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This study explores elementary teacher perceptions related to the implementation of an online tutoring program. Teachers were surveyed regarding factors that affected use of the online tutoring program as a supplement to mathematics instruction. Results indicated that teachers overwhelmingly reported positive views of the training and support opportunities provided, as well as confidence in their level of knowledge and the ease of use of the program. Teachers also indicated strong support of the mathematical content and instructional value of the program. Each of these factors increases the likelihood that online tutoring programs such as the one implemented in this study will continue to be used among teachers as a supplement to mathematics instruction.  相似文献   

Peer tutoring in Higher Education is being used with increasing frequency to aid in student learning, motivation, and empowerment. Although an extensive body of research documents the efficacy of such programs, it exhibits a surprising lack of awareness of the social dynamics involved. This study focuses on peer tutors and students as they interact in higher education classrooms. Results indicate that this interaction does not always occur smoothly and that tutors often spend an inordinate amount of time engaged in impression management. Additionally, findings suggest that the tutor/student relationship can be rife with misunderstanding and power struggle.  相似文献   

The jackknife and bootstrap methods are becoming increasingly popular in research. Although the two approaches have similar goals and use similar strategies, information is lacking with regard to the comparability of their results. In the present study, this issue was systematically investigated for a case of canonical correlation analysis. Bootstrap, jackknife, and Monte Carlo experiments were carried out for 4 sample sizes (n = 200, 100, 50, 20). The jackknife analyses were also varied as regards the number of jackknife observations deleted in each analysis. Some meaningful discrepancies were observed between the bootstrap and jackknife results, especially under small sample-size conditions. Based on the comparisons made with Monte Carlo estimates, the empirical results suggest that the bootstrap technique provides less biased and more consistent results than the jackknife technique does.  相似文献   


The changing landscape of learning in graduate leadership programs has given way to the potential of online development programs. Currently, a lack of research exists that describes the role of the online leader, particularly in academic programs that utilize mentors as well. Identification and exploration of the leadership role in an online environment given the structural elements of mentorship and academic coursework, then becomes the context of this article. A case study using a systems framework of input-process-output=output was conducted to investigate a program of international collaboration, networking and mentoring relationships that attempted to unite leaders to prepare schools for globalization. What developed within the overall design was the identification of three levels of leaders that were involved in this program: Student (participant) leaders, process leaders, and instructor leaders that struggled to define identity roles within the virtual realm. A clear need for purpose, identification and role clarity to scaffold the virtual experience and fortify the mentoring process surfaced from the experi ences within this case. Further research and development will be needed to successfully design programs for leaders that will meet practical, relevant needs while establishing engaging, collaborative, interdependent relationships to affect the local environment and satisfy the necessary academic criteria.  相似文献   

外语阅读焦虑与阅读成绩的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究外语阅读焦虑与阅读成绩的关系,利用外语阅读焦虑量表,对随机抽查的150名英语专业的大学生进行测试,并就阅读焦虑与阅读课程成绩和阅读理解成绩进行研究。结果表明:同非英语专业学生一样,英语专业学生普遍存在英语阅读焦虑;英语阅读焦虑与英语阅读学业成绩及阅读理解回顾成绩之间存在显著性负相关,阅读焦虑与阅读理解多项选择成绩之间没有显著性负相关关系。  相似文献   

对《初等数学研究》课程标准的6部分进行了详细的解读.并提出:课程目标价值取向应多元化,课程实施时应与中教法同步进行.  相似文献   

对《初等数学研究》课程标准的6部分进行了详细的解读.并提出:课程目标价值取向应多元化,课程实施时应与中教法同步进行.  相似文献   

传统的小学数学课程评价以“工具理性为价值取向”,导致课程评价侧重认知目标,忽视情感与态度目标的达成;强调以预设目标为尺度,关注结果的终结性评价,评价由专家、教师完全操纵,学生成为评价的旁观者。本研究以多元化评价作为小学数学课程评价的价值取向,提倡一种动态的多元化课程评价观——评价主体多元化,评价内容多元化,评价方式多元化;注重形成性评价与总结性评价相结合;采用定性描述为主的方式呈现评价结果。  相似文献   

Every school should have an organised policy for language across the curriculum establishing every teachers' involvement in language and reading development throughout the years of schooling. Language for Life  相似文献   

韩国中小学生普遍补课,背后的关键假设是补课有利于提高学习成绩,但是补课和成绩的关系究竟如何,目前尚无定论。此外,补课的作用可能因条件而异,有必要更加细致地考察补课对不同群体的作用。本研究基于“国际大型数学与科学趋势研究”(TIMSS)2019八年级测评数据,采用双层次线性模型进行分析,发现韩国八年级学生补课时间越长,数学成绩就越好。在此基础上,如果学生所在学校平均补课时间长,学生成绩将额外增加;这种作用可被该校学生的整体家境组成所部分解释。学生补课时长与成绩的关系既不因学校而异,也不因其学业水平的高低而异;但是学生家庭经济与文化资本越薄弱,补课久与成绩提升的关系越大。本研究还发现,校内数学教师的教学水平能够在一定程度上中和补课与成绩的关系,但是这种作用比较有限。韩国已然形成补课主导的教育生态,补课对成绩有顽强的预测力,其背后反映的是学生与家长在学业竞争中胜出的需求无法在公办教育中得到满足;反过来,韩国的补课市场提供了更加多元化、个性化的教育。  相似文献   

作为九年一贯课程的一个重要领域,台湾地区中小学数学课程发生了很大变化.课程目标体现基础性、全面性和一定的弹性,注重学生综合素养培养;课程内容注重扩展学习领域,强调与生活联系,重视学生的体验和能力的培养,注重与现代科学技术发展相适应.  相似文献   

