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Here, I review research that has investigated the aetiology of injuries experienced by adolescent and adult fast bowlers. Mechanical factors play an important role in the aetiology of degenerative processes and injuries to the lumbar spine. This is particularly so in fast bowling, where a player must absorb vertical and horizontal components of the ground reaction force that are approximately five and two times body weight at front-foot and rear-foot impact, respectively. Attenuated forces are transmitted to the spine through the lower limb, while additional foces at the lumbo-sacral junction are caused by trunk hyperextension, lateral flexion and twisting during the delivery stride. Fast bowlers are classified as side-on, front-on or mixed. The mixed action is categorized by the lower body configuration of the front-on action and the upper body configuration of the side-on technique. This upper body configuration is produced by counter-rotation away from the batsman in the transverse plane about the longitudinal axis of the body of a line through the two shoulders. Counter-rotations of 12–40° during a delivery stride have predicted an increased incidence of lumbar spondylolysis, disc abnormality and muscle injury in fast bowlers. During the delivery stride, the mixed bowling action also shows: more lateral flexion and hyperextension of the lumbar spine at front-foot impact, and a greater range of motion of the trunk over the delivery stride when compared with the side-on and front-on techniques. The pars interarticularis of each vertebra is vulnerable to injury if repetitive flexion, rotation and hyperextension are present in the activity. Fast bowlers should reduce shoulder counter-rotation during the delivery stride to reduce the incidence of back injuries. When a player is required to bowl for extended periods irrespective of technique, overuse is also related to an increased incidence of back injuries and must be avoided.  相似文献   

In this study we analysed technique, ball speed and trunk injury data collected at the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) from 42 high performance male fast bowlers over a four year period. We found several notable technique inter-relationships, technique and ball speed relationships, and associations between technique and trunk injuries. A more front-on shoulder alignment at back foot contact was significantly related to increased shoulder counter-rotation (p < 0.001). Bowlers who released the ball at greater speeds had an extended front knee, or extended their front knee, during the front foot contact phase (p < 0.05). They also recorded higher braking and vertical impact forces during the front foot contact phase and developed those forces more rapidly (p < or =0.05). A maximum hip-shoulder separation angle occurring later in the delivery stride (p = 0.05) and a larger shoulder rotation to ball release (p = 0.05) were also characteristics of faster bowlers. Bowlers suffering lower back injuries exhibited typical characteristics of the 'mixed' technique. Specifically, the hip to shoulder separation angle at back foot contact was greater in bowlers who reported soft tissue injuries than in non trunk-injured bowlers (p = 0.03), and shoulder counter-rotation was significantly higher in bowlers who reported lumbar spine stress fractures than non trunk-injured bowlers (p = 0.01). The stress fracture group was also characterised by a larger hip angle at front foot contact and ball release, whereas a more flexed front knee at ball release characterised the non trunk-injured group.  相似文献   


The aims of this study were to describe the current anthropometric profiles of elite Australian female and male cricket fast bowlers and establish a set of reference values useful for future investigations on player selection, talent identification, and training programme development. The participants were 26 female (mean age 22.5 years, s = 4.5; height 1.71 m, s = 0.05; body mass 66.2 kg, s = 7.5) and 26 male (mean age 23.9 years, s = 3.5; height 1.88 m, s = 0.05; body mass 87.9 kg, s = 8.2) fast bowlers. The anthropometric profiles included the measurement of skinfolds, and segment lengths, breadths, and girths. A series of derived variables assessing the distribution of subcutaneous adipose tissue, the bivariate overlap zone, relative body size and proportionality, and somatotype were also calculated. The male bowlers had larger length, breadth, and girth measurements than their female counterparts. There were differences in proportionality between the sexes, with only the male bowlers exhibiting characteristics that could be considered “large” relative to height. The female bowlers had a higher sum of seven skinfolds (P < 0.001), were more endomorphic (F 1,50 = 30.18, P < 0.001), and less mesomorphic (F 1,50 = 10.85, P < 0.01) than the male bowlers. These reference data should be useful to practitioners and researchers interested in cricket. Further research is needed to clarify why only male fast bowlers had variables that were proportionally large relative to height.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to describe the current anthropometric profiles of elite Australian female and male cricket fast bowlers and establish a set of reference values useful for future investigations on player selection, talent identification, and training programme development. The participants were 26 female (mean age 22.5 years, s = 4.5; height 1.71 m, s = 0.05; body mass 66.2 kg, s = 7.5) and 26 male (mean age 23.9 years, s = 3.5; height 1.88 m, s = 0.05; body mass 87.9 kg, s = 8.2) fast bowlers. The anthropometric profiles included the measurement of skinfolds, and segment lengths, breadths, and girths. A series of derived variables assessing the distribution of subcutaneous adipose tissue, the bivariate overlap zone, relative body size and proportionality, and somatotype were also calculated. The male bowlers had larger length, breadth, and girth measurements than their female counterparts. There were differences in proportionality between the sexes, with only the male bowlers exhibiting characteristics that could be considered "large" relative to height. The female bowlers had a higher sum of seven skinfolds (P < 0.001), were more endomorphic (F(1,50) = 30.18, P < 0.001), and less mesomorphic (F(1,50 = 10.85, P < 0.01) than the male bowlers. These reference data should be useful to practitioners and researchers interested in cricket. Further research is needed to clarify why only male fast bowlers had variables that were proportionally large relative to height.  相似文献   

