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1 研究背景 技术一直是ICME(国际数学教育大会)关注的一个主题,如2008年ICME-11的大会报告之一"技术与数学教育"(P7:Technology and mathematics education),课题研究组"新技术在数学教与学中的应用"(TSG22:New technologies in the teaching and learning of mathematics),以及讨论组"远程教育中的问题与挑战"(DG25:Current problems and challenges in distance teaching and learning).  相似文献   

The 9th International Conference of the Association for Language Awareness(ALA)with the theme of"Engaging with Language"will be held from 26-29 June 2008 at the Univer- sity of Hung Kong.The Conference is organized by the Associ- ation for Language Awareness with the support of the HKU Constituent Theme"Languages,Media and Communication: Language in Education and Assessment"(www.hku.hk/clear) and the British Council.  相似文献   

周玉 《海外英语》2012,(1):279-281
Based on semantic theories this paper discusses and explains the different meanings of the Chinese character "shang"(上) in five Chinese phrases-"shang ji"(上级),"shang mian"(上面),"shang fang"(上访),"shang xue"(上学) and "shang ban"(上班).The author tries to analyze the usages of the Chinese character "shang" through vivid examples.In the end she categorizes the usages and meanings of the morpheme "shang"(上).  相似文献   

The decline of britain has been a fashionable topic for some years since people realize it in the mid—1960s. Many articles and books liave been written to discuss this issue,Politicans and pundits have vied one another in offering diagnose of what is wrong and proposal to set things right, some argued that the problem had a long history, as it is put in English. culture and "the decline of the Industrial spirit"(1) "The English diseaze"(2) "Correclli Barnett argueed in 1975 (3) " is not the novelty of the  相似文献   

About the Author:Thomas Hardy(1840-1928),son of a mason,was bom near Dorchester.At 16,he was apprenticed to a local architect.Six years later he went London to work for a famous architect.During his spare time,he studied widely:language,literature,history,philosophy and art,and he won two prizes for essays on architectural subjects.But architecture was never his desired profession.Soon he turned to literary creation.In 1871,his first novel "Desperate Remedies" was published and well received.His "Under the Greenwood Tree"(1872) and "A Pair of Blue Eyes"(1873) are the most interesting idyllic love stories.He became noted when he published "Far from the Madding Crowd"(1874)."The  相似文献   

2011年1月20日,由亚洲权威的资产管理行业杂志《亚洲资产管理》(Asia Asset Management)举办的年度"资产管理行业最佳成就奖"(BEST OF THE BEST AWARDS)评选在香港正式揭晓。嘉实基金管理有限公司与嘉实国际资产管理有限公司共同荣获五项国际大奖。  相似文献   

刘利剑 《海外英语》2011,(14):279+285
Frederic Francois Chopin,was one of the creative composers in the period of romanticism.The dissertation starts with three aspects,which are the composition background,the form and structure and the performing techniques,analyses on the "Waltz in C sharp minor"(Op.64-2) of Chopin,with the intentions of grasping the emotion and meaning in music more precisely and interpreting the composition more perfectly in the future performance.  相似文献   

Just about every young American eats peanut butter and "jelly"(jam) sandwiches. Peanut butter is made of chopped-up peanuts and oil. There are two sorts of peanut butter – the crunchy(松脆的) kind with small bits of peanuts in and the smooth kind.  相似文献   

Globalization is not a new concept. Different economists with different points of view have defined the term in a variety of ways. For example, Samuel M. Makinda defines it as "the intensity and breadth of interactions within the political, technological, economic, social and cultural domains"(1998: 4). In this article I regard it as a term that describes the process through global economic integration. "It can be viewed as the hidden force behind economic cooperation, free trade rules, and occasional turmoil in the international financial markets"(Makinda, 1998: 4). The trend towards globalization  相似文献   

张洵  吴昌荣 《海外英语》2012,(17):217-219
"Voltaire,the French poet,dramatis,historian and philosopher was an outspoken and aggressive enemy of every injustice such as tyranny,bigotry,cruelty,but especially of intolerance.He was noted for his characteristic wit,satire,and critical capacity.His works are outstanding embodiment of principles of French Enlightment"(wangzuoliang,2007:240).The paper is analyzing the reasons leading to candide’s tragedy by exploring into the social background,the Christianity embodied in it and the contradiction between id and superego.  相似文献   

徐立 《海外英语》2013,(6X):254-254
"Metaphors We Live By"was written by George Lakoff and Mark Johnson in Chicago in 1980 published by University of Chicago Press. Lakoff and Johnson’s"Metaphors We Live By"(1980) is an important contribution to the study of metaphor.  相似文献   

