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1.Good luck(to you)!祝您好运!2.I wish you good luck/success.祝您好运/成功。3.Good/Happy journey(to you)./I wish you a pleasant journey./Have a good trip.祝您旅途一帆风顺。4.Have a nice/good/pleasant time./Enjoy yourself.祝您玩得愉快!5.Happy New Year!/Merry Christmas!/Happy Teachers"Day!新年快乐/圣诞快乐/教师节快乐!6.Happy birthday to you!/Have a happy birthday!/I"d like towish you a happy birthday!(祝你)生日快乐!7.Best wishes to you on this holiday season.向你致以最诚挚的节日祝福。8.Bes…  相似文献   

The second Sunday in May is Moth-ers Day.Lets give our best wishes to allthe mothers in the world.1.May you live a long and healthylife!祝您福寿安康!2.I wish you a relaxing and happyM others D ay!祝您母亲节轻松愉快!3.M ay M others D ay bring you good health and good luck.愿母亲节给您带来健康和好运!4.I w ish you all the happiness in the world on M others D ay.祝您母亲节幸福!5.M ay M others D ay bring you joy,love and peace.愿母亲节给您带来欢乐、爱和平安。6.B estwishes for M others D ay!…  相似文献   

同学们,圣诞节、春节快到了,你想为你的亲朋好友、老师同学送上节日最美好的祝愿,给他们带去节日的温馨吗?下面有一组常见、常用的贺语供你选用。1.H appy new year.新年快乐!2.Best wish for the newyear.恭贺新禧!3.G ood luck to you.吉祥如意!4.H ave a thriving and happynews year.恭喜发财,新年快乐!5.W ith the season’s greet-ings.致以节日的祝贺!6.W ishing you the best ofnek in the new year.新年大吉大利!7.W ishing you and yourfam ily peace and prosperity forthe C om ing year.祝您与家人新年吉祥如意!8.I hope t…  相似文献   

1.祝愿、祝贺和应答 1.Good luck!祝你顺利! 2.Best wishes to you!向你致意! 3.I wish you success!祝你成功!  相似文献   

1.Good luck(to you)!祝您好运! 2.I wish you good luck/success,祝您好运/成功。  相似文献   

1.Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐! 2.Best wishes for a Merry Christmas. 圣诞节来临之际,祝您幸福快乐! 3.May Christmas and the coming year bing happiness to you! 愿您圣诞节和新年幸福快乐!  相似文献   

1.A Merry Christmas!祝圣诞节快乐! 2.Happy New Year to you!祝您新年快乐! 3.Best wishes for a New Year!恭贺新年! 4.Good luck in the coming New Year!新年大吉!  相似文献   

小莉 《今日中学生》2005,(29):21-23
请先看下列练习:(请在ABCD选项中选出最佳答案) 1.一HaPPy New Year! A .oh,not good Thanks,the same to you 一Happy birthd叮! B .50叮 D .How niee of you C2 A .Thanks,the same to you B .How niee of you to remelnber my birthday.Thanks C .You,re kind D.50卿,it,5 boring 第(l)题最佳答案是C。因为对别人的问候关心要感谢,而 且也同时祝愿对方节日愉快。这里“Thanks,the same to you.” means“Thank you and Happy New Year to you,too.” 第(2)题最佳答案是B。因为过生日的是一个人,而不是大 家。对方在祝愿生日…  相似文献   

下面是有关“祝愿”的表达方法,是初中生应当掌握的问候语和答语。1.节日问候(Festival greetings)(1)用语Happy New Year!也可以说A Happy New Year to you!Merry Christm as!也可以说I wish you a very merry Christm as.祝圣诞节快乐。Happy Easter!祝复活节快乐。Happy National Day!祝国庆节快乐Happy Thanksgiving Day!祝感恩节快乐Happy Spring Festival!祝春节快乐(2)答语Thanks,the same to you.Thanks,and I wish you the same.Thank you and the same to you.谢谢你,也祝你节日愉快!A Happy New Year to you too.也…  相似文献   

英语中表达祝愿的方法很多,本文只对学过的表达形式简析一下,供同学们更好地运用。 1.向某人表示节日最良好的祝愿常用下面这些表达形式: (1)Best wishes to you for Teachers’Day!向你致以教师节最良好的祝愿!  相似文献   

知识与技能每个社会都有自个的“节日”,人们在过节中少不了要互致“祝愿”,互寄贺卡,那么这些特别的问候应牢记在心中.一节日问候(1) 用语Happy New Year! 新年快乐! A happy new year to you! 祝你新年快乐!Happy the Spring Festival! 新春愉快! Have a happy Easter! 复活节快乐!Have a good Christmas! 圣诞快乐! A Merry Christmas to you! 圣诞快乐!Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 祝圣诞快乐,新年愉快!I wish you a very merry Christmas. 祝你圣诞快乐!(2) 答语Thanks. The same to you! 谢谢。你也…  相似文献   