Kinematic studies have shown that fast bowlers have run-up velocities, based on centre of mass velocity calculations, which are comparable to elite javelin throwers. In this study, 34 fast bowlers (22.3 ± 3.7 years) of premier grade level and above were tested using a three-dimensional (3-D) motion analysis system (240 Hz). Bowlers were divided into four speed groups: slow-medium, medium, medium-fast, and fast. The mean centre of mass velocity at back foot contact (run-up speed) was 5.3 ± 0.6 m/s. Centre of mass velocity at back foot contact was significantly faster in the fastest two bowling groups compared to the slow-medium bowling group. In addition, stepwise multiple regression analysis showed that the centre of mass deceleration over the delivery stride phase was the strongest predictor of ball speed in the faster bowling groups. In conclusion, centre of mass kinematics are an important determinant of ball speed generation in fast bowlers. In particular, bowlers able to coordinate their bowling action with periods of centre of mass deceleration may be more likely to generate high ball speed.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare thoracic spine alignment with two- and three-dimensional calculations of shoulder alignment (defined as a line joining the acromion processes of the right and left scapula) when all measures were projected onto the transverse plane. A six-camera Vicon system was used to reconstruct three markers positioned on the plane of the thorax such that the orthogonal vector to the thoracic spine, projected onto the transverse plane, was used as a virtual shoulder alignment during cricket fast bowling. This same measurement system was used to calculate the three-dimensional line between the acromion processes projected onto the transverse plane. These acromion markers were also used to calculate the two-dimensional transverse plane alignment of the shoulders from images recorded by a video camera positioned above ball release. All cameras operated at 50 Hz. A significant association was recorded between thorax alignment and the three- (0.97) and two-dimensional (0.87) shoulder alignment estimations at back-foot impact. The strength of association remained at front-foot impact, when correlations of 0.89 (three-dimensional) and 0.84 (two-dimensional) were recorded. However, at ball release, non-significant associations of 0.58 (three-dimensional) and 0.41 (two-dimensional), representing shoulder alignment differences of approximately 10 degrees, were recorded. The 95% limits of agreement comparisons for shoulder alignment at back-foot impact, front-foot impact and ball release produced mean random errors for the two comparisons of 9.5 degrees, 11.7 degrees and 22.5 degrees respectively. Three- and two-dimensional transverse plane projections of shoulder alignment are reasonable estimates of thorax alignment at back-foot impact and front-foot impact but not at ball release.  相似文献   

Kinematic studies have shown that fast bowlers have run-up velocities, based on centre of mass velocity calculations, which are comparable to elite javelin throwers. In this study, 34 fast bowlers (22.3 +/- 3.7 years) of premier grade level and above were tested using a three-dimensional (3-D) motion analysis system (240 Hz). Bowlers were divided into four speed groups: slow-medium, medium, medium-fast, and fast. The mean centre of mass velocity at back foot contact (run-up speed) was 5.3 +/- 0.6 m/s. Centre of mass velocity at back foot contact was significantly faster in the fastest two bowling groups compared to the slow-medium bowling group. In addition, stepwise multiple regression analysis showed that the centre of mass deceleration over the delivery stride phase was the strongest predictor of ball speed in the faster bowling groups. In conclusion, centre of mass kinematics are an important determinant of ball speed generation in fast bowlers. In particular, bowlers able to coordinate their bowling action with periods of centre of mass deceleration may be more likely to generate high ball speed.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare thoracic spine alignment with two-and three-dimensional calculations of shoulder alignment (defined as a line joining the acromion processes of the right and left scapula) when all measures were projected onto the transverse plane. A six-camera Vicon system was used to reconstruct three markers positioned on the plane of the thorax such that the orthogonal vector to the thoracic spine, projected onto the transverse plane, was used as a virtual shoulder alignment during cricket fast bowling. This same measurement system was used to calculate the three-dimensional line between the acromion processes projected onto the transverse plane. These acromion markers were also used to calculate the two-dimensional transverse plane alignment of the shoulders from images recorded by a video camera positioned above ball release. All cameras operated at 50 Hz. A significant association was recorded between thorax alignment and the three- (0.97) and two-dimensional (0.87) shoulder alignment estimations at back-foot impact. The strength of association remained at front-foot impact, when correlations of 0.89 (three-dimensional) and 0.84 (twodimensional) were recorded. However, at ball release, non-significant associations of 0.58 (three-dimensional) and 0.41 (two-dimensional), representing shoulder alignment differences of approximately 10°, were recorded. The 95% limits of agreement comparisons for shoulder alignment at back-foot impact, front-foot impact and ball release produced mean random errors for the two comparisons of 9.5°, 11.7° and 22.5° respectively. Three- and two-dimensional transverse plane projections of shoulder alignment are reasonable estimates of thorax alignment at back-foot impact and front-foot impact but not at ball release.  相似文献   

