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语言是一个用于人类交际的、具有任意性的语音符号系统.对于语言的研究可以从结构入手描述其内部结构成分关系,也可以从其交际功能的角度探讨语言结构与其功能实现的关系.而批判话语分析则认为语言不仅是交际的工具而且是社会实践的手段.Fairclough 提出话语三维概念:语篇、话语实践和社会实践.批判话语分析重视语言、意识形态和权力之间的关系,探讨语言结构及其意义表达与其社会实践功能的关系,分析话语在社会意义上的建构性.文章采用Halliday提出的概念如及物性、情态等分析和论证批判话语分析理论的可行性和必要性,进而揭示语言的社会性和本质,对外语教学、语言功能性研究将有一定的启示作用.  相似文献   

价值论在外语教育理论中是一个很容易忽视的命题。业已形成的工具论、实用论、人文论反映了外语教育价值论阶段性的偏重,造成外语教学实践中的失序和茫然。正确认真辨析不同的语言教育价值概念,梳理概念中所内涵的教育价值关系,对外语教育参与者自主觉醒,回归于语言及语言教育本来的轨道上有着重要的教育学意义。  相似文献   

价值论在外语教育理论中是一个很容易忽视的命题.业已形成的工具论、实用论、人文论反映了外语教育价值论阶段性的偏重,造成外语教学实践中的失序和茫然.正确认真辨析不同的语言教育价值概念,梳理概念中所内涵的教育价值关系,对外语教育参与者自主觉醒,回归于语言及语言教育本来的轨道上有着重要的教育学意义.  相似文献   

在外语课堂中教师话语既是教学内容又是教学手段。随着英语新课改的不断深入,教师话语对于语言教学的影响已经成为一个被学界日益关注的课题。本研究通过课堂录音和课后访谈,从语言输入和互动两个角度,对一名农村中学英语教师课堂教学中的目的语使用比例、句法特征、教师话语量、提问方式、反馈方式等方面的特点进行了系统分析。研究结果表明:该教师课堂是典型的"以教师为中心"的传统课堂,虽然为学习者提供了一定的目的语输入,但太多地使用陈述句;教师话语量明显多于学生话语量,提问与反馈方式并不能有效地引发学习者的目的语输出。  相似文献   

赵康 《教育研究》2015,(2):33-40
改革开放以来,伴随大量西方学说的译介和研究,美国科学哲学家库恩"科学革命学说"之"范式"、德国教育学家布列钦卡"元教育学说"之"元"的概念引入到我国的教育学,受到研究者的普遍关注和广泛使用,一批与教育学要素联结形成的多种形式的命题得到深入研究,产生了变革性的影响:"范式"的引入推动教育学发生了认识论、方法论、价值论的变革,促进了教育学研究内容的丰富与陈述体系的升级;"元"概念的引入开拓了教育理论研究的新视界与研究方式,提升了教育学的理论自觉,澄清并革新了教育学的历史认知,构建了元教育学分支学科。凡此革新变化缩影式地展现了大概念的引入对教育学变革与进步的积极意义。  相似文献   

分析哲学注重语言本体、语言所表达命题和概念的分析与辩解。教育领域中对分析哲学的运用促使教育把"分析"作为思维的工具、把"澄清"作为清思的前提来阐释教育本体。为了摆脱分析哲学的羁绊,现代教育研究应超越分析和澄清范式,突破分析哲学对教育研究的窠臼,不应仅驻足于批判性的澄清。教育研究亟需采取积极的教育行为,直面人的教育境遇,并坚持概念澄清、汲取传统教育思想,形成教育理论、教育实践和教育研究三者有机统一的研究范式,实现教育研究的哲学转向。  相似文献   

目前思想政治教育话语研究对"话语"范畴的界定存在不确定和混乱的状况。"思想政治教育话语"范畴应实现从"语言学话语"到"思想政治教育学话语"的拓展。构建"思想政治教育话语"范畴将有助于从哲学高度来分析、解决当前思想政治教育话语的诸多困境,进一步完善思想政治教育学的范畴体系。构建"思想政治教育话语"范畴必须提高教育者的自我修养和语言运用水平。  相似文献   

话语分析是教育研究语言学转向的具体实施路径。梳理不同版本语文课程标准的话语聚焦能清晰显示语文课程话语变迁的轨迹,是语文教育领域话语重建的基础。基于语料库工具进行话语分析能兼具质性和量化研究方法的优势,语料库工具提取的词频、搭配、主题词等能清晰明了地呈现文本的话语信息。基于新世纪以来三个版本的普通高中语文课程标准(语文教学大纲),把语料与话语分析有机融合,探讨不同版本语文课程标准的框架结构、课程内容的异同、共同的话语聚焦及话语变迁趋势。  相似文献   