The science achievement of 226 5th graders from districts that have a kit-based inquiry science curriculum supported by intensive professional development (PD) is compared with data from a group of 173 5th graders from other districts that use nonkit science materials and do not have systematic science PD for teachers. Within the kit-based project, the sample of project teachers is stratified to select teachers with a high number of science PD hours versus those with few hours. While there were no significant differences in the mean total scores for kit-based students with low PD versus high PD teachers, the kit-based classrooms scored significantly higher than students in nonkit classrooms on both the pretest and posttest, though there were significantly more minutes of science instruction in the nonkit classrooms. Finally, nonkit teachers taught more units of shorter length and reported lower levels of preparedness to use reform pedagogical approaches.  相似文献   

小学学科课程与教学论教材的逻辑结构探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“教学法”是小学教育专业的核心课程,由于人们对该课程的功能与定位的理解不同,导致了教材编写的结构上存在质的差异。本文试图从“教学法”发展的历史轨迹中寻找它发展的逻辑,从课程整体结构角度探讨它的功能和定位,最后确定了教材编写的知识逻辑结构和师范生教学行为训练逻辑结构。  相似文献   

对我国中学数学课程改革的几个问题的几点思考   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
我国数学课程改革必须适合我国国情,要以中小学教育实际为基础.应保护我们的民族成就,不可盲目与其它国家接轨.由于国情不同、大纲各异,因此切忌将我国大纲与其它国家大纲盲目乱比.电脑对我们的学习确实产生了重要影响,但并不是“凡电脑会做的都无需学习”.培养人才的关键是打好基础,而打基础的最佳时机在初中,平面几何思维训练是开发智力的最佳工具,因此,不应在初中削弱平面几何.高中阶段应进一步如强对学生数学思维能力的训练,不应将数学归纳法等内容砍去.  相似文献   

The current study took a quasi-experimental approach investigating the effect of a holistic after-school intervention, on reading comprehension measured by the Gray Oral Reading Test (GORT)-4 on at-risk students in Grade 2 through Grade 5. Analysis of Variance was used to investigate the relationship between pre- and post-intervention scores. The study showed encouraging results. The 91 student participants showed gains in their GORT-4 total scores after the intervention. Results of after-school tutoring lend support to the use of peer-tutoring in afterschool in the elementary schools. Due to the exploratory nature of the study in a single school, there are constraints on generalizability and utility of findings to other schools across the board.  相似文献   

学校课程管理是指学校作为课程管理主体对课程的规划、编制、实施、评价及相关因素与条件的管理。我国基础教育课程改革明确赋予学校课程管理的主体地位,以课程论审视,“课程论性意义”是其本体性基础,课程模式演进是其历史性渊源,当代主体课程观是其时代性依据,强化师生作用的课程政策趋向是其制度性要求。考察学校成为课程管理主体的课程论意蕴,对于全面理解新课程制度与自觉实践新课程精神具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Our study investigated the knowledge 13elementary teachers gained implementing astudent-centered curriculum in the context ofdistrict-wide reform. Participants comprisedall the teachers in grades three, four and fiveat a single elementary school. We believed thatinvestigating teachers' responses to fictionalpedagogical scenarios involving nonstandardalgorithms would yield insights into criticalcomponents of their knowledge base. We lookedin particular at teachers' knowledge of children's mathematics. We found that teacherswere in the midst of creating a knowledge basefocused on children's mathematics and groundedin knowledge about alternative conceptualtrajectories through the elementary curriculum.Teachers' knowledge of nonstandard strategiessupported by the curriculum materials wasstronger and more coherent than their knowledgeof students' novel nonstandard strategies.Strong mathematical knowledge was notnecessarily associated with strong knowledge ofchildren's mathematics. Teachers' thinkingvaried by a topic's treatment in the writtencurriculum materials used, suggestingimplementation of the curriculum as a source oflearning.  相似文献   

使用TIMSS标准化的内容分析方法对我国《义务教育数学课程标准(2011年版)》的小学部分和目前最为常用的三套小学数学教材及数学教学大纲(2000年修订稿的小学六年制部分)的课程内容进行全面的国际比较发现,我国目标课程在内容选择上与TIMSS高成就国家和地区并无太大出入,相比于TIMSS高成就国家和地区的课程内容分布模式,我国目标课程内容的安排更为聚焦和集中。由于课程标准按照学段对知识内容作出要求,会因为不同的教材而出现不同的分布模式。通过国际比较,为我国目标课程层面的内容设置、改进以及教材编写提供了一个全新的反思和审视的视角。  相似文献   

This study investigates how four prospective teachers interpret and use textbooks while learning to teach mathematics during university coursework and practicum teaching. Results indicate that prospective teachers had varied approaches to using textbooks ranging from adherence, elaboration, and creation. Factors influencing how they engaged with texts include their practicum classroom setting, access to resources, and their understanding of mathematics. Preservice teachers' attempts to modify textbook lessons raised pedagogical, curricular, and mathematical questions for them that were not easily answered by reference to the textbooks or teacher's guides. Findings indicate that the practicum can, however, challenge preservice teachers to be creative and flexible users of curriculum materials.  相似文献   

The field of education is progressively building capacity and tools for producing rigorous research evidence to use in improving educational practice and outcomes. The knowledge base is lacking, however, in explicating the dynamics of research-based decision making and exploring connections between the work of research–practice partnerships and changes in educational outcomes. Drawing on experiences and data collected over a decade in mixed-methods research, we describe a case example of how research evidence developed in a multidistrict collaboration was used by one district partner to inform ongoing improvements in publicly funded tutoring programs. We employ both qualitative and quantitative analysis in exploring probable linkages between research-based changes made by the district partner and academic outcomes over time.  相似文献   

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