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进入21世纪以来,作为新媒体代表的互联网将全球连接在一起,信息传播呈现出全球化和多样化特征.网络在给人们带来极大的信息自由和知情权的同时,也有可能会促成某些社会冲突.不论这些社会冲突是否有其爆发的必然性,网络往往都被认为是其中主要的推动力量.究其根本,主要在于网络是属于"端点媒体"(即以个体的使用为基础的媒体),它为个体提供了相对成本低廉、独立且较为自由的信息接受和表达权利,这为信息传播的多样化提供了物质基础.  相似文献   

如今大城市和受过良好教育的公民,尤其是女性,隐私意识空前强烈,这里面大众媒体的反复倡导和传播功不可没。但同时,公民的知情权也日益扩大,当知情权包括个人的性信息等隐私内容时,就会产生冲突。而对公民隐私权的侵犯主要来自大众媒体。于是,矛盾产生了。一方面,如果新闻带有明显的公共利益性质,此时公众的知情权是否高于公民的隐私权?另一方面,一些与公共利益关系不太大的涉及个体的新闻,如社会新闻和娱乐新闻,往往带有大量的隐私信息,这些信息的传播是否没有边界?  相似文献   

黄华 《今传媒》2012,(1):22-23
随着公民对知情权、信息自由的关注以及信息技术的发展打破了信息壁垒,政府发言人就成为联系国家和国际社会关系的重要纽带和中介。由传统修辞者演变而来的现代发言人,其"施事话语"的效力是国家政府"授权"的,国家的"象征性资本"在国际社会中的地位在一定意义上决定了作为政府代言人的话语的权威和有效性。而发言人的个体修辞能力和个人形象又反过来对国家形象的建构产生一定的影响。所以,二者的关系是互为的。  相似文献   

以政务短视频、政务直播为主要样态的移动政务视频以迅猛之势成为政务传播的新"利器",而碎片化作为一种能有效吸引用户并增强用户黏度的策略常用于其内容制作。然而,对其传播效果的检验却并未得到相应的重视。基于符号学视角的2×2多因素组间设计控制实验结果表明,移动政务视频的碎片化策略主要能够提升信息传达效果层面的信息认知度与互动关系效果层面的互动亲密度而对用户产生"卷入效应",但也会在形象构建效果层面降低形象鲜明度和形象好感度;总体而言,其正向效果、尤其是深层正向效果较为有限,应谨慎使用。  相似文献   

媒介传播与社会伦理价值取向紧密关联。"分配性努力"致力于如何分配别人生产出来的财富而非努力于生产,其伦理实质属于过度经济理性,与市场经济公正、自由、平等的伦理要求相冲突。改革开放前具有组织传播特征的媒介传播与社会运动相伴随,经济理性被压抑;改革开放后的媒介传播向大众传播回归,促进经济理性快速释放,但随之陷入"GDP主义",宣传职能服务于政绩,营销职能服务于利润,放弃了"生产性努力"的价值导向;在此逻辑中,主流媒介对"分配性努力"事件的监督与警示功能缺失,而人际传播与媒介传播中的精英伦理形象背离,使"分配性努力"行为在人际传播中产生示范效应,至于精英们的媒介化生存技巧,则产生媒介工具化的示范效应。  相似文献   

本文运用表征概念对热播电视剧中利己主义形象给予分析,对于不同道德形态下的利己主义形象予以观照。目前利己主义形象及行为在热播电视剧中较为普遍,主要体现在职场道德、家庭道德和个人道德品质方面。作为大众传播的重要信息,热播电视剧形象表现出的泛利己主义以及利己主义"合理化"现象,对于受众道德认知乃至实践有可能产生一定的负面影响与误导。  相似文献   

本文运用表征概念对热播电视剧中利己主义形象给予分析,对于不同道德形态下的利己主义形象予以观照。目前利己主义形象及行为在热播电视剧中较为普遍,主要体现在职场道德、家庭道德和个人道德品质方面。作为大众传播的重要信息,热播电视剧形象表现出的泛利己主义以及利己主义"合理化"现象,对于受众道德认知乃至实践有可能产生一定的负面影响与误导。  相似文献   

重大事件报道中的冲突框架研究——以《人民网》为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭勇 《今传媒》2015,(1):34-36
本研究使用内容分析的方法,对《人民网》的一些重大事件的新闻报道中的"冲突框架"进行了分析,发现:这些重大事件主要涉及的议题是"政府问题";冲突主体主要属于"国家与社会管理阶层",倾向于诉诸"暴力"来化解冲突双方的矛盾,冲突原因主要是"利益因素",冲突结果对事件主体的个人影响主要是"影响个人名誉"和"个人地位或职位的变化";冲突客体主要属于"农民劳动者阶层"和"未知名阶层的民众与其他",倾向于诉诸"非暴力"策略来化解冲突双方的矛盾,冲突原因主要是"利益因素"和"情感性因素",冲突结果对事件客体的个人影响主要是"精神伤害"、"经济损失与赔偿"和"失去生命";重大事件的社会影响主要是"真相的揭示或遗忘"和"政府的合法性流失"。  相似文献   