教育部"十一五"规划重点课题"增强学生社会责任感的公民教育实践模式研究"(课题批准号:DEA090282)结题会于2012年6月25日在杭州师范大学召开。此课题由杭州师范大学赵志毅教授主持。课题鉴定专家组由我国著名教育理论家、西北师范大学博士生导师胡德海教授,浙江大学教育学院博士生导师魏贤超教授,杭州师范大学原校长、浙江大学博士生导师林正范教授等人组成。管理单位负责人、杭州师范大学人文社科处处长余龙进教授参加会议。  相似文献   

正据联合国教科文组织网站2009年12月22日报道,教科文组织(UNESCO)迎接即将到来的2010"国际生物多样性年"(International Year of Biodiversity)和"文化和睦国际年"(International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures)。  相似文献   

<正>"第二届亚洲未来互联网学会(AsiaFI)无线移动网络学堂"(The Second AsiaFI School on Mobile and Wireless Networks)于2009年1月12至16日在北京清华大学举行。会议的主办单位是亚洲未来互联网学会AsiaFI(Asia Future Internet Forum),  相似文献   

William Wordsworth was the representative of the British "Lake poets" In his poems he aimed at simplicity and purity of the language,fighting against the conventional forms of the 18th century poetry.He transformed his observation of the landscape into the revelation of the beauty of nature in poetry,and thus expressed his nature philosophy.In this article the author briefly analyses the organization of his poem: "Ode: Intimation of Immortality" and mainly elaborates her understanding of the poet’s na-ture-philosophy in four points:(a) Man is sensitive to all natural influences in childhood.(b) Nature has a moral and spiritual sig-nificance and helps the poet understand the mystery of human life.(c) Life is but a stage.(d) All good poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings;it takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquility.  相似文献   

针对时代背景的变化、民主政治的发展、公民教育的新特点,目前国际教育成就协会(IEA)展开了第三次公民教育调查,即"国际公民与公民素养教育研究"(ICCS).这一调查研究在20世纪70年代和90年代两次国际性的公民教育研究基础上进行了发展和完善.同时,这一评价框架的形成及研究特征体现出国际公民教育发展的趋势:更为关注多维公民身份的评价、主动公民的培养和区域评价模式的构建.  相似文献   

正香港公开大学(the Open University of Hong Kong,OUHK)是亚洲开放大学协会(AAOU)第28届年会承办机构。在此次AAOU2014年会期间,本刊记者就所关心的话题采访了香港公开大学校长、AAOU现任主席黄玉山教授和香港公开大学大学研究中心总监、AAOU现任秘书长李锦昌博士,并将采访内容整理成文,以飨读者。  相似文献   

It has long been viewed that Saussure’s principle of arbitrariness is a fundamental theory in modern linguistics.Up to now,some linguists and scholars have raised their doubts to Saussure’s arbitrariness theory from different aspects.In this thesis,the author aims at using " 六书 "(The six categories of Chinese characters) to show that the creation of Chinese characters has some reasons and it was not 100% arbitrary between the forms of linguistic signs and their meaning.  相似文献   

正2014年9月2至5日,第九届联合国互联网治理论坛(Internet Governance Forum,IGF)在土耳其伊斯坦布尔召开。今年的互联网治理论坛主题为"连接五大洲,增强互联网多方治理",着重关注新出现的多方互联网治理模式,并希望论坛为互联网治理的所有相关各方广泛而多样的观点提供全面对话的机会。在为期4天的会议中,通过举办"政策推动互联网接入"、"互联网治理生态体系"、"IANA职能管理权移交及加强ICANN问责"、"青年人参与互联网治理"等100多  相似文献   

王牧兰 《海外英语》2011,(5):171-173
As is known to all,Tang Poem(TP) reflects the humanities,the place and the people,the political and cultural life of the Tang dynasty.TP must be translated cautiously and detail.Poetry translation may be considered a rivalry between two languages(or even between two cultures) which vies to express the original idea best.That is to say,it is most important to grasp the cultural background in that period before one can study the translation of TP from a cultural perspective.Culture will not fade as time goes by and will not vanish as the world changes.How do TP be translated into English by application of linguistic context analysis? Firstly,the translator should have a thorough understanding of the content and background,and accordingly use various techniques of translation,e.g.Literal translation,free translation,transliteration,etc;furthermore,the style of the original must be given serious consideration.Linguistic context analysis includes phonetic context analysis,syntax context analysis and syntactic context analysis.As for the syntax,as far as syntax is concerned,there are many differences between Chinese and English.Mr.Wang Li points out:"western language is rules-oriented,but Chinese is man-oriented"(Shen Xiaolong.1990:141).As for the syntax,he says:"structure of TP is close-knit and flaws less,which is inflexible,but western grammar isn’t." this theses attempts to analysis how does an English version of a TP embody the style of the original poetic work by using proper syntactical form.  相似文献   

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