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Many mathematics departments usually teach a variety of courses for students from different science departments and even from different faculties. These service courses are usually taught in the same way as the courses for mathematics major students. However, in science, because of the need to better analyse and interpret experimental data and the increased use of mathematical tools in chemistry and geology textbooks, it is becoming necessary to teach these science students quantitative skills beyond the scope of first year mathematics courses. This paper describes the design of a one-semester second year mathematics course, mainly for chemistry and geology students, with three specific objectives: to develop students ability to quantitatively analyse problems arising in their own field, to illustrate the great utility of mathematical models to provide answers to key chemistry and geology problems, to develop students appreciation of the diversity of mathematical approaches potentially useful in the chemical and geological sciences.  相似文献   

在科大学生中开设化学选修课要从生活的角度引入化学,由身边的化学导入原理,由简炼的原理导出应用,由现实的应用引发思考,在教学过程中抓住“四个转变”,培养大学生科学的思维习惯,终生学习的态度,自学的方法,提高分析问题、解决问题的能力,从而达到提高科学素养的目的。  相似文献   

结合中学化学教材中的实例 ,阐述了在中学化学教学中对学生进行辨证唯物主义教育和爱国主义教育的必要性和可能性  相似文献   

以有机化学课堂教学为案例,以培养学生的创新意识和创新能力为目的,结合有机化学课程教学改革实践经验,对教学中与创新能力培养相关的侧重点进行了初步的探索性实践。  相似文献   

传统的高等数学考核评价制度普遍存在考核方式单一、重结果轻过程、重知识轻能力、重理论轻应用等弊端,它背离了高职高专教育的初衷,限制了学生个性的张扬和创新精神的培养,影响了教学质量的提高。因此,必须围绕高职高专院校人才培养方案和高等数学教育目标,加大在考核的内容、方式、成绩评定等方面的改革力度,构建了适合高等数学课程的多元化学生评价体系。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether there were significant differences in students’ performances amongst conceptual, algorithmic and graphical questions tests. Seventy-one eleventh-grade students were involved in this study. In order to assess students’ performance, conceptual, graphical and algorithmic questions tests were utilized. Students’ performances in each test were analyzed statistically. Statistical analysis using one-way ANOVA of student tests scores pointed to statistically significant differences amongst each of three test scores (P < 0.05) in favor of the conceptual test. Further analyses were conducted to compare one type of questions with others. From these comparisons, positive relationships were found between conceptual understanding and algorithmic understanding and between conceptual understanding and graphical understanding. Also, results obtained indicated that most of the students lack of graphical understanding. The results suggest that students need more training about graphical understanding.  相似文献   

结合教学实践,就大学化学专业英语课程的设置与教学策略进行了探讨,就课程的地位、目标、教材、教学、考核等问题提出了自己的看法。  相似文献   

目的了解选修课教育对大学生食物搭配的影响。方法以采取整群抽样的方法选取参加营养学选修课学习的学生作为学习组,以同期参加食品安全选修课学习者为对照组,学习组学生参加10周的营养学学习,对照组不参加任何营养学学习,在开设选修课前后以匿名填写问卷的形式了解两组学生相关营养知识知晓及食物搭配行为,并进行比较。结果选修课开始前两组学生在营养知识、食物搭配行为方面无明显。选修课结束后,与对照组学生相比,参加营养选修课学生的知识知晓率明显较高,做到有米有面、按颜色搭配、粮豆类食物搭配、荤素搭配的比例也较高,而按自己的喜好搭配的比例较低。结论选修课学习有助于提高学生对营养知识的理解,并能促进其进行食物的合理搭配。  相似文献   

Many individuals tend to have difficulty completing complex procedural tasks that require branching. Neither prose–based nor list–based instructions have been efficient in alleviating this difficulty. Traditional flowcharts have proven more effective in helping individuals to complete complex procedural tasks, but only after several practice sessions. However, it is possible that the use of map–like symbols may eliminate the need for repeated flowchart practice. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of flowcharts utilizing map–like symbols on performer efficiency in completing a complex procedural task. The results of this study indicated no significant difference between the use of map–like symbols and traditional flowcharts in helping performers to complete complex procedural tasks. However, both graphic presentation formats were found to be significantly more efficient than a list–based presentation of information. It was expected than an intuitive map–like presentation would be more efficient than a list–based format. However, the efficiency of the flowchart presentation under unpracticed conditions was unexpected, based on prior research.  相似文献   

