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美国高等教育协会及其评析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
美国形形色色的高等教育协会(社团)是影响其高等教育发展的重要中介组织,具有不可替代的重要作用。目前,美国的各种高等教育协会已形成了以“六大组织”为核心,以众多专业协会或地方协会为代表的多势力博弈格局,它们促进了政府管理的间接化和市场运行的规范化,在美国高等教育政策形成中发挥了重要作用。但是,基于自身利益的局限性,它们也存在一定程度的保守偏见,其“多数人暴力”问题也不可忽视。  相似文献   

This study examines the issue as to whether U.S. educational institutions need a significant change in their policy to deal with the increasing number of foreign students on U.S. campuses. Projections for the 1980s are made using Box-Jenkins and other forecasting techniques. Factors that led to the rapid growth of foreign students in the past are reviewed. The likelihood of their continuation is examined. In the light of these factors, policy implications of the projections are discussed.  相似文献   

Entrepreneurship is relatively new as a subject of formal study in universities. Its teaching can be traced back to 1947. Since then, the subject has caught on, and in the 1980s and 1990s, there was a veritable explosion in such offerings at universities in the United States. The subject came to Europe rather late, but here, too, courses and programmes are becoming increasingly numerous, particularly in the United Kingdom but also, now, in Belgium and in Germany. University programmes in Entrepreneurship can be “focused” or “university wide”. University‐wide programmes can be “magnet programmes” or “radiant programmes”. The author presents and describes these different kinds of programmes and cites examples of their implementation in different universities in Germany and abroad. Such education, she feels, will gain great importance in the Twenty‐First Century; however, courses will require innovative funding methods and, particularly, a great deal of private funding.  相似文献   

中美高等教育交流与中国高等学校教学改革   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
本文研究了中美高等教育交流对我国高等学校教学改革的影响 ,认为对我国高等学校的课程与教学内容变革、教学方法变革和教学管理体制变革等产生了有力的推动作用。同时认为 ,美国经验是推动我国高等学校教学改革的重要因素 ,但只是作为外因起作用 ,并不是根本动因和全部外来经验  相似文献   

Summary This article presents an overview on the current state of the art of computer based guidance in the United States. A review of the historical development of the use of computers in career decision making and guidance over the past twenty years is provided. Both Information Retrieval systems and Interactive Guidance and Information systems are discussed. The future development of hardware and software for new populations using videodiscs and voice activated computers is addressed. The article concludes with some observations about the role of the professional as they utilize the computer as a counseling tool.This article will discuss the history of the development of Computer Based Guidance in the United States; its focus will be a report on the current state of the art in America. It will conclude with a look at future directions and will raise concerns regarding the role of the professional and the profession as they begin to use computers as a new intervention.  相似文献   

Alexander W. Astin is professor of higher education at the University of California, Los Angeles, and director of the Higher Education Research Institute at UCLA. He has served as director of research for both the American Council on Education and the National Merit Scholarship Corporation. For the past twenty-five years he has directed the Cooperative Institutional Research Program, an ongoing national study of some seven million students, 200,000 faculty and staff, and 1,300 higher education institutions. Dr. Astin has authored seventeen books and two hundred other publications in the field of higher education. His newest book, Assessment for Excellence: The Philosophy and Practice of Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, was published by ACE-Macmillan in January, 1991.  相似文献   

美国高等教育起源于殖民地时代的学院。研究这一时期的美国高等教育有助于更加深入地理解美国高等教育体系形成的原因。结合殖民地时期美国高等教育发展的具体社会环境,从殖民地学院创建的动因、管理模式、经费筹措等方面,探讨美国高等教育有别于欧洲传统大学的形成原因有重要现实意义。  相似文献   

American higher education has changed in the past century. Most institutions have changed through administrative leadership, but the increased emphasis on graduate education and research has influenced all. While studies call for renewed attention to undergraduate education and the liberal arts, graduate schools emphasize research. This essay is a commentary on the views and values involved. People are indeed funny. Professors are people. Collectively, they profess no obligation and confess no deficiency in educating youth.  相似文献   

试论美国高等教育的整体优化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
美国主要是通过明确层次 ,合理分工 ,促进层次优化 ;发挥研究型大学的核心作用 ,促进整体优化 ;竞争与协同有机结合 ,实现系统功能的协同放大 ;增强系统的开放性 ,促进系统的自我优化等策略 ,实现其高等教育系统的整体优化的。这对我国的高等教育改革有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Today education is internationalization. Both China and Canada have their own strong merits of higher education. This paper approaches comparative studies on differences of Sino-Canadian higher education from new points, so as to achieve an inspiration to the development of Chinese higher education: preserve relative independence between higher education and politics, establish Degree Quality Assessment Board and formulate Degree Authorization Act, and open up to promote international exchange of Sino-Canadian higher education.  相似文献   

1944年美国国会颁布<退伍士兵权利法案>,授权联邦政府向二战期间服役超过90天的美国退伍士兵提供生活救济金、住房贷款和免费的教育与职业技术训练.二战后<退伍士兵权利法案>的颁布实施,奠定了美国战后安置退伍士兵的法律基础,对战后美国教育改革产生了重要影响,推动了美国战后高等教育民主化、大众化改革的步伐.  相似文献   

当代美国高等教育研究理念主要包括“学术资本主义”、“学术资本主义与新经济”、“大学的企业性”、“全球一体化与社区学院”、“知识和金钱对研究型大学的影响”和“大学的组织转型”等。这些理念对高等教育实践具有解释作用,对决策人员具有参考、引导作用,对高等教育行政管理人员具有指导作用。这些理念的应用有一定限度。  相似文献   

美国是高等教育大众化理论的发祥地,也是世界上第一个实现高等教育大众化的国家,自20世纪40年代大众化进程开始到20世纪70年代,时间虽短,但其发展的速度、规模和水平,居世界第一。美国高等教育以独有的多样性、开放性、自治性、竞争性的特点而促进了自身的发展。  相似文献   

美国聋人高等教育给我们的启发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍和分析了当今国际最着名的美国两所聋人大学办学模式、教育模式,以及两所大学共同具有的特色,并总结了中国聋人高等教育的现状和面临的问题,为中国有关专家探求发展适合中国国情的聋人大学教育模式提供启示。  相似文献   

中美高等教育比较与启示   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
章对中美高等教育的差异进行了阐述。首先对中美社会环境与化传统进行了对比分析,并着重分析了两国间教育体制与毕业生能力方面的差异。章还介绍了中美两国面向21世纪的高教改革,并进行了对比。最后阐述了笔得到的几点启示。  相似文献   

教育立法与美国高等教育的两次跨越式发展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
美国不仅是世界高等教育大国,而且是世界高等教育强国。美国高等教育历史上的两次跨越式发展中,教育立法发挥了极为特殊的作用。通过教育立法的方式,切实保障、维护和推动高等教育的发展已成为美国社会的传统。其思想根源在于实用主义哲学在美国的国家政治、经济、文化生活中居主导地位,这种哲学思想最终深刻地影响着教育立法和高等教育的发展。  相似文献   

美国高等教育筹资体制的主要经验是多渠道、多形式、多元化经费来源,增强了高校对经费困难的承受能力;鼓励高校在筹集办学经费中展开竞争,提高了高校对社会的适应性,为学校的发展增添活力;使资助者参与经费使用的决策过程,是提高资金利用效率的有效监督机制;多种渠道、多种形武、多元化资金资助有助子协调政府、企业及社会等方面同高等学校的关系。  相似文献   

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