数字时代下,信息传播自由得到了新的发展,但同时也产生了许多新矛盾和新问题。信息传播自由与隐私权之间的冲突便是其中之一。本文简单阐述了这两个概念的内涵,分析了在网络时代下它们各自的变化以及它们之间冲突的变化,从而找出了三对主要矛盾,最后提出了一些平衡冲突的相关对策。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 研究以科学数据为信息载体,探究用户在进行数据检索时,影响其进行相关性判断的标准的使用特征,从而进一步探究科学数据用户的信息行为,为完善数据检索平台和加强数据共享与服务提供理论支持。[方法/过程] 通过调查问卷、访谈与层次分析法相结合的方法开展研究,用户为高校和科研单位在读研究生。[结果/结论] 分析结果显示相关性标准呈现4个特征:①相关性标准的使用情况符合著名的长尾定律;②主题性在相关性判断过程中具有锚定功能;③相关性标准在相关性判断中具有双向性;④相关性标准使用权重相对稳定。研究准确把握了科学数据用户的检索策略,明晰了其检索行为,为改进科学数据共享系统提供了具有可操作性的建议。  相似文献   

科技论文引言部分的人称口气及其表达   总被引:10,自引:6,他引:4  
贺琦  秦娟  张云扬 《编辑学报》2002,14(3):193-194
在陈述研究背景、研究理论依据时,如果不用引自参考文献中的作者姓名、不用泛指他人如"已有作者"等词语做主语、定语、状语成分,引言部分是采用第一人称的写法(即口气)来写作的.在简要陈述研究目的、研究方案时,在汉语、英语科技论文中均可用"我们"作主语来表达第一人称的口气;在较多的汉语科技论文中,常常用"作者"或合理人格化的词语"本研究"、"本工作"、"本实验"等作主语来表达第一人称写作口气.  相似文献   

In clinical research and clinical decision-making, it is important to know if a study changes or only supports the current standards of care for specific disease management. We define such a change as transformative and a support as incremental research. It usually requires a huge amount of domain expertise and time for humans to finish such tasks. Faculty Opinions provides us with a well-annotated corpus on whether a research challenges or only confirms established research. In this study, a machine learning approach is proposed to distinguishing transformative from incremental clinical evidence. The texts from both abstract and a 2-year window of citing sentences are collected for a training set of clinical studies recommended and labeled by Faculty Opinions experts. We achieve the best performance with an average AUC of 0.755 (0.705–0.875) using Random Forest as the classifier and citing sentences as the feature. The results showed that transformative research has more typical language patterns in citing sentences than abstract sentences. We provide an efficient tool for identifying those clinical evidence challenging or only confirming established claims for clinicians and researchers.  相似文献   

国外数据共享行为影响因素研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简要概括科学数据共享的基本理论,基于国外的研究成果,从制度因素、技术因素与个人因素3个方面概括影响科研人员数据共享行为的因素以及它们与共享行为之间的关系,发现由于政策制定目的与内容的不唯一性、技术因素的复杂性以及个人因素的主观性,已有的研究结果也只能说明某一因素在研究特设的条件下对研究人员数据共享行为所起到的作用,并不能明确地总结出各个层面的因素到底是促进还是阻碍了科学数据的共享行为。最后,对目前研究存在的问题以及今后的研究方向进行探讨。  相似文献   

高利华  张秀成 《图书与情报》2011,(5):124-127,144
目前学术界主要是从学术研究的角度来讨论图书馆学学术论文的写作问题,文章则从客观存在的图书馆学学术论文的现实状态入手,总结出图书馆学学术论文写作现象的几个特点,然后进一步探究现象背后更为深层的问题。文章认为,目前国内图书馆学学术论文写作现象主要有以下几个特点:1、论文数量较多,质量高的较少;2、大多数人研究范围较宽泛,形成稳定研究方向的少;3、重视论文学术性、严谨性、创新性,轻视论文生动性,较少使用修辞用句;4、发表个人观点占绝大多数,进行商榷、争鸣或学术批评的较少;5、有一些图书情报期刊编辑撰文探讨如何写作专业论文,图书馆学家讲述专业学术论文写作的太少。形成这种状况的原因主要和图书馆人的学历、专业结构有关。作为研究者应不断提高自己的学历、完善其知识结构,提高研究水平;作为图书馆界,则应进一步加强对人员培训的力度。  相似文献   

对在校63名医学硕士研究生利用Internet网上信息资源的现状进行了问卷式调查,调查表明:专业信息查询和学术交流是医学研究生上网的主要目的,但他们对网上常用医药卫生同多站利用较少;45.2%的人未上过网,没有条件和不会应用计算机网络是上网受限的主要原因。  相似文献   

