美价值为基础 ,从审美体验与审美评价的辩证统一关系上认识人类的审美欣赏 ;四、以审美价值作为逻辑起点 ,建构中国当代美学理论体系。  相似文献   

Helping Students Say How They Know What They Know   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

Who Are They     

郑金枝的父亲用平日积攒下来的钱为女儿买了张票,她将搭乘一条渔船离开越南,那时,她刚刚9岁。对家人来说,将金枝送上小船,置身于陌生人中间,是一种令人心酸、代价昂贵的牺牲。他们只愿她能最终到达美国,在那里受到良好的教育,享受更美好的生活。  相似文献   


From romance on the set to hookingup at a Hollywood bash , find out how celeb couples got together.  相似文献   

In this article the author conducts a brief review of the research on childhood loneliness in school-age children and the long-term outcomes, especially in relation to the utility of intervening. She advocates an approach based on increasing social competence, developing mutual friendships and overcoming self-defeating thought patterns. Whole-school or whole-class based interventions are described and recommended. She concludes that all components of loneliness should be addressed, not merely the lack of social skills. She argues that since the long-term outcomes of loneliness are as yet unknown, there is no practical and ethical justification for focusing interventions on an individual. Interventions that involve the whole-school or whole-class are theoretically capable of alleviating loneliness in childhood providing they are not narrowly focused.  相似文献   

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