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高等学校是我国推动知识创新和技术创新的主要力量 ,在高等学校中进行创新教育的意义是不言而喻的。在创新教育中 ,有一个重要的环节是教师的教学活动 ,因此 ,高校教师要变教学活动为创新性活动。一、影响教师变教学活动为创新性活动的因素1.教育体制由于受原苏联教育体制的影响 ,我国长期实行计划型的教育体制。这种体制统得过多过死 ,给学生、教师和学校发挥创造的余地太小。创新教育不仅仅是教育方法的改革或教育内容的增减 ,而是教育功能上的重新定位 ,是全面性的教育革新。为了培养造就适应未来需要的创新性人才 ,必须要有适应这样人才…  相似文献   

创新教育是以开发创新性思维为核心、以培养创新性人才为基本价值取向的教育。在英语教学中实施创新教育,以人为本;在语言学习的过程中培养学生的创新性思维,引导学生进行创新性学习。教师应在英语教学中将凝聚在教学内容和教学过程中的创造性因素发掘出来,展现开来,在教学活动中随时随地去引导学生进行创造性思维,培养其创新个性。  相似文献   

创新教育是时代的要求,是中华民族教育的唯一出路.我国的英语创新教育难以取得实质性的成果,关键是我们的英语课程设置和教学方式束缚了学生的思想,进而影响其创造性的发挥.文章就研究型课程进行了介绍,并就其对英语创新性学习的启示做出了几点阐述.  相似文献   

在创新教育中 ,要培养富有创造性的学生 ,就必须有创新性的教师。目前 ,人们对创新教育研究的焦点大多集中在教育体制、教育模式、教育观念和教育实践上 ,对创新教育的具体执行者教师的研究却不多。  相似文献   

浅谈高校教师教学方法创新途径   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教学方法是教学过程中活跃而重要的因素.它既是体现教师主导作用的重要渠道,又是影响学生发挥主体作用的关键因素.教学方法是否得当,关系到教学质量的高低和教学效果的好坏,影响到人才培养的质量.结合调查数据,分析影响高校教师教学方法创新的因素,从转变教学理念、建立科学合理的教学管理机制、发挥教学名师的榜样作用等方面探寻高校教师教学方法创新途径.  相似文献   

实施创新教育必须以学生主体论为根基 ,指导学生追求高层次的创新性学习 .要达到创新教育的目标 ,必须有创造型教师 ,创设学生开展创造性学习的文化环境 ,并重视倡导和培养学生的科学精神 .  相似文献   

莫文 《江苏高教》2005,(4):133-134
创新性不仅仅是一种创新能力或意识,而是对于一个人具有创新愿望、自信心、知识、能力及人格等的一种综合的特征。本文从大学生的态度入手,用探索性因素分析的统计方法来研究高校教师创新性的结构纬度,使“高校教师创新性结构纬度”获得数据的支持。一、研究方法1.研究工具。本研究采用自编的《大学生评价教师创新性的态度问卷》,使用科学的方法进行编制,具体过程如下:(1)查阅大量有关创造学理论、创新教育、创新管理理论、教师能力结构理论、教师评价理论等领域的相关研究文献材料制作一个半开放式的创新性词语问卷,随机抽取300多名不同专…  相似文献   

从培养研究生创新性的教育实践和取得的成功经验出发 ,分析了研究生的创新性是由个人因素、教育环境、人文环境等诸多因素的集合而成 :介绍了教育过程中培养启发研究生的创新性 ,以及通过提高研究生获取信息能力和改善学术与社会人文环境激发研究生创造性的经验与具体做法。  相似文献   

罗光 《南平师专学报》2009,28(4):102-106
高等教育是人才培养的重要阶段,师德建设在高校教育中发挥着至关重要的作用。从高校教师师德建设的核心即人格魅力着手,立足于学生和教师两个互为相长的主体,着重理解教师人格魅力的内涵及构成,深入分析了高校教师人格魅力对学生的价值影响、教师人格的现实困境和影响因素。特别强调教师发挥自身人格塑造的能动性、自主性、创造性,提升人格魅力。从锻造高尚的道德情操和思想品格,树立崇远的职业理想和社会责任,培养高雅的情趣爱好和生活方式,外塑端庄的行为模式和自我形象,真切关爱信任学生、增进师生关系,加强科学文化修养、培养创造能力,积极参与德育实践、强化内心感悟等七个方面提出了高校教师人格魅力的提升途径和回归方式。  相似文献   

计算机应用软件的学习是一个及其复杂的过程,包括从单一的模仿实践,到学会进行创造性思维.在计算机应用软件的教与学过程中,以信息加工理论做基础,不仅发挥教师的主导作用,也能激发学生的兴趣,鼓励学生在操作中的创新性,以及调动学生的学习积极性.  相似文献   