This article aims to understand what determines the degree of e-government use for multiple purposes by analyzing the Government Online Survey data that the Pew Internet and American Life Project provide. Three main purposes of e-government use are identified as: service use, information use, and policy research. The degree of e-government use for a specific purpose is predicted by five sets of determinants: psychological factors of technology adoption, civic mindedness, information channels, trust in government, and socio-demographic and personal characteristics. Sociodemographic conditions influence usage level of various transactional services provided by e-government. Perceived ease of use facilitates the acquisition of general information through e-government. Civicness is a critical determinant of e-government use for policy research. Policy researchers who are more engaged with and concerned about society, neighbors, and government are emerging as a new class of e-government users.  相似文献   



This Association of Vision Science Librarians revision of the “Standards for Vision Science Libraries” aspires to provide benchmarks to address the needs for the services and resources of modern vision science libraries (academic, medical or hospital, pharmaceutical, and so on), which share a core mission, are varied by type, and are located throughout the world.


Through multiple meeting discussions, member surveys, and a collaborative revision process, the standards have been updated for the first time in over a decade.


While the range of types of libraries supporting vision science services, education, and research is wide, all libraries, regardless of type, share core attributes, which the standards address.


The current standards can and should be used to help develop new vision science libraries or to expand the growth of existing libraries, as well as to support vision science librarians in their work to better provide services and resources to their respective users.The Association of Vision Science Librarians (AVSL)—whose more than 150 members represent ophthalmology, optometry, and industry libraries throughout the world—has defined standards for its libraries since 1976 13. AVSL recommends that vision science libraries (VSLs) have at least one active member in AVSL. Standards for this very specialized area of library service have evolved owing to the work of librarians who, since 1937, have been developing and refining standards for their libraries 4. The standards reported here reflect the changes that have taken place during the decade and a half since the last edition of these standards were published. Changes include recommended staffing and technology, and the addition of a section addressing online access to information.AVSL convened a task force to first evaluate whether a standards revision was needed. Once it was agreed to do so, the task force guided the process of the revision, which included member surveys and discussions at meetings over the span of two years.The standards are intended to provide qualitative information such as appropriate staffing levels and collection scope, which can be used to evaluate existing vision science libraries or to develop new vision science libraries. In addition, these libraries should reflect the purpose and mission of the institution to which each belongs, and each library should have policies in place that outline the various areas to support the education, research, and patient care information needs of their institutions.  相似文献   



The research determined (1) the information sources that family physicians (FPs) most commonly use to update their general medical knowledge and to make specific clinical decisions, and (2) the information sources FPs found to be most physically accessible, intellectually accessible (easy to understand), reliable (trustworthy), and relevant to their needs.


A cross-sectional postal survey of 792 FPs and locum tenens, in full-time or part-time medical practice, currently practicing or on leave of absence in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan was conducted during the period of January to April 2008.


Of 666 eligible physicians, 331 completed and returned surveys, resulting in a response rate of 49.7% (331/666). Medical textbooks and colleagues in the main patient care setting were the top 2 sources for the purpose of making specific clinical decisions. Medical textbooks were most frequently considered by FPs to be reliable (trustworthy), and colleagues in the main patient care setting were most physically accessible (easy to access).


When making specific clinical decisions, FPs were most likely to use information from sources that they considered to be reliable and generally physically accessible, suggesting that FPs can best be supported by facilitating easy and convenient access to high-quality information.


  • Medical textbooks were the most popular information source for family physicians'' (FPs'') clinical decision-making purposes, and medical journals were the most popular information source for the purpose of updating FPs'' general medical knowledge.
  • FPs considered medical textbooks to be the most reliable (trustworthy) source, colleagues the most physically accessible, and continuing medical education the most relevant and intellectually accessible.
  • The lowest ranked information sources across all four attributes were personal digital assistants, mental health professionals, pharmaceutical sales representatives, and other decision aids.


  • The most popular information sources for clinical decision-making purposes among FPs were sources characterized as reliable and generally physically accessible.
  • This study suggests the need for further research into interventions that target information access barriers in FPs'' practice settings and the promotion of reliable evidence for FPs'' clinical decision-making purposes.

The Open Government Data (OGD) projects have spread rapidly in recent years, given that they involve a great transformative potential, whose aims to guarantee transparent government and stimulate the participation and citizenry engagement. It seems that there is a lack of studies analysing factors regarding both the access to OG projects and the volume and format of data published into OGD projects. Therefore, this paper seeks to identify main factors affecting both the way of accessing the OG projects and the volume and format of data published into OGD projects in larger Spanish municipalities (with >50,000 inhabitants and a sample of 145 municipalities). Our main findings seem to point out the intention of sample governments to increase their information disclosure as a way for enhancing their reputation or government's image introducing OGDPs initiatives. Also, it revels differences among analysed municipalities regarding the context in which the information is disclosed.  相似文献   

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