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It has been reported that animals will “work” in preference to “freeloading.” However, the variables responsible for this phenomenon are not well understood. Two pigeons were trained to keypeck for food on a fixed-ratio 300 schedule. Next, the food hopper was propped up to permit continuous access to food, and the presence or absence of the hopper light was manipulated. When the hopper light was presented contingent upon the fixed-ratio schedule, keypecking occurred; when it was not presented, keypecking ceased. Thus, responding in the presence of free food was shown to be a function of the conditioned reinforcing properties of the hopper light.  相似文献   

Two experiments with rabbits investigated the concordance of two measures of conditioning, eyeblink and potentiated startle, during a blocking sequence with paraorbital shock reinforcement. In both, a shift in the locus of shock from one eye to the other between the conditioning of an element and a compound of that element and a new cue had differential effects on the two measures of conditioning to the new cue. When the shock was unchanged, diminished conditioning in relation to controls (i.e., blocking) was observed on both measures. When the shock was changed, little conditioning was observed in startle, but control-equivalent amounts were observed in eyeblink (i.e., blocking occurred on the former but not the latter). The results are interpreted as showing a dissociation of the associative learning involving the emotive features of Pavlovian reinforcers and that involving the remaining sensory-perceptual features, and more compatible with a diminished US-processing, than with a CSprocessing, view of blocking.  相似文献   

Conditioned lick suppression by water-deprived rats was used to elaborate on recent evidence that the attenuated conditioned response elicited by an overshadowed stimulus may be enhanced by extinction of the overshadowing stimulus with which it had been trained in simultaneous compound. Using a modified serial stimulus arrangement in which a light coexisted with the last half of a tone that terminated with footshock, it was found in Experiment 1 that the tone overshadowed the light. Extinction of the tone-shock association resulted in a virtually complete recovery of the response to the overshadowed light. Using this serial overshadowing procedure, the possibility that the strength of a conditioned response to an element trained in compound covaries as a function of the strength of the response to the other element was tested in Experiment 2. Following overshadowing training similar to that of Experiment 1, independent reinforcement of the overshadowed light, that is, associative inflation, was found to have no deleterious effect on the response to the overshadowing tone. This suggests that the effects of postconditioning extinction and inflation of one element do not have symmetrical effects upon responding to the other element. The results of Experiment 2 were replicated in Experiment 3 using a simultaneous compound stimulus as opposed to the serial compound of the previous studies. These results are discussed in terms of various associative and cognitive models of learning and performance.  相似文献   

An experimental study was undertaken with 120 EMR students to examine the effect on performance of three types of test item response reinforcers (token, verbal praise, verbal neutral), and two levels of reinforcement schedule (fixed and continuous ratio). Results indicated: (a) no interaction between type of reinforcement and schedule, (b) no main effect for type of schedule, (c) but a statistically significant positive effect on scaled scores for token and verbal praise reinforcers on the Arithmetic, Digit Span, and Picture Completion WISC-R subtests. No effect on Block Design scores was noted.  相似文献   

Sexual responses were conditioned in male Japanese quail using the opportunity to copulate with a female as the unconditioned stimulus (US). The conditioned stimulus (CS) was a 3-D object made of a taxidermically prepared female quail head mounted on a terry-cloth body. Both appetitive conditioned responses (approach and proximity to the CS) and consummatory conditioned responses (mount and cloacal contact directed toward the CS) developed when 2-min presentations of the CS were followed immediately by the US, but not when the CS and US were separated by trace intervals of 10 or 20 min (Experiment 1). Postconditioning sexual satiation suppressed conditioned cloacal contact responses more than conditioned approach to the CS (Experiment 2), and “acute” extinction suppressed both conditioned mounting and conditioned cloacal contact responses more than conditioned approach to the CS (Experiment 3). These results demonstrate a functional dissociation between conditioned appetitive and consummatory responses and imply that the motivational and/or associative mechanisms underlying the two types of behavior are distinct.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined the effects of nonreinforced flavor exposure on the strength of a conditioned taste aversion. Rats were conditioned by pairing maple flavor with LiC1. Prior to or subsequent to this pairing, some animals received nonreinforced exposure to either maple or saccharin. In separate subjects, preference for maple was tested 1 or 21 days after the last training episode. In the first experiment, the nonreinforced stimulus exposure occurred before conditioning (latent inhibition, or LI, procedure); in the second experiment, the nonreinforced exposure occurred after conditioning (extinction, or EXT, training). In both experiments, nonreinforced exposure to maple or saccharin reduced the magnitude of a conditioned maple aversion when testing occurred soon after conditioning. When testing was delayed, however, the attenuation due to nonreinforced saccharin exposure dissipated, both with the LI procedure and with EXT. In contrast, the nonreinforced exposure to maple was found to attenuate conditioned reactions at both short and long retention intervals. The release from generalized LI and spontaneous recovery following generalized EXT training are discussed in terms of retrieval processing. The possibility that the same mechanism may underlie LI and EXT is considered.  相似文献   

