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兰英 《教育研究》2012,(4):140-144
教育实践活动是一种融入了多方面现实需求,多因素的现实条件和有着不同个体和社会心理的主体参与的,基于一定"场"的活动。对现实教育实践的研究需要研究者的在"场",对国外教育实践活动的研究更需如此,因为多了自身和他者文化因素的阻隔。比较教育研究中常见的问题是研究者对所研究对象"场"的缺乏,而仅依据对文献资料的解读无法较客观地把握真实情景中的教育事实。现象学研究方法中主张的悬置已有观念、直面与再现现实生活,还原事实本身、体察"场"中角色的境遇等做法无疑能更有效地形成对事实更客观和完整的把握。  相似文献   

在比较教育研究的历史中,“描述”是常用的研究手段,对教育事实进行客观的描写和叙述,并尽可能翔实地回答“是什么”的问题。然而,古今中外的比较教育学家都认为比较教育研究的逻辑起点是基于描述,并超越描述。从理论来讲,超越描述包括超越经验命题、超越事实呈现和超越因素分析。现实中的比较教育研究应该基于可以提炼出具体研究假设、可以用理论来解释事实(甚至发展理论)和可以走向理解性、预测性或应用性结论的科学命题,与文献、与他者和与自己对话,重视运用定性研究方法,加强对定量研究方法的应用和多种研究方法综合应用等,从而实现超越描述。  相似文献   

教育研究方法不同于实体性工具,追问其对世界本体、知识确证以及研究者的设定,有助于理解其合法性。根据“设定”可划分三种不同的方法路线。实证路线将教育世界分裂为现象与本质、事实与规律,研究者以教育本质、规律为知识追求,置身事外观察、静思;理念路线关注“人为世界”,研究者以理念构建为知识生产旨趣,超然于现实绘制理想图景;意义路线打破“分裂”、“静态”的世界本体设定,着眼流动、变化的真实世界,研究者即实践者,他们处身现实世界,以自身为镜探询教育意义。实证路线与理念路线的设定并行不悖,可共同开展研究;意义路线与其他二者的设定多有冲突,研究中难以联用。  相似文献   

基于科际整合研究的比较教育方法论发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
方法论是比较教育学科建设的一个核心问题,也是当代比较教育学科发展所遇到的一个"瓶颈".科际整合研究是当代较有影响的研究模式,它对比较教育研究具有十分重要的方法论意义.比较教育的学科特征和现实境遇决定了比较教育科际整合研究的可行性和必要性.比较教育研究中的科际整合主要是从方法论的观念上整体观照比较教育学科发展."和而不同"是比较教育科际整合研究的最高境界.  相似文献   

我国比较教育研究的立足点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨洪 《比较教育研究》2005,26(10):19-22
比较教育的身份危机问题由来已久,引发了不少争议.本文针对比较教育四种形式:身份危机--学科统一性危机、社会地位和社会价值危机、归属感和认同感危机及区域性比较教育文化群体的生存危机一一进行了述评,提出比较教育的发展并不存在身份危机,一些学者之所以产生身份危机的认识,可能是因为没有很好地把比较教育研究的立足点放在我国的现实国情上来.比较教育研究的现实目标应为教育和国家发展服务.  相似文献   

比较教育学的教育形态研究范式是一种对当代全球教育社会生态的真实全质存在进行形态性完整把握的研究方式,有着最为真实完整的事实、思维、历史和价值等方面的科学依据。在人类社会生态全质形态得以充分发展和比较教育学全质形态化研究有了深厚积淀的历史条件下,教育形态研究范式将超越性地真正登上教育研究的历史舞台,成为比较教育学乃至整个教育理论科学正确认识、反映、解释和引领教育社会生态现实的主力性的通行学科范式。  相似文献   

迈向21世纪的比较教育研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
一个世纪对于宇宙而言是一个瞬间,对于宇宙中的人类而言却是漫长变迁.上世纪的世界概念是辽阔无垠的,人们守着地域边界感动于家园和民族的记忆;本世纪,科技的胜利带来通讯技术和交通方式的突飞猛进,世界逐渐缩小为一个社区,“地球村”的观念替代了家园的感觉,关于教育的全球意识也在这个沧海桑田的过程中逐渐显现,比较教育研究正是这种意识确立的标志之一.比较教育研究将本国教育的理论与实践置于世界教育体系中进行观照,以确认教育的基本变量,构建教育变革的因果性框架,达至对教育现实的真切把握,并希望籍此为教育发展规划提供选择和策略.  相似文献   

