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In Experiment 1, rats were trained to leverpress on a variable ratio (VR) 30 schedule with a 500-msec delay between the reinforced response and food delivery. Subjects that experienced a signal during the delay responded faster than did control subjects that received the stimulus un-correlated with reinforcement. Higher response rates were obtained when the stimulus used to signal reinforcement was auditory rather than visual. Experiments 2 and 3 compared the effects of signaling reinforcement with either a localized or a diffuse light on responding maintained by VR schedules of reinforcement. Elevated response rates were observed with the diffuse stimulus, but the localized stimulus failed to produce such potentiation. Experiment 3 also examined the conditioned reinforcing power of localized and diffuse visual stimuli. These results are discussed with reference to (1) theories of selective association and sign tracking and (2) their implications for current theories of signaling reinforcement.  相似文献   

物流管理是实用性很强的学科,高校物流的教学内容中应该设置相当比例的实践性教学环节。以在A公司的实践活动为例,提出与中小企业合作,探讨物流实践教学的创新模式和具体方法。  相似文献   

《复兴之本——中国特色社会主义的文化自信》的著作者周艳红等站在中华民族伟大复兴的战略高度,明确指出中国特色社会主义的文化自信是中华民族伟大复兴的根本源泉和基本动力。书中梳理中国文化的主干内容和主体脉络,全面阐述中国特色社会主义文化自信的科学内涵、资源生成、现状审视、价值分析和战略实施,逻辑严密,条理清晰,流露出时不我待的时代紧迫感和敢为人先的责任担当性,有很强的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

A wealth of literature has identified that children with behavioural, emotional and social difficulties (BESD) and their families are frequently stigmatised due to the perceived controllable and ‘invisible’ nature of this special educational need (SEN). Yet little research has considered the impact of this stigma on another group of individuals, educational practitioners employed in BESD schools. This is despite these professionals working in close contact with pupils with BESD, a heavily stigmatised group, on a regular basis. This paper therefore, details a study which explored perceptions of stigma specifically with educational professionals employed in schools for pupils with BESD. Semi‐structured interviews with nine practitioners (including head teachers and class teachers with additional responsibilities) were conducted, all of whom had worked within the BESD sector for at least 10 years, with data being analysed via Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). Findings revealed how educational practitioners employed in BESD schools experienced courtesy stigma, with many not being perceived as ‘proper’ teachers due to a discourse of care surrounding BESD. Other professionals reported much confusion from their mainstream colleagues and other individuals about how they could want to work with such ‘challenging’ pupils. This courtesy stigma was linked to the wider stigma surrounding BESD schools, which were often ignorantly perceived to be full of ‘bad boys’ or ‘absolute horrors’. This paper concludes by considering the implications of these findings for policy and practice, and provides recommendations for addressing the identified stigma towards practitioners employed in BESD schools.  相似文献   

公立高校师德失范行为处理具有排除司法审查的内部行为和准行政管理行为的两重性质,具有行政性特征,故在公立高校师德失范行为处理程序中应当适用正当程序。通过理论推演,厘清了公立高校师德失范行为处理程序中应适用的正当程序要素,并将其分为权力规范和权利保护两个维度的15个指标。通过解析教育部直属高校师德失范行为处理程序文本,发现存在正当程序的基本要素不齐全,两维度的程序建构相比正当程序要求差距较大,程序文本公开不足,程序文本理性思考不足,程序性权利较少被承认和保障等五个方面的问题。因此,需要从实现公权力与私权利的双向平衡,实现合理基础之上的高效便民两个方面,构建公立高校师德失范行为处理的正当程序。  相似文献   

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