The effects of training with overweight and underweight cricket balls on fast-bowling speed and accuracy were investigated in senior club cricket bowlers randomly assigned to either a traditional (n = 9) or modified-implement training (n = 7) group. Both groups performed bowling training three times a week for 10 weeks. The traditional training group bowled only regulation cricket balls (156 g), whereas the modified-implement training group bowled a combination of overweight (161?-?181 g), underweight (151?-?131 g) and regulation cricket balls. A radar gun measured the speed of 18 consecutive deliveries for each bowler before, during and after the training period. Video recordings of the deliveries were also analysed to determine bowling accuracy in terms of first-bounce distance from the stumps. Bowling speed, which was initially 108?±?5 km?·?h?1 (mean?±?standard deviation), increased in the modified-implement training group by 4.0 km?·?h?1 and in the traditional training group by 1.3 km?·?h?1 (difference, 2.7 km?·?h?1; 90% confidence limits, 1.2 to 4.2 km?·?h?1). For a minimum worthwhile change of 5 km?·?h?1, the chances that the true effect on bowling speed was practically beneficial/trivial/harmful were 1.0/99/<?0.1%. For bowling accuracy, the chances were 1/48/51%. This modified-implement training programme is not a useful training strategy for club cricketers.  相似文献   

The effects of training with overweight and underweight cricket balls on fast-bowling speed and accuracy were investigated in senior club cricket bowlers randomly assigned to either a traditional (n = 9) or modified-implement training (n = 7) group. Both groups performed bowling training three times a week for 10 weeks. The traditional training group bowled only regulation cricket balls (156 g), whereas the modified-implement training group bowled a combination of overweight (161-181 g), underweight (151-131 g) and regulation cricket balls. A radar gun measured the speed of 18 consecutive deliveries for each bowler before, during and after the training period. Video recordings of the deliveries were also analysed to determine bowling accuracy in terms of first-bounce distance from the stumps. Bowling speed, which was initially 108 +/- 5 km h(-1) (mean +/- standard deviation), increased in the modified-implement training group by 4.0 km x h(-1) and in the traditional training group by 1.3 km x h(-1) (difference, 2.7 km x h(-1); 90% confidence limits, 1.2 to 4.2 km x h(-1)). For a minimum worthwhile change of 5 km x h(-1), the chances that the true effect on bowling speed was practically beneficial/trivial/harmful were 1.0/99/< 0.1%. For bowling accuracy, the chances were 1/48/51%. This modified-implement training programme is not a useful training strategy for club cricketers.  相似文献   


Cricket fast bowling is a dynamic activity in which a bowler runs up and repeatedly delivers the ball at high speeds. Experimental studies have previously linked ball release speed and several technique parameters with conflicting results. As a result, computer simulation models are increasingly being used to understand the effects of technique on performance. This study evaluates a planar 16-segment whole-body torque-driven simulation model of the front foot contact phase of fast bowling by comparing simulation output with the actual performance of an elite fast bowler. The model was customised to the bowler by determining subject-specific inertia and torque parameters. Good agreement was found between actual and simulated performances with a 4.0% RMS difference. Varying the activation timings of the torque generators resulted in an optimised simulation with a ball release speed 3.5 m/s faster than the evaluation simulation. The optimised technique used more extended front ankle and knee joint angles, increased trunk flexion and a longer delay in the onset of arm circumduction. These simulations suggest the model provides a realistic representation of the front foot contact phase of fast bowling and is suitable to investigate the limitations of kinematic or kinetic variables on fast bowling performance.  相似文献   

