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The possibility of a relationship between the authoritarianism and morale of teachers and the authoritarian level of their administrators is considered in this study. The California F-Scale and Purdue Teacher Opinionaire (PTO) were administered to a population of 273 elementary teachers and twenty principals. Faculties of administrators with high F-Scale scores did not differ in authoritarianism or morale from faculties under principals scoring low. Comparison of F-Scale scores to morale factors did reveal significant relationships. The factor of age consistently showed significant influence on other variables. Older teachers scored much higher in morale factors and authoritarianism than did younger teachers. This leads the author to suspect a selection process in which anti-authoritarian teachers leave teaching.  相似文献   


This study focused on the possible relationship that might develop between the manner in which a teacher perceives his supervisor’s behavior and teacher morale. Two hundred and ten in-service teachers responded to two instruments. The first asked them to describe their supervisor’s behavior in terms of an adaptation of Flanders’ direct-indirect categories. The second was an incomplete-sentence morale test used by Suehr. The data were analyzed by use of analysis of variance. Results indicated that differences in perceived supervisor behavioral style were related to differential morale scores in a statistically significant manner.  相似文献   


The author examined how local charter school educators respond to the accountability measures being imposed on them. Encouraged by early indications of increased test scores, state and federal policymakers continue to support accountability as an effective means to improve schools. Surprisingly, there has been little research on local educators’ experiences with and responses to such reforms. This lack of research is striking because teachers, principals, and superintendents are directly responsible for the implementation of accountability mandates, including administering tests, teaching to the state standards, and implementing state-approved curriculum packages. In an effort to understand teachers’ and administrators’ experiences with public school accountability, the author explores how educators in 4 charter schools in Michigan understand recent accountability mandates with respect to school reform.  相似文献   


Determining the purposes and intentions of administrative behaviour has remained problematic despite intensive research on the work behaviour of administrators. The various research methods do however provide a wealth of data on activities, locations and with whom administrators interact. This data provides a means to determine the administrative attention to different issues. Research on National School principals’ work behaviour shows that principals devote over one‐third of their activities to administrative issues, another third to pupil‐related issues and under one‐fifth to curricular and instructional issues. Fewer than one‐in‐five of the latter were with teachers. Meetings were the common means for attending to each of the three main issue areas. A major proportion of the remaining attention to pupil‐related issues was through supervision and to curricular and instructional issues through teaching. While the majority of principals’ attention was self‐initiated, a significant proportion was scheduled especially for supervision and teaching. Principals need to examine their patterns of administrative attention to see if it accords with their stated goals and values. The need for the provision of certain administrative skills would seem necessary if the patterns emerging from this research are not what principals’ perceive as their pattern of attention.  相似文献   

This study compared the effectiveness of structured and branched-format employment interviews in differentiating strong and weak teachers. In addition, the study examined the correlations between principals' ratings and teachers' self-ratings on measures of efficacy, commitment, job satisfaction, and morale. To simulate structured and branched interviews, eight experienced elementary teachers were employed to construct eight videotaped interviews. Four of these teachers were identified as strong, and four were identified as weak teachers based on formal district evaluations. Sixteen elementary principals each viewed two tapes, one representing a branched interview format and the other representing a structured format. Tapes of strong and weak teachers were randomly assigned to principals within each interview format. The principals then rated the teacher on the five scales: overall teaching ability, efficacy, commitment, satisfaction, and morale. Teachers completed a par allel questionnaire before videotaping the interviews. Analysis of the data indicated both interview methods were effective in differentiating between strong and weak teachers on ability, efficacy, commitment, job satisfaction, and morale measures. With certain cautions, this finding supports the common practice of placing great emphasis on verbal interviews to select teachers. There was not, however, a significant difference between the two interview formats; either format seems acceptable. Correlations between the principals' rating and the self-rating of the teachers were significant on the efficacy, job satisfaction, and morale measures; the correlations were not significant on the commitment measure. This finding implies that collection of specific types of survey data before the interview might increase the predictive validity of the interview process; alternatively, it might allow the process to be shortened with little loss of information.  相似文献   

This report is an independent evaluative study of administrative decentralization in the Cleveland Public Schools carried out under contract with the Cleveland Board of Education. The study reviewed the history of decentralization, synthesized the literature on its contemporary development since 1970, summarized its emergence in Cleveland since 1980, and then focused intensively on events during 1984‐1985, Year 3 in that system's scheduled reorganization.

Relevant documents were reviewed from February through May of 1985. Then, 18 administrators, 6 from each of 3 levels, were interviewed in depth in March. In June, 18 other administrators and 14 teachers at 7 schools were interviewed as well. A questionnaire was sent to 335 administrators and 433 teachers, and 444 were returned, for a response rate of 58 percent. The project did not include Board members or parents and community leaders from School‐Community Councils.