“教育学原理”教学改革探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"教育学原理"是教育学一级学科中最重要的二级学科之一,是教育学各专业一门重要的专业基础课程.作为一门基础课程,教育学原理(教育学原理作为一门课程有"教育学"、"教育概论"、"教育通论"、"教育学讲义"、"教育学教程"等各种称谓)不仅是高等师范院校学生和欲取得教师资格的其他院校学生的一门重要公共课,还是各级各类教育专业的必修课,意在帮助他们在教育基本问题、概念、命题、原理、规律以及研究方法上打下良好的理论基础.  相似文献   

教育学概念运用的精确性是避免引发教育学理论困惑的重要前提,以"教育实践"这一重要的教育学概念为例,分析其在日常语用中存在的矛盾与不严谨,指出运用通用定义、约定定义及描述性语言来表达教育理论,可以实现教育学概念表达的精确化,并避免产生理论困惑。  相似文献   

This research explored the practices of one science teacher, expert in her field, as she worked to enact science discourse that incorporated language in naturalistic and rigorous ways. Difficulties in mastering the language of science contribute to troubling and persistent achievement gaps across demographic and gender groups. Science learning is based in discourse, with knowledge built by asking questions, exploring, revising views and asking new questions. But all too often students are not able to participate fully in these opportunities for discourse that is engaging and exploration due to the difficulty of science language. Qualitative analysis of this teacher's use of science discourse to establish clear links between essential science language and concepts and pre/post analysis of a science language assessment reveal important ways that teachers and researchers can work together to design and deliver instruction and assessment that supports students' mastery of sophisticated language and concepts. Results have implications for theory regarding science discourse; language learning, and conceptual development; and provide a model for teacher–researcher partnerships exploring important problems of teaching practice.  相似文献   

This article explores the localisation of the global and European discourse of educational governance in the Greek education system through the changes that have been introduced in the field of education administration since 2009 by the then socialist government. Our research aims to contribute to the critical policy literature on the spreading marketisation and privatisation in the governing of education around the world and in Europe – through the adoption of New Public Management and Educational Leadership models. In developing our theoretical perspective, we use the Foucauldian concepts of governmentality and discourse, and in order to conceptualise power and control relations in the organisation, transmission, acquisition, and evaluation of pedagogical knowledge, we draw on Bernstein's theory of symbolic control. Our study has examined how the field of education administration is governed through power and knowledge transformations. We trace these transformations by analysing systematically the pedagogic discourse through which the global governance discourse is relayed and becomes a ‘regime of truth’ within public policy and practice in Greece. We argue that such changes have significant implications for everyday educational practice and for the kinds of knowledge that are considered legitimate, and they may affect educational professionals' subjectivities in fundamental ways.  相似文献   

This article examines the reciprocity between children’s literature and educational ideals in Dutch rewritings of international literary classics published for children between 1850 and 1950. It analyses the assumed pedagogical power of rewritings of international literary classics for children from the perspective of three theoretical concepts: (1) cultural transmission as a strategy of educational ambition in its capacity to serve social initiation, (2) adaptation as a transformation strategy to adjust an artefact to a specific audience, and (3) gate keepership as the determining factor in the communication situation of literature for children. Comparing original masterpieces that were originally not, or not specifically, meant for children with their derivatives sheds light on the strategies that were used to mould narratives into pedagogical examples. It shows how protagonists were educated along the lines of the ever-changing pedagogical discourse brought about by historically variable concepts of childhood and displays the transition of the educational value of subjection to external mastery to the ideal of self-mastery of the child. Moreover, it shows how rewritings not only functioned as agents in the transmission of literary artefacts, but by means of that, also provided for the transmission of culture.  相似文献   

This article reports on a case study of a college class for pre-service teachers on the US–Mexico border in which students participated in in-depth discussion around mathematical problems every day. This pedagogical approach promotes the socialization of students into and through the specialized discourse of mathematics. The focus of this paper is on the experience of transfronterizo students in that course. Transfronterizos are Mexican residents who periodically cross the border to attend school. For these students, whose educational background in Mexico allowed them to develop proficiency in elementary mathematical discourse in Spanish, their socialization experience includes ways in which they draw on language, and other social and learning experiences in Mexico. The focus of this paper is an assignment called Thinking Logs, a genre that required the use of mathematical discourse for teaching. Drawing on data gathered from participant observation of the course, interviews, analysis of study session discourse, and genre analysis, I highlight agentive ways that each participant used in their own socialization process. I show how participants improvised writing of models, asked for clarification in the first language, and even resisted the discourse. Students who resisted the demands might incur negative effects. Furthermore, I argue that the role of the guidance from an expert (such as a professor) is imperative in a socialization process, and I offer implications for ways that teachers can guide second language writers to develop mathematics discourse.  相似文献   