关于划船运动员腰、膝部损伤的讨论   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文分析了划船运动员常见损伤的原因,提出要避免腰和膝部损伤的发生,关键在于及时消除运动后腰、膝部疲劳和注意平时的预防环节。  相似文献   


Cricket fast bowlers are at a high risk of injury occurrence, which has previously been shown to be correlated to bowling workloads. This study aimed to develop and test an algorithm that can automatically, reliably and accurately detect bowling deliveries. Inertial sensor data from a Catapult OptimEye S5 wearable device was collected from both national and international level fast bowlers (n = 35) in both training and matches, at various intensities. A machine-learning based approach was used to develop the algorithm. Outputs were compared with over 20,000 manually recorded events. A high Matthews correlation coefficient (r = 0.945) showed very good agreement between the automatically detected bowling deliveries and manually recorded ones. The algorithm was found to be both sensitive and specific in training (96.3%, 98.3%) and matches (99.6%, 96.9%), respectively. Rare falsely classified events were typically warm-up deliveries or throws preceded by a run. Inertial sensors data processed by a machine-learning based algorithm provide a valid tool to automatically detect bowling events, whilst also providing the opportunity to look at performance metrics associated with fast bowling. This offers the possibility to better monitor bowling workloads across a range of intensities to mitigate injury risk potential and maximise performance.  相似文献   

This study investigates how elbow hyperextension affects ball release speed in fast bowling. A two-segment planar computer simulation model comprising an upper arm and forearm + hand was customised to an elite fast bowler. A constant torque was applied at the shoulder and elbow hyperextension was represented using a damped linear torsional spring at the elbow. The magnitude of the constant shoulder torque and the torsional spring parameters were determined by concurrently matching three performances. Close agreement was found between the simulations and the performances with an average difference of 3.8%. The simulation model with these parameter values was then evaluated using one additional performance. Optimising ball speed by varying the torsional spring parameters found that elbow hyperextension increased ball release speed. Perturbing the elbow torsional spring stiffness indicated that the increase in ball release speed was governed by the magnitude of peak elbow hyperextension and the amount that the elbow recoils back towards a straight arm after reaching peak elbow hyperextension. This finding provides a clear understanding that a bowler who hyperextends at the elbow and recoils optimally will have an increase in ball speed compared to a similar bowler who cannot hyperextend. A fast bowler with 20° of elbow hyperextension and an optimal level of recoil will have increased ball speeds of around 5% over a bowler without hyperextension.  相似文献   

The influence of a bowling harness, as a training aid, was assessed as a means of modifying bowling technique. Thirty-three 13-year-old bowlers received a standardized 15 min of bowling coaching twice a week for 8 weeks. They were randomly assigned to one of two groups. The 13 participants in the intervention group used the bowling harness throughout the coaching, while also receiving verbal and visual feedback. The 20 participants in the non-harness group received the same visual and verbal feedback. Three-dimensional videography (200 Hz) of each player's bowling action enabled the calculation of transverse plane shoulder alignment counter-rotation, separation angle, lateral flexion and hyperextension of the trunk before and after the intervention. The restriction applied by the harness produced a significant reduction (P= 0.006) in separation angle and forced the bowler to adopt a position at back-foot impact that reduced the 'twist' in the spine. However, it had no effect on restricting other aspects of trunk movement during the critical phases of the bowling action. No significant long-term modifications to technique were found after the coaching intervention when players were assessed without the harness.  相似文献   

The influence of a bowling harness, as a training aid, was assessed as a means of modifying bowling technique. Thirty-three 13-year-old bowlers received a standardized 15 min of bowling coaching twice a week for 8 weeks. They were randomly assigned to one of two groups. The 13 participants in the intervention group used the bowling harness throughout the coaching, while also receiving verbal and visual feedback. The 20 participants in the non-harness group received the same visual and verbal feedback. Three-dimensional videography (200 Hz) of each player's bowling action enabled the calculation of transverse plane shoulder alignment counter-rotation, separation angle, lateral flexion and hyperextension of the trunk before and after the intervention. The restriction applied by the harness produced a significant reduction ( P = 0.006) in separation angle and forced the bowler to adopt a position at back-foot impact that reduced the 'twist' in the spine. However, it had no effect on restricting other aspects of trunk movement during the critical phases of the bowling action. No significant long-term modifications to technique were found after the coaching intervention when players were assessed without the harness.  相似文献   

