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Fara P 《Endeavour》1999,23(4):167-170
Newton has become a legendary figure belonging to the distant past rather than a historical person who lived at a specific time. Historians and scientists have constantly reinterpreted many anecdotal tales describing Newton's achievements and behaviour, but the most famous concerns the falling apple in his country garden. Newton's apple conjures up multiple allegorical resonances, and examining its historical accuracy is less important than uncovering the mythical truths embedded within this symbol. Because interest groups fashion different collective versions of the past, analysing mythical tales can reveal fundamental yet conflicting attitudes towards science and its practices.  相似文献   

罗钧恒  白蕾  刘宏程 《科教文汇》2012,(16):169-170
实践概念是哲学史上的一个重要概念,自亚里士多德创始实践哲学以来,实践概念的内涵已得到丰富的发展。马克思主义哲学的实践是指人的分化自然与统一自然的活动,将马克思哲学的实践引入心理学,会影响到心理学思维方式的变化,引起对人的本质、心理的本质的认识的变化,以及心理学方法论的选择和心理的解释框架的变化。以辩证唯物主义实践观点去看待人的本质,将人的本质看成是在人自己的创造性生存活动——实践中生成、展开和完善的,亦是心理学的整合视野。  相似文献   

In January and February 1720 John Theophilus Desaguliers, a fellow of the Royal Society and a popular lecturer and experimenter, engaged in a public argument with two booksellers, William Mears and John Woodward. Each side offered for sale a translation of Willem Jacob's Gravesande's Physices elementa mathematica, experimentis confirmata, an introduction to Isaac Newton's natural philosophy. The adversaries challenged each other in letters placed within advertisements for their respective translations that appeared in the Post Boy. While historians of science have long noted the existence of the two translations, the events following their publication have not been explored fully. Setting Desaguliers as the focal point allows the complexities buried beneath the surface of this affair to be revealed. Desaguliers's behavior resulted from his past experiences with the book trade, the competition among public lecturers in London, his financial situation, and concerns about the preservation of his reputation. This episode demonstrates the necessity of finding a prominent role for newspaper advertisements in the study of public science and in histories of the book.  相似文献   

"可持续发展观"是"科学发展观"的重要组成部分。《齐物论》作为《庄子》内篇中哲学思辨水平最高的一篇,它确立了自然的主体地位,强调了趋利避害的环保原则,倡导人与自然的和谐统一,为我国现阶段所提倡的"可持续发展观"提供了许多有意义启示。  相似文献   

刘婧  王德庆 《科教文汇》2014,(31):149-150
黑格尔是德国古典哲学和美学的集大成者,美学是他艺术哲学思想的集中体现。本文围绕“理想,单就它本身来看”这一章进行阐述分析,通过对理想的概念,理想的个性和理想对自然的分析来了解“艺术美,或理想”的内容,进而说明艺术理想,即艺术美是拥有内在精神的,高于自然的东西,艺术家应该通过赋予事物他想表现的精神内涵,然后通过作品内容的外在形式表现出来。艺术美就是人们对于自然事物赋予精神内涵的再创造。  相似文献   

“实验室研究”是科学知识社会学兴起的研究热点。在这之前,科学哲学从其方法论规则出发,将研究视角锁定于实验,而非实验室。实验室只是自然呈现的场所,为实验提供恰当的场地。作为赋予科学一种完全不同的解释,科学知识社会学将最初的研究视角转向了对科学实验室的探求。他们认为实验室的意义已经不是自然呈现的场所,乃是人们理解科学的一个理论概念,实验室自身已经演变为科学发展的一种重要力量,成为能够解释科学成功机制与过程的场所。于是在科学知识社会学与科学哲学之间就实验室的问题展开了争论,表现为:实验室是被强化的场所,还是自然呈现的场地;实验室是知识生产的领域,还是科学研究的制度环境;实验室是制造了事实,还是发现了事实。由此,二者的差异也得到充分体现。  相似文献   

有关牛顿时空观的研究与争论虽不是学界的新鲜话题,但“牛顿时空观何以可能”的问题却一直未曾得以认真探析过。我们这里注重一种“回到事情本身”的理路,从牛顿的具体文本出发,结合其思想生态和思考问题的可能理路乃至心理学特征等,在梳理出绝对时空观产生的思想渊源和内容主旨的基础上,从历史承继关系、逻辑推论程序、科学解释功能、哲学辩护基础和宗教心理情结等多维视域下指认出了其生成的必然性与合理性,同时也澄清了以往学界的一些误解与误读之处。  相似文献   