选择数学实际应用问题开展研究性学习   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着教育改革的逐步推进 ,各地中小学都开设了研究性学习课程 .那么 ,什么是研究性学习呢 ?“研究性学习是指学生在教师指导下 ,从学习生活和社会生活中选择和确定研究专题 ,主动地获取知识 ,应用知识解决问题的学习活动 .”现实世界是数学的丰富源泉 ,也是数学应用的归宿 .国际著名数学教育权威弗赖登塔尔认为 :数学是现实世界的抽象反映和人类经验的总结 ,数学教育应该源于现实 ,用于现实 .新世纪是飞速发展的知识经济时代 ,为了适应知识经济对人才知识实际应用能力和研究开发创新能力源源不断的需求 ,我们以实际问题为载体 ,开展研究性学…  相似文献   

一、问题背景八十年代以来,我国教育研究有了长足的发展:教育科研机构不断增多,教育研究者的队伍不断扩大,研究刊物种类日益增加……教育研究领域呈现出一派欣欣向荣的景象.但在繁荣的背后,我国的教育研究领域也确实存在着不少问题.这些问题包括:1、教育理论研究流于空泛.“或缺少对教育实际的了解,凭借第二手资料发表评论和感想;或对教育实际作主观臆想,构造在实际中毫无意义或根本行不通的主观构想;或无视客观世界已经发生的变化,抱住陈旧的观念和思想方法不放,试图用自己怀旧的心情和昔日的道德来改变现实.”(袁振国著《教育改革论》,江苏人民出版社1992,第278页)  相似文献   

家庭教育事实在历史与现实方面呈现出的广博、多元、弹性、相对性、离散性、非规范性等无规则特征,导致家庭教育研究面临比学校教育研究更复杂的事实,需要更复杂的逻辑与方法.而目前以学科研究的方式、方法难以完整、准确、清晰地表述家庭教育的事实与逻辑.因此,以规范化为目标的学科发展路径与方向对于家庭教育研究而言是迷途和歧途,使家庭...  相似文献   

全球化和区域化互动是全球化时代的一个重要特征。在这样的时代背景下,提倡区域教育研究反映了全球化所带来的区域结构变化特征和我国比较教育学科发展的需要。区域教育研究包括社区(community)教育研究、外国教育研究和地区(region)教育研究,为了保证研究的有效性,无论哪种形式的教育的区域研究,都应当遵守区域研究(area studies)方法论的学术规范。一个完整的比较教育研究,既有教育的区域研究,也有教育的问题研究,研究者可以根据自己的价值取向,或采取区域研究框架下的问题分析模式,或采取问题研究框架下的区域解释模式,两者均有其效用。本文的观点只是为谋求我国比较教育学实现理论创新和实践创新所作的些许思考。  相似文献   

This article summarizes the case for adopting a cross-cultural comparative approach to the study of educational administration and leadership. In the first section, we state the main arguments for strengthening a societal cultural approach to educational administration and leadership. The second and third sections outline why culture is a useful concept for analysis and comparison in educational administration, and briefly review the concept of culture itself. The fourth section outlines an influential approach for investigating the influence of culture, that of Hofstede, and suggests that his framework provides a worthwhile starting point for educational researchers. The final section notes a number of important issues which researchers need to consider when exploring the influence of societal culture on educational administration. In summary, we suggest that a cross-cultural comparative approach to educational administration and leadership can expose the value of theory and practice from different cultural perspectives which may then, in turn, inform and influence existing dominant paradigms.  相似文献   

Lesley Bartlett 《Compare》2007,37(2):151-166
This article elaborates the concept of educational projects, a term that signifies consistent constellations of institutions, financial resources, social actors, ideologies, theories of knowledge and attendant pedagogies that shape local cultural practices of schooling. The article demonstrates the utility of the concept of educational projects for comparative and international educational studies by examining competing educational projects in Brazilian literacy programmes for youth and adults. In conclusion, the article argues that the concept of educational projects provides a theoretically rich comparative tool for the field of comparative and international education.  相似文献   