The current cult of the personality of the teacher and personal development as an official goal in education policy documents are problematic as they make it difficult to distinguish a teacher from a seducer, thus blurring the distinction between education and therapy. In order to describe the pedagogical bond proper the article draws on Lacanian psychoanalytic concepts such as identification, suggestion, and transference. Lacan's distinction between the discourse of the university and the discourse of the master is presented in order to clarify, firstly, the formal characteristics of a pedagogical social bond, and secondly, the difference between being authoritative and being authoritarian. Furthermore, the psychoanalytic concept of the unconscious serves to point towards the fundamental unpredictability of pedagogical praxis. As teachers we are dealing with subjects and not with the individuals, persons or egos of psychology.  相似文献   

This article draws a comparison between the Portuguese in relation to British and French discourses on overseas educational policies at the turn of the nineteenth to the twentieth century until the 1930s. It focuses on three main colonial educational dynamics: school expansion (comparing the public and private sectors); State–Church relations (comparing these relationships at the European and colonial levels); and missionary competition (comparing Catholic with Protestant strategies towards educational incorporation). Colonial discourse is seen here as a power‐knowledge discourse aimed at constructing the colonial subjects as individuals, enabling them to imagine themselves as belonging to a particular cultural polity. The article intends to show how cross‐national discourses on education affect the principles on which theories of schooling are built and the ways in which they influence the first attempts to systematize pedagogical and school models in the colonial peripheries. On the other hand, it tries to understand, within government technologies of domination, the conflicting views, negotiations and ambiguities between global policy formulation and local school system implementation. In this sense, the author sought to analyse the different ways in which concepts such as ‘assimilation’, ‘civilizing mission’, ‘adapted education’, and ‘learning by doing’ were mobilized and appropriated into the colonial education discourses in order to legitimize particular governmental strategies. Two main ideas run through the text: the first attempts to demonstrate the existence of discontinuities between official educational ideologies at home and local system and school expansion strategies in the colonies. The second claims that educational borrowing from other colonies at the Empires' peripheries was, more often that is thought, a crucial feature of colonial educational discourse.  相似文献   

教育何以值得个人领受?人的教育何以与价值构成关联?类似这样的价值命题恐怕一直被教育学研究所青睐的认识论光环所遮蔽,而对于这一命题的解蔽不仅是教育学的一个研究领域的显现,而且是教育与生命构成实践关联的原点。从价值命题存在的先决条件出发可以使教育世界价值向实践转化,并为中国原创教育学的生成指出了一条实践逻辑之路。  相似文献   

A/r/tography is often considered to be an arts and education practice‐based research methodology, but this author explores a/r/tography as a pedagogical strategy that has informed the author's artistic practice and pedagogical experiments. The author tracks his own journey of entering into an a/r/trographic world and where that entering has positioned him as an artist and educator and then moves on to speculate a possible arts education as his a/r/tography contorts into conceptual doings. Walking is used as a concept, as a process or method to generate more concepts, and as an art form with pedagogical potential within several undergraduate and one graduate course at the author's university. The author also investigates alongside or in concert with the courses he gives. The author equates artistic concepts, like walking, with theoretical and philosophical arguments, assertions and propositions. Artistic processes are equated with methods and methodological concerns, even though these systems of inquiry and knowing may be idiosyncratic in artistic inquiry. And finally, an art form can be understood in research terms as a type of research product or creation, that can be an event, performance, or a continuation of these as write ups or presentations, that are shared with the general or a particular public.  相似文献   

In this article I explore the pedagogical value of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari’s philosophical concepts for helping make an ‘event’ of thought, with a view towards fostering deep learning in Chinese students' learning theory and criticism in a second language. Paying attention to the qualitative role of bodies, humour and creativity alongside an expanded trans-personal concept of ‘educational life forms’ that stretches out to include an affective assemblage of inhuman elements (such as art and technology), I explore how Deleuze and Guattari’s philosophical models provide a ethical alternative to corporate, Confucian and Cartesian models otherwise inhibiting students and teachers in the modern Sino-international university context.  相似文献   

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