In this essay, I argue that popular entertainment can be understood in terms of Husserl’s concepts of epochē, reduction and constitution, and, conversely, that epochē, reduction and constitution can be explicated in terms of popular entertainment. To this end I use Husserl’s concepts to explicate and reflect upon the psychological and ethical effects of an exemplary instance of entertainment, the renowned Star Trek episode entitled “The Measure of a Man.” The importance of such an exercise is twofold: (1) to demonstrate, once again, the fecundity of the methodological procedures Husserl bequeathed to us; more than any other philosopher, he tapped into the fundamental manners in which we lose, make and remake the meanings of our lives; and (2) to demonstrate how popular entertainment, similarly, plays a central role in the making and remaking of the meanings of our lives. If my zig-zag procedure between Husserl’s philosophy and popular entertainment is productive and cogent, in addition to elucidating Husserl’s philosophy, it will demonstrate the reality-generating potency and the constitutive power of entertainment in the contemporary world. Entertainment, via ourselves, has become the primary producer of the meanings via which consciousness constitutes the world.  相似文献   

From the patristic period to the beginning of the seventeenth century curiosity was regarded as an intellectual vice. Curious individuals were considered to be proud and "puffed up," and the objects of their investigations were deemed illicit, dispute engendering, unknowable, or useless. Seventeenth-century projects for the advancement of learning had to distance themselves from curiosity and its dubious fruits or, alternatively, enhance the moral status of the curious sensibility. Francis Bacon's proposals for the instauration of knowledge were an integral part of a process by which curiosity underwent a remarkable transformation from vice to virtue over the course of the seventeenth century. The changing fortunes of this human propensity highlight the morally charged nature of early modern debates over the status of natural philosophy and the particular virtues required of its practitioners. The rehabilitation of curiosity was a crucial element in the objectification of scientific knowledge and led to a gradual shift of focus away from the moral qualities of investigators and the propriety of particular objects of knowledge to specific procedures and methods.  相似文献   

王婕  谢亚斌 《大众科技》2014,(10):188-190
魏晋时期是中国哲学发展史上的重要阶段,这一时期占主要潮流的哲学形态是玄学。玄学具有完整的哲学体系,有无之辨、言意之辨、名教与自然之辨及才性之辨这四大主要论题共同建构了魏晋玄学的庞大体系和深厚的理论基础。目前对魏晋玄学的四大论题系统的研究尚且存在不足,从四大论题分别加以论述,使魏晋玄学以完整的体系出现。  相似文献   

本文简要讨论了中世纪自然哲学的含义、内容、文献类型、推理方式、与神学的相互影响和与现实的关系等等,着重强调了中世纪自然哲学的思维风格与近代科学的不同,从而揭示其本质特征,以帮助我们更好地认识中世纪的自然哲学。  相似文献   

C. Brotman 《Endeavour》2001,25(4):144
In the years after the publication of Darwin's On the Origin of Species, Alfred Russel Wallace became a prominent critic of the argument that evolution provided a sufficient account of human origins. Unbeknownst to many historians of science, Wallace partly based his case on his belief that man's musical sense and aesthetic powers could not have evolved by natural selection. Although he witnessed a variety of musical practices during his travels abroad, Wallace, like many contemporaries in Victorian England, assumed that music uniquely belonged to the ‘civilized’ world he inhabited. In the late 19th century, some evolutionists would challenge this view by reconceiving the nature of music itself.  相似文献   

本文是对作为一种元哲学的自然主义的概述和澄清。自然主义的兴起和在当代哲学中的繁荣归因于传统第一哲学的某些代表性方案的不成功和近代自然科学的巨大成功。自然主义作为一种替代性的哲学探索方案所包含的基本要素得到阐明。自然主义哲学在当代形而上学中的主要代表——物理主义得到进一步阐明。以物理主义为样品,自然主义元哲学的融贯性得到捍卫,但本文强调,自然主义哲学的未来取决于它在一阶哲学议题上的进展。  相似文献   

李康 《科教文汇》2011,(20):106-107
摘要 中.涌现了很多先进的教育思想和教育理念。这些新思想、新模式、新方法在实践中极大地提高了教学效率。生本教育大胆提出了解放老师、解放学生、解放教育的思想,倡导旨在张扬学生天性.依靠学生内部自然发展学生的新型教育教学模式.让学生寓学于乐,寓学于自然天性的释放,以实现“人的完满发展”。  相似文献   

