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国外图书情报学远程教育相关研究述评及启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在对国外图书情报学远程教育领域1990年至今的相关文献调研基础上,分别从"远程教育发展的历史"、"提供远程教育的机构和项目"、"远程学习者"、"教学和管理人员"、"技术应用"、"教学支持和图书馆服务"、"远程教育合理性认识和发展趋向"等几个角度进行了述评。研究指出,对国内图书情报领域开展的远程教育进行调研、客观理性地分析其需求和定位、关注远程教学技术和方法对传统图书情报学教育带来的影响、关注远程学习环境下图书馆服务的变化等是今后研究和实践中应着重考虑的问题。  相似文献   

美国iSchool的趋势与启示   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
信息学院运动(简称iSchool运动)目前成为美国图书情报界特别是教育领域发展的新趋势,为美国图书馆情报学(LIS)教育注入新的活力。美国《新闻和世界报道》2007年版排名前10位的LIS学校全部参加了iSchool运动,主要以这10所iSchool为代表,介绍美国iSchool发展现状以及包括学院定位、课程建设、学生教育和学术研究等方面的特征,以期发现美国LIS教育发展趋势和成功经验,为我国LIS教育的改革和发展提供参考。  相似文献   

This paper traces the history of Library and Information Science (LIS) education in Ethiopia, since its inception in 1959, reviewing both the retrospective (historical background) and prospective (rebirth and future direction). A comparison of the curricula of Jimma and Haramaya Universities demonstrates the transition from a traditional, closed model of librarianship to the contemporary, open model and the changes in programs’ names from Library Science to Information Science. Internationalization of the programs, incorporation of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) related courses, and information literacy programs are enhancing the transformation of LIS education. The author recommends continued reorienting of programs to meet rapidly changing needs, expanding the academic as opposed to vocational only dimensions, and increased marketing.  相似文献   

本文运用实证方法,调查研究了中国与美国40所拥有图书情报学专业的院校,收集并整理了其中27所拥有图书情报学博士授予权的院校博士课程设置的相关数据,分析了中国与美国图书情报学博士课程设置的特色。在比较分析了两国课程的基础上,总结了两国博士教育与培养的现状与发展趋势。  相似文献   

本文以iSchool运动在全球范围内的迅速扩张为背景,以iSchool运动相关文献为依据,梳理iSchool运动对LIS和iField两个学科的认知,然后从学科历史性、正当性和合法性的角度反思当前认知。反思结果显示,尽管iSchool运动是一场针对原图书馆情报学院的教育改革运动,却伴随着影响更加深远的学科重组。图书馆情报学(Library and Information Science,LIS)作为运动发起者的原生学科,是其首要的重组对象;iField作为其致力打造的新学科,则是其期望的重组结果。在这一重组过程中,LIS被严重曲解,iField被过度期许。本文认为,将iSchool运动建立在上述认知之上,会使LIS学科、LIS教育甚至iSchool学院都面临巨大的自我否定风险,因此建议iSchool学院在区分LIS学科(LIS as a discipline)和LIS社群(LIS as a community)的基础上,重新审视当初的LIS教育危机。图3。参考文献65。  相似文献   

This article examines historical developments and current trends in Ukrainian library education. It gives a synthetic overview and comparison with US library education, based on a review of the Ukrainian literature, a survey of Library and Information Service (LIS) curricula and interviews with senior figures in Ukrainian LIS education. Ukraine became an independent state only in 1991 after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Previous to independence, Ukraine's LIS education was integrated within the Soviet system. After independence the system evolved slowly, but with the recent Orange Revolution, reform efforts have increased pace. Ukrainian LIS education remains more vocational than in the US, with a two-year non-degree certificate as the most common training, and a four-year bachelor's degree offered by elite institutions. One emerging trend in LIS education stresses the new opportunities for librarians and information professionals opened by Internet technologies. Another is part of a more general shift, inspired by a new Ukrainian higher education law, stressing the country's independent culture and formalizing standards for different degrees. LIS education has now reached a turning point, as reformers grapple with the limited resources, power of inertia, and remnants of Soviet culture in their efforts to meet current challenges and prepare a new generation of information professionals.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the preliminary research findings of the sub-study group of a larger undertaking, the Australian Learning and Teaching Council (ALTC) priority project Re-conceptualising and Re-positioning Australian Library and Information Science Education for the Twenty-first Century. It examines student experiences of library and information science (LIS) education across both the tertiary and vocational education sectors in Australia. The student sub-study group’s task was to provide the student/recent graduate perspective on LIS education in Australia. The research considered four major themes to find out how students and recent graduates felt about LIS education in Australia. The themes were: learning opportunities; learner attributes; learning experiences; and learner outcomes. In the second half of 2010, self-administered anonymous web questionnaires and focus groups were used to explore issues such as student demographics, socio-economic backgrounds, past experiences, expectations and rationale behind course choices. In addition the destinations of graduates were explored. Key findings suggest there are various pathways that students take to achieve a LIS qualification in Australia; students are generally optimistic about the future of the LIS profession, and consider that technology will continue to play a key role in future career options; they stress the importance of practical workplace experiences as part of course structure; their satisfaction levels with current courses are high and students feel confident they have been provided with the skills required to begin their professional life.  相似文献   