May good fortune find you this year.祝你今年财运亨通,财源不断。Good luck in the year ahead!祝您今年财运亨通!  相似文献   

同学们,春节快到了,你想为你的亲朋好友、老师同学送上节日最美好的祝愿并带去节日的温馨吗?下面是一些常见的贺语,供你选用。1.Happy New Year!新年快乐!2.Best wishes for the New Year!恭贺新喜!3.Good luck to you!吉祥如意!4.Good luck in the year ahead!新年到,好运来!5.Have a thriving and happy New Year!恭喜发财,新年快乐!6.With season's greetings!致以节日的祝贺!7.Wishing you the best of luck in the New Year。新年大吉大利!8.Please extend my wishes of good luck to your family。祝您全家福星高照!  相似文献   

A项中的各句属于一般性祝愿、祝贺的常用语。主要用于事情发生之前。其中(1)语气比较随便,此话还可以转换成:Good luck with you.(2)句也可以说成:My best wishes to you.(3)是一句不拘礼节的一般祝愿用语,主要用于祝愿对方过得愉快。例如:——We are going to the Great Wall tomorrow.明天我们将要去长城。  相似文献   

一、问候与告别1.N ice/G lad/Pleased/to m eet/seeyou.见到你真高兴。2.Please give m y regards/love/bestwishes to...请代我向……致意。3.Say hello to...向……问好。4.Please rem em ber m e to...请代我问候……5.Im afraid I m ustbe leaving now.恐怕我现在得走了。6.Ithink its tim e forus to leave now.我想我们该走了。7.Im sorry I have to go now.很抱歉,我得走了。8.W ell,Id better be offnow.好啦,我该走了。二、祝愿与祝贺1.G ood luck!祝你走运!2.W ish you success!祝你成功!3.W ish you a good journey!/G o…  相似文献   

1 Wsnt to bG四hat do you an SCtrGSS一WS nt to bG?,k、、了A Pilot!That,5 cool! WS nt to be 8 tGSChGF.、\,..r,,.口Chubby ehiPmunks ehomPing eherries. ChomPing ehestnuts,eheese,and berries. ChomP!ChomP!ChomP!ChomP!ChomP!Chew! And they ehomP ehoeolate eheeseeake too! Thank you!Thank you!Doctor Lee! You fixed my thumb and throat and knee! Thank you 50 for heIPing me!剑习切Hey,hey,hey,my good friend,what do you want to be? Be a fireman,a businessman or do you want to be…  相似文献   

给父母1.Mom and Dad:Thank you for everything on this holi- day season!爸爸妈妈:值此佳节,感谢你们所给予的一切! 2.I'll be home to enjoy this Christmas with you.我将回家与你们共度佳节。3.I wish I were home for the holidays.但愿我能回家共度佳节。4.Thinking of you at Christmas time.圣诞佳节,我想念你们。5.Warmest thoughts and best wishes from your daughter.寄上无限的思念和最美好的祝愿,你们的女儿敬上。  相似文献   

新年穴NewYear'sDay雪复活节穴Easter雪万圣节(Halloween雪请读完文章后记住以下单词New Year's Day “Happy New Year!”(“新年快乐!”) “The same to you ,and many more.”(“新年快乐,祝您一年比一年快乐!”) 这熟悉的祝词在元月一日这一天响彻整个美国,在世界各地回荡。或许语言不同,地点不同,但在这一天人们在新年的开始,对新的一年的美好祝愿却是相同的。新年在古代,人们依靠土地生活,因此,他们的时间便和耕种的季节有很大关系。埃及人的新年是在尼罗河水漫过河岸的时候,早期的不列颠人和罗马人则把春…  相似文献   

Hi!My dear friends,I hope all of you have a sweetValentine’S Day! In this romantic February,we give you Hilary DufF`s SweetSixteen to listen to,let Ryan Giggs teach you how to relaxunder pressure,and in Planet Travel,we invite you to visit  相似文献   

原文:SELF-CONFIDENCE Shakespear once said: Self-condence is the first step heading for the success, while lacking it is the main reason for failure! Yes, that is ture! when you trust youself, you will face the setbacks and difficulties calmly; when you trust youself, you will have enogh courage to overcome the hardships; when you trust youself, you will have have a lot of chances to show youself and to display your talent! OK, at this moment, I want to tell you a story about myself! Last month, I took part in the double lauguege class entrance  相似文献   

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