本研究在秦岭自然保护区群成本效益计量研究成果的基础上,对成本效益进行进一步分析及预测。运用统计软件SPSS17.0结合十余种拟合曲线,根据秦岭自然保护区群中7个国家级自然保护区的成本效益截面数据,尝试性地进行了综合效益及三大成本之间关系曲线拟合。研究结果表明:根据模型拟合优度R2大小及显著水平Sig.判断,最终得出了成本效益之间的关系式。即三个拟合函数分别是:①综合效益(Qt)与直接保护成本(Xa)的函数曲线方程为:Qt=-68.244+870.688Xa-2493.849Xa2+2304.879Xa3;②综合效益(Qt)与间接保护成本(Xb)的函数曲线方程为:Qt=17.844e1.986Xb;③综合效益(Qt)与机会保护成本(Xc)的函数曲线方程为:Qt=-78.157+104.775Xc-32.953Xc2+3.296Xc3。本研究结果可以为国家有关部门进行保护区投资做有益的帮助,同时为陕西省自然保护区保护政策的完善做理论支撑。  相似文献   

张镱锂  吴雪  祁威  李士成  摆万奇 《资源科学》2015,37(7):1455-1464
建立自然保护区是保护典型生态系统和生物多样性及珍稀濒危物种资源的基本途径。具有敏感生态系统和丰富生物多样性的青藏高原,其自然保护区建设及其成效一直以来是各界关注的重点问题。本文以最新的《全国自然保护区名录》和已发表NPP与保护成效数据为基础,分析了青藏高原保护区的组成、分布格局与保护成效。结果表明:11963年至今,青藏高原地区建成了各类保护区155个,面积达82.24万km2,占全高原面积的32.35%;2保护区类型主要以野生动物与荒漠生态系统、野生动物及其生态系统、野生动物3个类型为主,各占高原内保护区总面积的36.84%、33.35%和6.80%;3形成了以超大型保护区为主、中部和东南部分布为主、保护类型多样为特点的青藏高原自然保护区体系;4经过50余年的生态建设,保护区保护成效显著,主要表现为:珍稀濒危物种数量显著增加、濒危物种西藏马鹿被重新发现、野生动物的栖息地得到了恢复和改善及典型保护区内草地植被的生态功能增强。本研究结果可为青藏高原生物多样性保护研究和区域可持续发展提供科学参考。  相似文献   

苏科臣 《科教文汇》2013,(16):105-106
陆九渊"心学"是汲取先秦儒家思想精华,继承和发展了程颢的思想,形成了"心即理"为核心的"心学"体系。陆九渊的"心学"作为其哲学的核心范畴,它有无限的能动力,在他的哲学逻辑结构里",物"须通过"心"来体现或显现。陆九渊"心学"思想认为,人通过心性的涵养、剥落、存心、养心至求放心,从而获得人的价值和尊严,实现人的道德自由。  相似文献   

政治哲学作为一种由科学实践升华而来的意识理论,先后经过了自然经验主义阶段,内在先验主义阶段与客观绝对主义等阶段的锤炼。作为一种主体哲学,不言而喻的是,政治哲学本身仍然存在着无法摆脱的局限性,同样的,任何一种意识理论都必然会在其发展的历程中,陷于因其自身的完善性等所带来的固有的,停滞于某个阶段内的困境。从被政治哲学奉为圭臬的马克思主义哲学核心的可法良规入手,对政治哲学的困境进行了历史与现实的解构,并对政治哲学现阶段的迷思与困境命题进行了解析与超越的阐述。  相似文献   

在中世纪,哲学的存在与发展是哲学融于基督教神学又与之分离的过程,也是经验精神觉醒的过程,其结果就是哲学重获独立,同时经验精神完全确立,理性从神学转向自然。重获独立的哲学经过基督教神学的重铸,将自然纳入研究范围,获得了经验精神,形成近代自然哲学,为近代科学的形成奠定了直接基础,开辟了中世纪通向近现代的精神之路。  相似文献   

Alchemy is part of the cultural experience of early modern Europe and yet has had to overcome problems of demarcation to be considered relevant to the history of science. This essay considers historiographical and methodological issues that have affected the gradual demarginalization of alchemy among attempts to explain, and find things out about, nature. As an area of historical study, alchemy relates to the history of science as part of an ensemble of practices that explored the natural world through natural philosophy and speculative traditions and by functioning as a nexus of social and intellectual life.  相似文献   

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