Three experiments employing the rabbit eyelid conditioning paradigm examined the effect of a variable-duration rest period on the performance of a partially acquired CR. Conditioning performance improved as a direct monotonic function of the retention interval. Performance after a 24-h rest interval was substantially superior to that observed after a rest interval of several minutes. The third experiment indicated that fatigue factors may be an important factor in producing this incubation effect.  相似文献   

Following 45 placements to a wet-mash reward, groups of rats received 0, 10, 20, or 40 frustration-conditioning trials during which primary frustration was paired with the apparatus cues plus a distinctive CS. Other groups received 0, 10, or 20 pairings of primary frustration and apparatus cues alone. In the CS condition, learning of a hurdle-jumping response which terminated the CS was nonmonotonically related to the number of frustration-conditioning trials on the first of 2 test days. Performance increased with the number of conditioning trials up to 20, then decreased following 40 such trials. Among groups which did not receive the CS during conditioning or testing, only subjects in the zero-pairing condition showed evidence of learning. The results were interpreted as supporting the conclusion that conditioned frustration had acquired aversive motivational properties since its effectiveness was found to vary systematically with the number of conditioning trials. It was further concluded that the superiority of hurdle-jumping performance by CS groups relative to NCS groups was the result of both a higher level of frustrative motivation and greater frustration reduction following the response for the former groups.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to build a flexible mechanical system with a hydrostatic skeleton. The main components of this system are two type flexible bags. One is a structural bag with constant inner pressure. The other is an actuator bag with controlled inner pressure. To design the system, it was necessary to estimate both structural deformation and driving force. Nu- merical analysis of flexible bags, however, is difficult because of large nonlinear deformation. This study analyzed structural strength and driving force of flexible bags with the nonlinear finite element analysis (FEA) software ABAQUS. The stress con- centration dependency on the bag shape is described and the driving force is calculated to include the large deformation. From the analytical results, this study derives an empirical equation of driving force. The validity of the equation was confirmed by condition-changed analyses and experimental results.  相似文献   

Pigeons responded in a successive-encounters procedure that consisted of a search period, a choice period, and a handling period. The search period was either a fixed-interval or a mixed-interval schedule presented on the center key of a three-key chamber. Upon completion of the search period, the center key was turned off and the two side keys were lit. A pigeon could either accept a delay followed by food (by pecking the right key) or reject this option and return to the search period (by pecking the left key). During the choice period, a red right key represented the long alternative (a long handling delay followed by food), and a green right key represented the short alternative (a short handling delay followed by food). The experiment consisted of a series of comparisons for which optimal diet theory predicted no changes in preference for the long alternative (because the overall rates of reinforcement were unchanged), whereas the hyperbolic-decay model predicted changes in preference (because the delays to the next possible reinforcer were varied). In all comparisons, the results supported the predictions of the hyperbolic-decay model, which states that the value of a reinforcer is inversely related to the delay between a choice response and reinforcer delivery.  相似文献   

Employing rats in a CER procedure, the present study sought to determine the extent to which the second-order conditioning effects reported by Rizley and Rescorla (1972) represented first-rather than second-order conditioning. Subjects receiving first-order pairings of flashing light (CS1) and shock followed by second-order pairings of noise (CS2) and CS1 displayed greater suppression to CS2 than did control subjects receiving second-order pairings in the absence of first-order conditioning. This was true whether or not control subjects had experienced unsignaled shock or habituation to CS1 prior to CS2CS1 pairings. Simple stimulus pairings did produce some suppression to CS2, however. The procedure developed by Rizley and Rescorla (1972) appears to be a reliable means for producing and studying second-order aversive conditioning.  相似文献   

Using a light or backshock as the reinforced CS (A) and a tone or backshock as the conditioned inhibitor (X), rabbits experienced conditioned inhibition training in an A+/AX? paradigm. Following training, the amplitude of the unconditioned nictitating membrane response elicited by a mild (.5-mA) paraorbital shock was measured in the presence of X and AX and expressed as a percentage of the amplitude of the UR to the shock presented alone. In Experiment 1, the effect of X and AX on UR amplitude for conditioned inhibition animals was compared with that of control animals treated to a variety of pretest procedures. In general, UR amplitude in the presence of X exceeded that observed to the US presented alone. There was no consistent difference between the experimental and control groups. In Experiments 2–5, A test trials were added as an alternative reference point. Again, UR amplitude increased rather than decreased UR amplitude. In addition, X as a conditioned inhibitor enhanced the facilitating effect of A on UR amplitude in four out of five experiments. These findings have implications for theories of the “locus of action” of conditioned inhibitors.  相似文献   