Current research indicates that creativity in teaching can and should be enhanced in order to promote student learning. This article begins by stressing the importance of creativity in education and the ways in which creative teaching benefits students. Next, it addresses key points for better understanding classroom creativity by identifying common barriers that counteract or hinder teacher creativity. After identifying the characteristics of teachers who are considered creative educators, this article concludes with general recommendations, as well as specific strategies, for increasing the level of creative teaching in today's classrooms.  相似文献   

论述了提高小学阅读教学创造性的意义,指出阅读教学的创造性主要体现在培养学生的创造思想和创造性语言方面,并举例阐述了创造思维和创造性语言训练的途径和方法。  相似文献   

The concept of the ‘creative’ in creative writing has a vexed history. This article explores the myths surrounding creativity and how they have influenced the way teachers have approached playwriting pedagogy. It reports on research into the teaching and learning experiences of students and teachers in secondary schools, focusing on the participants’ understanding of creativity and the impact this had on the pedagogical process. The research found that a counterproductive idealist view of creativity persists in classrooms: the teachers and students were operating on a conception of creativity and creative practice that reflected a belief in a mystical and unknowable creative process. This article explores the experiences of creativity through systems theory and argues that this approach can inform teaching and learning for creative processes and products. The article concludes that the teaching and learning practices were unnecessarily tentative and that knowledge of creativity theory would improve the students’ development of both playwriting proficiency as well as creativity-relevant skills. It suggests that demystifying the creative process should result in greater student proficiency and improved teaching and learning experiences for teachers and students.  相似文献   

While educators in many parts of the world grapple with what creativity means in practice, discussions about creative pedagogy usually include the elements of creative teaching, teaching for creativity and creative learning. This article stems from a research project that occurred at a Preparatory to Year 9 school in Australia where we worked with staff to explore their understandings of creativity and creative learning in the Arts. We found that while students’ creative learning is a fundamental element in a creative pedagogy framework, the notion of creative learning of teachers is largely overlooked in discourses of teachers’ professional learning. Given the important role teachers play in student learning, we argue that teachers need to be informed not only about how to teach creatively and for creativity, but also how to consider possibilities and understand things in new ways, thereby making a case that a teacher’s own creative learning is crucial.  相似文献   

The article is based on an empirical, interview‐based research project investigating resources and barriers to creative teaching within three Danish primary and secondary schools. The analysis shows how project‐oriented teaching does seem to represent a creativity oasis for both teachers and pupils. Furthermore, the work identifies a distinction between an art‐based and a problem‐solving approach to creativity, and it is suggested that teachers help pupils to work with the various different opportunities for creative learning represented by different subjects in school. Furthermore, a dilemma is pinpointed between the demand that teachers conform to centrally defined test systems, and the challenges facing our societies in relation to bringing up pupils and students who dare to take risks, challenge the existing order and create something new.  相似文献   

中学自然科学的教育教学,应以实验为基础,注重加强教师的创造意识,引导学生的创新意识,培养学生的创造性思维能力.  相似文献   

阐述了创造性思维的概念和特征。并从教育观念的转变、教师应具备的素质和如何培养学生的创造性思维品质等几方面结合教学实践对数学教学中学生创造性思维品质的培养给出了具体的方法和途径。  相似文献   

文章阐述了"创造性学习"的内涵,明确了构建汉语言文学专业创意学课程群的背景、目标和课程设置内容。认为:构建"创造性学习"模式需要在教学内容设计上进一步加强学生学习主体性行为;在教学过程中重视学生的过程性学习阶段,发挥学习小组的作用,重视师生和生生交流;建立立体的学生成绩评价体系;在实践中鼓励学生创造贴近生活的原创性作品。反思教学改革,为提高学生创造性能力,培养创新人格提供一定的教学经验和借鉴。  相似文献   

If Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines in higher education are to retain students, there needs to be a shift towards teaching in more enriching and interesting ways. Creative teaching needs to become more prominent in STEM. This article presents a study that defines creative teaching in the STEM context and investigates attempts to teach creatively as experienced by nine STEM educators in an Australian university. The results highlighted that achieving creative teaching is difficult and that the element of surprise is essential. Despite the struggle required, creative teaching afforded fulfilment for teachers. We examine the characteristics of those interviewed and suggest strategies for fostering creative teaching. The findings extend beyond the STEM discipline.  相似文献   

Is it possible to teach people to write fiction? A more important and helpful question is: how do we teach creative writing? And who are the teachers? A published writer is not necessarily qualified to teach creative writing. To helpfully share their declarative knowledge with students, a writer must embrace the art and craft of teaching, consider how different students learn and create the optimum setting to enable learning. There is a parallel challenge for the writer with the student, as each is faced with challenges around their previously held assumptions about ways of learning.  相似文献   

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