在借鉴时代比较教育已经具有了初步的研究方法论,这是比较教育成为一门独立学科的标志之一。比较成熟的研究方法论能够促进比较教育学科的发展与进步;同时方法论的发展也对各国教育产生了深远的影响。本文阐述了借鉴时代比较教育研究方法论的意义,以期从中对我们当前的比较教育学科建设有所启示。  相似文献   

This article reflects upon the experience of teaching and research in comparative education to reconsider the potential of the field for the new millennium. In doing this, specific attention is given to ways in which comparative perspectives have traditionally been applied, or misapplied, in educational policy debates and the related academic literature. The potential of comparative studies to increase our understanding of the complexities of educational processes is underlined. The uncritical 'borrowing' of educational policy and practice is challenged, and the contemporary need for educational research that recognises the significance of culture, context and difference is highlighted.  相似文献   

在人类文明漫长的历史长河中,私立教育是相当重要的一环,它不仅影响了公立教育的发展,而且为各国教育传统打下了深深的历史烙印。本文以中西方私立教育的源头即先秦与古希腊私立教育为研究对象,比较了中西方私立教育产生的社会背景、教育概况、教育理念等方面的情况,研究结论是:中西方私立教育特别是具有高等教育性质的私立教育造成文化普及和思想自由,对中西教育理念和模式的成型贡献卓越,对各国教育传统有深刻影响。  相似文献   

In the last two decades, calls to place citizenship education (CE) at the top of national and European educational policy and research agendas have been gaining in prominence. Large‐scale comparative studies, such as the International Civic and Citizenship Education Study (ICCS), are often considered the main evidence base for setting these agendas and improving CE policies and practices. This article therefore considers the ICCS study as an inherent part of the process of translating general, educational aims into curricular policies and practices of CE. However, while critical voices about comparative educational studies have become paramount, a detailed analysis of their contents, of what and how they measure and what they promote as the aims of education is often lacking. This article aims to fill this gap by analysing the main research documents, design and items of the 2009 ICCS study. To find out what ICCS promotes as the goals of citizenship education, we examined its normative assumptions in terms of qualification, socialisation and/or subjectification. Our analysis shows that the qualification and socialisation functions are dominantly validated in all aspects of the study, whilst there is only marginal attention to subjectification. This implies that ICCS misses an important potential to document and/or promote pupils becoming autonomous and critical democratic citizens, whilst this is often considered a central aim of citizenship education by policymakers, practitioners and teachers.  相似文献   

Comparative education is frequently concerned with the dynamics of educational change and with educational change in the context of social change. One concept widely recognized by social scientists in the study of change but relatively untapped in educational studies is differentiation. In this paper explorations will be made into the nature of societal differentiation and into the meaning and measurement of educational differentiation. A tentative evaluation will also be offered of the utility of differentiation as an analytic tool for scholars in comparative education.(1)  相似文献   

In this article we argue for the spatialization of research on educational transfer in the field of comparative education within a theoretical framework that focuses on networks, connections, and flows. We present what we call a "spatial empire of the mind," which is comprised of a set of taken-for-granted "truths" about space and place that have legitimized much research in the social sciences. We critique this spatial empire of the mind and present some of the core ideas associated with the spatial turn. The next part of the article reviews three possible ways that new spatial theorizing has been taken up in educational research. Here we make reference to existing educational studies that engage with new ways of rethinking space and place. The argument that we put forward is that the most promising approach, for research on educational transfer within the field of comparative education, is network spatiality. We argue that there is great value in rethinking space and place not simply as objects of study, but within a theoretical framework that focuses on networks, interconnections, and movements within and between them, as well as their productive capacity to produce and shape knowledge, identities, and human subjectivities.  相似文献   

This article engages with the influence of Soviet educational models and Western European contacts, mediated by historical institutional and cultural legacies in producing specifically Eastern educational variants. A first level of analysis will identify the reasons behind the emergence of these variations. A second and higher level of analysis will question the use of global models in the modernisation processes. The Soviet influence in education is conceptualised as initially both an imperialist force and a voluntary borrowing, followed by internationalisation with local adaptation. It cannot be conceived of as a coherent model. In fact, Soviet education was transformed over time and incorporated both Western and elitist elements. Nevertheless, a historical and comparative analysis indicates that, while not divergent on educational grounds, the Soviet and the Western European educational patterns at times intermingled. These countries looked increasingly to the West in search of models and to reposition themselves in the global arena.  相似文献   

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