Respondents gave fairly high ratings to the value of decentralization for Cleveland and were especially favorable toward the value of increased autonomy for school principals, school control over teacher selection, and school‐community councils. They rated the success of decentralization as of 1985 as no more than average, however, and they gave average ratings to the effort's overall impact thus far on school improvement. Most of those surveyed estimated the system was at the half‐way mark on the road to 100 percent implementation.

Teachers and field administrators generally regard the Board and the central administration as sources of obstacles to the evolution of decentralization. Most teachers have yet to become involved in the effort and this disinvolvement, combined with a more negative attitude by about half of the central staff, depressed the ratings of success and progress overall. In addition, there is a racial effect. White educators in Cleveland are less positive than Black educators toward decentralization.

The study found that the technical aspects of administrative decentralization are in excellent working order; that cluster directors, principals, and key subgroups of senior administrators at headquarters are very enthusiastic about the reorganization and its aims; and that school‐based teacher selection has been working quite well. However, some organizational obstacles remain to be surmounted: central staff lack incentives to let go of old bureaucratic procedures; too few pathways exist for widescale teacher participation; and cluster offices have too many paperwork duties and too few resources to allow them to carry out all of their work effectively. Many assistant principals, moreover, have not been delegated parts to play in decentralization. The implication of this study is that much has been accomplished on decentralization during Year 3, but the notion that the change can be fully installed in three years is in itself unrealistic.

The study concluded by recommending a reform in Cleveland's current practices of selecting principals so that the very best leadership can be secured in future years. It further recommended that organizational rather than technical planning be undertaken in order to integrate the four great changes now in progress in the system: desegregation, decentralization, educational improvement, and fiscal retrenchment. Some final suggestions were also discussed for improving the more affective aspects of decentralization, such as teacher morale and central staff participation in the field.  相似文献   


This study examined possible divergencies between the way elementary school principals evaluated their performance in carrying out certain administrative practices and an evaluation of the principals' performance as judged by the teaching staff. The principals' performance was evaluated on 46 administrative practices. Teachers and principals in 66 elementary schools participated in the study.

The null hypothesis proposed that there was no significant difference between principals' evaluation of their performance and an evaluation made by teachers. The chi square test of significance was used to test the hypothesis. The results were: (1) the two groups differed significantly on their evaluation of the principals' performance on 22 of the 46 administrative practices, and (2) principals rated their performance as more satisfactory than did the teachers.  相似文献   


This paper investigates the evolution of leadership for learning that has occurred in four secondary schools located in disadvantaged contexts in the province of Granada (Spain) over a period of 2 years, performing a comparative analysis on the values, qualities and strategies that characterize their principals during the academic years 2013–2014 and 2015–2016. The investigation uses case studies and conducts interviews with principals, teachers and education administrators. It is supported by the group-case method, as well as the longitudinal prospective method. The results show that only one of these principals has maintained a leadership aimed at learning and achievement of all students in the school, at the same time as students’ academic results have been improving. This paper concludes by providing information on values, qualities and strategies of successful leadership in disadvantaged contexts in Spain that distinguish them from other less successful leaders.  相似文献   


Effective school administration is seen as important and is the task not only of the principal but also of promoted senior teachers in national schools today. Information on principals’ involvement in tasks that may be viewed as not exclusively theirs was gathered as part of a project on principals’ work behaviour in national schools. Some principals appeared to perform duties that could be delegated. One‐quarter of the national schools in the survey either had no delegated areas of responsibility or did not delegate duties to all promoted teachers. The emphasis in delegation is strongly towards organisational and support duties (and even chores) and to insignificant degrees in the areas of curricular responsibilities or leadership and co‐ordinating roles and duties. The level of professional development involved for promoted senior teachers is not considered adequate.  相似文献   

This study addressed recruiting principals into low performing schools. A sample (N = 619) of principals, assistant principals, central office administrators, school counselors, and teacher-leaders from the 29th largest school district in the United States role-played as applicants for principal vacancies at schools classified as low-performing based on results of standardized student achievement tests. The study had an experimental design and involved use of a recruitment simulation. Rating jobs depicted on simulated principal recruitment announcements, principals and assistant principals rated the job highest while school counselors rated the jobs lowest. Among the teacher-leaders, teacher-administrative interns rated the job higher than did highly skilled educators or resource teachers. Implications for recruitment practice and future evaluation research are discussed.  相似文献   


Four representative Educational Psychology classes (N =139) were drawn from the fall semester offering of a large Midwestern teachers college. Two additional classes (N = S3) were selected from a small Eastern liberal arts school also training teachers.

At the beginning of the semester, all subjects were administered measures of intrinsic parental acceptance (Ausubel Parent Attitude Rating Scale), manifest anxiety (AT scale of MMPI), attitudes toward teaching (MTAI), attitudes about the value of professional education (SEAS), and authoritarianism (California F Scale). Measures of academic aptitude (ACT, SCAT) and academic achievement (GPA) were secured from the college records. At the end of the same semester, subjects completed a student information sheet and a second measure of their attitudes toward teaching (MTAI).