This modelling study sought to describe the relationships between elbow joint kinematics and wrist joint linear velocity in cricket fast bowlers, and to assess the sensitivity of wrist velocity to systematic manipulations of empirical joint kinematic profiles. A 12-camera Vicon motion analysis system operating at 250 Hz recorded the bowling actions of 12 high performance fast bowlers. Empirical elbow joint kinematic data were entered into a cricket bowling specific “Forward Kinematic Model” and then subsequently underwent fixed angle, angular offset and angle amplification manipulations. A combination of 20° flexion and 20° abduction at the elbow was shown to maximise wrist velocity within the experimental limits. An increased elbow flexion offset manipulation elicited an increase in wrist velocity. Amplification of elbow joint flexion–extension angular displacement indicated that, contrary to previous research, elbow extension range of motion and angular velocity at the time of ball release were negatively related to wrist velocity. Some relationships between manipulated joint angular waveforms and wrist velocity were non-linear, supporting the use of a model that accounts for the non-linear relationships between execution and outcome variables in assessing the relationships between elbow joint kinematics and wrist joint velocity in cricket fast bowlers.  相似文献   

Lower back injuries, specifically lumbar stress fractures, account for the most lost playing time in professional cricket. The aims of this study were to quantify the proportion of lower trunk motion used during the delivery stride of fast bowling and to examine the relationship between the current fast bowling action classification system and potentially injurious kinematics of the lower trunk. Three-dimensional kinematic data were collected from 50 male professional fast bowlers during a standing active range of motion trial and three fast bowling trials. A high percentage of the fast bowlers used a mixed bowling action attributable to having shoulder counter-rotation greater than 30 degrees. The greatest proportion of lower trunk extension (26%), contralateral side-flexion (129%), and ipsilateral rotation (79%) was used during the front foot contact phase of the fast bowling delivery stride. There was no significant difference in the proportions of available lower trunk extension, contralateral side-flexion, and ipsilateral rotation range of motion used during fast bowling by mixed and non-mixed action bowlers. Motion of the lower trunk, particularly side-flexion, during front foot contact, in addition to variables previously known to be related to back injury (e.g. shoulder counter-rotation), should be examined in future cross-sectional and prospective studies examining the fast bowling action and low back injury.  相似文献   


Lower back injuries, specifically lumbar stress fractures, account for the most lost playing time in professional cricket. The aims of this study were to quantify the proportion of lower trunk motion used during the delivery stride of fast bowling and to examine the relationship between the current fast bowling action classification system and potentially injurious kinematics of the lower trunk. Three-dimensional kinematic data were collected from 50 male professional fast bowlers during a standing active range of motion trial and three fast bowling trials. A high percentage of the fast bowlers used a mixed bowling action attributable to having shoulder counter-rotation greater than 30°. The greatest proportion of lower trunk extension (26%), contralateral side-flexion (129%), and ipsilateral rotation (79%) was used during the front foot contact phase of the fast bowling delivery stride. There was no significant difference in the proportions of available lower trunk extension, contralateral side-flexion, and ipsilateral rotation range of motion used during fast bowling by mixed and non-mixed action bowlers. Motion of the lower trunk, particularly side-flexion, during front foot contact, in addition to variables previously known to be related to back injury (e.g. shoulder counter-rotation), should be examined in future cross-sectional and prospective studies examining the fast bowling action and low back injury.  相似文献   

There have been few reports of advanced body composition profiles of elite fast bowlers in the sport of cricket. Therefore, the aim of the current study was to determine total, regional and unilateral body composition characteristics of elite English first-class cricket fast bowlers in comparison with matched controls, using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). Twelve male fast bowlers and 12 age-matched, non-athletic controls received one total-body DXA scan. Anthropometric data were obtained as well as left and right regional (arms, legs and trunk) fat mass, lean mass and bone mineral content. Fast bowlers were significantly taller and heavier than controls (< 0.05). Relative to body mass, fast bowlers possessed greater lean mass in the trunk (80.9 ± 3.7 vs. 76.7 ± 5.9%; = 0.047) and bone mineral content in the trunk (2.9 ± 0.3 vs. 2.6 ± 0.3%; = 0.049) and legs (5.4 ± 0.5 vs. 4.6 ± 0.6%; = 0.003). In the arm region, fast bowlers demonstrated significantly greater unilateral differences in bone mineral content (10.6 ± 6.6 vs. 4.5 ± 3.9%; = 0.012). This study provides specific body composition values for elite-level fast bowlers and highlights the potential for muscle and bone imbalances that may be useful for conditioning professionals. Our findings also suggest beneficial adaptations in body composition and bone mass in fast bowlers compared with their non-athletic counterparts.  相似文献   

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