The effect of food deprivation level at the time of initial exposure to a subsequent food reinforcer was investigated in two experiments. In Experiment 1, deprivation at the time of initial exposure influenced the subsequent acquisition and extinction of an instrumental response. In Experiment 2, the residual deprivation effect associated with a reduction in deprivation level occurred only when rats initially experienced the reinforcer at a high, as compared with a low, deprivation level. Results were discussed in terms of the assumption that the limits of incentive generated by a reinforcer are influenced by the deprivation state at the time of first exposure to that reinforcer.  相似文献   

Three experiments studied the counterconditioning of certain properties of eyeshock in rabbits by establishing the shock as an appetitive CS for a jaw-movement response reinforced by intraoral water injections in a Pavlovian conditioning procedure. Although Experiment 1 demonstrated that such appetitive conditioning did not attenuate the unconditioned eyeblink elicited by the shock, it reduced the capacity of the shock to suppress leverpress responses reinforced by direct water injections in a signaled punishment procedure in Experiment 2. By contrast, when instrumentally reinforced licking was punished by eyeshock in Experiment 3, no such reduction in the suppressive capacities of the shock was found. The results were considered in terms of whether counterconditioning alters the response-eliciting or motivational and reinforcing properties of the shock.  相似文献   

Nomanclature bij,Bij(i,j=x,y) bearingdampingandnondimensionaldampingcoefficients,Bij=bijΨ3min/(2lμ) cminminimumradialclearanceofbearingddiameterofbearingeu,Eueccentricityandrelativeeccentricityofmasscenterofrotor,respectively,Eu=eu/cminFstaticloadonb…  相似文献   

In three experiments, water-deprived rats were preexposed to a novel saccharin solution. The neophobic response to this flavor was then assessed in a choice test involving saccharin and water, administered either immediately or 24 h after preexposure. Subjects displayed a significantly greater preference for saccharin at the 24-h test than at the immediate test (Experiments 2 and 3). This “incubation” effect was eliminated if the subjects were more water-deprived at the delayed test than at the immediate test (Experiment 1), and enhanced if the amount of saccharin consumed during preexposure was increased (Experiment 3). Possible ways in which current theories of habituation might be amended in order to accommodate this finding are discussed.  相似文献   

Multiple-choice questions (MCQs) play a key role in standardised testing and in-class assessment. Research into the influence of within-item response order on MCQ characteristics has been mixed. While some researchers have shown preferential selection of response options presented earlier in the answer list, others have failed to replicate these results. This paper investigates a possible explanation for these mixed findings by assessing the influence of distractor strength on MCQ response order effects. A real-world assessment was administered to 232 undergraduates in which the response order within items was systematically varied. A generalised multilevel model was then used to show a significant interaction between distractor strength and response position with regard to response behaviour. Furthermore, the effect was found to be independent of student ability. These findings have implications for MCQ test construction, minimising the negative consequences of MCQ test exposure and promoting improved test-taking strategies.  相似文献   

Response rate (responses per minute) and response duration (time in seconds per press) were recorded in rats shifted from multiple variable-interval variable-interval (mult VI VI) to multiple extinction variable-interval (mult EXT VI). This procedure produced positive contrast (i.e., a decrease in response rate in EXT and an increase in VI) in 11 of 12 rats and, in addition, produced an increase in response duration (i.e., bar holding), which, for the most part, was confined to the EXT component of the mult EXT VI condition. One of the 12 rats showed negative induction (i.e., a decrease in response rate in both the EXT and VI components), and also an increase in response duration in both the EXT and VI components of the mult EXT VI condition. The results indicate that generalization of behavior from the EXT to the VI component can produce negative induction, and that such generalization must be prevented if positive contrast is to occur in the rat.  相似文献   


Two levels of training (100 vs. 500 trials) and two ages of rats (young and adult) were used in a developmental analysis of the relationship between response strength and the effects of punishment. The apparatus was a Y maze with three discriminably different arms. After 100 or 500 reinforced trials, subjects were shocked each time they responded in one arm. The recovery sessions followed the punishment session. Results from the punishment day indicated that: (a) young rats received a greater amount of shock, and (b) additional training increased the amount of shock received by the young but decreased it in the adults. The recovery data showed that: (a) the suppressive effects of punishment were greater for the adults than for the young, and (b) the recovery scores were not influenced by degree of overtraining. The Age by Overtraining interaction suggested that the relationship between response strength and punishment is age dependent. The age differences found with the amount-of-shock and recovery measures provided additional support for the position that younger rats are less competent than adult rats in inhibiting responses.


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