随着信息技术的广泛运用,微课已成为高等教育信息技术的新热点,通过对高分子化学课程教学现状的分析,结合微课这一新型教学模式的优势和特点,提出在高分子化学课程教学中由混合式教学模式、共享网络平台、系统教学硬件设施和平等互信师生关系为内容的微课教学平台构思,并对微课在实际教学中的应用和教学效果进行了分析.  相似文献   

A high school English department collaboratively addressed the issue of college-readiness in writing while utilizing a focused four-phase leadership model to guide their efforts. Although this discussion highlights the strategic use of writing rubrics, it is the intention to share the benefits of using the four phases of collaborative teacher leadership model with a clear path that strategically uncovers instructional problems, identifies solutions, and analyzes data within a sustainable process. This discussion illustrates how the leadership model guided the department in identifying core causes of students' struggles with academic writing and solutions of strategically using writing rubrics to guide students to higher levels of mastery.  相似文献   

Analysis of student performance in a Geography degree course over a ten year period, as part of a larger study of student performance in large classes, revealed a five year cycle of change in student performance and in the ability of the course to cope with large classes. The cycle exactly matched the introduction of new degree programmes with performance taking four years to recover to the levels eventually achieved with the previous course design. It is concluded that radical change in course design can initially reduce performance and that stability for several years may be necessary to achieve the potential of a new course.  相似文献   

精品课程“无机与分析化学”的创建与成效   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章结合“无机与分析化学”精品课程建设,从课程体系、教学内容、师资队伍建设、教材建设、教学方法和手段等方面对该课程的创建与成效进行了探讨。  相似文献   

基于绿色化学理念,针对高职院校的无机及分析化学实验课程的特点,就如何实现课程的绿色化问题进行了有益的教改尝试。教改的切入点主要从以下几个方面进行出发,确定教学理念,改变教学模式,丰富课程考核,按照定-改-丰三步接力式实施。通过改革,整个课程变得更加有序合理,增强了学生学习的主动性与创造性,提高了学生的环保意识,体现了绿色化的实验教学管理对人才培养的作用和意义。  相似文献   

程序启发式教学法在化学教学中的成功应用 ,建立在改革课堂教学组织结构和培养学生自学能力的基础之上 .  相似文献   

In 1786, backcountry Massachusetts farmers, fed up with government policies favoring aristocratic elites, marched on courts to bar the entry of judges and juries. Enacting a long-standing tradition known to colonists as a “Regulation,” the farmers’ movement became known as Shays's Rebellion. Erupting in the turbulent days following the War for Independence, yet predating the formation of the national Constitution, Shays's Rebellion was understood as a crucial post-war attempt to deploy state violence to manage popular dissent; thus, Shays's Rebellion produced deeply problematic yet lasting rhetorical conventions for justifying the compromised forms of republicanism that mark the early republic.  相似文献   

工程化学实验课程的探索   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
讨论了传统普通化学实验课程中的不足。通过开设综合应用型实验,提高军校工科学员综合应用化学知识的能力。  相似文献   

基于具体、明确和可作为实践、实验操作参考的微课程,是由教师主导拍摄的以教学为目标的2~6分钟左右的教学短视频。通过对化学实验教学的分析,结合微课程的特点,制作了化学实验微课程群,在内容上以目录为导引,呈现了碎片化、随时化和可视化的教学特点。将微课程群应用于实验教学,经试用,有较好的教学效果。  相似文献   

High stakes testing, a phenomena born out of intense accountability across the United States, produces instructional settings that marginalize both curriculum and instruction. Teachers and other school personnel have minimized instruction to drill and practice in an effort to raise standardized and criterion referenced test scores. This study presents an alternative to current practice that engages students in learning and increases their awareness of the internal aspects of standardized tests. The Test Item Construction Model (TICM) guides students through the process of studying test item stems and subsequently creating items using a 12 week process of incrementing from understanding to creating test items. Students grew in their understanding of the test item stems and the generation of these. An ANOVA did not yield significant differences between random groups of trained and untrained test writers. However, students in the experimental group demonstrated gains in understanding of test items.  相似文献   

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