This article presents results from a survey designed to assess the relevance of library and information science (LIS) expertise—here defined as those topics typically, but not exclusively, taught in LIS programs—for museum professionals. The topics covered in this article are information representation, information organization and access, information management, computer technologies, digitization technologies, interactive technologies, information policy, evaluation methods, and collaboration initiatives. An online survey assessed the degree to which museum professionals possess skills in these topics, perform work in these topics, and consider these topics important for future study. The article examines the relative value of each topic for museum professionals and discusses the importance of strengthening relationships between LIS and museum studies by better understanding the relevance of LIS expertise in museums.  相似文献   

为了解国内外图书情报领域的研究主题及其差异,通过词频分析和共词分析,对2000-2009年间国内外图书馆学情报学研究的主题进行分析和比较,并重点对2001-2002、2004-2005、2008-2009三个时间段中该领域的研究热点进行深入分析和对比。结果发现,国内外图书情报领域具有一些相同的研究热点,即数字图书馆、知识管理等,同时又具有各自不同的研究热点。从时间上看,国内外的研究热点都具有一定的持续性,研究内容也不断深化。  相似文献   

简要地回顾我国(大陆)的图书馆学和情报学教育的发展道路,指出目前LIS面临着知识生产方式转变、学术交流方式变革、社会经济制度再设计、数字不平等、社会对LIS专业认知度不高等诸多挑战,提出要进一步明确LIS教育的定位和发展方向,加强批判性思维能力和信息设计能力培养等对策建议。  相似文献   

美、英、加、日、韩、俄等国家的图书情报教育颇有特色,主要表现在:图书情报教育与图书馆职业资格认证制度相辅相成;强调培育自己的专业特色;设计模块化的课程结构;重视儿童与中小学图书馆人才的培养;对研究生的教育方式比较灵活;贯彻“改革、创新”的办学理念。  相似文献   

以伊利诺伊大学图书馆与情报学研究生院为例,揭示过去15年来美国图书馆与情报学(以下简称为LIS)学院发生的内在的战略性变化。1985年,美国几乎所有的大学都把LIS学院视作大学的一个边缘组织--这与玛瑞恩·巴瑞斯(Marion Paris)的研究结果相同。传播与计算机技术等外部因素的发展以及人们对信息内容管理的重视,改变了公众对图书情报学知识价值的看法。交叉学科的研究、教学、向社区外的延伸以及其它活动,不仅提高了LIS学院的知名度,而且使其深深植根于大学之中。同时,注重质量以及增强校方对质量的认识也提高了LIS学院的地位。  相似文献   

闫学杉先生的《信息科学:概念、体系与展望》是一部重要的信息科学基础理论著作。该书以构建统一信息科学理论为目标,体系宏大,资料丰富,论述深刻,具有国际视野,成为目前国内相关研究的代表作。书中对图书馆信息科学在国际、国内的发展进行了介绍和评价,有助于图情学界从信息科学的角度重新审视学科属性和价值。  相似文献   

图书情报硕士专业学位(MLIS)研究生需要具备扎实的专业知识素养、职业实践技能、社会协同能力和创新创业才能,其核心能力的缺失会造成人才竞争优势降低、学科声望提升受阻、图情事业发展驱动不足,以及图情教育缺乏支持等不良后果。文章提出通过采取优化培养方案、深化课程改革、加强实践教育、开展协作办学等措施,提升MLIS获得者的核心能力,进而克服跨专业报考教育劣势、功利目的严重、培养方案同质、师资水平失衡等制约MLIS人才培养的不利因素。  相似文献   