Significant correlations were obtained between parental acceptance scores and each of the following measures; manifest anxiety, attitudes toward teaching, and attitudes toward professional education. Male overachievers were found to have significantly lower parental acceptance than male underachievers. No significant relationships were found between parental acceptance and attitude shift or authoritarianism.  相似文献   


Relatively little is known about how and by whom curriculum leadership and management occur inside secondary schools, especially in Asian contexts. This article aims to analyse curriculum decision-making in two academically effective secondary schools in Hong Kong. It employs qualitative methods to capture the contributions made by various school personnel, and in particular the principals, to curriculum leadership and management. Data for the two schools show that whilst neither of the principals plays a significant role in curriculum monitoring and innovation, the vice-principal (male), the senior teachers and teachers in one school were perceived to place more emphasis on curriculum monitoring and innovation than their counterparts in the other school. Whilst teachers in both schools shared high expectations for students' academic achievement, one subtle difference between them related to the pursuit of academic excellence. In one school, students did not exert much pressure on their teachers whereas in the other school, teachers felt they had to fulfil students' demands for good lesson preparation and take account of students' opinions of their teaching.  相似文献   


The present study aimed to investigate and compare school principals’ and teachers’ perceptions regarding online risk behaviours in school-aged children, examining simultaneously the predictive role of their perceived self-efficacy in their perceptions under study. The participants were 237 principals and 295 teachers, mainly from Central Macedonia and Attica, who completed a self-reported online questionnaire. According to the findings, participants declared awareness of students’ online risk behaviours. However, compared to teachers, principals to a greater extent felt confident to manage this issue and support school community involvement in the prevention of/intervention in it. Furthermore, principals’ self-efficacy in promoting students’ learning/ethical behaviours in school and teachers’ self-efficacy in managing students’ behavioural problems inside a classroom predicted positively their perceptions under study. The findings indicate the necessity of applying differentiated related training programmes for principals and teachers, highlighting simultaneously the importance of their perceived self-efficacy in how they approach the issue studied.  相似文献   

Recent investigations designed to elucidate the teacher behaviors which are facilitative of positive student attitudes and increased student performance have presented inconsistent results. It is hypothesized that the inconsistency between studies may be due to an interaction between teacher characteristics and student characteristics in the determination of the dependent variables involved. To test this hypothesis, teachers and students in a West Coast high school were administered a revised version of the California F-Scale (a measure of authoritarianism). High- and Low-F groups of both teachers and students were selected, and students’ grades and attitudes toward their teachers were observed. It was found that High-F students exposed to Low-F teachers showed particularly low attitudes toward their teachers and particularly low grades. Data for other combinations of student and teacher characteristics were essentially equivalent.  相似文献   


This article reports on a two-year study of one principal’s professional learning practices in ‘Transform,’ a professional learning program in Edmonton Catholic Schools, Alberta, Canada. Transform was designed to be a bottom-up, morally-oriented professional learning approach in which principals and teachers worked as partners on critical, participatory action research projects. This article examines the research question ‘How are principals shifting from technically- to morally-oriented professional learning practices in their schools?’ and explores one theme – co-creating social spaces for risk-taking to illustrate how principals shifted from being managers of teachers’ learning to being partners with teachers in researching and refining classroom practices.  相似文献   

This research investigated the relation between children’s performance on two measures of receptive language and children’s auditory discrimination of consonant-vowel sounds having frequency and temporal acoustic differences. The measures of fine-grained auditory discrimination produced significant multiple regression coefficients against both receptive vocabulary (Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-Revised) and receptive language (Token Test for Children) scores. Validation analyses conducted by predicting receptive vocabulary and language scores for a new sample of children and relating them to the actual scores led to significant outcomes. It was concluded that fine-grained auditory discrimination is particularly important in the relatively early stages of language learning. The cooperation of the participating children, teachers, principals, and school district administrators is gratefully acknowledged. This research was supported, in part, by a grant from NINCDS (NIH).  相似文献   


In this study, we investigate two principals’ learning in a progressive district in the southern United States. Both principals talked about ‘ownership’ and ‘continuous progress'as key to education reform, yet their words carried different meanings for learning. Principals’ use of reform terminology was embedded within two distinctly different communities of principal's practice ‐‐ Total Quality Management and ‘whole language’. We conclude by discussing ways to bridge such gaps in understanding among principals and communities by creating opportunities for learning and discourse. Educational administrators might thereby talk about and explore the different nuances of meaning they bring to their practice.


Purpose: School principals must determine educational policies and make information-based decisions. Teachers have authentic information that they do not transmit in full to the principals. A theoretical model was tested that explains the factors behind this disconnection in communication.

Design: Four hundred and forty-five teachers completed questionnaires that examined a variety of aspects of reciprocal relations between teachers and school management.

Findings: The model explains 44% of the variance in authentic teacher–principal communication. The principal’s communication pattern with teachers, with two sub-components, represents a dominant factor in teacher willingness to share information. Leadership style represents only an indirect factor.  相似文献   

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