Information explosion, development and applications of ICTs, changing dynamics of information users, and evolving trends in library and information services have promoted the discussion of continuing education (CE) in Library and Information Science (LIS) domain. ICTs are increasingly changing the landscape of libraries and challenging the traditional prevailing roles of LIS professionals. LIS professionals find it hard to remain in context in this technological era. They require the new set of skills and knowledge to address the challenges and issues of their professional life.The purpose of this study was to explore the opinions of LIS professionals to make an assessment about CE needs and the role of library schools to address these needs. The study opted sequential mixed methods of research. In first phase, an online survey was conducted to meet the objectives of the study. Data was collected by using a structured questionnaire. A total of 144 responses (70% male and 30% female) were received. In 2nd phase, a focus group was conducted to collect the qualitative data. The meta inferences were drawn on the basis of inferences of both QUAN and QUAL strands. The findings of the study revealed that respondents perceive a very active and instrumental role of LIS schools in their continuing education. Workshops, post-master certificate, and post-graduate diplomas were preferred formats of continuing education programs. The respondents preferred week long and 1–6 months long CE programs. In terms of the timings, weekends programs were most preferred. The respondents recommended that course instructor should be based on the contents of the course and a blend of teaching faculty and practitioners may be productive. The study also identified core areas of CE offerings.The findings of the study are helpful for LIS schools, professionals, trainers, funding bodies and policy makers. The study has the potential to bridge the gap by providing insight about the CE needs and recommend the concrete suggestions to act upon.  相似文献   

日本图书情报学教育改革项目(LIPER)观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
日本图书情报学会于2003至2006年间实施LIPER项目,对日本图书情报学教育展开有史以来最大规模调查研究。调查结果显示,首先,图书情报学教育的培养目标发生转变,由图书馆工作人员的培养向一般信息专业人员(informationprofession)的培养过渡,图书情报学教育向更一般的情报学教育转型;其次,本科及本科以下层次教育难以满足各类图书馆对信息专业人才知识及技能的要求,不足以承担专业教育的任务,专业教育应向研究生教育层次过渡;第三,希望从事图书馆工作的非专业学生人数增多,帮助他们进入图书情报学领域既符合他们的利益,也有利于增加专业研究的活力;第四,教育相对于图书馆实践的脱节与滞后;最后,现有课程在总体上置焦点于文献或信息的收集、组织、利用上,对利用它们进行知识探索活动的主体及其信息行为的关注相对薄弱。  相似文献   

中山大学信息管理系成立20年以来,经历了五个发展时期,初步形成了一支数量合理、素质良好、结构不断优化的敬业乐业的师资队伍,走出了一条初具特色的教学改革与发展之路,为社会培养了一大批具有广博基础知识和专深业务技能的通才,活跃的学术活动和频繁的国内国际交流扩大了信息管理系在全国、乃至世界上的知名度。  相似文献   

美国图书馆协会作用探析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
美国图书馆协会是全球历史最悠久的图书馆协会,对图书馆事业影响深远。该文从机构设置、计划和活动等方面对美国图书馆协会进行了论述,分析了其在图书馆事业管理、图书馆服务、图书情报学教育及扩大图书馆社会影响这四个方面的作用。  相似文献   

The study is informed by the Punctuated Equilibrium Theory and the Diffusion of Innovation Theory. The integrative theoretical approach allowed for methodological pluralism and enabled the researcher to discuss two distinct types of change, namely evolutionary change and revolutionary change. Both qualitative and quantitative methodologies were employed. The qualitative methodology was dominant, while the quantitative methodology was supplementary. The study integrated case study and survey research methods within a single research design. Respondents in the case study were surveyed using survey questionnaires and in-depth interviews. The population of the study comprises all LIS faculty staff, Deans/Heads of Departments (HODs) in higher education institutions (HEIs) offering LIS education in Zimbabwe. The study found that LIS faculty members have high awareness levels and optimism about paradigm shifts in the fields of library and information science. Despite this awareness, knowledge and optimism, LIS faculty staff are victims of paradigm effects and paradigm paralysis. This suggests that for any change initiatives to succeed, LIS faculty members need to break the chains of paradigm effects and paralysis. Until the chains are broken no meaningful evolutionary or revolutionary change can happen in LIS education and training in Zimbabwe. The findings provide fundamental information for decision makers at national and institutional levels. The information can be used for the purpose of analysis, advocacy and strategic planning for educational reforms.  相似文献   

海峡两岸图书资讯学学术研讨会于2006年6月18日-21日在广州中山大学圆满结束。本文从海峡两岸交流的历史、数字时代图书馆事业发展趋势、图书资讯学教育与课程建设、图书馆与资讯服务变革等方面对交流论文、报告、研讨情况、主要议题、取得的主要成果等做了全面综述,展示了海峡两岸学术交流的蓬勃发展态势。  相似文献   

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